Une semaine sur la Syrie,
27e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.
Le mot du veilleur : Une édition spéciale été enrichie d’études et ressources multiples et originales.

all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.
_July 10th,–@MhdKatoub 3 health facilities in NW of #Syria were hit by the Syrian regime and its allies. One of those is the national hospital of Maret Alnuman which was built 2003 and was deconflicted via @UNOCHA since early 2018. This is attack # 34 on health since April 26th.
–#SyrianRegime forces committed a #massacre against #children in an aerial bombing on al Jam’iya neighborhood in #JisrAlShoghour city in #Idlib suburbs, Jul 10. #Syria
http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=74360 …
–#isreal is attacking #irgc & pro #Iranian militias in #Damascus.
-Agir pour Idlib :
– “Pourquoi les gens qui rêvent d’une #Syrie meilleure devraient-ils quitter leur terre ?”, Chronique syrienne – Idlib, les civils pris pour cible
#Assad ou on brûle le pays ! » proféraient ses partisans en 2011. À #Idlib, le régime veut finir le travail. » Dans le langage du régime, pas de place pour les métaphores. L’offensive sur Idlib le prouve. La stratégie de la terre brûlée se poursuit. Par Claire A. Poinsignon
–Les Syriens réclament une plaidoirie pour la paix (Syrie) « Pape François, dites-le à Poutine » : des Syriens lancent un appel à l’aide au souverain pontife
– IDLIB, #SYRIA #TheWorldIsWatching #notatarget https://youtu.be/HFAZ_FsKxmg
– In a letter just published in @TheLancet, Dr @MhdKatoub & nine other doctors and humanitarians call for international action in response to the humanitarian catastrophe in northwest Syria. Deliberate attacks on hospitals, schools, & civilian infrastructure continue with zero consequences.
– Syrians, activists participate in global hunger strike to protest military campaign in northwest Syria
– Stories From Idlib Rebirth of an artist out of Idlib’s ashes
– Inside Idlib: The extraordinary friendships formed by #Syria ns fleeing the frontlines
https://www.channel4.com/news/inside-idlib-the-extraordinary-friendships-formed-by-syrians-fleeing-the-frontlines … via @paraicobrien
– At least 544 civilians killed in Russian-led assault in Syria, rights groups say Two-month offensive has left 130 children dead, Another 2,117 people have been injured.
Last Thursday an attack on Kafr Nabl hospital made it the 30th facility to be bombed during the campaign. @Reuters
– #Syrie : Solidarité avec la population abandonnée de la région d’Idleb !
1 – Rapports et Etudes:
– Chart showing the distribution of cases of arbitrary #Arrests in #Syria in the first half of 2019 by the main perpetrator parties
– @nasseryassin and @ifi_aub , Vol.2 of ‘101 Facts and Figures on the Syrian #Refugee Crisis’. Standing up for universal values!
https://www.aub.edu.lb/ifi/Documents/publications/books/2018-2019/20190701_101_fact_book_vol_2.pdf …
– Les #Palestiniens et la guerre en #Syrie : entre neutralité et divergences
http://www.chroniquepalestine.com/palestiniens-et-guerre-syrie-entre-neutralite-et-divergences/ … via @PalestineChronf
2- Idlib:
– Out of service: New attack on Kafranbel surgical hospital located in #Idlib #Syria
https://syrianarchive.org/en/investigations/kafrnabel.html …
– À Idleb, les enfants sont « tués sur leurs chaises d’école »
– Sheltering under olive trees: @arwaCNN with people who have fled Russian and Assad regime bombing.
– Yet again, @arwaCNN braves her way into a war zone to bring to your screens the untold/unheard/unseen stories of the suffering of ordinary civilians in #Idlib as a result of ongoing attacks/bombardment by the #Assad regime to stay in power in #Syria
– #SyrianRegime forces bombed Um Zaytouna Bakery in Um Zaytouna village in #Idlib suburbs, Jun 30. We note that the bakery went out of service due to the recent military campaign by #SyrianRussianAlliance in the 4th #DeEscalation zone. #Syria
http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=73953 …
-The death of the #doctor Mohammad Badr Abdul Baqi in Turkish #hospital on Jul 8, due to wounds sustained in an aerial attack by #SyrianRegime forces on Mhambel town in #Idlib suburbs, on Jul 5. #Syria
http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=74286 …
– Regime attacks kill 14 in Syria’s de-escalation zones
– Assad regime bombing campaign fails to dislodge Syria opposition fighters @ZouhirAlShimale But no let-up in civilian suffering, with 900 people reported killed by regime bombardment since February, and upwards of 200,000 people displaced.
– Situation militaire : Good analysis from Reuters: Assad hits a wall in Syrian war as front lines harden
3 – Aide humanitaire :
– Not even a week after @HRW’s report on aid in Syria, @HaidHaid22 released a similar assessment of the Syria response. It’s past time to address these issues and ensure they aren’t taken forward into the stabilization and development phases of the response.
– Report: #Syria n regime uses aid to reward allies and punish opponents. ‘Humanitarian agencies essentially allowed a criminal regime [#Assad] with a horrendous record of war crimes and crimes against humanity to profit in exchange for the ability to reach some civilians in desperate need.’ The murky links between Syrian war crimes and international aid
https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/the-murky-links-between-syrian-war-crimes-and-international-aid-1.882376 … via @TheNationalUAE
https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/report-syrian-regime-uses-aid-to-reward-allies-and-punish-opponents-1.880927 … via @TheNationalUAE
4 – Education :
– Nonresident Senior Fellow @jasmineelgamal discusses various ways stakeholder countries can aid children caught in the #Syria conflict.
-« Je ne peux pas faire ma scolarité. Mon école et les autres écoles sont attaquées » – Fatima, 7 ans
5 – Refugees:
-Turquie : trois jours avec Teddy Riner au chevet des réfugiés #syrie ns à Gaziantep
http://www.leparisien.fr/international/turquie-trois-jours-avec-teddy-riner-au-chevet-des-refugies-syriens-a-gaziantep-28-06-2019-8105175.php via @le_Parisien
– Toulouse : des Syriens délogés d’un squat sans aucune proposition de relogement
– On “World Refugee Day,” #Syria ns tell their stories through art
– Dreams in a UN tent One of hundreds of thousands displaced by Russian bombing last summer in southern Syria, our author was crammed into a tent with five other women, who passed the time telling one another their dreams and desires
– Multi war crimes have been committed against Syrians D 1st 1 was being forced 2 runaway out of their homes in Syria under bombardment & D threat of slaughter by sectarian militias or arbitrary arrests detention & torture by D regime. The 2ed is being subject 2 forced repatriation. Lebanon: Syrian Refugee Shelters Demolished | Human Rights Watch
– Richmond housing project launches new appeal to find homes for Syrian refugees
– La Croix-Rouge juge «apocalyptique» la situation dans les camps en #Syrie
6 – Le régime et la société :
-The Pillars of Authoritarian Resilience Part 1 “Assad or We Burn the Country” “Bashar had become the neoliberal President…as under his guidance he not only contributes to a further establishment of inequality by reducing taxes for larger companies or individuals…”
– Civil society in Syria: A hostage of fear, bureaucracy and politics “You must be joking. No one can talk, even if [they’re] a foreigner,” was the reaction of a director of a regional aid organization to Syria Direct’s attempts to find sources involved in humanitarian work in Damascus and other areas control .
-The 86th district is primarily loyal to Rifaat al-Assad, uncle of the president.
– Moadamyet al-Sham: From the Fourth Division to Military Security. Mamlouk said that it was possible to look into the matter of prisoners arrested after 2014, but that prisoners from before that date could not be discussed at all, saying that the issue of prisoners was not easy and had major political dimensions
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/51468/moadamyet-al-sham-from-the-fourth-division-to-military-security.html … via @observesyria
– Né en France, abattu en #Syrie pour avoir osé résister
https://syrie.news/2019/07/03/ne-france-abattu-syrie-ose-resister/ … via @syrie24h
– The Syrian Regime Is Pursuing Its Opponents Through the Use of a Loophole – Private Prosecution Allowing personal charges to be filed against people in former rebel areas without investigatory evidence-gathering in the first instance has turned the judiciary into a tool for extortion or for settling personal rivalries
– Chair of the @UNCoISyria today: « In areas controlled by the State, previous patterns of arrest and disappearance are re-emerging…the fate of tens of thousands remains unknown »
https://www.ohchr.org/EN/HRBodies/HRC/Pages/NewsDetail.aspx?NewsID=24773&LangID=E …
-.@SyriaDirect #SNHR reported that 1,109 #humanitarian aid workers had been killed in #Syria Acc. to the report, most workers-872-were killed by the Syrian government, while 91 were killed by #Russian forces, and 52 by Islamist extremist organizations
https://syriadirect.org/news/civil-society-in-syria-a-hostage-of-fear-bureaucracy-and-politics/ …:
– The world’s largest single haul of super-charged amphetamine #Captagon pills seized from #Assad regime’s ship in #Greece worth more than half a billion euros.
– Lattaquié: – “My situation is the same as many other [women in Syria] … We live in a city where there are no more men.” It’s 1 a.m. and Dalia is driving home after a long day of work. The passing cars illuminate the otherwise dark road but do little to comfort her. “We didn’t carry weapons, but we will still carry the pain of war until we die,”
– Deraa : -As violence flares up in Daraa, control can be an illusion. New article by @Dannymakkisyria for @MiddleEastInst « violence has been flaring up at an alarming rate » in southern #Syria. 30+ attacks in the past 3 months underline how #Damascus is « finding out the hard way » the realities of ruling recaptured territories.
– The Assad regime has exterminated potentially hundreds of thousands of Syrians in death camps and the world has absolutely no intention of doing anything to stop him from continuing the slaughter.
– Alep : #Iran & its proxy militias are expanding their influence & territory ownership south & southeast of #Aleppo – particularly in Sheikh Said & around al-Nayrab:
7 – Raqqa : –#Syrie: environ 200 corps retrouvés dans une fosse commune à Raqa | JDM
8 – Daech: -Jihad Goes Local: Addressing the Root Causes » Here, I argue that a new phase of #jihadist militancy looks set to be more explicitly locally driven. In this context, dealing w. « root causes » will be critically important. « intrinsically local conflict drivers, rather than those of a global nature or relating to a specific extremist ideology, will provide jihadist movements with resources and theaters in which to grow. »
https://www.cgpolicy.org/articles/jihad-goes-local-addressing-the-root-causes/ …
9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-En quête d’une autre #Syrie | Les transformations sociales en #Syrie se poursuivent pendant la guerre.
https://esprit.presse.fr/actualites/comite-syrie-europe-apres-alep/en-quete-d-une-autre-syrie-42246 … via @RevueEsprit
– No Way Back: Why Most #Syria n Refugees Want to Stay in Germany
https://www.spiegel.de/international/germany/most-syrian-refugees-want-to-stay-in-germany-a-1275389.html via @SPIEGELONLINE
– Syrian artist trades war-torn home for gritty streets of Malaysia. “My apartment block was bombed. Almost nobody survived that”.
– Journalism in Raqqa (IV): War, Reconstruction and Power Struggles « In the context of Raqqa, it seems that one of the main expectations of both “independent” private media and official ones is to play a role as counter-propaganda against religious extremism. »
– L’odyssée d’Hicham, de la #Syrie à Paris
– « Metre en place une plateforme qui regroupe les bonnes informations sur l’éducation », c’est ce que Sami al Ahmad a fait avec #Marj3, qui est maintenant la plus grande startup dans son domaine dans la région #MENA.
– #Syrian activist documents the names of thousands of victims under #torture in the prisons of the #Assad regime
10 – Justice & impunity :
-Images of torture haunt ex-prisoners in #Syria
– Survivors recall torture in Syrian regime prisons
– Armes Chimiques:
– New Syria research: At least 336 chemical weapons attacks over the course of the Syrian conflict. 98% of attacks attributed to Assad’s regime (ISIS responsible for the rest)
– #Syria appears to be concealing, obstructing & destroying evidence of continued chemical weapons production – says #Canada‘s Rep to. @OPCW. By-products of a « Schedule 1 chemical » (e.g. #Sarin, #VX etc.) were discovered in #Barzeh outside #Damascus.
11 – EU :
–Royal Marines detain tanker in Gibraltar suspected of carrying Iranian oil to #Syria
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/07/04/royal-marines-gibraltar-detains-supertanker-suspected-delivering/via @telegraphnews
– NEW – #UK & #France have agreed to increase their [covert & unacknowledged] troop presence in NE #Syria by 10-15% each. @laraseligman reports, citing several sources. #Italy is considering & several #Balkan & #Baltic states will likely contribute also.
12 – Turquie:
– The Syrian-Turkish border: The closed open door Over 400 Syrians have been killed trying to cross the border into Turkey in recent years. a story of crossing the border & transformation from an open door to a deadly sealed fortress
– Selon le Conseil des droits de l’homme des Nations unies, la Turquie accueille actuellement environ 4 millions de réfugiés enregistrés, dont 3,6 millions sont des déplacés de force venant de Syrie.
-À Istanbul, des affrontements entre Turcs et #Syrie ns font jaillir une étincelle dangereuse.
13 – Analyse et politique:
-“Northeastern Syria is a valuable and relatively low-cost piece of leverage in a sustained effort to marginalize a dangerous state sponsor and practitioner of terrorism.” Nonresident Senior Fellow @FredericHof on long-term commitment in Syria.
– Fuel cuts loomed again in regime territories after a huge oil tanker bound for the Mediterranean was seized from the west and the United States pledged to continue to deprive and pressure it.
14 – Livre:
-BD : de la Turquie à la Grèce, l’odyssée d’Hakim réfugié syrien – TV5MONDE – Informations #Syrie
– Vie et destruction d’ #Alep vues par ses habitants, même.. #Syrie
– Photographie : –Photographer Kevin Bubriski talks about his new book showcasing #Syria n architecture
https://roadsandkingdoms.com/2019/legacy-stone-qa-kevin-bubriski/ … via @roadskingdoms
15 – Série, cinéma :
-Une série sur la crise migratoire en Europe, par Cédric Lépine via @MediapartBlogs #Syrie
-‘Broken Dinners, Postponed Kisses’ tells heart-wrenching story of Syria’s lost artists #Syria
–#Syria n Stories, the Syrian Stories programme has given 35 young Syrian film-makers..
https://syria.britishcouncil.org/en/programmes/arts/syrian-stories …
-De la presse au grand écran : l’image tragique du petit Alan Kurdi à nouveau en question
https://www.france24.com/fr/20190703-europe-syrie-turquie-photo-cinema-photo-migrants-alan-aylan-kurdi-enfant-mort-mediterranevia @FRANCE24 #Syrie
– Alumna’s film about #Syria n refugees wins Audience Award for Best Feature at SF DocFest
http://news.ucsc.edu/2019/07/auger-sf-filmfest.html?ref=share … via @ucsc
– « Tadmor » n’est pas un nom propre mais un nom commun #Syrie
https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1176490/-tadmor-nest-pas-un-nom-propre-mais-un-nom-commun.html … via @LOrientLeJour
16 – Arts:
– Miryam Haddad, l’artiste #syrie nne derrière l’affiche du Festival d’Avignon 2019
http://www.rfi.fr/culture/20190708-miryam-haddad-syrienne-avignon-affiche?ref=tw via @RFI
-SINK WITHOUT TRACE Exhibition on Migrant Deaths at Sea
-On “World Refugee Day,” #Syria ns tell their stories through art
-«Elles en scène» : les arts et la culture célébrés par les femmes d’aujourd’hui #Syrie
https://www.ladepeche.fr/2019/07/04/elles-en-scene-les-arts-et-la-culture-celebres-par-les-femmes-daujourdhui,8295155.php … via @ladepechedumidi
17 – Théâtre :
-Festival d’Avignon, Christiane Jatahy nous embarque dans une “Odyssée” qui donne envie de changer le monde ! #Syrie
– Avignon Off 2019 : « Mawlana », la révolution par le théâtre #Syrie
–#Syria n refugee stories to be told through play at Edinburgh Fringe Fest
https://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/on-stage/syrian-refugee-stories-to-be-told-through-play-at-edinburgh-fringe-fest-1.882364 … via @TheNationalUAE
18 – Interview:
– Interview with #Syria n author Mustafa Khalifa: « The Syrian revolution is bigger than a thousand novels » – http://Qantara.de https://en.qantara.de/content/interview-with-syrian-author-mustafa-khalifa-the-syrian-revolution-is-bigger-than-a-thousand …
– Rencontre avec Ali Hamra, caricaturiste #syrie n à Tusson « La Syrie, tous complices »,
– Les démocrates syriens ? Peut-on considérer qu’ils constituent une alternative au régime syrien actuel ? Ils sont partout, dans les pays scandinaves, en France, au Canada, au Liban …
Ils se battent pour une Syrie démocratique et ils finiront sûrement par y arriver un jour.
– interview de Matthieu Rey sur la #Syrie ! « LA LONGÉVITÉ DU CLAN #ASSAD SOUS LE PRISME DE 200 ANS D’HISTOIRE #SYRIENNE » #Syria #war #history
19 – Les Syriens:
-Doctors amazed by Dartmouth #Syria n refugee who survived AK-47 bullet to neck | The Chronicle Herald https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/news/local/doctors-amazed-by-dartmouth-syrian-refugee-who-survived-ak-47-bullet-to-neck-329096/
– Réfugiés syriens en Aveyron: quand une mère et sa petite fille ne parlent plus la même langue #Syrie
https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1176547/refugies-syriens-en-aveyron-quand-une-mere-et-sa-petite-fille-ne-parlent-plus-la-meme-langue.html … via @LOrientLeJour
– Graduate student in Translational Biology, Medicine, and Health program receives prestigious Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Ben Barres Fellowship #Syria
-« Mon père est un couturier connu en Syrie et quand j’étais étudiant, pendant les vacances, je travaillais avec lui. Je suis arrivé en France où j’ai monté mon projet et mon entreprise. » via @france3Bretagne
– “Somalis dislike of foreigners. How would these immigrants be able to integrate”
20 – Propagande et révisionnisme,
– The (in)visible role that #Facebook plays in privileging some narratives; and what the #Sarout censorship episode in #Syria tells us about where we choose to have our online discussions. The case of Abdul Baset #alSarout death brings the Syrian war into the cyberspace. The power Facebook has in censoring national debates and policing Freedom of speech. @AbirKopty and @SyriaUntold
– @Marie_Peltier Très bon papier de Pierre Coopman. Avec une sensibilité particulière sur le dévoiement des mots, ce qui est le propre de la propagande. #Syrie
21 – La Syrie à Paris:
– Mardi 16 juillet 20h, Le conteur de Damas, https://www.facebook.com/events/461510884681912/
– Mercredi 17 juillet 16h, Arab Youth Philharmonic Orchestra à Paris, https://www.facebook.com/events/186630575550865/
– Mercredi 17 juillet 2019 21h, KHAWA IN PARIS
– Le festival Syrien n’est fait, du 31 juillet au 4 août