Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 3 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et liés à la Syrie est proposée.
1– Rapports et Etudes:
-« I realized that my brother was shot in the head and neck. I witnessed how his soul left his body » – Boy, al Houla, witness to the execution of his entire family, 2012. Syrian conflict has ‘erased’ children’s dreams: new UN report https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/01/1055412
– Syrie : des enfants de 12 ans torturés et des filles de 9 ans victimes de viol, selon des enquêteurs onusiens https://news.un.org/fr/story/2020/01/1059942
-Local Cross-line Coordination in Syria http://bit.ly/2RdvO5a Detailed studies of cross-boundary trade in Homs, Daraa, Manbij & northern Hama https://www.usip.org/publications/2019/10/local-cross-line-coordination-syria
– #Syrie : le cessez-le-feu à Idlib a échoué car des civils sont tués quotidiennement, selon l’ONU https://news.un.org/fr/story/2020/01/1060022$
–#Syrie : un déluge de feu continue de s’abattre sur #Idleb http://www.leparisien.fr/international/syrie-un-deluge-de-feu-continue-de-s-abattre-sur-idleb-17-01-2020-8238024.php
-As bombing escalated, Syrian photojournalist Muhummad Al Hosse travelled through Idlib, documenting the impact on civilians’ access to healthcare. Story by @MEdwardsJO « Al Hosse’s photographs, taken at the height of recent bombing and mass displacement, offer a rare intimate glimpse at the struggle Syrian civilians face in finding basic care in the midst of a long war. »
-Assad said he wants a “more homogeneous society“. That always meant bombing ‘undesirable’ men, women & children out of their homes and forcing them into a life of exile. https://www.rescue.org/press-release/650000-civilians-may-be-forced-flee-their-homes-if-escalation-northwest-syria
-Syrian government defies ceasefire with ground offensive on Idlib https://thenational.ae/world/mena/syrian-government-defies-ceasefire-with-ground-offensive-on-idlib-1.965345…
-Syria’s war: More than 20 killed in air raids on rebel-held Idlib https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/01/syria-war-21-killed-attacks-idlib-market-shops-200116071519043.html
– ‘All the time you are ready to die’: civilians continue to flee as regime breaks Idlib ceasefire #Syrie https://thenational.ae/world/mena/all-the-time-you-are-ready-to-die-civilians-continue-to-flee-as-regime-breaks-idlib-ceasefire-1.964337… via @TheNationalUAE
-Témoignage d’#Idlib: « Nous avons besoin de dormir avec nos enfants, ne serait-ce qu’une demi-heure, au calme » #Syrie https://femmesdemoc.wordpress.com/2020/01/17/temoignage-didlib-nous-avons-besoin-de-dormir-avec-nos-enfants-ne-serait-ce-quune-demi-heure-au-calme/… via @wordpressdotcom
3-Solidarité avec Idlib :
-‘As another Syrian warned, « Either humanity will prevail, starting in this land, Syria, or it will be a black hole devouring everything that remains – and what will remain when there’s no humanity left? »‘ https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/1/16/humanity-is-dying-syrians-feel-abandoned-by-the-world?fbclid=IwAR0T8eCiJAYt3NrC4jdpHs4Sr5-rbSXrL5hDSwSdc1Rc8uXOLP3n1k8zbBw
– Guerre en Syrie: Idlib, ville maudite. par Jean-Pierre Perrin L’offensive de l’armée syrienne, appuyée par l’aviation russe, a commencé contre la dernière province rebelle…. https://grands-reporters.com/guerre-en-syrie-idlib-ville-maudite/
–Activités pour des enfants Syriens déscolarisés https://www.gofundme.com/f/Activities-for-Syrian-out-of-school-children?utm_source=whatsapp-visit&utm_medium=chat&utm_campaign=p_cp%20share-sheet&fbclid=IwAR1iLfORre7oGJoWw8gXieFSCWpqmeqvaEMlh22NfDyEN1f7KHlQ7zmkONo
-‘For Sama’ directors hope #Oscar nod will shine spotlight on #Syria | https://reuters.com/article/us-awards-oscars-for-sama-idUSKBN1ZD2UN…
-U.S. Doctor Raising The Alarm About Millions Trapped In Syria’s Idlib http://newsy.com/stories/u-s-doctor-sheds-light-on-millions-trapped-in-syria-s-idlib/… via @newsy
4-Aide humanitaire:
-Int’l response to Syrian humanitarian disaster meets only 5% of needed aid, NGO says – Daily Sabah https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2020/01/12/intl-response-to-syrian-humanitarian-disaster-meets-only-5-of-needed-aid-ngo-says
-Lack of humanitarian aid to Idlib made worse by diplomatic wrangling. The situation is “basically just another failure of the international community.”
“Combine [it] with the cutting of the already extremely small amount of aid entering Syria and the blocking of aid by Jordan the flow of [internally displaced persons and] refugees from Syria into Turkey, Jordan and other countries; and the devaluation of the currency; plus all sorts of other things — like quickly collapsing environment of Syria. There is a huge collapse of something coming in the near future,” https://thearabweekly.com/lack-humanitarian-aid-idlib-made-worse-diplomatic-wrangling
– UN cash assistance to Syrian refugees in Lebanon is fixed at $27/month. As dollars vanish, UN gives LBP sum based on official rate. So $27=40,000 LBP. On black market, 40,000 LBP is now worth about $16. A deepening crisis https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2020/1/9/Lebanon-financial-crisis-Syrian-refugees?utm_source=The+New+Humanitarian&utm_campaign=6aaa31ff6d-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_1_10_WEEKLY&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_d842d98289-6aaa31ff6d-75550197
– UN risks ‘humanitarian catastrophe’ with cross-border aid decision #Syria https://thenational.ae/world/mena/un-risks-humanitarian-catastrophe-with-cross-border-aid-decision-1.963467…
-‘Moria is a hell’: new arrivals describe life in a Greek refugee camp https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/jan/17/moria-is-a-hell-new-arrivals-describe-life-in-a-greek-refugee-camp?CMP=share_btn_tw
– Superbe initiative que l’ouverture de la #MaisonDesRéfugiés à #Paris. https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/paris-une-maison-des-refugies-ouvre-ses-portes-20190620
– 101 migrants syriens secourus au large de Chypre #Syrie https://www.lefigaro.fr/flash-actu/101-migrants-syriens-secourus-au-large-de-chypre-20200114
-Trapped on Lesbos: the child refugees waiting to start a new life https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/jan/11/lesbos-moria-refugee-camp-syrian-teenager-family-uk?CMP=share_btn_tw
-Hundreds of migrants and refugees stuck in a makeshift camp in a Bosnian forest are struggling to survive in subzero temperatures as snow weighs down on their tents. People are not animals. Stranded migrants freeze in Bosnian forest | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-europe-migrants-bosnia-idUSKBN1Y71SM
6- Le régime et la société :
–#Assad‘s mass slaughter in #Idlib is directed against all forms of life. Seems he aims at ruling over ruins and stones because these cannot oppose his tyranny. What Assad calls a victory – a completely destroyed town from which everyone escaped in order to avoid being « liberated » by the Assad regime. https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/syria/2020-01-17/bashar-al-assads-hollow-victory
– Rankos Qalamoun ‘The Regime forces raided the house & started shooting directly, killing all those inside…the majority of those young people were not wanted by the #Syrian regime forces’ To arrest ONE young man #Assad kills Nine ALL under 20 yrs https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/01/raid-on-rankos-town-in-rif-dimashq-killing-nine-people/
-Depuis le début du mois de janvier, c’est une vraie raffle qui a eu lieu à Yalda, sud de Damas, où se trouve plus de 4000 familles de réfugiés palestiniens déplacées https://lorientlejour.com/article/1113189/le-yarmouk-ou-lhistoire-de-la-tragedie-palestinienne-en-syrie.html… #Syrian #Syria
– Damascus : #Assad‘s forces have arrested more than forty « reconciled » men at mobile checkpoints in Douma and Mesraba in the last 72 hours. They were sent to the security branch where some will be forcibly recruited and others are destined to be punished. http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/18131
-Second dreadful #massacre of shepherds in Deir Ezzor desert. Unsure whether it was pro AssadRegime militia or ISIS but in both cases it was death by firing squad. #Syria
– U.K. Treasury today designated the entire #Hezbollah org. as a terrorist group under its Terrorism & Terrorist Financing rules, & its assets will be frozen. Last year, U.K. listed #Hezbollah in its entirety as a proscribed terrorist org. #Iran http://news.trust.org//item/20200117104900-mh8bt/
– Iran’s post-Soleimani strategy in #Syria https://syriadirect.org/news/iran%e2%80%99s-post-soleimani-strategy-in-syria/#.Xh6vc-qMp0o.twitter
-One of the lesser known aspects of the Syrian war is the use of young Afghans by Iranian militias fighting for Assad. @alibomaye reports from Kabul. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/afghans-caught-syrias-war-soleimanis-death-relief
8- Russie:
-These airstrikes reflect Putin’s basic desire to help Assad crush the rebel remnants against his rule. Putin has zero interest in mitigating civilian suffering.
-General Sergey Chvarkov stole millions of dollars. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/security/55374/head-of-russian-reconciliation-center-in-syria-imprisoned.html
9-Turquie :
-Libye 2 000 dollars par mois et nationalité turque pour les mercenaires #syrie ns https://francetvinfo.fr/monde/afrique/libye/libye-2-000-dollars-par-mois-et-nationalite-turque-pour-les-mercenaires-syriens_3785861.html#xtor=CS2-765-[twitter]-… via @franceinfo
– ‘The Assad regime is determined to capture the #Idlib province, Ali Mamlouk told his Turkish counterpart, an event that will have huge consequences for Ankara and millions of Syrians‘
« At the moment, Turkey has allegedly propped up weapon supplies to armed rebels in Idlib but these supplies won’t change much, except for increasing the cost for the regime and slowing down the assault. Therefore, a new approach for Idlib is needed. »
Such conditions mean that Idlib is increasingly a national security issue for Turkey, which could have dire consequences for relations between Ankara and Moscow if Russia fails to respect its ally’s concerns.
« Turkey and Russia have learned to continue their relationship despite disagreements, but at a certain point when the refugee flow towards Turkey might look imminent, Turkish-Russian relations might reach a point similar to the downing of the Russian jet by Turkey in 2015, »
– Syrian base said used by Iranian militias targeted in airstrike https://www.timesofisrael.com/syrian-base-said-used-by-iranian-militias-targeted-in-air-strike/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
– ISIS carried out ten attacks in Syria since start of 2020
12- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
–Congrats to @AmaniBallourfor being recognized for her humanitarian work in Syria, as chronicled in Oscar-nominated doc, The Cave. https://www.coe.int/en/web/portal/-/syrian-doctor-who-ran-underground-children-s-hospital-receives-wallenberg-prize
-I’ll oppose the regime as long as I live’ #Syria https://infomigrants.net/en/post/22171/i-ll-oppose-the-regime-as-long-as-i-live… via @InfoMigrants
– Raya and Deyana, both are #Syria refugees actively pursuing safety and a better life. Their identities & experiences differ greatly from one another, their stories illustrate the infinite potential of a hopeful woman and the limitless stride of her shoes. https://www.thestrideofhershoes.com/raya
-Female Perspectives on War-Torn Syria Among Oscar Nominees for Best Documentary | https://www.voanews.com/arts-culture/female-perspectives-war-torn-syria-among-oscar-nominees-best-documentary
– Southern Syria is facing a security crisis with ongoing assasisantions and kidnappings. Who is behind these attacks and could this deterioration spark a new revolution? latest analysis by @walid_ALnofal for Syria From Within. https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/will-the-security-crisis-in-southern-syria-spark-a-new-revolution
-Le départ des mercenaires syriens vers la Libye indigne la population syrienne. http://www.rfi.fr/moyen-orient/20200118-d%C3%A9part-mercenaires-syriens-vers-libye-indigne-population-syrienne?ref=tw
-Turkey-trained local police take over office in #Syria’s Tel Abyad | https://ahvalnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/ahvalnews.com/syria/turkey-trained-local-police-take-over-office-syrias-tel-abyad-0?amp
-Opinion: Oppose all wars, not just American ones « I felt for the first time in nine years that war criminals can die, » said one Syrian exile in reaction to the killing of Qassem Soleimani. https://buzzfeednews.com/article/sarahhunaidi/oppose-all-wars-iran-not-just-american-ones?bftwnews&utm_term=4ldqpgc#4ldqpgc
13-Justice et vérité:
– Banned in over 100 states, cluster munitions have been used systematically by the #Assad regime & its Russian ally to kill hundreds of Syrian civilians—most recently a group of schoolchildren https://aljumhuriya.net/en/content/fields-destruction-assad%E2%80%99s-cluster-munitions-crimes…
-L’histoire bouleversante d’Abu Hassan, incarcéré dans les geôles de Bachar le Génocidaire : « Je n’aurais jamais imaginé que des êtres humains pouvaient être à ce point déformés. Que d’autres humains pourraient leur faire subir de telles horreurs » https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/reportages/jai-vu-la-mort-six-fois-un-survivant-des-prisons-syriennes-raconte
–#Caesar demonstrated extraordinary courage by patiently collecting evidence of #Assad’s war crimes. He saw friends and neighbors among the dead, but could say nothing. Had his superiors discovered his plans, his corpse would have been next in a photograph: https://www.fdd.org/analysis/2020/01/14/trumps-caesar-act-honors-syrian-photographer-who-proved-assad-regimes-war-crimes/?utm_content=buffer26dba&utm_medium=Twitter+(via+Buffer)&utm_source=twitter.com/fdd&utm_campaign=@FDD+via+Buffer+feed
– 25 different #military opposition armed groups were responsible for more than 500 #arrests against the people in #Afrin: While the fate of half of them is still unknown. By @STJ_SYRIA_ENG https://stj-sy.org/en/afrin-506-arrests-in-the-last-six-months-of-2019/
14- The U.S. is pushing allies to embrace a « maximum pressure » strategy on #Assad‘s #Syria, in a war of attrition. #Russia meanwhile, is betting on strategic patience eventually eroding Western policy unity. by @ibrahimhamidi: https://aawsat.com/node/2081496
15-Analyse et politique:
– Why The Crisis in #Syria is About To Get Worse – https://www.undispatch.com/why-the-crisis-in-syria-is-about-to-get-worse/?utm_campaign=shareaholic&utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=socialnetwork
-« The calls [from the freedom fighters] are demanding an end to both the regional and global “status quo,” in which greed, geopolitics, resource theft, and violence are defining our world, » writes @JehadAbusalim https://www.972mag.com/geopolitics-dehumanize-freedom-struggles/
16- Desinformation :
– Verify-sy | Russia’s Embassy in #Syria Fabricates Photo to Propagandize “Safe Corridors” https://www.verify-sy.com/en/details/1527/Russia%E2%80%99s-Embassy-in-Syria-Fabricates-Photo-to-Propagandize-%E2%80%9CSafe-Corridors%E2%80%9D#.XiFK7wNXlDQ.twitter
– While kids who would love to play football are being bombed to shreds in Idlib, #FIFA thought it was a good time for a rehabilitative visit to the genocidal maniac’s official team. https://www.fifa.com/about-fifa/who-we-are/news/syria-welcomes-first-fifa-mission-in-seven-years#syria-welcomes-first-fifa-mission-in-seven-years-x7370
– Pour Sama : La femme à la caméra | @waadalkateab
https://esprit.presse.fr/actualites/miriam-rosen/pour-sama-la-femme-a-la-camera-42552… via
-Conversation with Feras Fayyad, now Oscar-nominated for his documentary The Cave. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/amanpour-and-company/video/feras-fayyad-discusses-his-new-film-the-cave/
– Interesting book review: The Syrian Revolution by Yasser Munif review – an early phase of a third world war? #Syria #Russia #Iran #war #conflict https://www.theguardian.com/books/2020/jan/16/syrian-revolution-yasser-munif-review?CMP=share_btn_tw
– The Shrines of the ‘Alids in Medieval #Syria: Sunnies, Shi’is and the Architecture of Coexistence. Carved in Stone: What Architecture Can Tell Us about the Sectarian History of Islam https://notevenpast.org/carved-in-stone-what-architecture-can-tell-us-about-the-sectarian-history-of-islam/
-À l’échelle des possibles Jamal est cinéaste syrien. Jamal est le personnage central de Sous un ciel bas, la troisième pièce de Waël Ali. Mais Jamal en est le grand absent. #Syrie À l’échelle des possibles. https://www.journalzibeline.fr/critique/a-lechelle-des-possibles/
-Two Plays by Ahmad Meree, in Arabic with English Surtitles, in Toronto #Syria https://arablit.org/2020/01/11/two-plays-by-ahmad-meree-in-arabic-with-english-surtitles-in-toronto/… via @arablit
20-Art :
–#Syria n artist depicts horrors of war in CerModern exhibit https://www.dailysabah.com/arts-culture/2020/01/17/syrian-artist-depicts-horrors-of-war-in-cermodern-exhibit
21-Les Syriens :
– A Taste of #Syria in the Andes: On the trail of my great-grandfather, a merchant immigrant to Argentina By Jordan Salama https://tabletmag.com/jewish-arts-and-culture/297037/syria-jews-argentina… via @tabletmag
– Après un cinquième exil depuis le nord-est de la ##Syrie, il perd espoir https://www.unhcr.org/fr-fr/news/stories/2020/1/5e18316ca/apres-cinquieme-exil-nord-est-syrie-perd-espoir.html?fbclid=IwAR1qo76iP2s1NJFogxY-OsxzLZNgGnrtVMm6FWQxJSg3jrFOXmiJqOC9CrI
-Meet the Syrian refugees working 14 hours a day to make a living #Syria https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7902977/Syrian-refugees-working-14-hours-day-mowing-lawns-make-living-new-home.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top… via @MailOnline
22- La Syrie à Paris:
–Séances film For Sama, avec débats. https://www.facebook.com/pg/KMBOFilms/events/ The film documents life in Aleppo through 6 years of the Syrian conflict, capturing the horror of the war alongside the most pivotal, joyful moments of life.
– Jeudi-Vendredi 23-24 janvier, Colloque Images et imaginaires au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord, https://cerclechercheursmoyenorient.wordpress.com/2019/11/02/colloque-images-et-imaginaires-au-moyen-orient-et-en-afrique-du-nord-23-et-24-janvier-2020/
– Samedi 25 janvier, 16h30, Une heure avec… Omar Youssef Souleimane, Le dernier syrien, : https://www.imarabe.org/fr/litterature-et-poesie/une-heure-avec-omar-youssef-souleimane
-Dimanche 26 Janvier, 17h, https://souriahouria.com/events/paris-algerie-la-nouvelle-independance-conference-debat-avec-jean-pierre-filiu-animee-par-farouk-mardam-bey/
-Dimanche 26 janvier, 20h30, Les Bad Girls des musiques arabes – du 8e siècle à nos jours https://www.louvre.fr/les-bad-girls-des-musiques-arabes-du-8e-siecle-nos-jours?cycle=222682