Une semaine sur la Syrie,
25e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.
– Samedi 22 Juin 2019, – Like Kafranbel, Saraqeb is a centre of democratic civil resistance in Idlib, standing strong against authoritarian jihadists, foreign occupiers and the fascist regime. Therefore Assad and the Russians have rained artillery, airstrikes, missiles and chemicals upon it for 8 years.
-airstrikes flattened a residential building in heart of #Saraqeb (E. #Idlib) tonight. 5 people incl. 4 women & children died in the attack. Excavations ongoing to find if there are survivors.
– Sleeping four-year-old amongst casualties in Syria during ‘bloody week’ of bombing.
– Civilians are Targets to Warplanes Russia and Syria say they’re fighting « terrorists » in Idlib province. But “combating terrorism does not absolve [them from] legal obligations…to prevent attacks against civilians and civilian infrastructure.” Such assaults « may amount to war crimes »: UN.
– Agir pour Idlib :
– Sauvez Idlib ! –
https://www.liberation.fr/debats/2019/06/18/sauvez-idlib_1734365 … via @libe
– Le Monde Libre doit mettre fin aux massacres en #Syrie !
https://syrie.news/2019/06/18/monde-libre-mettre-fin-aux-massacres-syrie/ … via @syrie24h
– I am not a terrorist This video by: Gomaa Aly https://youtu.be/8e9busu89c0
1 – Rapports et Etudes:
– Reconstruire la #Syrie ? | Economie et reconstruction, entre réalités et perspectives..
https://esprit.presse.fr/actualites/comite-syrie-europe-apres-alep/reconstruire-la-syrie-42188 … via @RevueEsprit
– Syrian universities weakened by ‘brain-drain’, says report
2 – Idlib:
– The White Helmets: Searching for life under the rubble #Syria
https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/06/the-white-helmets-searching-for-life-under-the-rubble/ via @enabbaladi
– Three Ambulance Staff of NGO ‘Violet’ Killed By Airstrikes.
– #Syria n civilians seek refuge as bombings hit hospitals inside Idlib –
– Media Activist Killed While Covering Fighting in Hama Countryside
– Le secrétaire général de l’ONU dénonce une catastrophe humanitaire à Idleb
-Rare glimpse inside war-torn #Syria: « The kids are all dead »
– The civilian death toll in northern Syria continues to grow.
– Protection YPG militia illustrate the agreement been reached with Assad reime to administrate Tal Refa’at, north of Aleppo
– Aide humanitaire : Since 1 May, an est. 330,000 people have been forced to flee their homes in #Idlib #Syria – almost double the number of newly displaced people
3 – Agriculture :
– AFP La Ghouta orientale a perdu des oliviers vieux de 500 ans et 80 % de ses arbres. Mais des agriculteurs replantent des grenadiers. Ils auront besoin de dix ans pour grandir, espèrent-ils
https://www.lexpress.fr/actualites/1/monde/syrie-apres-les-annees-de-guerre-la-longue-reconstruction-du-verger-de-damas_2084973.html via @LExpress
– In NE Syria, fires are destroying thousands of acres of crops. Residents have pointed blame in every direction, leading to paranoia & mistrust. SJAC explores the accusations and what needs to be done.
4 – Refugees:
– How a small Turkish city successfully absorbed half a million migrants #Syria
– Syrie. Les saisons de l’exode
– Syrian Refugees Relocated to “Miserable Campsite” Following Dispute with Lebanese Civil Defence
– #SNHR says almost 2,000 Syrians who have returned home from the beginning of 2017 until 2019 have been #detained. It said at least 784 people are still under #arrest, incl. 638 who have #disappeared in detention centres in #Damascus #Syria
– #Lebanon : In concert with the #Assad regime intelligence service officials handed over three Syrian men who’d avoided military service. One such deportee was immediately sent to the #Hama front line and got killed.
– La question du retour des réfugiés
5 – Armes chimiques:
– ”The #SyrianRegime’s Refusal to Allow the Organization for the Prohibition of #ChemicalWeapons’ Investigation Team to Enter #Syria Constitutes Strong Evidence Against the Regime »
6 – Le régime et la société :
– Two Regime officers were taken hostage by gunmen on the road to Damascus in a dispute over the arrest of anti-regime activist Muhannad Shahabuddin. This escalation follows the local detention of ten Regime intelligence members yesterday.
– Ammunition depot explodes in Damascus – ignited by fires, according to regime.
– Aleppo’s scattered business owners have yet to return home |
– Deraa : – Residents of one southern Syrian town have taken it upon themselves to provide electricity to their homes, paying out of pocket to set up electrical lines and pooling money to cover materials and the salaries of maintenance workers.
– Buried in Trash: The Syrian Regime Punishes Lattakia Residents
– 10 millions de #Syrie ns sous la menace des restes explosifs de guerre | Handicap International France
– Deir Ezzor The talented @zeina_shahla takes a walk on famous Cinema Fouad street, now largely destroyed in war, and writes a brilliant dispatch with longtime residents and their heartbreaking memories
https://raseef22.com/article/1074054 via @Raseef22En
7 – Sanctions : -Why Syria’s brutal civil war can make some rich and deprive others of everything they have, explained
8 – Terrorisme: – En Syrie, la lutte contre le terrorisme ne peut se faire au détriment de la protection des civils (ONU)
9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– Special Award: Radio Fresh, a radio station based in Idlib province in northern Syria.
– Tremendous work writing this definitive obituary for Abd al-Basit Sarout. Al-Jumhuriya details the short but unique life, the Syrian goalkeeper, protest leader, and militant killed fighting the #Assad regime this month, and examines the meaning of the “narrative war” that erupted following his death.
– Comment les réfugiés diplômés se réinsèrent via les grandes écoles #Syrie
https://start.lesechos.fr/etudes-formations/universites-grandes-ecoles/comment-les-refugies-diplomes-se-reinserent-via-les-grandes-ecoles-15361.php#xtor=CS2-9 … via @EchosStart
– ‘@ranita_dasho remembers her life before she fled Syria in 2015 as one of “constant fear”. She recalls the threats made against her family, members of the revolution against the regime. “Every morning I left the house not knowing if I was coming back.”
– “The stories of Syrian women’s struggles are of the forced marriages resulting from wartime pressure, of loneliness and displacement, of having to leave school and abandon their dreams.” Please read and share journalist Hiba Barakat’s oped for @TeenVogue
– « In spite of the dangers that came with this task, I felt that I was performing a role that must be done by Syrians themselves. I also found myself drawn to the profession of journalism. » Read more from @ZouhirAlShimale #WorldPressFreedomDay
http://migrantjournalism.org/2019/03/04/motivated-by-the-love-of-journalism/ …
– A beautiful yarn of a man who clung to his life in the Jewish district of Damascus: ‘Syria was his promised land’: why Moshe the foreigner stayed in the Jewish Quarter of Damascus. By
Omar al Jbain
– Manbij: Quest for Stability and Civil Peace #StabCommittee
10 – Justice & impunity :
-. @STJ_SYRIA_ENG reports on the continued release of death certificates for government detainees. These families deserve to know the truth about the conditions of their loved one’s deaths and the location of their remains. At least 700 death certificates delivered to the civil registry directorates in the province of Hama alone in early 2019
– Who is bombing hospitals in #Syria? And why is the UN not naming the perpetrators? Three-quarters of the hospitals in northern Syria were built after the uprising began. We built them and have rebuilt them many times, as the Syrian regime has continuously bombed them. We struggle to do this every time due to limited resources, but we have to do it, otherwise, we cannot provide healthcare and we leave people with the treatable illness to die.
– The Syria conflict has seen over 570 attacks on civilian hospitals
https://qz.com/1649547/ via @qz
11 – Russie : – UN aid chief: #Syria, Russia attacks on civilians ‘deliberate’
12 – Analyse et politique :
– Distinguished Senior Fellow @FredericHof discusses possible solutions to the conflict in Syria. @AtlanticCouncil
– #Human solidarity needed from #Syria to #HongKong « The young activists’ aspirations-to assemble peacefully,to speak freely,to not be persecuted-are a universal cause »Similar hopes expressed by #Syrian families who demonstrated peacefully – @nnougayrede
– Turkey : Good article by @GregoryPWaters looking at the complexity of #Turkey‘s role in N. #Aleppo – between co-optation & support in civil society & governance. How local ties with Gaziantep and Kilis are fuelling economic ties that may drag Ankara in for the long term in Northern Aleppo.
13 – Photographie : -An article posted on « The National » after the production by Heinrich Boell Stiftung Beirut- Middle East a Photo Diary Album » Yours Truly », documenting the life of Syrian Civilians from besieged Ghouta to Idlib @EttijahatIndep @aljumhuriya_net @Bidayyat
14 – Théâtre : –Sentence to Hope: A Sa‘dallah Wannous Reader From the language of tyranny to the tyranny of language: @ursulind pays a brilliant homage to Saadallah Wannous and his struggle against an insidious form of oppression, which the Arab world today typifies and endures more than ever
– Choreography : DÉPLACEMENT., Choreography Mithkal Alzghair Performers Rami Farah, Samil Taskin, Mithkal Alzghair #Syria
15 – Arts :
-Graffiti becomes a form of resistance for activists in northern Syria. Great work by @KeshMalekSyria with their *Syria-Banksy* campagin in north Syria in spite of the critical security circumstances.
16 – Livres : – Syrie mémoire vive – CQFD, mensuel de critique et d’expérimentation sociales http://cqfd-journal.org/Syrie-memoire-vive …
– New Release: Historical novel No One Prayed For Them by #Syria n writer Khaled Khalifa
http://english.ahram.org.eg/News/335934.aspx … via @ahramonline
17 – Interview:
– Still, despite all of doc., I don’t think any sort of int. legal action is near. We were always requesting #legal action [to be taken] outside of the #UN SC., so [now] the responsibility for action lies outside the SC.” @FADELABDULGHANY said
– Interview with Ziad Ghandour, another #Syria n refugee journalist who has joined the RJP (see previous post)
http://migrantjournalism.org/2019/04/05/in-conversation-ziad-ghandour/ …
18 – Les Syriens:
– “Tout vendre et fuir la guerre en #Syrie pour se retrouver à Chypre où nous sommes laissés pour compte”
http://infomi.gr/14XC.T via @InfoMigrants_fr
– Edinburgh one of the most welcoming places in UK for #Syria n refugees
– Sohail Khazaal, « C’est ma passion » : un réfugié #syrie n crée une nouvelle croix pour une église d’Ottawa
– Nabil Attard, réfugié de #Syrie, chef cuisinier du restaurant de son rêve http://rfi.my/48e3.T via @RFI
– Food fight: Meet the woman advocating for #Syria ns through delicious cuisine. Majeda Khouri claimed asylum in London in 2017 and is already making a lasting impact on its residents
https://www.thenational.ae/world/europe/food-fight-meet-the-woman-advocating-for-syrians-through-delicious-cuisine-1.877200 … via @TheNationalUAE
– Hassan Fakhan a une technique étrange pour apprendre les langues
https://positivr.fr/?p=156963 via @ThePOSITIVR
– Anas Nabulsi How a Syrian refugee in Lebanon found his dream job in Niagara Falls
– War in Syria stopped Ebrahim from starting a law career, but it didn’t shatter his dreams. “Once I finish school, my main goal is to practice law,” says Ebrahim, who arrived in Canada as a refugee in 2015. Read his #WindmillSuccessStory:
– A Syrian couple in Abergavenny, desperate to be reunited with a daughter, homeless in Lebanon. A 15-year-old Syrian, escaped conscription, worked in McDonalds to raise money for his mother to join him. Home Secretary: Reunite refugee families @AmnestyUK
19 – Propagande et révisionnisme,
– Among #Syria’s regime ‘s most reliable allies are the armies of Twitter bots, trolls & digital defenders who have been spreading confusion in the wake of his government’s atrocities – with #Russia often at the center of this disinformation campaign.
– The full @camanpour interview with myself and @trbrtc about @Bellingcat‘s work and online open source investigation, ahead of the New York screening of Bellingcat – Truth in a Post-Truth World
20 – La Syrie à Paris:
– Jeudi 27 juin 18h30, Enfin comprendre la crise syrienne https://www.institutmontaigne.org/evenements/enfin-comprendre-la-crise-syrienne
– Jeudi 27 juin 20h30, Party en Exil #6 https://www.facebook.com/events/2979627735395609/?ti=cl
-Dimanche 30 Juin, CONFÉRENCE DÉBAT « ALEP AU CŒUR », Avec Cécile Hennion https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/WhctKJVRMJDSTXcFTFvGmjHrMHdnzVmdgWJsgcfFKTqrQQKcPSgQwMwrBHNXqMJtXshpxLQ