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Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 11 – 2019

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

11e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènement de la semaine à venir est proposée.

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

8ème anniversaire de la révolution :

– Manifestations à l’occasion du 8ème anniversaire de la révolution syrienne.

Despite all the violence, destruction, and sorrow the followed the #FreeSyria flag continues to fly high 8 years later in parts of the country. Via Al Araby

@Wendy_Pearlman  « One of the century’s bravest shows of people’s power »…The anniversary of the revolution reminds us what Syrians achieved when they broke the wall of fear 8 years ago… & encourages us to work so narratives of the conflict always honor that achievement.

Since 2012, I have interviewed hundreds of displaced Syrians who championed the uprising. I have seen that their revolution persists wherever Syrians continue to believe in their capacity to make change.” Via The Conversation :

-« The revolution persists wherever Syrians continue to believe in their capacity to make change… » My second of two pieces in honor of today’s anniversary of the Syrian struggle for freedom & justice. Via The Conversation :

– How White Helmet rescuers in the UK are marking the Syrian Uprising anniversary ? @ChrisDYork Friday marked eight years since that day people across Syria protested against the imprisonment and torture of 15 boys just for spray-painting graffiti on a wall.

1 – Rapports et Etudes :

– PHR corroborated 553 attacks on 348 #Syria‘n medical facilities from March 2011-December 2018. As the conflict enters its ninth year, it is more important than ever that the Syrian people benefit from an international commitment to accountability.

– 170 personnes ont été tuées chaque jour en 8 ans de guerre l Association CARE France Via Care France :,syrie-guerre-8ans-morts-conference-bruxelles.htm

2 – Idlib :

– Des semaines qu’en dépit du cessez-le-feu, les régimes russes et syriens bombardent les localités du nord de la #Syrie en l’absence totale d’objectifs militaires immédiats. Le seul résultat: tuer plus de civils et faire vivre dans la peur les 3,5 millions de réfugiés s’y trouvant.

We’ve already died a thousand times’ in Khan Sheikhoun, says one of last of the southern Idlib town’s residents to flee a recent wave of pro-government bombing. ‘Everyone is exhausted’ Via Syria Direct :

– 13 mars 2019, 12 people including seven children and a woman were killed, and 44 others including 17 women and four children were injured, so far, after four airstrikes by the Russian warplanes targeted the residential neighborhoods in #Idlib city this afternoon. #Syria.

The Horrors Inflicted on #Idlib: Ongoing Ceasefire Violations by Trevor Mace. Via The Atlantic Council

#Russian and #Syrian airstrikes intensify on rebel-held Idlib. Via The Guardian :

#Syrie : les casques blancs mènent les opérations de secours à Idlib. Via Euronews :

– The General Electricity Company @CasGec says Russian airstrikes in #Syria‘s Idlib killed one of their employees while destroying completely a power station in the city. The company states that the total cost of damages account up to $800K.

3 – Aide humanitaire :

– Les donateurs veulent aider les réfugiés, pas le régime. Sur La Libre Belgique :

– Les règles de l’aide humanitaire en Syrie. L’aide humanitaire a besoin d’un cadre plus neutre pour se déployer Comment aider les populations civiles syriennes sans renforcer le régime ? Dossier du Comité Syrie – Europe, après Alep. (à venir sur Syrie News également)

4 – Refugees:

« #Assad playing a double game » creating « illusion » wants refugees to return but doing everything to discourage them with reports of murder torture+forcible disappearances of returnees via European Council on Foreign Relations ⁦⁦⁦@ecfr@cnnbrk


· Les gouvernements européens doivent décider quand et comment protéger les réfugiés syriens qui rentrent volontairement chez eux

· Ils devraient le faire en utilisant leurs derniers leviers d’influence en Syrie, conformément aux intérêts européens et aux paramètres de protection du HCR.

· L’engagement européen en matière de retour volontaire de réfugiés devrait être limité, prudent et conditionnel.

· L’Europe doit travailler avec les pays hôtes du Moyen-Orient pour empêcher le retour forcé des réfugiés.

· Les gouvernements européens doivent parler à toutes les parties prenantes du conflit syrien, en particulier la Russie.

via European Council on Foreign Relations :

– À Jaber, à la frontière jordano- #syrie nne, les réfugiés ne se bousculent pas pour rentrer via @franceinter

5 – Raqqa : -Some interesting insights into an often-fetishized topic. Tokenism or Empowerment? Syrian Women and the SDF. Via The Atlantic Council :

6 – Deraa: – What will Assad prioritise for ‘reconstruction’? Water & electricity networks? Hospitals? No – monuments to his kleptocracy.. always. A clear example of what Assad’s regime would spend any ‘reconstruction’ funds on Via Reuters

7 – Homs, Alep, Palmyre : #Syrias future remains buried under millions of tons of rubble. In East #Aleppo, it could take six years just to clear the debris. Via CBS News.

8 – Le régime et la société :

– Quand le clan Assad rackette ses propres partisans @ajoury via @LorientLeJour

– Syria’s Assad struggles to reap spoils after military gains. After Selling the Country to the Russians and Iranians Who Reduced the Country to Rubble Even after 8 Years the Spirit of the Revolution isn’t Lost With Mass Discontentment in Daraa , Suwayda and Protests the Regimes Grip on Power has Collapsed. Via Reuters :

– « the battle for Syria will continue for a not insignificant time, and in various forms. » @observesyria Via The Syrian Observer :

– The death of Obayda Akram al Akash, from Taldao city in #Homs suburbs, due to #torture in #SyrianRegime detention center, Mar 11. Via Syrian Network for Human Rights :

9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

– A Syrian humanitarian worker, Ashraf Alhafny has spent the past seven months in a Swiss reception center for asylum seekers. He nevertheless made it to this week’s ‘Brussels III’ conference, where he spoke with Syria Direct: ‘I came here so I could talk’ Via Syria Direct :

My life is here’: Syrian refugees in Denmark at risk of asylum denials, future returns under new Danish policy. @Syria ns demonstrate against the Danish government’s refugee policies Via Syria Direct :

-BBC News – ‘A year ago I couldn’t swim’: The refugee hoping to be an Olympic star Via BBC :

– Mouaz Moustafa of the Syrian Emergency Task Force on Assad Via PBS : via @amanpourcoPBS #Syria #HumanRights

– des ONG défendent a Bruxelles leur action envers les #refugies de #Syrie. « Nous voulons nous assurer que les (ONG) participent au processus de décision, qui aujourd’hui se fait derrière des portes fermées » @CamillaJelbart Sur L’Orient – Le Jour :

– Omar Alshogre describes his experience being tortured in Syrian prison & responds to 2020 candidate Tulsi Gabbard not labeling Assad a war criminal: “There is a lot of evidence. There [are] the wounds on my body. There are survivors, not a lot, who can tell you about the prisons » Via CNN :

10 – Justice:

– Le long chemin vers la fin de l’impunité des criminels #syrie ns Sur L’Orient – Le Jour

– Not only pain, but humiliation as a weapon of war: @haleybobseine interviewed Syrian men who were subject to, witnessed, or threatened with rape in detention.

« Abuse has taken place at checkpoints, on journeys to prison & inside interrogation rooms… Several men said jailers inserted a water hose into their anus & turned on the tap, causing the prisoners’ bodies to swell up. » – The truth is hard to read, but ignoring it is even worse.

« security forces have used rape & enforced sterilization, as well as the tying, burning & mutilation of men’s genitals to force confessions and submission. » Via Al-Jumhuriya

– ‘Syrians are not ready to forgive’: Without transitional justice, Syria cannot rebuild | @RazanSpeaks Via Middle East Eye

– « My name is Mariam al-Hallak. I once had three sons, now I only have two. » like Mariam Alhallak, in 2011, my mother had 8 sons, now she only has 4. Syrian detainees must be Brussels conference priority Via EU Observer

11 – L’EU, sanction and reconstruction :

– Comment l’UE peut aligner la politique syrienne sur la réalité: 1) articuler des objectifs concrets et modestes pour l’avenir; 2) repousser avec force le récit rampant du retour des réfugiés; 3) Décidez ce qu’Assad doit concéder au juste pour obtenir un soulagement quelconque de son isolement. A lire sur Orient XXI :,2932

#SyriaConf2019 declaration include strong reference to arbitrary detained+ disappeared, as well as for unimpeded access to all detention facilities for indep. monitors Thank you to all political actors who supported Syrians in their call for justice +accountability. Via Consilium Europa :

12-Russie, Iran et le Hezbollah:

– Iran and Russia ‘friction point’ forecast in Syria, Chatham House hears – The National :

– Hezbollah’s Deadly Lies #Syria via @tabletmag

– Hizbollah commander captured by UK special forces resurfaces in southern #Syria, Israeli military says Via the Telegraph :

13 – Analyse et politique:

– « Pendant que les Syriens ‘célèbrent’ le 8e anniversaire de leur révolte populaire et pacifique – avant sa transformation en tuerie –, les acteurs régionaux et internationaux se disputent la mainmise sur les ruines » – Salam Kawakibi sur Middle East Eye

#Syria and Its Armed Rebellion, Eight Years On. The Syrian uprising is far from dead It continues to live in the hearts and minds of those who continue to strive for a pluralistic, inclusive, and democratic Syria. Syrian conflict victors are dictators, authoritarianism, foreign interests, and disintegration. Via The Atlantic Council :

Six Problems for Assad : Good read. Particularly interesting is the analysis of the effects of the competition between Iranians and Russians which harms Assad (which was expected). #MustRead Via The Syrian Observer :

14 – Cinéma:

– ‘Syrian Metal Is War’ We Talked to the Filmmaker Behind the ‘Syrian Metal Is War’ Documentary About Survival and Resilience.

15 – Livre :

#Syrie #Alep à hauteur d’homme  via @LExpress

16 – Musique :

– En Jordanie, des enfants réfugiés #syrie ns sortent un album de musique.

– Dans les coulisses de ’11’ Rencontrez les visages derrière les # 11KidsSongs

et les chansons,

17 – Interview:

– Passion, œuvres et intention : découvrez Sana Yazigi, la graphiste à l’origine de #CreativeMemory, un site qui fait vivre l’art du peuple syrien :

 18 – Les Syriens:

– Lara Shahin started Syrian Jasmine to promote and sell the skills of Syrian refugee women, who now have the opportunity to pull themselves out of poverty. Via TRT World :

The defected diplomat turned Barnsley budgie vlogger #Syria Via BBC :

« J’ai quitté la #Syrie pour des raisons politiques. Mon père est écrivain et il s’est exprimé contre le régime. En Syrie, il est très compliqué de travailler comme écrivain et artiste. La dictature n’autorise aucune réflexion critique. »

19 – La Syrie à Paris :

– Expo :  » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff

#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure.

– Mardi 19 mars 18h30, Conférence solidaire – Naissance des frontières au Proche-Orient

– Mercredi 20 mars, 14h, Extreme violence: investigate, rescue, judge. Syria

– Mercredi 20 mars, 20h30, Still recording, film

– Vendredi 22 mars, 20h, Soirée de lancement – Printemps de la danse arabe

– Samedi 23 mars, 18h30. Soirée UOSSM

Samedi 23 mars, 20h30. Wael Alkak live