Une semaine sur la Syrie,
26e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.
– Agir pour Idlib:
– Humanitarian leaders, standing with civilians under fire in Idlib, send a message https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-humanitarian-leaders-standing-civilians-under-fire-idlib-send
– Ease suffering, save lives, UN Emergency Relief Coordinator tells Security Council
– As Idlib fighting intensifies, #Syria ns abroad suffer mentally
https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/06/syria-idlib-regime-russia-bomb-hospitals-mental-health.html via @AlMonitor
–#StopBombingIdlib https://twitter.com/i/status/1145002347812311042
– Idlib offensive stalls, as Russia-Iran divisions bubble over
https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/6/28/syria-weekly-idlib-offensive-stalls-as-russia-iran-rivalry-continues … by @PaullMcLoughlin
“The war in Idlib is primarily being fought against civilians, against men, women and children.” @PAXforpeace Hospitals, markets, homes, schools, bombarded for months with barrel bombs, phosphorus, cluster bombs. “And we know who is dropping the bombs.”
https://www.paxforpeace.nl/stay-informed/news/silence-wont-stop-the-hell-in-idlib …
– à Idleb, Kafranbel, Binnish…ou sous les oliviers, le quotidien des gens peut varier grandement d’un lieu à l’autre
https://www.nouvelobs.com/monde/20190628.AFP9418/syrie-a-idleb-le-quotidien-d-une-prison-pour-hommes-libres.html … via @LObs
– Thousands of students sat down to take their final exams last Sunday in the opposition-held area in northwestern Syria following a two-week delay as the Educational Ministry of the Syrian Interim Government struggled to coordinate testing.
1 – Rapports et Etudes:
– Assad’s Governance by Corruption & Extortion “Projection of this power identity culminates in a governance system which splits citizens into two groups: integrated and excluded citizens” By: @SashRu88 via @reviewintl Review
– « Local Intermediaries in Post-2022 Syria: Transformation and Continuity, » an edited volume by Kheder Khaddour and Kevin Mazur. a unique effort by Syrian authors
http://library.fes.de/pdf-files/bueros/beirut/15547.pdf …
– The #SyrianRegime, controlling military, security & judicial apparatus, #Arrested at least 1.2 million Syrians, who’ve been subjected to #Torture, with the regime still detaining the largest number, 85% of whom have been #ForciblyDisappeared #ENDTorture
2 – Idlib:
– Life of A Mother Fleeing Bombardment In Idlib. “In Ghouta, the regime wanted a demographic change. But here the war is a war of extermination”.
https://syriauntold.com/?p=59345 via @SyriaUntold with a Timeline.
– Isam Khatib, @KeshMalekSyria Executive director tell @TheNationalUAE about the education crisis & future challenges, & the potential risks on their “Accelerated education program” in particular. #Idlib
Destruction of 72 schools in Syrian or Russian strikes between February 2 and June 9.
– ‘Killed in their class seats’: Children bear brunt of Syrian government bombing of Idlib
– Dissident young man from the Assad regime tells dramatic details of what is happening on the fronts of Hama. Forced recruit from #Daraa who escaped front line duty describes the brutal methods used by the Regime to make them fight. Leaders of demoralized pro-Regime forces are keen to employ recruits in dangerous attacks to economize on their militiamen.
– Assad regime again drops phosphorus bombs on #Syria’s Idlib, violating international law yet again
– #SyrianRegime forces shelled Jazraya al Kabir #Mosque, known as Omar Bin al Khattab Mosque, in Jazraya village in #Aleppo suburbs, Jun 23.
– The bodies of Khaled Mohamed al-Dani and his family remained buried under rubble for hours, before they could be recovered.
– Scores of journalists have been killed covering the Syrian conflict.Amjad Hassan Bakir is the latest name on a wretched list of reporters who paid the ultimate price for doing their work,” CPJ’s Ignacio Miguel Delgado https://ifex.org/syrian-photojournalist-amjad-hassan-bakir-killed-in-suspected-regime-missile-strike/
– #Idlib « The reason “White Helmets” have been a constant target of strikes by Assad’s forces and Russian warplanes is because theyare witnesses of the various forms of bombardment » on civilians »accordingto Human Rights Watch in July 2018. »
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/51352/double-tap-hits-civil-defense-members-in-khan-al-sheikhoun.html … via @observesyria
– Smugglers report a booming market to get desperate families out of rebel-held northwest Syria, since Russia and the regime escalated attacks. Getting out can cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars per person. But few trips end in success. @MEdwardsJO
3 – Aide humanitaire :
– Le régime syrien s’approprie les aides humanitaires et les fonds destinés à la reconstruction, a averti ce 28 juin, Human Rights Watch (HRW), mettant en garde les donateurs contre le risque de complicité avec les auteurs d’abus contre les droits humains.
– ‘Is the @WHO failing to distance from the #Assad regime? Has this become so “normal” that its staff effectively acknowledge complicity in the deprivation of vital medical aid to a source unknown to the organization’s officials?’ #Syria
4 – Agriculture:
– Moissons fatales en #Syrie
– The fires burning in northeast Syria have entered their second month, consuming more than 40,000 hectares of farmland and claiming several lives in a region heavily dependent on agriculture for its livelihood.
5 – Refugees:
-« If you go back, you’re gambling with your life. You’re playing with fire. »
– Contre la campagne de xénophobie anti-(réfugiés)-#syriens au #Liban, une excellente initiative
– Beirut-based theater company brings joy and laughter to #Syria n refugees’ lives
– Pour survivre, des déplacés #syrie ns contraints de vendre leurs meubles
6 – Armes chimiques:
– German firms sent weapons-grade chemicals to #Syria despite sanctions — report
7 – Le régime et la société :
– En coupant les routes d’approvisionnement, le régime organise une pénurie alim ds le camp de Rukban de façon à accélérer son démantèlement démarré en fév (avec le soutien gracieux des Nations Unies dt la dernière livraison d’aide huma remonte… à fév ).
– Aleppo : -Pro-Iran militants loot Aleppo’s antiquities #Syria
– Deraa : -Young people have been given seven days to review their situation with the recruitment division.
– Daraa: Life under regime rule in the revolution’s birthplace [@The_NewArab]
– After years of « reconciliation », hundreds of young guys in Barada valley have been fugitives on charges of « terrorism »
– Le Hezbollah donne maintenant des ordres à l’armée syrienne – et s’en sert pour espionner Israël. Hezbollah is now giving orders to Syria’s army – and using it to spy on Israel
https://www.timesofisrael.com/hezbollah-is-now-giving-orders-to-syrias-army-and-using-it-to-spy-on-israel/ … via @timesofisrael
– underwater oil pipelines off #Syria‘s coast appear to have been attacked on Sunday. The lines fed the #Baniyas refinery – one of two in the country.
https://apnews.com/42ab725fcfa444e4ac143f99dc30b82b …
8 – Raqqa : -A beautiful, long essay about Raqqa’s history. “For the third time in its history, the Syrian city of Raqqa is in ruins. Its revival will help reveal the secrets of humanity’s past.” Raqqa Will Rise Again
– #YPG (PKK) retaliate against residents of the Arab town Al Shuyukh in the Ain al Arab area burning their houses and property despite the fact they’ve been displaced for years. Fires can be seen from Jarabulus and US is doing nothing to stop them.
9 – ONU: – Hôpitaux bombardés en #Syrie: l’ONU réclame des comptes à Moscou
https://www.lapresse.ca/international/moyen-orient/201906/25/01-5231624-hopitaux-bombardes-en-syrie-lonu-reclame-des-comptes-a-moscou.php … via @lp_lapresse
– How the @UN contributes to financing the genocidal Assad regime #Syria
10 – Daech:
– “Three months on, landless IS still a threat in Syria”
– New Rules of Engagement Needed as ISIS Remains and Adapts, this is how ISIL is surviving currently and may later come back( given the potential US withdrawal. For @TheAtlantic writes @Abu_Orwa91
11 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-Originaire de Syrie, Alaa Kassab est aujourd’hui professeur auxiliaire. Elle aide les élèves d’un cours de sciences humaines de l’école primaire Meusebach-Grundschule Geltow, en Allemagne.
-Réseaux et pratiques commerciales entre les zones de l’opposition et celles du régime en Syrie du sud-ouest. Analyse de la presse d’opposition entre juillet 2017 et mars 2018 (1)
– Quand les universités et les entreprises s’ouvrent aux réfugiés #Syrie
– De la Syrie à Paris, l’odyssée du Petit prince dom : « Les plus petits ont déjà oublié une partie de leur histoire, la pièce est une manière de sauvegarder la mémoire de l’exil »
– Moi, Hani, réfugié #syrie n, je me construis un nouvel avenir avec l’aide de l’UCLouvain
– #Syria n refugee who spoke no English after arriving in Scotland helping organise local festiva…
https://www.thecourier.co.uk/fp/news/local/dundee/903164/syrian-refugee-who-spoke-no-english-after-arriving-in-scotland-helping-organise-local-festival/via @thecourieruk
12 – Justice & impunity :
– Syrian Legal Center Urges #Syrians and anybody else to Report Pro-#Assad Supporters in #Europe
– HOW THE ASSAD REGIME USED CHILD RAPE AS A WEAPON OF WAR, an investigation from the @zero_impunity project
– Dans la prison #syrie nne de Saidnaya
13 – Analyse et politique:
– Waiting for Putin and Assad to run out of people to kill. Is that our plan? | Ian Bond #Syria
14- Livre:
– Assaf Dahdah vient de publier Exils Syriens, Parcours et ancrages aux éditions du passager clandestin. Ce petit livre collectif pose un éclairage sur l’exil des syriens en faisant dialoguer géographes et syriens racontant leurs parcours.
– Athénaïs, primée pour sa nouvelle « Visages d’Europe » Syriens de cœur, Européens d’esprit. . Ils parlaient de la Syrie comme personne n’en avait jamais parlé. Des étoiles dans les yeux. Une inextinguible soif de liberté. #Syrie
https://www.letelegramme.fr/soir/visages-d-europe-athenais-primee-26-06-2019-12322438.php … via @LeTelegramme
– Cécile Hennion, reporter au Monde, remporte le Prix Hervé Ghesquière 2019 – France 3 Hauts-de-France
15 – Cinéma :
– No film received a more rapturous response than the extraordinary, harrowing, and extraordinarily harrowing Syria doc #ForSama at this year’s @sheffdocfest. Film Inquiry spoke with directors Waad Al-Kateab and Ed Watts.
– STILL RECORDING, FILMER POUR NE PAS OUBLIER http://www.radiogrenouille.com/vues-sur-mer/2205-2/
– Film « Les fous d’ #Alep », ou l’histoire de héros ordinaires @BBCLinaSinjab #Syrie « Les fous d’Alep sont passés par là », dit un autre graffiti, qui a donné son nom au film.
https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1176491/-les-fous-dalep-ou-lhistoire-de-heros-ordinaires.html … via @LOrientLeJour
16 – Théâtre :
-X-ADRA UK PREMIERE | SYRIA | France https://www.shubbak.co.uk/x-adra/
– #ALEPPO. A PORTRAIT OF ABSENCE OMAR ABUSAADA, MOHAMMAD AL ATTAR & BISSANE AL CHARIF (Damascus, Berlin & Paris) #Syria Festival Belluard Bollwerk International https://belluard.ch/en/festival-2019/programme/Aleppo-A-Portrait-of-Absence-1268/ …
17 – Phtographie :
– Le vainqueur 2019 du Visa d’Or #humanitaire du @CICR est Abdulmonam Eissa, 25 ans, photographe syrien, freelance pour @AFPphoto et @MDJournalistes pour un reportage poignant en 2018 sur les civils dans La Ghouta piégés dans les combats. @polkamagazine @Visapourlimage https://www.lemonde.fr/photo/portfolio/2018/02/16/une-semaine-sous-les-bombardements-du-regime-syrien_5258228_4789037.html
– Ammar Abd Rabbo, Mon Pays Qui N’existe Plus http://www.beiteddine.org/event/ammar-abd-rabbo-syrie-mon-pays-qui-nexiste-plus/
18 – Interview:
– SYRIE #4: LES MÉDIAS AU CŒUR DE LA RÉVOLUTION SYRIENNE Dans ce quatrième épisode de notre cycle syrien, nous sommes avec Armand Hurault, directeur de l’Association de soutien aux médias libres en Syrie (ASML). En fin d’émission nous serons avec Rasha Abbas au téléphone, elle est écrivaine journaliste et elle forme des journalistes en Syrie depuis son exil à Berlin avec ASML. http://www.radiogrenouille.com/vues-sur-mer/syrie-4-les-medias-au-coeur-de-la-revolution-syrienne/
-Read the interview with Mohammad Al Attar, #Syria What is your own relationship to the city of Aleppo? https://belluard.ch/en/festival-2019/programme/interview/itw-aleppo/ …
19 – Les Syriens:
– Mons: 25 réfugiés ont obtenu leur «diplôme» de français (vidéo) : #Syrie https://www.laprovince.be/403984/article/2019-06-21/mons-25-refugies-ont-obtenu-leur-diplome-de-francais-video … via @sudpresseonline
– The volunteers who help give Syrian refugees a new start https://www.itv.com/news/border/update/2019-06-24/the-volunteers-who-help-give-syrian-refugees-a-new-start/
– A Strasbourg, une cheffe réfugiée #syrie nne aux fourneaux https://www.liberation.fr/depeches/2019/06/23/a-strasbourg-une-cheffe-refugiee-syrienne-aux-fourneaux_1735617 … via @libe
-‘ We didn’t talk about the bombs’: How the 1st cohort of #Syria n refugees made it through high school in Canada https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/syrian-refugee-graduation-1.5183867
– She came to Canada as a refugee from #Syria at 17. Now she’s a high school graduate https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/hadhad-family-peace-by-chocolate-batoul-hadhad-syrian-refugee-1.5193642
– Toulouse : rencontre avec des réfugiés qui apprennent le français pour faciliter leur intégration – France 3 Occitanie #Syrie https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/haute-garonne/toulouse/toulouse-rencontre-refugies-qui-apprennent-francais-faciliter-leur-integration-1688056.html
– Serving up a frosty taste of #Syria in Bedford https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/nova-scotia/serving-up-syrian-ice-cream-1.5186505
– Rennes. Le Refugee food festival donne carte blanche à des chefs réfugiés #Rennes #Syrie https://www.ouest-france.fr/bretagne/rennes-35000/rennes-le-refugee-food-festival-donne-carte-blanche-des-chefs-refugies-6417866 … via @ouestfrance
20 – Propagande et révisionnisme,
–@LouisProyect1 debunking the risible premises of the Syria chemical truthers https://www.counterpunch.org/2019/06/21/the-douma-gas-attack-whats-the-evidence-it-was-a-false-flag/ … by @NatCounterPunch
– Check this how the Russian defense ministry faking the news for their own people about their activities in Syria. The Mysterious Case Of The « Eastern Ghouta » Car Bomb https://hugokaaman.com/2019/06/23/the-mysterious-case-of-the-eastern-ghouta-car-bomb/ … via @HKaaman
-« Les dessous de l’infox ». Marie Peltier y parle notamment de désaveu, de récits de rupture, de propagande et de Syrie. C’est à partir de 5:40. http://m.rfi.fr/emission/20190628-infox-facteur-division
21 – La Syrie à Paris:
-Samedi 6 juillet 19h30, Concert solidaire, ensemble Cello ad Libitum Un buffet syrien et de l’artisanat syrien seront proposés aussi https://coeuretaction.fr/evenements/concert-solidaire-de-musique-classique-avec-cello-ad-libitum/
– Global Week For Syria pour la paix et la réconciliation. https://www.facebook.com/globalweekforsyria/
-Rebel Sounds Live: #Syria http://www.iwm.org.uk/events/rebel-sounds-live-syria …