Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 9 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et liés à la Syrie est proposée.
1– Rapports et Etudes:
–#Violations_Documentation_Center in #Syria issues a special report on mass graves in al-Raqqa governorate https://vdc-sy.net/bloody-cost-en/
-“People can’t even afford to buy bulgur”: Discontent is on the rise as Syria’s economic crisis worsens, based on interviews across regime-held Syria https://www.mei.edu/publications/people-cant-even-afford-buy-bulgur-discontent-rise-syrias-economic-crisis-worsens
-« Life in #Idlib means that you can die that you may lose your friends or family anytime living in this city means that you are always alerted and cautious » journalist Sahar words for @KeshMalekSyria https://www.keshmalek.org/idlib-the-biggest-mass-detention-center-in-the-whole-world/
-Syria: 21 dead as six schools & two nurseries bombed in airstrikes by Assad regime & Russia. These are war crimes. Why are governments not issuing international arrest warrants against Assad, Putin & their military commanders? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/26/syria-21-dead-targets-including-schools-and-nurseries-bombed-in-idlib?CMP=share_btn_tw
-The death of the #Teacher Hani Mahamid and the injury of a number of teachers and students in a shelling by #SyrianRegime forces using cluster munitions on al Baraem #School in #Idlib city, Feb 25. #Syria http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=83068
-Prendre pour cible des écoles qui remplissent leurs fonctions éducatives à Idlib est un crime de guerre. https://www.amnesty.fr/presse/syrie-prendre-pour-cible-des-coles-qui-remplissent
-We Are Overwhelmed’: Doctors in #Syria’s #Idlib Are ‘Powerless’ in the Face of Russian-backed Offensive, MSF Says https://www.newsweek.com/overwhelmed-doctors-syria-idlib-russia-1489515
-A Idleb, un demi-million d’enfants, fuyant les bombardements d’Assad et de son allié russe, survivent dans des conditions extrêmes. Pour @ARTEInfo, Abdulrazak Maddi et Bilal Bayoush sont allés à la rencontre de ces enfants en danger – https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/095887-000-A/syrie-les-enfants-des-camps/?fbclid=IwAR1EFJGGhzzMTH8Om2CRsmuw0IEZueWRC9KypYJ5HEgMtmbf7UZ3Ab3VzX4
-Horrible journée d’attaques à l’aveugle à Idlib, en #Syrie https://msf.ch/nos-actualites/communiques-presse/horrible-journee-dattaques-laveugle-idlib-syrie… #MSF via @MSF_Suisse
-#Syria n rebels retake key town in Idlib from Assad forces. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/27/syrian-rebels-retake-key-town-idlib-from-assad-forces-saraqeb
-Escalade en #Syrie après la mort de 33 soldats turcs https://20minutes.fr/monde/2728391-20200228-syrie-22-soldats-turcs-tues-frappes-aeriennes-ankara-train-riposter
-Avec la chute de Kafranbel, la «révolution» #syrie nne orpheline d’un symbole https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/chute-Kafranbel-revolution-syrienne-orpheline-symbole-2020-02-26-1301080669
-Syria: footage shows rescue mission after airstrikes target schools in Idlib – video https://www.theguardian.com/world/video/2020/feb/27/syria-footage-shows-rescue-mission-after-airstrikes-target-schools-in-idlib-video?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
-The reason for 70 hospital attacks. http://independentpress.cc/attacks-on-70-hospitals-in-idlib-cant-be-coincidence-un/2020/02/26/?fbclid=IwAR1xOw9YN1t8Uz81CIGmOz7w1Kr0QZtxA6NWg_niD3eWmZCt-MZ9VclMYxE
-Inside Idlib, Reportage fort de la BBC à l’intérieur de la ville d’ #Idlib #Syrie diffusé le 24/02/2020, Syria’s final rebel stronghold https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-51608262/syria-conflict-inside-the-final-rebel-stronghold?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_campaign=NotEchobox&utm_medium=Social&query_empty=&query_mixed=lots%20of%20whitespace&query_whitespace=&utm_source=Twitter&Echobox=1582576404
3-Agir pour Idlib :
-#Syrie Sauver la population d’#Idlib @EmmanuelMacron https://www.liberation.fr/amphtml/debats/2020/02/26/sauver-la-population-d-idlib_1779693?__twitter_impression=true
-European Parliament: Un appel humanitaire à arreter de la catastrophe des déplacements humains et du génocide – Signez la pétition ! http://chng.it/JxVgJ95p via @ChangeFrance https://www.change.org/p/european-parliament-un-appel-humanitaire-%C3%A0-arreter-de-la-catastrophe-des-d%C3%A9placements-humains-et-du-g%C3%A9nocide?recruiter=false&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=psf_combo_share_initial&utm_term=share_petition&recruited_by_id=f8fc78e0-58b2-11ea-ab92-49cf96f70f6a
-« The catastrophe in Idlib is a symptom of the utter failure of diplomacy and abandonment by the international community of Syrian civilians. But it also foreshadows an even darker trend towards an Age of Impunity » https://www.newsweek.com/syria-idlib-avatar-impunity-new-model-conflict-1489264
-Germany says #Syria and Russia responsible for Idlib ‘war crimes’ https://amp.dw.com/en/germany-says-syria-and-russia-responsible-for-idlib-war-crimes/a-52561567?maca=en-Twitter-sharing&__twitter_impression=true
-EU states on Syria:No normalization before a genuine, irreversible political process is underway. Targeted sanctions will remain. Work continues to refer cases to the ICC & maintain commitments to ensure crimes committed in Syria do not go unpunished. https://www.auswaertiges-amt.de/en/newsroom/news/syrien-humanitaere-katastrophe/2310932
-MANPADS strikes in the northwest, and the longstanding debate about whether to hand anti-aircraft capabilities to the Syrian rebels––a debate almost as old as the conflict itself. https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/after-rebels-down-regime-helicopters-reminders-of-one-of-syrian-war-s-great-controversies-1.984551
4-Aide humanitaire :
– #Syrie : vers une catastrophe humanitaire à Idlib via @franceinter https://www.franceinter.fr/emissions/un-jour-dans-le-monde/un-jour-dans-le-monde-25-fevrier-2020
-Turkey to open Idlib border and allow Syrian refugees free passage to Europe https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-syrian-refugees-free-passage-europe-soldiers-killed-Idlib?fbclid=IwAR2_xWNDg0BhQ-3Q58yCqcris47h5dhtc3rLO7dd0a7myVQ156lWnkADiKw
-OSINT researchers @oryxspioenkop & @CalibreObscura have compiled a list of military hardware destroyed since last night. Substantial degradation of regime capability. Could comparable action by @BarackObama in 2013 have affected the war’s outcome? http://spioenkop.blogspot.com/2020/02/the-idlib-turkey-shoot-destruction-and.html
6- Refugees:
-Grèce : des centaines de migrants bloqués à la frontière turque https://w.lpnt.fr/2364949t #International via @LePoint
-36,776 migrants & refugees have left Turkey for Greece since the 33 Turkish soldiers were killed in Syria on Thursday. Turkey carrying out its threat to open up the migrant trail again in response to lack of Western support for its Syria fight https://www.aa.com.tr/en/turkey/more-than-47-000-migrants-leaving-turkey/1750216
7- Le régime et la société :
-Fuyant les crimes de guerre. https://medium.com/@rotynan/syria-a-warcrime-masquerading-as-a-war-dc692acb963f
-Media worker Asmar Aslan was injured in #Russian forces bombing on western outskirts of Saraqeb city in #Idlib, while covering battles between #SyrianRegime & their allies on one hand &factions of armed opposition on the other hand, at dawn of Feb27 http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=83175
-#Syria n photographer Abdul Nasser Haj Hamdan killed in Russian airstrike via @CPJMENA https://cpj.org/2020/02/syrian-photographer-abdul-nasser-haj-hamdan-killed.php
-How do employees earn their living in Damascus these days? Through legitimate or twisted ways? https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/02/how-do-employees-earn-their-living-in-damascus-these-days-through-legitimate-or-twisted-ways/
Even students with educational exemptions have been arrested and forced into military service. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/56261/widespread-arrest-campaign-in-aleppo.html
-activists reported summary executions of civilians by #Assad Regime forces in #Mansoura and #Kafr_Dael in #Aleppo https://en.zamanalwsl.net/news/article/52394/
-Leaked recordings prove Assad forces killing Idlib civilians https://www.arabnews.com/node/1631636/middle-east
-Iran : –
Iran is sending hundreds of ‘child soldiers’ into Syria https://nypost.com/2020/02/23/i-caught-iran-sending-hundreds-of-child-soldiers-into-syria/
-Russsie :
-#Russia is « conducting an irregular war against US interests every day » — #America must urgently develop an overt & covert strategy, including partner-force ops to push back. https://mei.edu/publications/russias-middle-east-you-probe-bayonets-if-you-find-mush-you-proceed
–#Russia has killed more Syrians than #ISIS https://forward.com/opinion/440051/russia-is-carrying-out-a-scorched-earth-policy-in-syria-and-theyre-getting/
8-Daech :
-Even if #Assad, #Russia & #Iran « recapture » #Idlib region, through terror & relentless war crimes, it would not signal the end of the war & insurgency. #Syria https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/feb/23/even-as-idlib-crumbles-syrian-rebels-present-dangerous-new-threat
9-Patrimoine :
– Rencontre avec Sophie Cluzan : Patrimoine #syrie n https://carep-paris.org/evenements/soirees/18-02-2020-rencontre-avec-sophie-cluzan-patrimoine-syrien/
10- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-RIP Raed, your legacy will be long saved to teach the people what does it means to love your country and die for it. Syrian journalist and activist Raed Fares receives 2020 Courage in Journalism Award – Legatum Institute. https://li.com/commentaries/raed-fares-receives-2020-courage-in-journalism-award/
-Slaughtered in #Syria – the innocent, humanity and democracy – The Jerusalem Post https://www.jpost.com/Opinion/Slaughtered-in-Syria-the-innocent-humanity-and-democracy-618949
-The French Media Activist: Interview with Moussa al-Hassanon on the current situation in Syria. http://www.aymennjawad.org/2020/02/the-french-media-activist-interview-with
–#Syria Prison: Writing versus experience. In Syria’ prison cells, intellectuals are born. https://syriauntold.com/?p=62621 via @SyriaUntold
-Montchanin | Haytham, réfugié #syrie n, s’invite au collège en visioconférence – https://www.lejsl.com/edition-le-creusot/2020/02/19/haytham-refugie-syrien-s-invite-au-college-en-visioconference
–#Syrie Après sa vidéo virale, la petite Salwa commence une nouvelle vie en #Turquie https://20minutes.fr/monde/2728859-20200228-syrie-apres-video-virale-petite-salwa-pere-commencent-nouvelle-vie-turquie…
11-Patrimoine agricole :
–Liban – Norvège: graines de guerre ARTE Reportage: https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/080754-000-A/liban-norvege-graines-de-guerre/
-Dr. Ali Shehadeh never meant to be a hero. “The genebank of [Tal Hadya] was considered the icon of ICARDA.” How a seed bank that was almost lost in #Syria’s conflict is moving locations, but continuing to protect over 100,000 varieties of seeds. https://foodtank.com/news/2019/05/how-a-syrian-genebank-secured-over-100000-seeds-during-wartime-maybe-saving-the-future-of-wheat/
-Seeds of War https://www.icarda.org/media/drywire/documentary-seeds-war
12- Justice et vérité:
-A letter to the UN Special Envoy’s Working Group on the release of detainees/abductees Nine Syrian CSO call for a better involvement in the upcoming discussions on the topic of detainees #Syria https://jfl.ngo/syria-a-letter-to-the-un-special-envoys-working-group-on-the-release-of-detainees-abductees/
13-Analyse et politique :
-If the West leaves #Idlib to #Russia and #Assad, it won’t be only #Syrians who pay the price |
@LabibAlNahhas of @SyrianACD examines what will happen to the 3 million people trapped in Idlib if Assad & Russia are not reined in. https://www.mei.edu/publications/if-west-leaves-idlib-russia-and-assad-it-wont-be-only-syrians-who-pay-price
– Sur la #Russie, ce que le #realisme exige : une politique sans concession fondée sur une évaluation rigoureuse de la menace. Un coup d’arrêt s’impose.
14-Cinéma: -Filming Syria: the politics of access. Does Ahmad Ghossein’s film contribute to the erasure of the history of the Syrian revolution? Hezbollah had made the gradual and well-trodden transition from liberators to perpetrators, relative victims to killers.
15-Musique : –Syria Music for Peace @1988_Aeham https://amazon.fr/Syria-Music-Peace-Aeham-Ahmad/dp/B0811YCKNT
The pianist from #Syria: Aeham Ahmad on the power of music https://thenational.ae/arts-culture/music/the-pianist-from-syria-aeham-ahmad-on-the-power-of-music-1.853308… via @TheNationalUAE
16- Table Ronde: –#Syrie :
Pourquoi regardons-nous ailleurs ? via @franceculture, Najah AlBukai , @garancelecaisne, @MrjDuclos, Joël Hubrecht https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/le-temps-du-debat/syrie-pourquoi-regardons-nous-ailleurs
17- Interview :
Raed Saleh, le chef des Casques blancs syriens, – Investigative report by @Channel4News : – « How we investigated a hospital bombing in #Syria & found evidence #Russia was to blame » https://www.channel4.com/news/white-helmets-chief-place-of-syrian-regime-is-in-international-criminal-court
18-Photographie: -Photos: Life inside an underground refugee shelter in #Idlib #Syria https://gulfnews.com/photos/news/photos-life-inside-an-underground-refugee-shelter-in-idlib-1.1582540081824
19-Propagande et désinformations :
– Errances du journalisme en #Syrie https://lundi.am/Errances-du-journalisme-en-Syrie
20-Les Syriens:
-#Syria n refugee and high school student in Regina awarded prestigious Loran Award. https://globalnews.ca/news/6598751/syrian-refugee-regina-high-school-student-loran-scholarship/
-Réfugié #syrie n, il arrive à bon port à Hambourg Le Syrien qui a fui en Allemagne en tant que réfugié mène aujourd’hui la carrière de ses rêves dans l’un des plus grandes installations portuaires d’Europe. https://www.unhcr.org/fr-fr/news/stories/2020/2/5e4ce8c2a/refugie-syrien-arrive-bon-port-hambourg.html?fbclid=IwAR0oCwP6qDkAbW1vw_6CyddU2ENn8qCkT1rKAKzHXwaOX5sRDebmOpc9DKY
-A 20-year-old from war-torn #Syria finds new goals in Khelo India | Sports News,The Indian Express https://indianexpress.com/article/sports/football/ahmed-habbab-20-syria-finds-new-goals-in-khelo-india-6286121/
-He fled Syria – but was shot delivering pizzas in Baltimore https://apnews.com/b94f1d4dea873c36dbc60de3755ec476
-Refugees Can Now Vote In Scotland. I wish this could become the same in all asylum countries. https://www.forbes.com/sites/freylindsay/2020/02/21/refugees-can-now-vote-in-scotland/#42c57e456390
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