Une semaine sur la Syrie, semaine 12 de 2020

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

Semaine 12 de l’an 2020

Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.

En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et  liés à la Syrie est proposée.

Sketch from eyewitness photo in Moria camp, Lesbos, by the american artist Marc Nelson.

1– Rapports et Etudes :

-The Dynamics of Tyranny How terror and violence became key to the regime’s rule in Syria. « In the face of the regime’s crisis of legitimacy, terrorism was less a problem than a solution to its struggle for survival. » Assad’s pledge to eradicate terrorism in #Idlib stands in a paradoxical relationship to the totalitarian essence of his regime and the derived foundation for lasting rule of the family.

Deep dive into the ontology of Assadist authoritarianism and its Orwellian utilization of state terror in #Syria.


-Tens of thousands of #Syria’s #Detainees Left Even More Vulnerable to #Coronavirus, beside widespread & systemic torture, mistreatment, & sexual violence, also denying adequate food, medical care, sanitation supplies, ventilation, & space. @hrw https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/03/16/syrias-detainees-left-even-more-vulnerable-coronavirus?fbclid=IwAR0ysMMiGhiqWlkOy1R3y5_tQmH9lkBGzGpYUkcs-spLAkAT3bQw6MlhMTs

-Looking for a comprehensive paper on #Hezbollah‘s Experience in #Syria? – @MazenEzzi has produced just that at @MEDirections; it’s a must read on the subject: https://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/66546/MED_WPCS_2020_4.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y


-Faire parler les Syriens d’#Idleb et relayer leurs voix, c’est le choix judicieux de @LEXPRESS. Durant toute la semaine, @LEXPRESS a publié des témoignages d’habitants pris au piège dans cette province syrienne meurtrie par les bombes, la dernière enclave tenue par les rebelles. Voici leurs mots. https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/proche-moyen-orient/les-voix-d-idleb-1-7-dis-tonton-est-ce-qu-il-y-a-des-refugies-au-paradis_2120475.html

-Vers une nouvelle « bande de Gaza » à Idlib en #Syrie – JP Filiu  https://www.lemonde.fr/blog/filiu/2020/03/15/vers-une-nouvelle-bande-de-gaza-a-idlib-en-syrie/

-L’école, dernier refuge des enfants d’Idlib. Ils peuvent y oublier quelques heures le monde des adultes. Reportage de @CelineMartelet https://rts.ch/play/radio/tout-un-monde/audio/les-enfants-didlib?id=11143669

-« With only a few of us left to try and write about Idlib, spare a thought for what once was, what might have been, and what still could be. »  https://observatoryihr.org/blog/the-syrian-war-the-view-from-idlib/?fbclid=IwAR14HGCGo-iDqoUIHjo5YFXsC3mAnWIQYWk3ubtq96rP2qTjL52Z4Pa_3Vs

-Syria: ‘We can’t go back and we can’t go forward’ – CNN Video https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/03/14/syria-nine-year-anniversary-lc-lon-orig.cnn

– À Idleb, le calvaire dès la maternité #Syrie @danslesrues@CelineMartelet https://lorientlejour.com/article/1211222/a-idleb-le-calvaire-des-la-maternite.html…

 3-Agir pour Idlib :

-Nous avons besoin de vous pour aider cette petite fille et les milliers d’autres à retrouver leur vie d’enfant, à vivre leurs rêves, à surmonter cette lourde épreuve…Vous pouvez soutenir nos actions en Syrie : https://cotizup.com/urgence-refugies-syrie… https://caravanes-solidaires.fr/page-de-don-syrie/

– What is life like for a working mum in a country torn apart by conflict? Meet Bana – a 27 year old humanitarian aid worker in #Idlib, #Syria. Bana tells us about what keeps her motivated as a humanitarian when conflict is so close to home. https://www.shelterbox.org/stories/living-and-working-in-idlib-syria/?utm_source=twitter_organic&utm_medium=social&utm_content=tw_post

4-Croanavirus and  Syria:

Syria officially still reports ZERO #COVIDー19 cases. But interviews with doctors and nurses working in Damascus suggest that the pandemic may have already reached the war-torn country – and the consequences could be devastating.  https://tande.substack.com/p/freebie-syria-in-context-coronavirus

– Coronavirus : “la Syrie en paiera le prix comme elle a payé le prix de la guerre” prédit le médecin messin Raphaël Pitti https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/grand-est/moselle/metz/coronavirus-syrie-paiera-prix-elle-paye-prix-guerre-predit-medecin-messin-raphael-pitti-1802670.html

-Doctors in Damascus, Aleppo, and Idlib tell @aljumhuriya_eng they are woefully ill-prepared to deal with a Coronavirus outbreak. https://www.aljumhuriya.net/en/content/covid-19-syria-disaster-waiting-happen

-Coronavirus is almost definitely spreading in northwest Syria’s crowded displacement camps, but doctors can’t test, because they’ve yet to receive any kits from the @WHO Those kits arrived in Damascus more than a month ago. “You want us to wash our hands?” said Fadi Mesaher. “Some people can’t wash their kids for a week.” Social distancing and hand-washing are impossible.  “So people should stop saying, ‘You know, I already survived shelling and I survived airstrikes and chemical strikes,’” said Fadi Mesaher of the Maram Foundation. “If, God forbid, corona enters our area, then it will be the greatest tragedy.” https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/19/world/middleeast/syria-coronavirus-idlib-tents.html

-What Can the World Do to Spare Syria From a Disastrous Coronavirus Outbreak? « People are underestimating the threat because they are facing continuous war. They feel dying from a virus would be better than dying from a bomb and don’t see the seriousness of the issue. » https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/56817/what-can-the-world-do-to-spare-syria-from-a-disastrous-coronavirus-outbreak.html

-Chamsy Sarkis, CEO of Smart News Agency, Former scientist in Molecular Biology at the CNRS, proposes a #health policy in rural #Syria to fight #Covid-19 epidemic.. https://smartnews-agency.com/en/reports/2020-03-19-translation-%D9%83%D9%8A%D9%81-%D9%86%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%85%D9%84-%D9%85%D8%B9-%D9%83%D9%88%D9%81%D9%8A%D8%AF-19-%D9%81%D9%8A-%D8%A3%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7%D9%81-%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A7


– Making sense of what played out in the recent Turkey-Russia flareup in northwestern Syria, with a tactical *mapping* of the Idlib truce: https://cgpolicy.org/articles/what-the-cease-fire-means-for-idlib-residents/…

6-Aide humanitaire:

– People in northwest Syria continue to struggle despite truce https://msf.org/people-northwest-syria-continue-struggle-despite-truce… via @msf

7- Education :

-Syrie: cinq millions d’enfants nés durant la guerre, un million nés réfugiés (Unicef) https://rtl.be/info/monde/international/syrie-cinq-millions-d-enfants-nes-durant-la-guerre-un-million-nes-refugies-unicef–1204067.aspx?dt=10:59… via @rtlinfo

8- Refugees:

-Promoting agricultural livelihoods in Turkey through the #Syria n refugee response https://reliefweb.int/report/turkey/promoting-agricultural-livelihoods-turkey-through-syrian-refugee-response?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shared&utm_source=twitter.com…

-Dans le camp d’Atmeh au nord de la #Syrie, l’inquiétude monte face au #Covid_19. Oussama Alhussein, coordinateur médical #UOSSM et le Dr Muhannad Alkhalil, médecin de l’UOSSM font le point sur la situation. https://www.uossm.fr/dans_le_camp_d_atme_l_inquietude_monte_face_au_covid_19

– No soap nor water: Fear mounts for refugees as coronavirus spreads https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-syria-fear-mounts-refugees-idlib-covid-19


-Over 5,000 migrants still waiting at Turkey-Greece Border to cross – Duvar English https://duvarenglish.com/human-rights/2020/03/18/over-5000-migrants-still-waiting-at-turkey-greece-border-to-cross/… via  @duvarenglish

– With all eyes on Covid-19, refugee suffering continues in Greece, Turkey and Syria | America Magazine https://www.americamagazine.org/politics-society/2020/03/19/all-eyes-covid-19-refugee-suffering-continues-greece-turkey-and-syria

10- Le régime et la société :

-Raids, Coronavirus and internet in Syria’s capital Damascus.

Many Syrians respond when they are asked about the importance of the internet in their lives that “the internet is a 1000 times more important than the Coronavirus and all Israeli raids.” https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/03/raids-coronavirus-and-internet-in-syrias-capital-damascus/

-Rental prices are spiralling out of control in Damascus. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/56804/damascus-investors-close-their-shops-in-the-capitals-markets-and-head-to-the-countryside.html

@hrw investigation finds the #SAA & #Syria‘s Tiger Forces (specifically its “Yasser Suleiman Group ») guilty of extrajudicially executing Ahmed al-Jaffal, an elderly man from Marat al-Numan. He was shot dead, stuffed into a tire & set on fire. https://hrw.org/news/2020/03/16/syria-government-forces-apparently-abuse-civilians

-« Sources said that the Dr. Imad Ismail, who worked at Qardaha Hospital, was killed because he revealed the presence of infected people at the hospital. »  https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/56776/pandemic-denial-continues-in-regime-areas-amid-lack-of-medical-equipment.html

-Syrian Government Delays Sending Conscripts to Military Service.

The delay is part of government’s efforts to prevent the spread of coronavirus. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/56802/syrian-government-delays-sending-conscripts-to-military-service.html

-Warlord Saqr Rustom, sanctioned by the EU for war profiteering, has recently entered into business in Syria’s tourism sector http://www.levantnetworks.com/2020/03/20/syrian-warlords-foray-into-tourism-sector/

11-Russie :

 #Syrie. Lutte d’influence entre Moscou et Téhéran https://orientxxi.info/magazine/syrie-lutte-d-influence-entre-moscou-et-teheran,3682

-Sommet de Moscou : l’accord de cessez-le-feu à Idleb tiendra-t-il ? https://carep-paris.org/publications/analyses-politiques/sommet-de-moscou-laccord-de-cessez-le-feu-a-idleb-tiendra-t-il/…

12-Daech :  GUERRE CONTRE DAECH #Syrie

-Irak : ces frappes meurtrières que les Etats refusent de reconnaître https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2020/03/15/syrie-irak-ces-frappes-meurtrieres-que-les-etats-refusent-de-reconnaitre_1781752

13-US :

-How the Democrats can reclaim #Syria policy @JoeBiden by @AdhamSahloul https://www.mei.edu/publications/how-democrats-can-reclaim-syria-policy

14- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

What the people of Idlib teach us about resilience during times of apocalypse https://medium.com/@banah.ghadbian/what-the-people-of-idlib-teach-us-about-resilience-during-times-of-apocalypse-293d4031e0d6…

-15 mars 2011 – 15 mars 2020 « Il y a 9 ans j’étais étudiant j’ai été menacé pour avoir exercé mon serment d’Hippocrate » Témoignage du Dr Houssam Alnahhas, formateur à l’UOSSM, spécialiste des attaques chimiques. En intégralité : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FZmRx_9qjlk

100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/

– @sahloul What I have witnessed in the underground hospitals of Aleppo & #Idlib and the thousands of refugee camps dispersed in the neighboring countries is by far the worst. It is beyond description, a horror movie going on for nine years without an end in sight. Nine years on, we still dream of a free Syria https://www.pri.org/stories/2020-03-12/analysis-nine-years-we-still-dream-free-syria

-Se portant volontaires en enseignant des cours de natation dans un centre communautaire, et rêvant de travailler pour l’Agence spatiale canadienne, de jeunes nouveaux arrivants #Syriens surmontent l’adversité et exposent leurs rêves et leurs réalisations https://bit.ly/2HXqVJe

-Eami: un jeune #Syrie n propose son aide aux personnes isolées, Covid19 https://www.rtbf.be/info/regions/liege/detail_covid19-un-jeune-syrien-propose-son-aide-aux-personnes-isolees?id=10460469&utm_source=rtbfinfo&utm_campaign=social_share&utm_medium=twitter_share

– As the Syrian conflict enters its 10th year, one man who fled to Australia shares his story At the time, Omar Al-Kassab, like many other Syrians, dreamed of a more-democratic #Syria. https://sbs.com.au/news/as-the-syrian-conflict-enters-its-10th-year-one-man-who-fled-to-australia-shares-his-story?cid=news:socialshare:twitter… via @SBSNews

Ruslan Trad, journalist and Middle East analyst: – a political solution cannot be reached – the EU had to interfere, even by force [but] took the stand of a passive and apathetic onlooker – we cannot talk about sovereignty because it was impinged upon long ago https://europost.eu/en/a/view/ruslan-trad-there-is-no-drive-for-political-solution-to-syria-s-crisis-27503

#Syria n refugee’s plea: ‘Stop the river of blood’ https://rte.ie/news/world/2020/0313/1122166-syria-anniversary/… via  @rte

-Northeast #Syria n airwaves home to radio tower of Babel https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/first-syriac-station-in-qamishli-broadcasting-in-several-lan.html

15- Justice et vérité:

-The Caesar Law has become the only ray of hope for the Syrian people in the absence of any military or political solution » https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/humanitarian-situation-idlib-syria-plead-us-senators

-“if any group in the Syrian regime imagines that the cynical duping of Mazen Humada to return to Syria exploiting his deep emotional desire to try to help rescue others from its hellish torture cells will achieve anything..they are mistaken” @ RonanLTynan  https://medium.com/@rotynan/mazen-hummada-disappeared-again-by-syrian-regime-underlines-why-those-responsible-for-crimes-c6d9dda523d

– US Treasury sanctions Syrian Defense Minister Ali Ayoub https://www.state.gov/the-state-department-imposes-sanctions-on-individual-responsible-for-the-violence-in-northern-syria/

– A network of companies and businessmen utilized by the Syrian regime to circumvent international sanctions and carry on with its crimes against humanity. However, the radar of “Pro Justice” detected them and exposed their networks seeking to establish accountability https://businessmen.pro-justice.org/en/criminals1/

-« Dossier César » : retour sur le photographe qui a exfiltré les preuves de crimes de guerre en Syrie. Les activistes syriens qui risquent leur vie pour faire reconnaître et condamner les crimes de guerre en Syrie  https://ispahanrosa.wixsite.com/ispahanrosa/post/dossier-c%C3%A9sar-retour-sur-le-photographe-qui-a-exfiltr%C3%A9-les-preuves-de-crimes-de-guerre-en-syrie

16-Analyse :

Kareem Shaheen @kshaheen, I wrote a column for the anniversary of the Syrian revolution about how I hope, in the post-coronavirus world that we build, it will be one where the atrocities that happened in Syria aren’t allowed to go on for 9 years https://thenational.ae/opinion/comment/the-syrian-war-has-had-a-ripple-effect-around-the-world-1.994218…

17- Interview :

Leila Al-Shami on Syria, Assad and the silence of the Western Left What Syrua says of the broader world. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/leila-al-shami-on-syria-assad-silence-western-left/id1406775458?i=1000468528720


-« Pour Sama » , #Syrie meurtrie



-Lesbos, la honte de l’Europe Jean Ziegler http://www.seuil.com/ouvrage/lesbos-la-honte-de-l-europe-jean-ziegler/9782021451993 Crime contre l’humanité à la frontière greco turque https://franceinter.fr/monde/jean-ziegler-la-tragedie-qui-se-deroule-a-la-frontiere-greco-turque-est-proche-du-crime-contre-l-humanite… #Syria #Refugees

19-Theatre :

DAMASCUS 2045, Mohammad Al Attar / Omar Abusaada  pose questions about memory and forgetting, the writing of war history, and the narratives of the victors and the vanquished. https://theatredeliege.be/en/evenement/damascus/?fbclid=IwAR3Ac8fx-chZfJYm5ukO1-84jrkED5s6dVKDzvkT4F8onLV_bBNVTqMG-Dk

20-Art :

#Idleb : que reste-t-il de l’opposition ? #Syrie Art et résistance. https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/096821-000-A/idleb-que-reste-t-il-de-l-opposition/


– EN IMAGES : Neuf années de guerre en Syrie https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/gallery/en-images-neuf-annees-de-guerre-en-syrie

AMEER ALHALBI International women’s rights day https://ameeralhalbi.com/5-feminists-in-the-international-womens-day

22-Les Syriens :

– The #Syria n Sisters Who Refuse to Give Up on America https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2020/03/syria-turkey-usa-refugee-crisis-trump-biden-sanders/607984/

-Un #Syrie n comme à la maison à Saint-Bruno https://versants.com/un-syrien-comme-a-la-maison-a-saint-bruno/… via @JournalVersants

-Penticton #Syria n refugee family gives back in a tasty way – https://www.castanet.net/news/Penticton/279474/Penticton-Syrian-refugee-family-gives-back-in-a-tasty-way#.XnUg8VXNOJQ.twitter


“Friendly Sirens and Deadly Shores: How Disinformation Works” https://cgpolicy.org/articles/friendly-sirens-and-deadly-shores-how-disinformation-works/

24- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :

-Jeudi 26 mars, The Cave, 22h45, National Geographic TV :https://amp.lefigaro.fr/cinema/ceremonie-oscars/oscars-2020-the-cave-une-maison-en-enfer-20200208?__twitter_impression=true

-Il y a qq jours,  c’était le 9e anniversaire de la révolution syrienne. Le point avec @BenjaminPeltier, Maaret alNuman, Kafranbel, Saraqib, Atareb. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gqqnn3SVJ2o&feature=youtu.be

-Beau et puissant film d’animation de M. Omran et de D. Abo Louh (Conte de printemps, 2011) en hommage à ces premiers révolutionnaires syriens. https://vimeo.com/30585735

– Dans quel Monde on vit – La #Syrie d’Omar Youssef Souleimane.  https://rtbf.be/auvio/detail_dans-quel-monde-on-vit?id=2612448&utm_source=media&utm_campaign=social_share&utm_medium=twitter_share… via  @RTBF

– Meet the Syrians: The Story of a Refugee Family in the US | Witness https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oh-WsPZwgmU&t=171s

– In the 9th anniversary of the Syrian uprising, here’s a list of English & Arabic articles/interviews/podcasts selected by the Jadaliyya Syria Page editors spanning 2011-2020. For those stuck inside or for those looking for teaching resources  https://www.jadaliyya.com/Details/40833/Commemoration-for-the-Syrian-Revolution?utm_source=Arab%2BStudies%2BInstitute%2BMailing%2BList&utm_campaign=93685f6c70-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2020_03_10_06_28_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_fa9122f438-93685f6c70-202305821&mc_cid=93685f6c70&mc_eid=a265d16d88