Une semaine sur la Syrie,
10ième semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènement de la semaine à venir est proposée.
#Breaking News : Russian airs trikes on Jisir Alshogor, Saraqeb and other villages in #Idib countryside. Jisir supposed to be an de-escalation area by Russian guarantees, and now it’s getting burned by Russian fire. The Syrian Civil Defense grieves the death of White Helmet Volunteer, Mahmoud Abdel Aal. He was killed and two others were wounded after a Russian double tap strike on Al Muntar town in western #Idlib countryside. Mahmoud is 260 in White Helmets death toll of heroes.
1 – Women of Syria:
– Les mouvements féministes en #Syrie : bref aperçu d’une longue histoire. Via Global Voices :
– Let’s hear from #Syria ‘s many incredibly brave, talented and resilient #women. Enough of the poisonous words of a small number of female #ISIS supporters, which have reverberated way too loudly recently. Via Amnesty :
– Femmes syriennes : chronique d’un impossible retour… Syrian women speak up Via Half of Syria :
– On #InternationalWomensDay we are reminded of the myriad of abuses and violations of women’s right that occur in Syria on a daily basis. On this and every other day of the year we must all do what we can to uphold the rights of Syrian women. Via Syrian Network for Human Rights :
– Conference on Syrian Women in Detention : The Conscience Movement, a newly-formed NGO dedicated to highlighting the plight of Syrian women who are imprisoned and tortured by the Syrian regime, held a conference in Istanbul. Participants from 45 countries gathered to hear testimony from individuals who recounted their experiences of violent physical abuse, including sexual violence. During the event, a statement was read noting that more than 13,500 Syrian women have been jailed since March 2011, while more than 7,000 women still remain in detention.
– « Why have the tens of thousands of victims of rape and sexual violence at the hands of the #Syria/n regime and its associated militias been ignored for so long? » asks @RonanLTynan. And « rape remains part of #Assad‘s strategy. » By Ronan L. Tynan :
– A télécharger : By far the most detailed and nuanced study of women’s rights in northeastern Syria that I have seen to date, investigating the practical and institutional implementation of PYD feminism in a conservative, war torn society. Via The Heinrich Böll Stiftung.
2 – Idlib :
– SHRN documents killing of 246 civilians during February. Via The Syria Call :
– Open vigil until the cessation of the bombing, Idlib’s activists demand. Via The Syria Call :
– #SyrianRegime forces shelled al Bezr #Market in the middle of Ma’aret al Numan city in #Idlib suburbs, Mar 7. Via Syrian Network for Human Rights :
– #SyrianRegime forces shelled al Furqan #Children Kindergarten in Saraqeb city in #Idlib suburbs, Mar 7. Via Syrian Network for Human Rights :
http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=68285 …
– The Syrian regime shocked the family of northern Homs with the death of eight of its members under torture. Via The Syria Call :
– Statistics: Al-Assad’s regime shells deport 80% of Khan Sheikhoun residents. Via The Syria Call : http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/12086
– Resident of regime areas are keen to see the start of the battle for Idleb. Via The Syrian Observer :
– Syria Direct’s latest situation report in collaboration with @TheStudyofWar: -SDF resume push on final sliver of IS territory in eastern Syria -Likely IS suicide attack targets HTS at Idlib restaurant -HTS retaliates against pro-government shelling. By Syria Direct :
3 – Aide humanitaire :
– #Syrie: livraison inédite d’aides humanitaires à Manbij par l’ONU et le Croissant-Rouge. A lire sur L’Orient Le Jour :
4 – L’après Daech :
– En #Syrie, les survivants abandonnent le « califat » moribond de l’EI. A lire sur L’Orient Le Jour :
5 – Refugees :
– Syrian refugees are pushed home by the harsh living conditions in neighboring countries, and do not find safety or dignity upon return. By Refugees Deeply :
– #Syrie : des exilés dissuadés de revenir. Sur France Info TV :
– The report does not examine political factors (due to the mandate of the World Bank), but provides an interesting analytical framework for thinking about refugee return. Via The World Bank :
– Refugee Challenges in Europe: Syrians in some regime-held areas now face greater legal challenges in finding safe haven in Denmark. The Danish Ministry of Immigration and Integration announced that Syrians from Damascus province will no longer receive temporary asylum on the basis that conditions there are considered more stable. This ruling could potentially be extended to other parts of Syria in the future.
6 – Le régime et la société :
– Why do they expect him to surrender? Because they will torture and violate her until he does. This is a regime that offers only 3 options, to fight, flee, or suffer without hope. Via The Syrian Observer :
– Refugees forced to return to Syria face imprisonment, death at the hands of Assad. Via The Conversation :
– The smuggling route between Lebanon and Syria was established many years ago, but activity has risen sharply since the war began. Via The Syrian Observer :
– The real extent of Syrian gov’s killing of prisoners is likely worse than we already know : The head of the General Intelligence Directorate told Deraa officials to Forget Prisoners Taken Before 2014 – Via The Syrian Observer :
7 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– Le théâtre, terre d’asile de Rami, réfugié syrien à Strasbourg. https://actu.orange.fr/societe/culture/le-theatre-terre-d-asile-de-rami-refugie-syrien-a-strasbourg-CNT000001dyneB/photos/le-refugie-syrien-rami-rkab-au-theatre-national-de-strasbourg-tns-le-27-fevrier-2019-643318e6aa156f7cbcdd6f883ceed628.html
– How the shadows became faces A Syrian Christian recalls early prejudices received about her Muslim compatriots, and how friendships with veiled women later broke these down @BenteScheller @aljumhuriya_net @boell_intl Sur Al-Jumhuriya :
– This essay by @AlexGSimon is a model for writing on Syria: nuanced, sensitive, deeply humble, and filled with insight. @SynapsNetwork delivers another work of masterful listening & analysis. Via Synaps :
– My Country.. @QZakarya #Syria Memoires, Kassem Eid is a Palestinian–Syrian rebel and human rights activist.
– Syrian Palestinians : Residents threw their bags onto the roofs of the evacuation buses, rubble tumbling from their apartment blocks into the streets outside. Last spring, thousands of Palestinian-Syrian refugees and Syrians were evacuated north, only to find legal limbo. Via Syria Direct :
– These Syrian girls in rural Hasakah are breaking social norms by learning Taekwondo.
8 – Justice:
– U.N. investigators hot on trail of Syrian war criminals. Agence Reuters
– Assad accused of crimes against humanity in ‘breakthrough’ case at The Hague. Via The Telegraph :
– What does justice mean in the context of the Syrian conflict? Justice or Forgiveness? The Case of Anwar Raslan. Ultimately Syrians will have to decide for themselves who should be held accountable and who forgiven.
SJAC attempts to address this and other questions that have been raised by the recent arrests of three Syrians on charges of crimes against humanity. On Syria Accountability :
9 – L’EU, sanction and reconstruction :
– Where We Stand on the Syria Sanctions. According to @jihadyazigi this is an excellent read. This is the best explainer on the impact of sanctions, and the most plausible argument on how to use of them for practical objectives. Via The Syria Report :
10 – L’Iran:
– L’influence iranienne en Syrie. Sur Géo Cultures :
– Report: Iran Forming All-Syrian Militia in Syria. Via VOA :
– Censured by Britain, Hezbollah is bigger than ever in Beirut. Hezbollah fighter: « We fought in #Aleppo… When we were advancing, there was a building full of civilians… #Syria‘s military came along later & their senior officer did not care at all who was inside. He just leveled it. We saw many things like that.” Via The Guardian :
11 – Analyse et politique :
– Eight Years #Syria It is fashionable now to declare Bashar al-Assad the ‘winner’ of Syria’s ‘civil war.’ Yet the underlying causes of the revolution remain unaddressed, with Assad and his entourage singularly unqualified and unable to address them. Via The Atlantic Council :
– Délitement de la dictature et déliquescence de l’Etat en #Syrie : Via Syrie News : (@syrie24h)
12 – Cinéma:
– Pour avoir lu le livre éponyme de @DelphineMinoui je vous recommande cette écoute @franceinter « La bibliothèque de Daraya » : la #Syrie vue par Delphine Minoui » sur https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/l-instant-m/l-instant-m-08-mars-2019 … et le documentaire à venir @France5tv , Dimanche 10 mars 22h35.
13 -Livre :
– « Burning Country » au coeur de la révolution syrienne, version française en librairie le 8 mars ! @Qunfuz1 @LeilaShami #Syrie #FreeSyria. Sur Lundi AM
14 – Art :
– Alma Salem. Syrian arts curator and cultural advisor shares how art can tell the story of history.
– Naïssam Jalal : « La douleur de voir souffrir le peuple #syrie n se ressent dans ma musique » http://f24.my/4XFw.T via @FRANCE24
– Un artiste du mal du pays remplit l’exposition de Dubaï avec des senteurs de Syrie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iciRRMjGxyg
15 – Interview:
– ‘If we don’t show mercy to animals, we can’t be merciful with one another’: Aleppo’s cat rescuer on new memoir –#Syria Via Syria Direct :
16 – Les Syriens:
– A Lille, musique et poésie pour aborder le drame du conflit syrien http://f24.my/4Yew.T via @FRANCE24
– Syria war: Eight-year-old Mustafa’s story of survival -BBC NEWS
– Avoir 20 ans en Kurdistan syrien :
– Mohammed, réfugié après avoir fui le conflit prolongé en Syrie, effectue des visites à domicile auprès de Syriens âgés, après sa matinée de consultations dans une clinique privée à Erbil.
17 – La Syrie à Paris :
– Expo : » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff
#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure. https://next.liberation.fr/arts/2019/03/04/exil-de-sombres-heures-mises-en-demeure_1712982?fbclid=IwAR3MeFHt8FSt9Mpf2wk2XZD2StqaqDVGdYfLYNYXQz4-Z73btKNFnyJcfPc
– Dimanche 10 mars, 18h, La Beauté, Éphéméride poétique pour chanter la vie..Hala Mohammad https://www.maisondelapoesieparis.com/events/la-beaute-ephemeride-poetique-pour-chanter-la-vie/
– Mardi 12 mars 18h30, Vernissage_ La rébellion de l’âme | Rebellion of the soul _
une exposition de Reem Tarraf http://europia.org/Galerie/index.htm 06 au 29 mars 2019 – Europia New-Culture
– Mercredi 13 mars 18h30, Débat-Conférence // La Syrie, 8 ans après : quelles solutions ? https://www.facebook.com/events/157758118461639/
– Jeudi 14 mars, 19h, Rencontres & débats Dans la tête de Bachar al-Assad https://www.imarabe.org/fr/rencontres-debats/dans-la-tete-de-bachar-al-assad
– Jeudi 14 mars, 19h, Rencontre avec Maram al-Masri : Femmes poètes du monde arabe https://www.facebook.com/events/2220287314888257/
– Vendredi 15 mars, 19h Orient au féminin.
FACES, Un quatuor de jazz oriental sublime les mots chantés en arabe d’une poétesse syrienne. Une expérience immersive célébrant les femmes de l’Orient et mêlant poésies, musiques et projections vidéos. Avec Maram al-Masri (poèmes, récitante), Hassan Abdalrahman (oud), Nicolas Beck(tarhu), Nicolas Crespo (son, création vidéo, lumières), 20h35-21h20
– Vendredi 15 mars, 20h30, Avant-première, Still recording, Centre Pompidou http://www.cinemadureel.org/film/still-recording/
-Vendredi 15 mars, 20h30, Paris-Vienne-Damas, concert, https://www.facebook.com/events/1388541544622299/
– Dimanche 17 mars, 15h, MARCHE DE LA PLACE DE LA RÉPUBLIQUE À LA PLACE DE L’HÔTEL DE VILLE, Mars 2011 – Mars 2019 : Solidarité avec le combat du peuple syrien Pour la liberté, la démocratie et la justice https://souriahouria.com/events/dimanche-17-mars-2019-a-15-heures-a-paris-marche-de-la-place-de-la-republique-a-la-place-de-lhotel-de-ville/
– Dimanche 17 mars, 17h30, Avant-première, Still recording, Luminor http://www.cinemadureel.org/film/still-recording/