Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 15 de 2020

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

Semaine 15 de l’an 2020

Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.

« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. « 


Sketch from eyewitness photo in Moria camp, Lesbos, by the american artist Marc Nelson.

1– Rapports et Etudes:

– Report about #COVIDー19 situation in Syria and what can be done by the Syrian Civil Society: comprehensive analysis, @WeExistSyria@HalfSyria https://weexist-sy.org/wp-content/uploads/20200410-COVID19-in-Syria-Comprehensive-Briefing-3.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2WVa8RCNvcGK44bJ5cKwj7rgtlrpuh0Hnl_HheFGaeEQ7t5HbWMZEW03Q

-The UN Board of Inquiry summary on hospital bombings in #Syria is out. – No blame on #Russia, despite plentiful evidence, including cockpit recordings. – No conclusive blame on #Assad regime, despite concluding use of aircraft & likely barrel bombs. https://un.org/sg/sites/www.un.org.sg/files/atoms/files/NWS_BOI_Summary_06_April_2020.pdf


-@AlhasanMahar est l’une des très rares femmes  journalistes dans la région d’Idlib, en #Syrie. Souvent menacée, elle continue de raconter sa ville. @CelineMartelet lui a tendu son micro. https://www.rts.ch/play/radio/tout-un-monde/audio/portrait-de-mouna-et-merna-deux-syriennes-qui-ont-choisi-dagir-pour-les-autres?id=11210109

-Des marionnettes pour sensibiliser les enfants déplacés.  https://actu.orange.fr/monde/videos/coronavirus-en-syrie-des-marionnettes-pour-sensibiliser-les-enfants-deplaces-CNT000001pdrqN.html

 3-Agir pour Idlib :

#Idlib #Syrie solidaire avec #France #Italie https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=880200679108965&id=100013571228276

-L’@UOSSM_France et  @MdM_France lancent un appel : Sur tous les fronts, quoi qu’il en coûte ! https://www.liberation.fr/debats/2020/04/09/covid-19-en-syrie-sur-tous-les-fronts-quoi-qu-il-en-coute_1784700

-COVID-19, A New War in #Syria Poster for Tomorrow launch a campaign to help Syrian Child Protection Network (Hurras) to provide sanitary packs and visual information guides to combat COVID-19 in refugee camps in Syria. http://hrs.ngo http://posterfortomorrow.org/en/projects/covid

4-Coronavirus and  Syria:

– Coronavirus is becoming #Syria‘s other war and the country lacks the medical resources to fight it. The devastation of the healthcare system in Syria was part of a systematic campaign, after medical facilities were designated as de facto military targets. https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/coronavirus-is-becoming-syria-s-other-war-and-the-country-lacks-the-medical-resources-to-fight-it-1.1000295

-Latest weekly update on the Coronavirus crisis in Syria from Syria report. https://syria-report.com/news/economy/coronavirus-update-more-movement-and-export-restrictions-mitigate-impact-covid-19-free-

-In #Syria, Bread Is More Important Than COVID-19 | https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/2223361/syria-bread-more-important-covid-19

5-Aide humanitaire:

Aid for sale in Syria’s northwest The sale of humanitarian aid isn’t just restricted to aid baskets and food cards, but has even spread to small projects given by humanitarian organisations to displaced Syrians in the country’s embattled northwest  https://syriauntold.com/2020/04/05/aid-for-sale-in-syrias-northwest/

6- Education:

-Dans une #Syrie dévastée, le pari ardu de l’éducation en ligne face au virus https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Syrie-devastee-pari-ardu-education-ligne-face-virus-2020-04-09-1301088613

-WhatsApp classes in Northwest #Syria  https://www.middleeasteye.net/video/whatsapp-classes-northwest-syria

7- Refugees:

 -“The UN has described the living conditions of Rukban as “abysmal the camp’s residents ve been caught in a political limbo that obstructs humanitarian aid”  https://english.alarabiya.net/en/features/2020/04/09/Coronavirus-Isolated-Syrian-refugee-camp-with-no-doctors-or-aid-fears-outbreak.html

#Syria n refugees adapt to life under coronavirus lockdown in Jordan camps https://reliefweb.int/report/jordan/syrian-refugees-adapt-life-under-coronavirus-lockdown-jordan-camps-0?utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=shared&utm_source=twitter.com… via @reliefweb

8- Le régime et la société :

-“Before Corona, I will die of hunger”: The socio-economic impact of Covid-19 on the Syrian population and new challenges for the regime – Joseph Daher  https://blogs.eui.eu/medirections/corona-i-will-die-hunger-socio-economic-impact-covid-19-syrian-population-new-challenges-regime/

-‘After war we now have this’: Syrians grapple with poverty and coronavirus https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/10/after-war-now-have-this-syrians-grapple-poverty-coronavirus?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

-Terrorising the population is Assad’s favourite way to control them. http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/19740

-Deraa: -Wartime and Post-Conflict in Syria (WPCS).

At least 425 verified violent incidents took place in #Daraa #Syria between August 2018 & March 2020, causing the deaths of more than 380 individuals How can the relapse into violence in post-rebellion #Daraa be explained? https://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/66786/Festering%20Grievances%20and%20the%20Return%20to%20Arms%20in%20Southern%20Syria-final.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

9-Syria Prisons:

-Crimes against humanity continue in Assad’s prisons, including the regular & widespread use of torture. The Coming Catastrophe in Syria’s Prisons by @Zendetta2022


-« Le régime d’#Assad a fait disparaître plus de 100 000 personnes au cours des 9 dernières années. Dans les régions retombées sous le contrôle du régime, le nombre de disparus s’est accru de plusieurs centaines ces derniers mois » https://orientxxi.info/magazine/pour-les-familles-des-detenus-syriens-le-combat-pour-la-liberte-continue,3715?fbclid=IwAR2iKQAK7jAZ-IcK0N9xKsgUIT_orxYTTy0Xiaraa7oVncn3iPTqWdb0fLs

-«Un médecin n’est jamais entré dans les prisons de #Syrie. Avec le virus, ils mourraient certainement » Nous ne pouvons cesser de nous demander ce qu’il est advenu d’eux. J’écris depuis ma maison à Eindhoven, Shadi Albairuti, réfugié syrien en Europe.  http://frenews24h.com/un-medecin-nest-jamais-entre-dans-les-prisons-de-syrie-avec-le-virus-elle-mourrait-certainement/

-Syria slow to free prisoners despite coronavirus risk in crowded jails: rights groups. #Syria  https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-syria-jails/syria-slow-to-free-prisoners-despite-coronavirus-risk-in-crowded-jails-rights-groups-idUSKBN21O1WO?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews&utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Reuters%2FworldNews+%28Reuters+World+News%29

-In Syria, Covid-19 will massacre prisoners on the regime’s behalf https://www.newstatesman.com/world/middle-east/2020/04/covid-19-will-massacre-prisoners-syrian-regime-s-behalf

10-Armes Chimiques :

– The world’s chemical weapons watchdog released the first report of its Investigation and Identification Team attributing responsibility for chemicals weapons attacks carried out in 2017 in the town of Latamenah to the Syrian regime.


Lecture analytique référencée détaillée de ce rapport,  https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1247882914903158788.html

-Le @GPPi vient de publier une carte interactive des attaques chimiques en Syrie. La base de données est disponible en libre accès : https://chemicalweapons.gppi.net/data-portal/


11-Russie :

-l’ONU s’abstient d’incriminer directement la Russie https://information.tv5monde.com/info/hopitaux-attaques-en-syrie-l-onu-s-abstient-d-incriminer-directement-la-russie-354446

12-Turquie :

-Only America And Turkey Can Save #Syria‘s People From Coronavirus.  https://nationalinterest.org/blog/middle-east-watch/only-america-and-turkey-can-save-syrias-people-coronavirus-141467

13-Interview :

@MazenGharibah, co-author of an excellent recent study about COVID-19 in Syria, speaks about the realities of the outbreak on the ground, the WHO’s role and how Syria’s security apparatus are taking on an increasing role in the official response. ‘People feel the regime is treating this pandemic as a security threat’ https://syriauntold.com/2020/04/07/qa-people-feel-the-regime-is-treating-this-pandemic-as-a-security-threat/

@AmaniBallour “Many doctors and nurses will watch tremendous suffering and be forced to stand by, helpless. The same circumstances that make them heroes will haunt them forever. I know firsthand what this feels like.” https://deadline.com/2020/04/the-cave-dr-amani-ballour-coronavirus-response-united-states-syria-1202898009/#utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=social_bar&utm_content=top_amp&utm_id=1202898009


-La revue Syria a mis en ligne des comptes-rendus d’articles et d’ouvrages. Découvrez celui de Maurice Sartre sur « Sinews of Empire. Networks in the Roman Near East and Beyond ». Retrouvez le texte sur : https://journals.openedition.org/syria/8956

15- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

-Les Confinés. Jour 8 : Maram. #Syrie @maramelmasri

https://syrie.news/2020/04/05/confines-jour-8-maram/… via  @syrie24h

-Born in Syria’s capital, Damascus, Ahmed fled his home to escape military service with the regime.

#Syrian asylum seeker Hemeda said the uncertainty of situation #Greece unbearable: “I lived through four years of war in Syria. This month is worse than those four years: can you imagine?” Shocking treatment asylum seekers in Greece’s ‘holding pens’ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/apr/05/how-my-dream-of-freedom-died-on-the-road-to-greeces-gulag?CMP=share_btn_tw

-From the battlefields of Syria to a hospital in Chicago: A warzone doctor joins the fight against coronavirus at home. Dr @sahloul is using his vast experience working in Syria’s conflict zones to help the city of Chicago battle the coronavirus pandemic.

100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/

-Hassan Akkad, tortured by Assad’s regime for demanding freedom helps save lives as Assad continues killing. « I hope if this teaches us one thing it teaches us to be kinder to each other despite where we come from. I hope this changes us for the best. » https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-8199175/Syrian-born-refugee-hospital-cleaner-England-welcomed-open-arms.html

@hassan_akkad, #Syria n documentary maker, talks about his new duty as a cleaner in his local hospital and how he was desperate to help his community https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yihVuERaeHs&feature=emb_logo

16- Justice :

-For the anniversary of the Douma and Khan Sheikhun chemical attacks in Syria, the path forward beyond the OPCW reports: Syrian chemical attacks: there’s more to justice than assigning blame https://thenational.ae/opinion/syrian-chemical-attacks-there-s-more-to-justice-than-assigning-blame-1.1003420…

-Should we be lifting economic sanctions on rogue regimes in the name of fighting the pandemic? Economic sanctions create added challenges to curb #COVID19 inside #Syria. We urge the int’l community to evaluate sanctions that may impede delivery of medical relief. Our recommendations respond to these needs while holding the Syrian gov’t accountable https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2020/04/09/as-covid-19-bears-down-on-syria-should-sanctions-be-lifted/

17-Analyse :

-Coronavirus: #Syria n regime sees pandemic as blessing in disguise https://www.thenational.ae/world/coronavirus-syrian-regime-sees-pandemic-as-blessing-in-disguise-1.1003812


-The Origins of the Syrian Conflict, complex relationship between climatic changes and political violence. Extensive field research and primary interviews with Syrian government officials and citizens, as well as the research of domestic Syrian experts, a unique insight into Syria’s environmental, economic and social vulnerabilities leading up to the 2011 uprising. https://www.cambridge.org/core/books/origins-of-the-syrian-conflict/27BFB986E63812BE4BC100FA23FA869A?utm_source=hootsuite&utm_medium=twitter&utm_term=&utm_content=&utm_campaign=MNE_campaign_MMMYY#fndtn-information


-Idlib-based artist, Aziz al Asmar paints to lift the spirits of his neighbours as they endure nearly seven years of war.  https://www.trtworld.com/video/news-videos/syrian-street-art-painter-works-to-lift-the-spirits-of-his-city/5a59eea20a65dd34668bbaa5

20-Les Syriens :

-Coronavirus: Middle East refugees in Serbia volunteer to combat pandemic  https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/coronavirus-serbia-refugee-middle-east-volunteer

-En première ligne – Antoune, chirurgien viscéral au Puy-en-Velay https://www.femininbio.com/agir-green/actualites-nouveautes/travailler-pendant-covid-19-temoignage-d-antoune-chirurgien-en-auvergne-99135

-Dani Juha, couturier originaire de Damas en #Syrie s’est installé à Moncton en octobre 2018. Masques non médicaux: des artisans n’arrivent pas à suffire à la demande https://www.acadienouvelle.com/actualites/2020/04/08/masques-non-medicaux-des-artisans-narrivent-pas-a-suffire-a-la-demande/

-They lost everything in the Syrian war. COVID-19 could wipe them out again. #Syria https://eu.freep.com/story/entertainment/dining/mark-kurlyandchik/2020/04/09/coronavirus-covid-19-syrian-war-pattternz/2943355001/

-A palace of #Syria n culture in the heart of Campinas – https://anba.com.br/en/a-palace-of-syrian-culture-in-the-heart-of-campinas/

-Suffolk GP who worked in NHS for over 40 years dies after catching coronavirus https://www.itv.com/news/anglia/2020-04-09/suffolk-gp-who-worked-in-nhs-for-over-40-years-dies-after-catching-coronavirus

21- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :

#SurLesFronts Notre programme spécial confinement Live avec le Pr Raphaël Pitti médecin réanimateur responsable formation de l’UOSSM mobilisé en France et en Syrie qui répondra à vos questions sur le Covid-19 Dimanche 5/04 à 11h30 #AvecNosSoignants https://facebook.com/UOSSM.France/l

-Ornina Syrian Orchestra, Stay home,

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UGS1EmYJi84&feature=emb_logo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H4nS_WVLMo4&t=438s

– Tu seras suédoise ma fille – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UbruvKKD-18&feature=youtu.be

-@Marie_Peltier  – Neuvième live de confinement : la gauche et le conflit syrien. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=238625890669811&ref=watch_permalink

-le Pr Raphael Pitti (@rpitti57), responsable formation de l’UOSSM, et le Dr Ziad Alissa président de l’UOSSM France répondront aux questions sur le #Covid19. https://www.facebook.com/UOSSM.France/videos/1601637470005105/