Une semaine sur la Syrie – Semaine 43 de 2019

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

43e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

1 – Rapports et Etudes:

#Syrie : un catalogue de 72 tortures différentes, du « tapis volant » à la « chaise allemande » 

The Syrian regime -which is expanding its hold in NE #Syria– employs 72 torture methods in its prisons, @snhr found. Let’s not forget that 1.2 million #Syrians have been detained at some point since 2011 and 130,000 remain in detention or disappeared. http://sn4hr.org/blog/2019/10/21/54362/

2 – Idlib :

-In Idlib, Syria, in the past few months: – Over 1,000 civilians killed – Over 1,000,000 civilians displaced – Over 50 hospitals bombed But because they were attacked by Russia & Assad, and because they don’t live in #Northeast Syria, you probably haven’t heard about it.

-Manifestations vendredi 25/10 en solidarité aussi avec les Libanais, Photos. https://hadiabdullah.net/2019/10/25/%d8%b9%d9%86%d8%af%d9%85%d8%a7-%d8%aa%d8%aa%d8%b9%d8%a7%d9%86%d9%82-%d8%ab%d9%88%d8%b1%d8%a7%d8%aa-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b1%d8%a8%d9%8a%d8%b9-%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b9%d8%b1%d8%a8%d9%8a-%d8%a5%d8%af%d9%84%d8%a8/

-Idlib sous le coup de frappes #syrie nnes et russes http://diyaruna.com/r/vhcd via @ @DiyarunaFR

– Assad regime attacks marketplace in #Syria‘s Idlib  https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/assad-regime-attacks-marketplace-in-syrias-idlib/1625333

-Another war crime in Syria targeting the school meanwhile no one cares about it. Schools targeted in airstrikes in Syria’s besieged Idlib province. The filmmaker is Fadi Al Halabi.


-After Turkey-Russia deal, what’s next for #Syrias Idlib?  https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/after-turkey-russia-deal-whats-next-syrias-idlib

3- SDF et Turquie:

-With Turkey’s Operation Peace Spring sparking a humanitarian crisis in NE Syria, an assessment on previous Turkish occupied areas in NW Syria suggests its likelihood to commit these same violations in the NE if it does not change its modus operandi. https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2019/10/24/prior-turkish-operations-forebode-new-offenses-in-northeast-syria/

-Northeast Syria Humanitarian Situation October 22nd, 2019 – by us at @SharDevelopment #Syria http://shar-dev.org/arabic/2019/10/24/northeast-syria-humanitarian-situation-october-22nd-2019/

-Bombardements, répression, exécutions… Les forces turques et des groupes armés syriens pro-turcs sont coupables de crimes de guerre. https://www.amnesty.fr/justice-internationale-et-impunite/actualites/en-syrie–la-turquie-coupable-de-crimes-de-guerre?utm_medium=reseaux-sociaux&utm_source=twitter

-Qui Sont les «Supplétifs» Syriens Utilisés par les Turcs Contre les #Kurdes ? #Syrie #Turquie https://liberation.fr/checknews/2019/10/22/qui-sont-les-suppletifs-syriens-utilises-par-les-turcs-contre-les-kurdes_1759018… via @libe

-“A chronicle of deaths foretold in #Syriawrites  @im_PULSE https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/comment/2019/10/17/a-chronicle-of-deaths-foretold-in-syria

On the details of the #SDF/regime recent initial agreement and its ability to 1)halt the Turkish assault on the SDF areas (border region+Manbij) and 2)pave the way for a longterm political settlement between the parties involved. Give it a read. https://syndicationbureau.com/en/turkey-has-forced-syria-rebels-into-a-dangerous-liaison-with-the-assad-regime/

4-Kurdes et syriens: 

-Offensive turque en Syrie: une opportunité pour le régime syrien? DÉCRYPTAGE
Salam kawakibi
http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20191024-offensive-turque-syrie-une-opportunite-le-regime-syrien?ref=tw  via  @RFI

-The Syria Withdrawal’s Other Victims While coverage has focused on the plight of Kurds, more #Syria n locals and NGO workers face arrest and torture in the vacuum Trump created. https://newrepublic.com/amp/article/155475/syria-withdrawals-victims?__twitter_impression=true#

5-Aide humanitaire:

-As Syrian war enters 9th year, intensification of hostilities in Idlib threatens to intensify humanitarian crisis, already designated by UN Rights Chief in 2017 as “worst man-made disaster the world has seen since World War 2”   On the Limits of Humanitarian Work in Syria. Food is a weapon – a very effective weapon. People don’t cultivate, don’t farm, you cut the road off, then you subjugate them very easily.   https://international-review.org/aiding-abetting/

-UNHCR Syria Situation Report for the North East #Syria Humanitarian Emergency (As of 19 October 2019) – Syrian Arab Republic | ReliefWeb https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/unhcr-syria-situation-report-north-east-syria-humanitarian-emergency-19


-Shortage of textbooks threatens education in #Idlib #Syria https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/10/shortage-of-textbooks-threatens-education-in-idlib/

-The #WhiteHelmets gave a children’s party at the Airport Road IDP Camp near #Harim with games, interactive activities and sports competitions all to try and put a smile on the children’s faces. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=awzAvQuxWUM&feature=youtu.be&fbclid=IwAR2Vt2VDV9gk-cWx3GHejkRRE9if0OOEyChhVmHxcfyHGe4SD2Ol4AObWFQ


– Le nouveau rapport d’amnesty sur l’expulsion forcée des réfugiés syriens. https://www.amnesty.be/infos/actualites/article/turquie-expulse-refugies-syriens-pays-guerre

#Syria n refugees in Turkey are there to stay, at least for now  https://www.pri.org/stories/2019-10-24/syrian-refugees-turkey-are-there-stay-least-now

-Over 7,100 #Syria n refugees crossed into Iraq in one week https://infomigrants.net/en/post/20360/over-7-100-syrian-refugees-crossed-into-iraq-in-one-week… via @InfoMigrants

-‘A meticulously assembled report documents violence & terror of lives of Syrians under Assad. His circle learnt nothing from the conflict & the desire of most returnees to abandon Syria again, other than to employ maximum repression against the population’ https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/syrian-war-trump-refugees-regime-bashar-al-assad-turkey-a9163496.html

8- Le régime et la société :

-Mass dismissals of state employees in army-recaptured regions of Syria—some are fired for being absent from work while their area was under insurgent control—gut Syrian schools and hospitals, writes @HaidHaid22 https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/punishing-syrian-public-servants-former-rebel-areas-will-only-bring-more-division

-Large-scale crackdown in Manbij and Raqqa countryside by the Assad regime and YPG militia https://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/16506?fbclid=IwAR2UoLiUMQVLw51JaBeGBukKA2xeHI7_w-ed8eR-LGqxr_sWb0doc_r-siY

-Reminder, there are still thousands of people in Rukban and hundreds of others stuck in IDP detention shelters in Homs, having left the camp. This piece has a very rare interview with someone in the shelters who says he was forced into false confessions: https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2019/10/23/exclusive-syrian-refugees-fear-execution-in-regime-reception-centres

#SyrianRegime forces #Arrested civilians on checkpoints in al Sharekrak village located on the road linking #TalAbyad city and #EinEisa city in #Raqqa suburbs, Oct 22. http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/2019/10/23/syrian-regime-arrested-civilians-al-sharekrak-village-raqqa-october-22/

-Abdullah Ahmad Hamoud al Khalil, a dissident policeman from #SyrianRegime, from Kafr Zita city in #Hama suburbs. We received information confirming his death due to #torture in #Seydnaya Military Prison of Syrian regime in Damascus suburbs, Oct 20. #Syria http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=78228

#Daraa 25 Assassinations in Daraa.. « no group has claimed responsibility for the assassinations in Daraa or for the attacks that have targeted regime and Russian forces, all of which have been recorded as “unknown assailants.” https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/53761/25-assassinations-in-daraa-all-recorded-as-unknown-assailants.html… via @observesyria https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/53761/25-assassinations-in-daraa-all-recorded-as-unknown-assailants.html

-Assad regime arrests former leaders of revolutionary factions south of Damascus http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/16550

–Le changement démographique https://www.qasioun-news.com/en/news/show/199480/

9-Hezbolla :

-« Divide & Conquer: The Growing #Hezbollah Threat to the #Druze » – A new @ETANA_Syria paper, co-published by @MiddleEastInst , looking at developments in #Lebanon, #Syria & the #GolanHeights: https://mei.edu/publications/divide-and-conquer-growing-hezbollah-threat-druze


Les jihadistes durablement renforcés par l’offensive turque en #Syrie – JP Filiu https://www.lemonde.fr/blog/filiu/2019/10/20/les-jihadistes-durablement-renforces-par-loffensive-turque-en-syrie/

11- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

-Gharsa – #TheyAreSyria Ula’s story is that of courage and resilience of a Syrian woman. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDo9g7DJEAg

For northern Syrians who endured ISIS, U.S. withdrawal means a new struggle to survive Meet 3 women in NE #Syria – moms, young fighters -Their fight for normalcy and why it matters to ALL of us…for  @NewsHour https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/for-northern-syrians-who-endured-isis-u-s-withdrawal-means-a-new-struggle-to-survive

-Alumna de Sciences Po, @LamisAljasem a vu sa ville d’origine, #Raqqa, détruite par l’Etat Islamique. Pour revaloriser cette ville en soutenant ses activités culturelles, elle a créé @SeeMyRaqqa . Découvrez-en plus sur ce projet dans  @EchosStart https://start.lesechos.fr/actus/culture-medias/refugiee-en-france-elle-lutte-pour-perpetuer-la-vie-culturelle-de-raqqa-16402.php

-Mohamad Al Jounde , un jeune #syrie n qui veut changer son monde https://www.la-croix.com/Debats/Chroniques/Mohamad-jeune-syrien-veut-changer-monde-2019-10-16-1201054750?fbclid=IwAR0-a4S_jJ_9qBcGYbATmmcgX8TDy-7VIxhQ50vLotk3sn7gF47TIIHwBpQ


-Millions of ordinary #Syrians remain at risk today. @HolocaustMuseum  is deeply concerned about the situation and urges all efforts to protect civilians, advance efforts to find a durable resolution, and safeguard the security of the region and the United States. -Important statement https://ushmm.org/information/press/press-releases/museum-warns-of-increased-sectarian-violence-in-syria… we are proud of our partnership with STF on shining the light on atrocities in #Syria. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=529428684541973

12- Justice & vérité :

-« Why is @YouTube Erasing History? »  @syrian_archive @Hadi_alkhatib on the issue of YouTube removing vital evidence of war crimes –w/ @DiaKayyali.  This video from  is incredibly important. Automated content moderation is removing war crimes evidence – from #Syria, #Myanmar, #Yemen & more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOzNCaHlW4I https://www.nytimes.com/2019/10/23/opinion/syria-youtube-content-moderation.html

-Good piece by @STJ_SYRIA_ENG showing how Turkey is essentially forcing Syrians in ES areas and Afrin to accept new ID cards registered with the TR MoI that erase their place of origin in favor of the whatever district they currently reside in. https://stj-sy.org/en/syria-turkish-identification-cards-obliterate-identity-of-natives-and-displaced-populations-alike/?fbclid=IwAR0gRx67xyzF4NP6KADfVvhY3uReGlJmxKhSsckBdqC-nrZIK4rTW1H4Wy0


-Russia did attack hospitals in Syria. https://www.irishtimes.com/opinion/letters/russia-did-attack-hospitals-in-syria-1.4059288


-The 1983 Beirut Barracks Bombing, and the Current U.S. Retreat from #Syria. Trump’s decision to pull out of Syria—like Reagan’s decision thirty-five years ago—does not end the story. Like the Marine bombing, it will haunt U.S. policy for decades to come..  https://www.newyorker.com/news/our-columnists/the-1983-beirut-barracks-bombing-and-the-current-us-retreat-from-syria

15-Analyse et politique:

-Russie, Iran, Turquie : les limites d’un partenariat en #Syrie @AnthonySamrani   Seuls maîtres à bord, les nouveaux rois de la Syrie ne sont pas pour autant au bout de leur peine.  https://lorientlejour.com/article/1192387/russie-iran-turquie-les-limites-dun-partenariat-en-syrie.html… via @LOrientLeJour

16- Livre:

-La rose de Daraya, BD, https://yil-edition.com/produit/la-rose-de-daraya/ https://creativememory.org/fr/archives/204856/la-rose-de-daraya/

17-Film :

« The Cave », la vie d’un hôpital assiégé en #Syrie au centre d’un documentaire https://www.lexpress.fr/actualites/1/culture/the-cave-la-vie-d-un-hopital-assiege-en-syrie-au-centre-d-un-documentaire_2103846.html

18Cultural Production in the Middle East : avec la participation de Khaled Barakeh
Berlin-based Syrian conceptual artist, curator, and cultural activist https://www.mei.edu/events/cultural-production-middle-east


-‘Stamps of Hope’: Artwork By #Syria n Refugees Comes To LLCC https://www.nprillinois.org/post/stamps-hope-artwork-syrian-refugees-comes-llcc#stream/0

Painting On Death.  Artiste: Akram abo alfoz, Douma

All of them” means “ALL OF THEM”. This is a special piece from “Painting on Death “ project to the Lebanese revolution and all Arab spring. The piece was made from 12mm bullets. https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1613901442074167&id=571373619660293


#Syrie: Les maux d’Idleb posés sur du rap qui dénonce https://www.france24.com/fr/20191022-en-syrie-du-rap-enrag%C3%A9-pour-scander-les-maux-d-idleb

21-Table Ronde:

-Très bonne émission, De l’intervention au désengagement : la double peine (3/4) : #Syrie Avec @HalaKodmani @salamkawakibi et Jean-François Pérouse. via  @franceculture https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/cultures-monde/de-lintervention-au-desengagement-la-double-peine-34-syrie

22-Les Syriens:

-Five brothers, five countries: a family ravaged by #Syria‘s war  This piece could be replicated about so many displaced Syrian families, who now live in different countries and speak different languages––often unable to meet due to visas and borders. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/24/five-brothers-five-countries-a-family-ravaged-by-syrias-war?CMP=share_btn_tw

-My experience arriving in the UK in 2015 after fleeing the devastating war in Syria. ‘I came to the UK hiding inside a lorry’ https://www.bbc.com/news/av/uk-50161946/i-came-to-the-uk-hiding-inside-a-lorry

-Edmonton’s #Syria n refugees need ongoing support, report says https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/syrian-refugee-newcomer-report-edmonton-city-council-1.5323215

23- La Syrie à Paris:

-Séances film For Sama, avec débats. https://www.facebook.com/pg/KMBOFilms/events/ The film documents life in Aleppo through 6 years of the Syrian conflict, capturing the horror of the war alongside the most pivotal, joyful moments of life.

#ForSama honoured to receive two awards at @heartlandfilm Grand Prize for Documentary and the Richard D Propes Social Impact award.


-Dimanche 27 Octobre, 17h, POUR QUE LE MOYEN-ORIENT RETROUVE LA PAIX – AVEC GHAISS JASSER ET ZIAD MAJED – CONFÉRENCE ANIMÉE PAR FAROUK MARDAM BEY https://souriahouria.com/events/paris-pour-que-le-moyen-orient-retrouve-la-paix-avec-ghaiss-jasser-et-ziad-majed-conference-animee-par-farouk-mardam-bey/

-Lundi 28 Octobre 21h, Farid Al Atrache, https://www.newmorning.com/20191028-4664-farid-al-atrash.html?fbclid=IwAR2s-wqkOCjP5s81ch0hMOmtYUweNsbrb2WielRHH0iEqLvic4LmDKqIEv0

– Mercredi 30 Octobre 20h, Inspire SINGA, https://www.facebook.com/events/2525024427558783

-Samedi  2  Novembre 17h30, Je passe 3, https://www.facebook.com/events/309374133235075/

-Samedi  2  Novembre 19h, Cinéma: Give me liberty, https://www.facebook.com/events/452494645353658/

-Dimanche 3 Novembre 11h, Spectacle: L’enfant d’éléphant et autres histoires comme ça, https://www.facebook.com/events/1358352070988691/

vendredi 22 novembre à partir de 19h30 #SAVETHEDATE Dîner de solidarité 2019, Gala UOSSM,  à l’Institut du monde arabe le! « La guerre n’est pas finie en Syrie ! », Réservation  https://uossm.fr/dinersolidarite