Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 11 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et liés à la Syrie est proposée.
-Ne pas oublier #Idlib #Syrie Comme la santé, la paix est un bien fragile qui exige une protection internationale. https://www.la-croix.com/Debats/Chroniques/Ne-pas-oublier-Idlib-2020-03-02-1201081546
1– Rapports et Etudes:
– Words Against Silence Detaining women and practicing violence against them has been a long-standing practice for the Syrian dictatorship. Since the 1980s, the Assad regime has followed brutal methods to break any opposition, discipline the Syrian society, and repress it politically.report written by Jumana Saif & Wijdan Nassif for the Syrian Center for Legal Studies and Research #Syria
-Important paper from @ETANA_Syria & @MiddleEastInst: – « Manufacturing Division: The #Assad Regime & Minorities in South-West #Syria« : https://mei.edu/publications/manufacturing-division-assad-regime-and-minorities-south-west-syria
– Must read article by @SSiminoff on the regime demographics change. This policy is not new. Haffez Assad did it before to destroy #Damascus #Hama & other cities in syria. It’s important & practice ways to protect the minorities and ethnicities in #Iraq and #Syria. https://cgpolicy.org/articles/demographic-engineering-in-syria-sets-the-stage-for-future-conflicts/
-Faire parler les Syriens d’#Idleb et relayer leurs voix, c’est le choix judicieux de @LEXPRESS. Durant toute la semaine, @LEXPRESS a publié des témoignages d’habitants pris au piège dans cette province syrienne meurtrie par les bombes, la dernière enclave tenue par les rebelles. Voici leurs mots. https://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/proche-moyen-orient/les-voix-d-idleb-1-7-dis-tonton-est-ce-qu-il-y-a-des-refugies-au-paradis_2120475.html
-The dirty war takes a new turn The politicisation of the Syrian massacre was predictable. Every major humanitarian crisis was an opportunity for politicians, journalists, and businessmen to make friends and pick a side. Here in France, countless journalists have named the Turkish-backed rebels as jihadists while avoiding to label the Assad and Russian armies as criminals of war.
– #Syria: Mobile clinics bring hope to villages in southern Aleppo https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/syria-mobile-clinics-bring-hope-villages-southern-aleppo?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shared&utm_source=twitter.com… via @reliefweb
– #Idlib before the war: Carpets, olives and handcrafts, courageous people. #Syria https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51535996
-A scene from Judgement Day. These are the displaced who revolted for so long, contributing to opposition activities while at the same harbouring displaced #Syria ns from other areas of the country for years. “A man can be destroyed but not defeated, » https://syriauntold.com/2020/03/05/a-scene-from-judgement-day/
-« Des mosquées transformées en dortoirs, une population exténuée par la guerre » : le reporter de franceinfo raconte #Idlib #Syrie https://francetvinfo.fr/monde/syrie/offensive-turque-en-syrie/des-mosquees-transformees-en-dortoirs-une-population-extenuee-par-la-guerre-le-reporter-de-franceinfo-raconte-idlib_3857431.html#xtor=CS2-765-[twitter]-… via@franceinfo
–#Syrie-Idlib. «Sur le million de personnes déplacées, l’écrasante majorité vit sous des tentes», dans un froid glacial https://alencontre.org/moyenorient/syrie/syrie-idlib-sur-le-million-de-personnes-deplacees-lecrasante-majorite-vit-sous-des-tentes-dans-un-froid-glacial.html
–#Idlib, #Syria: Casualties as ten schools hit in one day during intense shelling. Twenty-two schools have now been hit since the start of 2020 https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/idlib-syria-casualties-ten-schools-hit-one-day-during-intense-shelling?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shared&utm_source=twitter.com… via@reliefweb
– What happened to one #Syria n family in aftermath of airstrike? https://channel4.com/news/what-happened-to-one-syrian-family-in-aftermath-of-airstrike… via @paraicobrien
–#Idleb, la «ville oubliée» et la vindicte du régime syrien. https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Idleb-ville-oubliee-vindicte-regime-syrien-2020-03-13-1301083831
–Patrimoine : -Ancient sites provide shelter for #Syria‘s internally displaced people. Basilique Qalb Lozeh. #Idlib https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=195&v=J1p7JdAlyyo&feature=emb_logo
3-Agir pour Idlib :
-« #Idlib au cœur » #SaveIdlib #Syrie #Paris #France Tendre la main aux civils d’Idlib https://facebook.com/donate/858326747924177
-For more ways to shine a light on this crisis and urge our leaders to act, @TheSyriaCmpgn Syria emergency: what you can do for Idlib. https://diary.thesyriacampaign.org/what-you-can-do-for-idlib-2020/… #idlib #syria
-Say NO to the inhumanity in Syria! http://www.against-inhumanity.org/2020/02/11/say-no-to-the-inhumanity-in-syria/
-In Syria’s northwest, medics fear the worst if coronavirus hits… https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-syria-north/in-syrias-northwest-medics-fear-the-worst-if-coronavirus-hits-crowded-camps-idUSKBN20Y2T3
—#Syrie : ne sommes-nous dupes que de nous-mêmes ? | @RevueEsprithttps://esprit.presse.fr/article/joel-hubrecht/syrie-ne-sommes-nous-dupes-que-de-nous-memes-42553… via @RevueEsprit
-Article by @RUSI_org , looking at the huge military implications taught by #Turkey‘s drone campaign in #Idlib: – « Your Tanks Cannot Hide » https://rusi.org/publication/rusi-defence-systems/your-tanks-cannot-hide
-Turkey’s high stakes in northwestern Syria: https://cgpolicy.org/articles/turkeys-high-stakes-in-northwest-syria/… from @Charles_Lister
-In-depth: « Idlib at peace for now, after Russia-Turkey truce » https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/3/8/syria-weekly-idlib-at-peace-for-now-after-deal
5-Aide humanitaire:
-Coronavirus: Aid groups move to block outbreak in #Syria rebel pocket | Idlib’s devastated health infrastructure and massive displacement are making containment an almost impossible task, Poor immune systems, lack of healthcare, sanitation, water all need ameliorating : https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/aid-groups-move-block-coronavirus-outbreak-syria-rebel-pocket
–Most aid to Syria’s Rukban camp has been blocked for more than a year. Here’s why The trouble is Damascus, the Syrian capital, is under the Assad regime’s control, making it difficult for aid to reach the camp. International organizations have deployed fewer than five aid convoys there in the last two years, creating a food crisis and humanitarian disaster.
6- Refugees:
-Ce dont rêvent les migrants qui assiègent la frontière turco-grecque #Syrie https://lesobservateurs.ch/2020/03/06/ce-dont-revent-les-migrants-qui-assiegent-la-frontiere-turco-grecque/
-New York Times Says Greece Operating Secret Refugee Site, One Killed https://thenationalherald.com/290928/new-york-times-says-greece-operating-secret-refugee-site-one-killed/
– Les forces de sécurité grecques feraient usage d’un type de munitions de gaz lacrymogène similaires à celles qui ont causé la mort de dizaines de manifestants en Irak. https://fr.bellingcat.com/actualites/royaume-uni-europe/2020/03/09/les-forces-de-securite-grecques-feraient-usage-de-munitions-de-gaz-lacrymogene-potentiellement-mortelles/
EU: -ECRE urges calm and measured response, focused on accepting refugees and sharing responsibility. Europe has the means for collective emergency responses that remain humane: there is no excuse for panic and panic is no excuse for repression at borders https://ecre.org/ecre-statement-on-the-situation-at-the-greek-turkish-border/
8- Le régime et la société :
-Après neuf ans de guerre, le désespoir gagne les #Syrie ns On pourrait parler « jusqu’à demain » de la désastreuse situation dans le pays. @abdfree2 @abhoffner https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Moyen-Orient/neuf-ans-guerre-desespoir-gagne-Syriens-2020-03-12-1201083562
– Unrest in south-west #Syria erupts into urban warfare https://thenational.ae/world/mena/unrest-in-south-west-syria-erupts-into-urban-warfare-1.989980… via @TheNationalUAE
– Some Syrian regime fighters defecting when forced to front lines http://almon.co/3bxy via @AlMonitor #Syria
-Report: 110 Palestinian women held in Syria prisons, 34 tortured to death – https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200310-report-110-palestinian-women-held-in-syria-prisons-34-tortured-to-death/
– Prisoners from Sednaya have reportedly already been transferred to this new prison. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/56663/assad-army-constructs-new-military-prison-in-homs-sources.html
-A #Damas, le spectre de la guerre hante toujours les Syriens https://www.challenges.fr/societe/a-damas-le-spectre-de-la-guerre-hante-toujours-les-syriens_702420
-617 Palestinian Refugees Tortured to Death in Syrian Jails https://actionpal.org.uk/en/post/9819?fbclid=IwAR0iJn5Ocjok1kC-GN2jXY6r-g8Q-dK0AVQWgKolnudh0SRjpHD1KQw3-dQ
-Russie :
-Pseudo diplomacy in Syria, « In dealing with adversaries devoid of human values and basking in impunity, diplomacy unbacked by the credible threat of military force is not really diplomacy »…
– Russia is determined to prevent Iranian influence. Assad Freezes Baath Party Formations: Russian Iranian Dispute
-Time for Russia and Putin to Face a Reckoning on #Syria https://justsecurity.org/69133/time-for-russia-and-putin-to-face-a-reckoning-on-syria/… via @just_security
9-US :
-“War on Terror” Rhetoric Is Being Used to Justify the Killing of Syrians https://truthout.org/articles/war-on-terror-rhetoric-is-being-used-to-justify-the-killing-of-syrians/?utm_campaign=Truthout+Share+Buttons… via @truthout
-The Caesar law US prepares biting #Syria sanctions as Assad pummels Idlib “The Assad regime does not understand negotiations,” said Caesar. “It only understands the threat of force. It only understands negotiating from a position of power.” https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/03/us-prepare-sanctions-syria-idlib-ceasar-humanitarian-aid.html
10- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– One day I’m going to be the world’s first female #Syria n refugee pilot – The Sun https://www.thesun.co.uk/fabulous/11093609/first-syrian-refugee-pilot/
– Temporary lives of #Syria ns There are countless “survivors,” millions in the diaspora, experiencing various forms of same temporariness, be it ambiguity of their legal status; the scarcity and/or instability of their income; or their dependence on aid. https://www.aljumhuriya.net/en/content/temporary-lives-syrians
-Meet one of the bravest women in the world: Mouna, a White Helmets @SyriaCivilDef volunteer in #Idlib https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=24&v=fkrdQrmhTg4&feature=emb_logo
-Since December, the humanitarian crisis in northwest Syria has displaced more than 900,000 people. Moumena, a kindergarten teacher, is one of them : https://aljumhuriya.net/en/content/daycare-displaced
-« It is a very, very sad thing when your son says to you ‘mum, I don’t want to die » – no electricity, no water and almost constant fear. A working single mother in #Idlib tries to raise a family amid war in #Syria with @_gregdixon and @ibrahim_s_ali https://npr.org/2020/03/10/813941954/despite-syria-turkey-cease-fire-life-is-difficult-for-civilians-in-idlib
– Glimpse Magazine: Glimpse February’s issue: Counting and waiting for the next attack: What does a war-workplace look like? A Country’s Identity centers: the idea will never die,…and more. Read full content and articles Down pointing backhand index. https://keshmalek.org/glimpse-magazine-february-2020/?fbclid=IwAR0PPgpx_5PJZeIb9V6XydT9scsLKFQgFsDYHF7W66W-mmhuAY63Tb-8ZzY…
–#Syrian #women face their country’s crisis with ‘#peace & #love’ The most difficult challenge that I face every day is to find a secure place for my children while I am away at work in the camps (for the internally displaced) for the day https://www.unocha.org/story/syrian-women-face-their-country%E2%80%99s-crisis-%E2%80%98peace-and-love%E2%80%99
-Ghaith al-Matar is determined to get to school. He Rehabilitates His School Road in Hassakeh. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/56634/ghaith-rehabilitates-his-school-road-in-hassakeh.html
–#Syria from the eyes of a schoolboy. « I joined the Free Army with great pride because I was taking part in protecting civilians, our people, our brothers, People who were calling for the most basic rights from a tyrannical, repressive, dictatorial regime. » https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/syria/syria-s-nine-year-war-from-the-eyes-of-schoolboy-turned-veteran-fighter-1.8669761
-The anniversary of founding @DeirEzzor24 network. A short translated documentary tells the story of Deir Ezzor, and the Deir Ezzor 24 network and how it contributed to conveying the image of the province to the world. #We will go on. https://youtu.be/uAzhrnm7pz8
11- Justice et vérité:
– Important – The first trial of former Assad regime officials for torture & other crimes begins soon in Germany. Proceedings against Anwar Raslan & Eyad al-Gharib should start on 23 April: https://sl-center.org/?p=1355&lang=en
-‘As the head of the Al-Khatib prison’s investigations, Anwar Raslan is charged with being an accomplice responsible for torturing at least 4000 people, murdering 58 people, rape and aggravated sexual assault.’ Assad’s Syria.. https://ecchr.eu/nc/en/press-release/first-trial-worldwide-about-state-torture-in-syria-to-open-in-germany/
-SJAC’s collection of Syrian govt documents is what @AP calls « some of the most damning evidence of state involvement » in violence against civilians. Contribute to our @GlobalGiving campaign to help us analyze these documents & support #JusticeforSyria https://www.globalgiving.org/projects/voice-for-victims-20-000-documents-expose-crimes/
-The Caesar Law has become the only ray of hope for the Syrian people in the absence of any military or political solution » https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/humanitarian-situation-idlib-syria-plead-us-senators
« When you give us more money, what you are telling us is you will not stop the atrocities…that we must [buy] more ambulances to transport more injured civilians…buy more protective clothing to deal w/chemical attacks. » —@RaedAlSaleh3, @SyriaCivilDef https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/powerful-testimony-syrian-defector-warns-us-assad-kill/story?id=69536759
–@antonioguterres has an opportunity to publicly scorn perpetrators as his office receives findings of the UN Board of Inquiry into “destruction of, or damage to, facilities on the UN deconfliction list and UN-supported facilities” in NW Syria. https://phr.org/our-work/resources/as-youre-waiting-for-death-you-pray-the-syrian-russian-assault-on-idlib/
12-Analyse :
– Syrie/Idlib – nouvelle crise des migrants ou moment géopolitique majeur ? 1/Un réengagement vis-à-vis de la Turquie : 2/Une ré-implication dans le dossier syrien pour relancer le dialogue politique https://www.institutmontaigne.org/blog/syrieidlib-nouvelle-crise-des-migrants-ou-moment-geopolitique-majeur
-Opinion: « Turkey asked the world to care. The world, despite moments of bluster, has once again declined. » https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/Comment/2020/3/10/Assads-greatest-asset-EU-NATO-appeasement
13-Interview: -A cease-fire in #Syria cannot hold because the status quo is untenable. Guest: Kareem Shaheen, a journalist and columnist covering Syria.https://slate.com/podcasts/what-next/2020/03/syria-russia-ceasefire-turkey-international-silence… via @slate
14- Table Ronde : – 9 Years On: #Syria Earthquake, Regional Tremors @samdagher, @elizapalmer, @ZainaErhaim, and co-founder of the White Helmets, @WhiteHelmetAbd, on developments there and in the wider region. @frontlineclub https://frontlineclub.com/the-middle-east-in-2020/
-Trailer for new film by Yasmin Fedda looking at the struggle of Noura and Machi to find answers about their loved ones Bassel Safadi and Paolo Dall’Oglio, who are among the over 100,000 forcibly disappeared in Syria. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mS7aS_5YNp8
-In the latest article in our series on Syrian cinema, Rasha Hilwi speaks to Syrian filmmakers about the changing question of censorship, and what it means for Syrian cinema today. https://syriauntold.com/2020/03/10/how-do-syrian-directors-see-censorship-today/
-All this Victory: Fleeing the Crime Scene. Bodies of Syrians and destruction of cities are available for rent. #Syria n tragedy no longer deserves to be told.Their bodies and remains of cities, they have become bones for other bodies. Their killers’ bodies https://www.bidayyat.org/opinions_article.php?id=214#.XmvZWnJKjIU
–Making Sense of Syria, Three books on the Syrian conflict, written by leftists, provide ori inal insights into the defining calamity of the 21st century. Review of Joseph Daher’s Syria After the Uprisings, Lisa Wedeen’s Authoritarian Apprehensions, and Yasser Munif’s The Syrian Revolution — 3 of the very best books on the Syrian conflict https://democraticleft.dsausa.org/issues/spring-2020/further-reading-making-sense-of-syria/
-GHOUTA ALEP- prenons la route- la #Syrie massacrée – exil d’un peuple- « Les choses que j’ai vues ici, je ne les oublierai jamais, si je reste en vie » Abdulmonam Eassa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhttT2N2Edc&feature=youtu.be
18-Theatre :
– « Enterre-moi mon amour » de Clea Petrolesi au Théâtre Paris-Villette : des photos et des messages WhatsApp pour rendre compte des migrations syriennes – #Syrie https://toutelaculture.com/spectacles/theatre/enterre-moi-mon-amour-de-clea-petrolesi-au-theatre-paris-villette-des-photos-et-des-messages-whatsapp-pour-rendre-compte-des-migrations-syriennes/#.XmpSv5xDy9Y.twitter
19-Art :
-Paintings by Homs-born London-based artist Nour Zantah, curated by Tarek Tuma, at P21 Gallery, London, 12-21 March * Nour’s work is inspired by media and online images of the war in #Syria. http://www.p21.gallery/exhibitions/exhibition-atax-a/ https://caravelmagazine.com/2020/03/nour-zantah-syrians-inspired-to-protest-powerfully-through-art/
-Syrian artist challenges death with art https://syriadirect.org/news/akram-suweidan-depicts-the-life-syrians-long-for-on-the-weapons-sent-to-kill-them/#.XmfYQUsFcd8.twitter
– #Syria n refugees everyday people in Windgate photos https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2020/mar/12/syrian-refugees-everyday-people-in-wind/#.Xmst9o4JvtQ.twitter
21-Les Syriens :
-Four Years After Arrival, #Syria n Refugees Are Becoming Entrepreneurs #Canada https://huddle.today/four-years-after-arrival-syrian-refugees-becoming-entrepreneurs/
– Conversations That Matter: A Syrian refugee’s story #Syria https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/conversations-that-matter-a-syrian-refugees-story
–« Sans le centre Wafa, je serais morte » : en Turquie, un refuge accueille les femmes et les enfants syriens hospitalisés #Syrie https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/reportages/sans-le-centre-wafa-je-serais-morte-en-turquie-un-refuge-accueille-les-femmes-et-les?fbclid=IwAR1qJKAJSR17tXwIcVgzuW63wqyvq4DWRHrG5HiZ45MS4zhGov8-J-n9860
22-Chek News :
-Un réfugié syrien a-t-il été tué par des policiers grecs à la frontière gréco-turque ? https://liberation.fr/checknews/2020/03/12/un-refugie-syrien-a-t-il-ete-tue-par-des-policiers-grecs-a-la-frontiere-greco-turque_1780822
-Le 2 mars, un jeune syrien de 22 ans ayant fui le siège d’Alep où il a perdu sa famille avant de se réfugier en Turquie, est mort dans des affrontements à la frontière grecque, probablement dans des tirs à balles réelles comme l’a démontré @ForensicArchi https://player.vimeo.com/video/395567226
– Que sait-on de ces photos montrant des migrants quasi nus à la frontière gréco-turque ? les forces grecques de sécurité aux frontières ont déshabillé et battu des réfugiés avant de les expulser presque nus avec ce genre de blessures.. https://liberation.fr/checknews/2020/03/13/que-sait-on-de-ces-photos-montrant-des-migrants-quasi-nus-a-la-frontiere-greco-turque_1781194… via @libe
23- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :
Dans la mesure où tout est annulé, j’inclus ici le reportage d’Arté et une sélection de conférences, débats et auditions qu’ont eus lieu la semaine dernière, à Genève, Londres et Washington avec la participation actives de plusieurs chercheurs et activistes syriens . Très intéressants.
– Emission Arte Reportage « #Syrie, dans le piège d’#Idleb » un reportage de Yamaan Khatib et Fadi Al-halab, , Traducteur : Ayman Nsr Réalisation : Suzanne Allant https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/030273-753-A/arte-reportage/
– FULL COMMITTEE HEARING Nine Years of Brutality: Assad’s Campaign Against the Syrian People. @SenateForeign host a hearing on the civil war in #Syria with witness testimony from Caesar, @omarAlshogre, and @RaedAlSaleh3. Witnesses are remarkable examples of human bravery & grit. As we mark the 9th anniversary of the Syrian conflict this month, the U.S. remains committed to holding the Assad regime & its supporters accountable for the atrocities they’ve perpetuated. https://www.foreign.senate.gov/hearings/nine-years-of-brutality-assads-campaign-against-the-syrian-people-031120
-The Struggle for the State in Syria, The Chattam house conferences also aim to evaluate the possibility for Syrians to move from a regime-led state to one that is accountable to its citizens and is governed by the rule of law. https://www.chathamhouse.org/event/struggle-state-syria
-Dr @AmaniBallour Does international humanitarian law legitimise wars? | FIFDH 2020 https://youtu.be/ngKKTK6w-i0 via @YouTube
-The @HouseForeign Affairs Committee on the crisis in #Syria‘s #Idlib. It is time for #Turkey to realign with @NATO. In return, the U.S. should provide humanitarian, diplomatic, & military support to Turkey in Idlib Watch it here, from 14:40 min. : https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/2020/3/the-crisis-in-idlib
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