Une semaine sur la Syrie, semaine 8 de 2020

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

Semaine 8 de l’an 2020

Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.

En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et  liés à la Syrie est proposée.

Selon l’auteur de la revue de presse,  beaucoup d’articles et de reportages couvrent et détaillent la totalité des aspects de la vie et la guerre dans la région d’Idlib. Des journalistes britanniques et américaines se trouvent sur place en prenant énormément de risques pour mieux transmettre et documenter la réalité. Honneur et respect pour elles et eux.

Le 22 février 2012, il y 8 ans, Rémi Ochlik et Marie Colvin étaient tués dans un bombardement de l’armée syrienne. De nombreux éléments orientent l’enquête vers la thèse un assassinat ciblé. Ceux qui ont commandité et exécuté cette opération doivent être retrouvés et jugés.

Marie Colvin 12/01/1956 (Oyster Bay) – 22/02/2012 (Homs)
Rémi Ochlik 16/10/1983 (Thionville) – 22/02/2012 (Homs)

1– Rapports et Etudes:

– « Syrian-Russian alliance forces have targeted 67 medical facilities in northwest Syria since April 26, 2019 »– @SNHR http://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/02/18/54681/

If European governments do not press Putin to stop, such blatant war crimes will become the new norm of acceptability.

-Les milices chiites au Levant : historique et point de situation de leurs activités. Partie 2 : les milices chiites, des proxys aussi bien politiques que militaires pour l’Iran #Liban #Syrie #Irak #Iran #chiite https://lesclesdumoyenorient.com/Les-milices-chiites-au-Levant-historique-et-point-de-situation-de-leurs-3095.html

-Report: 7,500 Palestine refugees living in open air in North #Syria – Middle East Monitor | https://middleeastmonitor.com/20200215-report-7500-palestine-refugees-living-in-open-air-in-north-syria/

-The NW Syria crisis has reached a horrifying new level: 900,000 ppl have been displaced since 1 December The 21st century’s biggest humanitarian horror story will only be avoided if the Security-Council and those with influence, act: https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/under-secretary-humanitarian-affairs-and-emergency-relief-coordinator


-Les habitants de la ville d’Idlib ont manifesté le 21 février 2020 dans le centre-ville, contre le régime et ses alliés en condamnant la guerre qui se déroule autour de la ville d’Idlib. https://syriauntold.com/2020/02/21/%d8%a8%d8%a7%d9%84%d8%b5%d9%88%d8%b1-%d9%85%d8%b8%d8%a7%d9%87%d8%b1%d8%a9-%d9%81%d9%8a-%d8%a5%d8%af%d9%84%d8%a8-%d8%b6%d8%af-%d8%a7%d9%84%d9%86%d8%b8%d8%a7%d9%85-%d9%88%d8%b1%d9%88%d8%b3%d9%8a%d8%a7/

-The story of revolution and fight for #Idlib https://www.theguardian.com/news/audio/2020/feb/21/syria-the-fight-for-idlib-podcast?CMP=share_btn_tw

-‘Assad’s bombs chase us’: #Syria n forces target refugee camps near Turkish border  https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/assads-bombs-chase-us-syrian-forces-target-refugee-camps-near-turkish-border?fbclid=IwAR3ulZyXZD8rrr5zU_7N5Awrgs0nUx0DpmqVSFhNbvJ_OWyP7Sk33d4TQ6w

-Assad’s Idlib offensive drives nearly 1 million from their homes — and into the cold https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/assads-idlib-offensive-drives-nearly-1-million-from-their-homes-and-into-the-cold

#Syria forces backed by Russian military power are closing in on #Idlib. In the last three months 900,000 people mostly women & children have fled their homes to escape bombing and shelling, which has destroyed homes, hospitals and many, many lives. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ssLfQaX8tUw&feature=emb_logo

-À Idleb, le malheur des civils fait le bonheur des passeurs https://lorientlejour.com/article/1207052/a-idleb-le-malheur-des-civils-fait-le-bonheur-des-passeurs.html…

#Idlib: The city where war crimes are being committed and the world is doing nothing to help #Syria  https://news.sky.com/story/syria-conflict-seventy-hospitals-bombed-out-of-action-as-civilians-flee-idlib-11937970

-Fleeing Idlib: ‘One of the most dangerous trips a person could make’ by Jessica Lawson #Syria https://insight.wfp.org/fleeing-idlib-one-of-the-most-dangerous-trips-a-person-could-make-cb71c42bda54

-The highway that determines the future for #Syria and its citizens. “I don’t think I am afraid to die in the war, in bombing. But I know for certain I can never live alongside the men who fight for Assad – the animals who have done this to us.” https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/20/the-highway-that-determines-the-future-for-syria-and-its-citizens

– La journaliste de @CNN va à la rencontre des déplacés d’Idlib,… l’humain avant tout. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/02/17/syria-idlib-assad-russia-military-campaign-bombings-damon-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn

-Last week’s attacks on #IDP #camps near the #Turkish border marked the first time in years the area near Sarmada was attacked by pro-government forces, according to the #SNHR. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/assads-bombs-chase-us-syrian-forces-target-refugee-camps-near-turkish-border

3-Agir pour Idlib:

#SaveIdlib and stop the bombs! Join and sign the urgent petition to protect 3.5 million civilians under attack in northern #Syria before it’s too late  https://act.thesyriacampaign.org/sign/idlib-humanitarian-response?akid=s30825..7nRIi-

-De mémoire d’ONG, on n’a jamais connu une telle crise. Comme si le pire du pire était possible en #Syrie. @Marie_Peltier explique comment on peut, à notre niveau, aider les syriens. https://facebook.com/424922021243063/posts/984542045281055/

-Entretien | Ziad Alissa, président de l’ONG médicale @UOSSM_France : « La situation humanitaire dans le nord-ouest de la Syrie est tout bonnement catastrophique. Les gens ne savent plus où trouver refuge et des enfants sont morts de froid. » | https://www.lemonde.fr/international/article/2020/02/19/dans-la-region-d-idlib-les-gens-ne-savent-plus-ou-trouver-refuge-et-des-enfants-sont-morts-de-froid_6030112_3210.html?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1582181581

-Guterres still hasn’t responded to calls by doctors and humanitarians in Idlib to visit what the @UN warned would become the « biggest humanitarian horror story of the 21st Century ». https://diary.thesyriacampaign.org/guterres-visit-idlib/

-Angelina Jolie Pens Emotional Essay Recalling Encounters With Syrian Refugees https://etcanada.com/news/596066/angelina-jolie-pens-emotional-essay-recalling-encounters-with-syrian-refugees/…


-On the ground in Idlib: ‘This is the last call to people with humanity to help’ – https://theguardian.com/world/video/2020/feb/20/on-the-ground-in-idlib-this-is-the-last-call-to-people-with-humanity-to-help-video…

-«Ce qui se passe est monstrueux. Il n’y a pas d’équivalent depuis le début de la guerre» https://alencontre.org/moyenorient/syrie/syrie-ce-qui-se-passe-est-monstrueux-il-ny-a-pas-dequivalent-depuis-le-debut-de-la-guerre.html

4-Turkey :

– ‘#Turkish troops are massing on the Idlib border, threatening a direct confrontation with the Syrian regime and potentially ending #Ankara‘s alliance with #Moscowhttps://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/2/15/syria-weekly-turkey-stands-up-to-regime-in-idlib

-Les mercenaires syriens turcs en Libye: «Nous l’avons fait pour l’argent». Turkey’s Syrian mercenaries in Libya: ‘We did it for the money’ https://thenational.ae/world/mena/turkey-s-syrian-mercenaries-in-libya-we-did-it-for-the-money-1.980257…

5-Aide humanitaire:

#Syria Aid Groups in Desperate Plea for Idlib Displaced | Asharq AL-awsat https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/2139321/syria-aid-groups-desperate-plea-idlib-displaced

#Syrie : «C’est très triste. Cette semaine, on a vu la pire vague de déplacements, en raison des températures glaciales. Les gens partent avec leurs vêtements sur le dos et c’est tout. Aujourd’hui, nous avons eu de la neige et il faisait de -5° ce matin.»  https://www.msf.fr/actualites/fatigue-de-fuir-le-temoignage-du-directeur-d-un-centre-de-sante-a-idlib-en-syrie

6-Education: – War turned schools into homes for refugees in northeast Syria – ”We left everything behind” https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/war-turned-schools-homes-refugees-northeast-syria-we-left-everything

-The scars left on #Idlib’s children will not fade #Syria https://syriadirect.org/news/the-scars-left-on-idlib%e2%80%99s-children-will-not-fade/#.XkvyGlS1Q0p.twitter

-In #Idlib, children are cast into the unknown #Syria https://syriadirect.org/news/in-idlib-children-are-cast-into-the-unknown-1/#.XlBLaoYA-es.twitter


-Self-help tool helps #Syria ns deal with the trauma of war.  https://www.cbsnews.com/news/syrian-refugees-importance-of-mental-health-aid-inside-zaatari-refugee-camp-in-middle-east/

-Les réfugiés #syrie ns au Liban poursuivent leur combat quotidien pour survivre http://www.actualite-news.com/fr/international/moyen-orient/39781-les-refugies-syriens-au-liban-poursuivent-leur-combat-quotidien-pour-survivre?fbclid=IwAR1i5Op9VPOuRUPTFOfkCkXOS_SIdKqPPMj32gHxcYy3_0GolK1T9MSmCzw

-Greece’s refugee plan is inhumane and doomed to fail. The EU must step in | https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/feb/16/greece-refugee-plan-eu-detention-centres-refugees?CMP=share_btn_tw

8- Le régime et la société :

-Duraid Mustafa Haj Ibrahim, a college #Student at faculty of Arts in #Aleppo University, from #Idlib, was arrested by #SyrianRegime forces in 2013. On Feb 19, 2020, his family was informed that he is registered as dead in Civil Registry. #Syria #torture http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=82865

Raqqa residents flee amid fear of #Syria n government return https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/02/raqqa-residents-flee-fear-government-return-200202183335089.html

Aleppo shows #Syria is broken in too many places https://thenational.ae/opinion/comment/aleppo-shows-syria-is-broken-in-too-many-places-1.981398…

#Syrie: C’est une politique assumée de faire fuir les gens, qu’ils et elles partent à l’étranger. Ilss visent trois choses : les infrastructures médicales, les boulangeries (le pain aliment essentil) & les centres de la défense civile (les casques blancs)  https://www.rtbf.be/info/dossier/les-grenades/detail_syrie-une-maternite-aurait-ete-bombardee-deliberement?id=10432742&utm_source=rtbfinfo&utm_campaign=social_share&utm_medium=twitter_share

-No towns really fell or were captured. Modus operandi is brute force & barbaric bombing a la Grozny. Iran’s militias finish off rest so noble Assad army can waltz in and loot everything they can get their hands on. Every single town, every single time. https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/02/stolen-furniture-of-rural-idlib-is-sold-at-loot-markets-of-homs/

-It’s A Dangerous Time For Christians In Northeastern Syria https://www.npr.org/2020/02/12/805154261/its-a-dangerous-time-for-christians-in-northeastern-syria?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social

Economie : -Confronté à une crise financière vertigineuse, Assad cherche à contraindre l’élite de businessmen corrompus qui s’est enrichie grâce au régime à renflouer les caisses de l’Etat sous couvert de lutte anti-corruption.  https://syndicationbureau.com/en/with-syrias-economy-and-currency-in-crisis-assad-turns-to-extortion/

-Smart cards for rationing: how the Syrian government is outsmarting accountability #Syria  https://syriadirect.org/news/smart-cards-for-rationing-how-the-syrian-government-is-outsmarting-accountability/#.XkqZA8RGUad.twitter

9-Daech: – How ISIS Is Restructuring and Repositioning Interesting new piece https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/how-isis-is-restructuring-and-repositioning

10- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

-Congratulations to the inspiring @AmalHanano for being recognized as one of the 50 Women Changing the World. Her Karam Foundation provides schooling for Syrian refugee children who otherwise would not get an education. https://www.worth.com/groundbreakers-2020/page/2/#item-2

 -Majd Kamalmaz was detained in February 2017 and has not been seen since.  https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/56206/anyone-seen-our-father-family-of-jailed-american-in-syria-seek-help-from-former-detainees.html


@CTortel Naguère Mahmoud Darwish chantait le peuple des tentes. Aujourd’hui près d’Idlib, cette jeune femme est bouleversante. Roa Zaidan dit les rêves du peuple des tentes et harangue le monde depuis le camp de réfugiés de Deir Hassan. https://facebook.com/TheSyriaCampaign/videos/2490330224516491/?vh=e&d=n

-Diaa al-Hajji found the first training lessons difficult, as she was anxious and scared due to the size of the vehicle, but she soon became accustomed.  https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/56185/syrian-refugee-in-sweden-defies-stereotypes-to-work-as-truck-driver.html

-‘I was excited to learn Turkish and integrate quickly into Turkish society. But I feel concerned when I see how the Turkish government is deporting thousands of Syrians. I sometimes feel like everything, not just learning Turkish, is useless’ https://syriauntold.com/2020/02/20/syrian-students-in-turkey-caught-between-integration-and-an-uncertain-future/

-The #Syria n refugee who became the star rugby player in a small Welsh mining town https://www.itv.com/news/2020-02-12/the-syrian-refugee-who-became-the-star-rugby-player-in-a-small-welsh-mining-town/

-« Mustafa, the policeman, said Turkish support had a deeper impact. “Turkey is closest to us, and Turkey has protected us,” he said. “It is helping set up a state for us in the region.”  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-currency/in-northern-syria-currency-switch-shows-turkeys-influence-idUSKBN20D1HR?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FworldNews+%28Reuters+World+News%29

-« Quand on est arrivés de #Syrie en Bretagne, je ne savais même pas dire bonjour » https://www.ouest-france.fr/leditiondusoir/data/82927/reader/reader.html?h=%23!preferred%2F1%2Fpackage%2F82927%2Fpub%2F117245%2Fpage%2F10#!preferred/1/package/82927/pub/117245/page/10

-De réfugié de la #Syrie à boursier de 100 000 $ au Cégep https://www.latribune.ca/actualites/de-refugie-de-la-syrie-a-boursier-de-100-000–au-cegep-45cd9a0cd98e7ad45d22909aae417b55?utm_campaign=latribune&utm_medium=article_share&utm_source=twitter

#Syria n refugee children in Jordan draw pictures for Australian bushfire survivors https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-02-12/syrian-refugee-children-draw-pictures-for-australian-bushfires/11953828

11- Justice et vérité:

– How to Collect Sources from Syria If You Don’t Read Arabic https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/how-tos/2018/07/10/how-to-collect-sources-from-syria-if-you-dont-read-arabic/

-SJAC is announcing the launch of its Missing Persons Program in Northeast Syria. We are working with @eaafoficial to provide technical trainings to the First Responders’ Team working to open mass graves holding the remains of thousands of unknown victims. https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2020/02/13/sjac-launches-missing-persons-program-in-northeast-syria/

-Ép 4 : Le rapport de l’enquête interne de l’ @OPCW qui confirme que Ian Henderson et Brian Whelan n’étaient pas ce qu’ils prétendent. Via  @bellingcat traduit par @SyrieFactuel https://fr.bellingcat.com/actualites/mena/2020/02/16/les-fuites-de-lenquete-de-loiac-sur-douma-4eme-partie-lenquete-de-loiac/

-Deux journalistes syriens ont été tués et une dizaine blessés à Idlib et à Alep, depuis que les combats se sont intensifiés dans ces deux villes. @RSF_inter demande à ce que tout soit mis en œuvre pour les protéger. https://rsf.org/fr/actualites/syrie-deux-journalistes-tues-et-des-dizaines-blesses-dans-les-zones-de-combat


-Les sanctions européennes : un instrument de lutte contre la répression en #Syrie https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/fr/dossiers-pays/syrie/les-sanctions-europeennes-un-instrument-de-lutte-contre-la-repression-en-syrie/

13- US :

-“What I would like all Americans to know is that this is not just another problem in Syria, the scale is much greater,” Ford said. “The scale is much greater than anything the world has seen in recent decades.” https://thehill.com/policy/international/483947-former-us-ambassador-to-syria-idlib-is-worst-case-scenario#.Xk8yZnT_Re4.twitter…

-“The United States has a real opportunity to change the course of the brutal Syrian war and, potentially, to shape its endgame.” https://www.foreignaffairs.com/articles/united-states/2020-02-18/time-recommit-syria?utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter_posts&utm_campaign=tw_daily_soc

14-Analyse et politique:

– « The ninth anniversary of Syria’s first anti-government protests approach later this month, and never has it been more evident that the West should have moved to oust president Bashar al-Assad years ago. » Excell piece from @StephenStarr

https://irishtimes.com/opinion/syria-would-be-better-off-had-west-intervened-directly-in-war-1.4178544#.Xk5U8r6TbbE.twitter… via @IrishTimesOpEd

-Rewards Outweigh Risks for #Assad in Drive to Retake #Idlib #Syria https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-12/rewards-outweigh-risks-for-assad-in-offensive-to-retake-idlib

15-Propagande et désinformation :

-France 2 à Idlib : quel récit pour la #Syrie ? Il est urgent de questionner une sémantique relativiste qui fait le jeu du cynisme des meurtriers. Cette sémantique n’a pas sa place en démocratie, et encore moins sur le service public.


-The response to a piece that @nybooks recently published attacking For Sama and The Cave. I consider the films triumphs of craft, courage, and compassion, and would encourage everyone to watch. https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2020/02/17/syrias-war-on-screen-an-exchange/

-The YouTube influencers selling Assad’s Syria https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/comment/2020/2/18/the-youtube-influencers-selling-assads-syria

16-Photographie :

-En #Syrie, sur la route des déplacés https://liberation.fr/planete/2020/02/21/en-syrie-sur-la-route-des-deplaces_1779064… via @libe

17-Film :

Ayouni @AyouniFilm Documentary on the mass disappearance of Syria’s civil society http://www.ayounifilm.com/

18- Ecriture et poésie:

-An exiled Syrian poet wonders why émigrés often prefer their second language when writing and speaking about the deeply emotional. https://www.aljumhuriya.net/en/content/lady-chair

19-Art :

-Chalon-sur-Saône | Chalon : arrivé en France il y a trois ans, un réfugié #syrie n expose – https://www.lejsl.com/edition-chalon-sur-saone/2020/02/16/abdul-sattar-al-mansour-arrive-en-france-il-y-a-trois-ans-expose?fbclid=IwAR2a7jNzBqtEdQtxkGQVYpRxka-j3W37P6p5jnffmmIL75mV1gKWzee3uIw

20-Table ronde:

#Idlib prise au piège de l’escalade des tensions turco-russes https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/cultures-monde/table-ronde-dactualite-internationale-idlib-prise-au-piege-de-lescalade-des-tensions-turco-russes


A must-read new book, Authoritarian Apprehension by Lisa Wedeen

Authoritarian Apprehensions shows us that it isn’t just force or financial inducement that has persuaded a large cohort of Syrians to stick with Assad. The reality is rather more complex. Information overload, the circulation of disquieting rumours, sensationalism and consumerist aspirations all work to produce what Wedeen calls “the seductive grounds for nonrebellion”.

https://the-tls.co.uk/articles/authoritarian-apprehension-lisa-weeden-book-review-jose-ciro-martinez/… #Syria


22-Les Syriens :

-A story of exile and return: From Italy to Syria and back again. His grandfather fled fascist Italy during WWII and found refuge in Syria. Now Alberto and his family have returned. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/features/story-exile-return-italy-syria-200204114721100.html

-Happy to be in ‘safe’ Canada, #Syria n woman’s new business creates treats for Summerside and area | The Chronicle Herald https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/business/regional-business/mom-of-four-opens-business-cooking-syrian-treats-for-summerside-and-area-409858/#.XkjH7Qxv9gA.twitter

-Osama, réfugié #syrie n, devenu auxiliaire ambulancier à Dieulefit via @francebleuDA https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/osama-refugie-syrien-devenu-auxiliaire-ambulancier-a-dieulefit-1581617845

-Engaged #Syria n couple reunited in Saskatoon after two years apart | https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/saskatoon/syrian-couple-reunited-1.5459933?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar

-New Scots: meet the #Syria n refugees who are setting up businesses in a small Scottish town https://www.holyrood.com/inside-politics/view,new-scots-meet-the-syrian-refugees-who-are-setting-up-businesses-in-a-small_15125.htm#.Xkv3TQ9qzG0.twitter

-Marseille : les trésors de la cuisine #syrie nne sont chez Ashourya https://www.laprovence.com/article/edition-marseille/5894408/les-tresors-de-la-cuisine-syrienne-sont-chez-ashourya.html

23- La Syrie à Paris:

-Mardi 25 février, 18h, Ici la Syrie, projection de court-métrage et débat, Dr Oubaida Al-Moufti et Hala Kodmani, https://www.facebook.com/events/564136180980657/

Mercredi 26 février, Work in progress : écriture de films documentaires https://www.facebook.com/events/1174641189395625/

-Samedi 29 février, 16h30, Une heure avec… Samar Yazbek, https://www.imarabe.org/fr/litterature-et-poesie/une-heure-avec-samar-yazbek-0

Samedi 29 février, 18h, Banquet artistique et gustatif | Autour du pois chiche, https://www.imarabe.org/fr/evenement-exceptionnel/banquet-artistique-et-gustatif-autour-du-pois-chiche

-Dimanche 1 mars, 11h-20h, Journées de l’Histoire de l’IMA | Les révoltes et révolutions arabes d’aujourd’hui, https://www.imarabe.org/fr/rencontres-debats/journees-de-l-histoire-de-l-ima-revoltes-et-revolutions

Dimanche 1 mars, 16h, Rassemblement parisien mensuel de soutien au peuple syrien, https://www.facebook.com/events/2771261759624072/

Dimanche 1 mars, 17, LE « PLAN DE PAIX »: Rencontre avec Elias Sanbar, https://souriahouria.com/events/paris-le-plan-de-paix-de-donald-trump-ses-enjeux-dans-le-contexte-regional-et-international-rencontre-avec-elias-sanbar-concue-et-animee-par-farouk-mardam-bey/