Une semaine sur la Syrie, semaine 21 de 2020

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

Semaine 21 de l’an 2020

Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.

« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. « 

Sketch from eyewitness photo in Moria camp, Lesbos, by the american artist Marc Nelson.

1– Rapports et Etudes:

-« #Syrians on the Move » Scholar  @Karam__Shaar  just published a huge amount of data — inputted into interactive graphics, detailing the displacement of 13 million Syrians & where they’ve gone… Very valuable research: https://karamshaar.com/syrians-on-the-move

-@jomanaqaddour My newest piece for  @CarnegieMEC on the city of my birth, Homs, Syria, and the fracturing the city currently suffers from on the social, military, and governance fronts. https://carnegie-mec.org/2020/05/15/homs-divided-incarnation-of-syria-s-unresolved-conflict-pub-81804

-Two Months Since Issuing Amnesty Decree, the Syrian Regime Released Only 96 of Nearly 130,000 Detainees and Arrested 113 More #Assad #Syria @UN @ICRC http://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/05/15/54991/

-New Syria Situation Report: the Assad regime remains unwilling to commit the resources necessary to avert growing unrest and destabilization in southern #Syria. Read more from ISW and @SyriaDirect:



– En #Syrie des préparatifs de l’Aïd al-Fitr dans une conjoncture difficile https://www.boursorama.com/videos/actualites/en-syrie-des-preparatifs-de-l-aid-al-fitr-dans-une-conjoncture-difficile-145faf80b8517aa27b79977b35e42f93

#Syria: Refugee camps in Idlib suffer from fires https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/syria-refugee-camps-in-idlib-suffer-from-fires/1843883

VIDÉO : Une explosion de gaz provoque un incendie dans un camp de réfugiés d’#Idleb #Syrie https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/actu-et-enquetes/syrie-idleb-camp-r%C3%A9fugi%C3%A9s-explosion-gaz

-Online English Classes Revive Ties Severed by War in #Syria

Now, nearly 60% of the 500,000 enrolled students in northwestern Syria are estimated to have joined online education programs, said Layla Hasso of Hurras Network, a group facilitating virtual education in the region. For Darwish’s English-language-for-adults classes, Zoom sessions take place late at night, hosted from neighboring Turkey by Zarqa.


-Le procès d’un officier du régime syrien accusé de crimes contre l’humanité se poursuit en Allemagne. Un ancien détenu témoigne depuis Idleb. Un reportage d’Abdulrazzak Maddi pour @ARTEInfo #Syria #Syrie  https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/097869-000-A/syrie-le-proces-d-un-ancien-tortionnaire-du-regime-vu-d-idleb/

-SNHR said that in a published picture showing a stadium full of fans in the village of Hazano, northern Idlib, that the simplest precautionary measures needed to curb the #Covid_19 spread are being violated https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/05/internationally-suspended-yet-football-is-still-played-in-syrian-north/#ixzz6Mv5yBISB

– A new @nytvideo that was produced after a rare reporting trip found that Assad and his Russian allies are still bombing Syrians who fled to Idlib seeking safety. https://www.nytimes.com/video/world/middleeast/100000007036700/syria-idlib-displaced.html

– In #Syria‘s war-torn Idlib, travelling barbers bring children relief | Article [AMP] | Reuters  https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-health-coronavirus-syria-eid-idUKKBN22W23Z

3-Agir pour Idlib :

-Molham Volunteering Team https://molhamteam.com/fr/campaigns/205

– Violet organization https://violetsyria.org/en/

-Eid is coming up. There are 100s of thousands of a Syrian children who would love a new toy, book, or rent to cover their heads. If you feel like giving $5, 50$, $500 or whatever.. donate to the trustworthy @karamfoundation https://www.karamfoundation.org/

-Le Pr Raphael Pitti (@rpitti57), Dr Ziad Alissa et notre invité spécial du terrain Dr Souleyman Almahmood, pédiatre dans un de nos centre de santé dans la région d’Idleb en #Syrie. Lien vers le live : https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=543136513040864

4-Coronavirus and Syria:

Coronavirus 2019 and health systems affected by protracted conflict: The case of Syria. International Journal of Infectious Diseases:  https://www.ijidonline.com/article/S1201-9712(20)30308-8/fulltext

-Interesting analysis on Syria’s wheat sector and the gvt’s struggle to secure supplies amid worsening economic conditions; by @will_christou and @rohadvani https://syriadirect.org/news/damascus-struggles-to-secure-wheat-supply-amidst-coronavirus-crisis/

-Le Covid-19 au nord-est de la #Syrie https://guitinews.fr/?p=211758

5-Sanctions et Aide humanitaire:

– « #EU sanctions are not impeding Syria’s medical response to #COVID19, » @eu_eeasinsists. – No restriction on testing kits, medicine, equipment or assistance. https://eeas.europa.eu/topics/sanctions-policy/79173/syria-eu-sanctions-are-not-impeding-syria

6- Refugees:

– Lesbos : la honte de l Europe http://euradio.fr/2020/05/14/lesbos-la-honte-de-leurope/

-‘Like a ship about to sink’: Refugees in #Jordan voice pandemic despair: #Syria https://thenewhumanitarian.org/feature/2020/05/14/Jordan-coronavirus-refugees…

-Desperate #Syria n refugees are resorting to selling their organs on the black market just to pay rent https://www.cbsnews.com/news/desperate-syrian-refugees-selling-organs-to-survive/7- Le régime et la société :

– Bashar Al-Assad and his regime are directly responsible for Syria’s economic meltdown. The regime chooses to spend tens of millions of dollars each month to fund war against the Syrian people, instead of feeding the needy. https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2287066/syria-local-currency-devaluation-exacerbates-sufferings-damascus

#Syrie : les milices du régime et la sécurité créent des entreprises privées rentables https://mena-studies.org/fr/syrie-les-milices-du-regime-et-la-securite-creent-des-entreprises-privees-rentables/

-Why are more than half of all #Syria ns going to sleep hungry? https://thenational.ae/opinion/editorial/why-are-more-than-half-of-all-syrians-going-to-sleep-hungry-1.1020164… via @TheNationalUAE

-Ce que Valent les Promesses du Régime #Assad ! #syrie https://femmesdemoc.wordpress.com/2020/05/16/ce-que-valent-les-promesses-du-regime-assad/… via  @wordpressdotcom

#Syria n TV drama uses photo of real regime victim to represent murdered woman https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/18/syrian-tv-drama-interview-with-mr-adam-photo-rehab-al-alawi?CMP=share_btn_tw

#Syria ns turn to flea markets for frugal Eid Al-Fitr https://www.arabnews.com/node/1678111/middle-east#.XseutHXvTfB.twitter

-Deraa: The security situation in Daraa has become increasingly uncertain following the 2018 reconciliation agreement. #Syrian government forces must adhere to human rights principles as peaceful civilian protests reoccur. https://syriadirect.org/news/fear-and-uncertainty-in-daraa-is-reconciliation-over/

8-Le clan Assad:

-The Syrian Presidential Palace Strengthens its Concentration of Power:The Rift Makhlouf-Assad | Daher – https://mailchi.mp/88135170594b/new-publication-wpcs-the-syrian-presidential-palace-strengthens-its-concentration-of-power-the-rift-makhlouf-assad-daher

-How Asma #Assad transformed from ‘Desert Rose’ into Syria’s ‘Iron Lady’ #Syria The first lady who used to feature on the cover of glamour magazines now makes headlines for pulling the strings in the war-torn nation. https://www.calcalistech.com/ctech/articles/0,7340,L-3823431,00.html

-“The unmaking of a billionaire: A case study in how and why the Assad regime eats its own”  By Sam Dagher https://www.ambassadorsbrief.com/posts/3uKM26yhN2dgkWDGj


-Daech et pandémie de coronavirus : une instabilité sociopolitique et un « repli sur soi » étatique qui profitent à l’EI #Syrie https://lesclesdumoyenorient.com/spip.php?page=article&id_article=0… via @LesclesduMO


– how #Russia can reconcile its plan to ‘reform’ a regime that seems beyond rehabilitation. Assad’s mobilization of diehard loyalists (regime stooges) to challenge Moscow adds another layer of complexity to its #Syria venture, a sign of desperation, the final tool at the disposal of a terrified president @NizarMohamad1. https://trtworld.com/opinion/syrian-regime-hardliners-undermine-and-challenge-russia-36443… #Syria @trtworld

-Even if weakened by #covid19 pandemic, low oil prices and growing dissatisfactions, #Putin‘s #Russia hasn’t abandoned its destructive goals in #Ukraine and #Syria. « Let’s not this crisis become Putin’s opportunity. » https://thehill.com/opinion/international/498239-putin-pressured-by-global-crises-yet-finds-ways-to-exploit-them

– « What the #Assad family feud means for #Russia#Syria relations? » – New long-form paper by

@MEI_Syriascholar @anton_mardasov, for @SharqForum, argues that #Moscow is unlikely to break from #Assad & struggles with « limited leverage » in #Damascus: https://research.sharqforum.org/2020/05/21/what-the-assad-family-feud-means-for-russian-syrian-relations/

11 Turkey:

A new venue for justice for Syrian victims may be available following Turkish territorial control in Northern Syria. Victims may be able to pursue complaints for violations by Turkey and its proxy militias through the European Court of Human Rights. https://www.justsecurity.org/70268/turkey-opened-the-door-to-the-european-court-of-human-rights-for-syrian-victims/


Sanctions hit Iranians urge #Syria to return billions   https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/sanctions-hit-iranians-urge-syria-to-return-billions/1850082

13-Interview :

 Storytelling as Healing : Poetry Reading and Conversation”. Omar Offendum is a Syrian-American rapper and spoken word artist.


14- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

#Syria n activist killed by Islamic State was working on British-backed comic. Naji Jerf, editor of al-Hentawi,was shot dead in Gaziantep in December 2015. It was aimed at 9 to 15-year as a “counter-recruitment magazine” in response to IS’s propaganda. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/syria-activist-killed-islamic-state-british-propaganda-comic

– A Syrian Refugee Earns a Bachelor’s Degree After Twelve Years | Columbia News With detentions and delays behind him, political science major Qutaiba Idlbi is determined to bring political transition and justice to #Syria. https://news.columbia.edu/news/syrian-refugee-earns-bachelors-degree-after-twelve-years#/.XsFvMl8ITgk.twitter

-Ibrahim Karout, le Syrien qui sème l’apiculture urbaine à #Paris Le village de Ayn Halakim, en #Syriehttp://kawa-news.com/ibrahim-karout-le-syrien-qui-seme-lapiculture-urbaine-a-paris/… via @Kawa_Media

-Un #Syrie n gagne pour sa famille le droit de rester au Royaume-Uni s’il meurt du coronavirus @hassan_akkad https://fr.metrotime.be/2020/05/21/must-read/un-syrien-gagne-pour-sa-famille-le-droit-de-rester-au-royaume-uni-sil-meurt-du-coronavirus/ Pression de l’opinion publique sur Boris Johnson https://www.infomigrants.net/fr/post/24908/coronavirus-le-refugie-syrien-hassan-akkad-vole-au-secours-des-hopitaux-anglais

– Des réfugiés #syrie ns créent un robot désinfectant avec des pièces de Lego en Jordanie https://www.breakingnews.fr/technologie/des-refugies-syriens-creent-un-robot-desinfectant-avec-des-pieces-de-lego-en-jordanie-490132.html

– The Heart-Warming Friendship Story Behind the For Sama Oscar Dress @waadalkateab @forsamafilm #Syria https://en.vogue.me/awards/waad-al-kateab-for-sama-oscar-dress/

-La situation en #Syrie s’aggrave selon un réfugié sarthois  https://rcf.fr/actualite/covid-19-la-situation-en-syrie-s-aggrave-selon-un-refugie-sarthois-1?unkp=0c22df83293308416602a2e3c18e2dee#.XsSglBiv31A.twitter

100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/

15- Justice:

-Jour 6 : Jugé en Allemagne, l’ ex-haut-gradé syrien a nié toute responsabilité dans la torture et la mort de détenus dans une geôle de Damas. Le régime Assad continue de perpétrer des exactions en toute impunité mais ce procès est un tournant, pour les ONG #Syria  https://www.tdg.ch/un-ex-officier-syrien-nie-tout-role-dans-la-torture-439399122437


#Syria n Woman Torture Survivor Hopes for Justice in Germany Trials By Nisan Ahmado https://www.voanews.com/extremism-watch/syrian-woman-torture-survivor-hopes-justice-germany-trials?amp&__twitter_impression=true

-New evidence emerges on #Syria torture doctor posing as refugee in Germany https://middleeastmonitor.com/20200515-new-evidence-emerges-on-syria-torture-doctor-posing-as-refugee-in-germany/#.XsLbAa-WOlo.twitter… via @MiddleEastMnt

Allemagne: un médecin syrien soupçonné de crimes contre l’humanité


-Un premier pas vers la justice pour les #Syrie ns https://syrie.news/2020/05/21/premier-vers-justice-syriens/

16 -Analyse :

-The Syrian constitution will only be words on paper until power is devolved to the local level  https://www.mei.edu/publications/syrian-constitution-will-only-be-words-paper-until-power-devolved-local-level

17-Patrimoine :

#Syrie, Idlib, sur la piste des chrétiens d’Orient, avec Alain Desreumaux via @franceculture


-The ‘Forgotten Cities’ of Idlib at risk in #Syria‘s war https://dianadarke.com/2020/02/26/the-forgotten-cities-of-idlib-at-risk-in-syrias-war/… via @dianadarke


-@isabellehausser A lire « La peur au milieu d’un vaste champ », recueil de nouvelles de l’auteur #syrien Mustafa Taj Aldeen Almosa. Il y a quelque chose de Marcel Aymé dans ces nouvelles fantastiques (dans ts les sens du terme), avec en arrière-plan le conflit syrien & ses atrocités, la poésie en + La Peur au milieu d’un vaste champ et autres nouvelles #Syrie http://actes-sud.fr/catalogue/litterature/la-peur-au-milieu-dun-vaste-champ-et-autres-nouvelles

Une satire contre la peur & la mort, un sensible hommage à la vie en temps de guerre https://www.lacauselitteraire.fr/la-peur-au-milieu-d-un-vaste-champ-mustafa-taj-aldeen-almosa-par-tawfiq-belfadelpar-tawfiq-belfadel


-Istanbul University has published a digital version of the archive of Sultan Abdul Hamid, which contains a number of pictures of the Syrian regions. The photos are sorted and ready to be downloaded at this link. https://drive.google.com/drive/mobile/folders/1ec87z8ya6YbdEjPt60oPArAlsh2yEbyX?usp=sharing

20-Vidéo :

-Retour à Daraya :#Daraya Icône de la révolution #Syrie https://facebook.com/100009328606530/videos/2741005942886999/

21-Les Syriens:

-Un jeune #Syrie n de Moncton admis au programme de médecine en français https://acadienouvelle.com/actualites/2020/05/15/un-jeune-syrien-de-moncton-admis-au-programme-de-medecine-en-francais/… via  @acadienouvelle

-Figures de la communauté #Juive du #Levant (#Liban #Syrie); les Nahmad. https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1216807/juif-dorigine-syro-libanaise-david-nahmad-serait-le-plus-grand-collectionneur-de-picasso.html

Le collectionneur d’art David Nahmad propose un Picasso au tirage au sort


22- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :

– Naïssam Jalal & Rhythms of Resistance – Live @ Martinique Jazz Festival #Syrie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fL7rkjiKh4&feature=youtu.be

#Syria‘s state torture on trial in #Germany: @WafaMustafa9 @anwaralbounni and @schueller_a on the importance of justice, hope and an end to impunity. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=279935599829000&ref=watch_permalink

-Villes du monde arabe : Politique de reconstruction et quartiers informels en #Syrie https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRSOa43mUGs&feature=emb_logo

– Un jeune Syrien à la cour de Louis XIV Hanna Dyâb visite la France du Roi-Soleil, s’émerveille de ses rencontres. Il est à l’origine de la publication en français des Mille et une nuits, et serait même l’inspirateur du personnage d’Aladin @OrientXXI https://orientxxi.info/un-jeune-syrien-a-la-cour-de-louis-xiv,3880

D’Alep à Paris : Les pérégrinations d’un jeune #Syrie n au temps de Louis XIV DEBAT, Présentation de l’ouvrage @imarabe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4ZV81-le-k&feature=youtu.be

– Samer Abboud Examines the Politics of Exclusion in #Syria [VIDEO] https://shar.es/aH9bSQ
