Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 22 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. «
1– Rapports et Etudes:
-Opaque as it is, Syria lends itself to quantitative analysis, thanks to hidden treasure troves of open data we are eager to analyze & promote This is the fourth in our ongoing series, « Syria trends: Mining underused data » Explore other editions below https://www.synaps.network/post/syria-wikipedia-pageviews-analysis
-Enfants soldats dans la guerre en Syrie :
-Un rapport de @STJ_SYRIA_ENG révèle que des milices syriennes financées et encadrées par la #Turquie envoient des enfants combattre en #Libye contre le maréchal Haftar. https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/libye-des-enfants-syriens-enroles-dans-l-armee-de-tripoli-25-05-2020-2376833_24.php#
– Human Rights Watch : l’Iran recrute des enfants pour se battre en Syrie https://syrie.news/2017/12/02/human-rights-watch-liran-recrute-enfants-se-battre-syrie/
-More and more children join #Syria n rebels’ desperate ranks https://www.latimes.com/world/la-fg-c1-syria-child-soldiers-20140916-story.html
-Key Steps Taken to End Use of Child Soldiers in #Syria https://www.hrw.org/news/2018/09/12/key-steps-taken-end-use-child-soldiers-syria
-Tiger Forces, Part 2: The Recruitment of Child Soldiers #Syria https://international-review.org/tiger-forces-part-2-the-recruitment-of-child-soldiers/
-Who Are Turkey’s Proxy Fighters in #Syria? @Elizrael https://nybooks.com/daily/2019/11/27/who-are-turkeys-proxy-fighters-in-syria/… via @nybooks
-Les déplacés d’Idlib manifestent pour leur retour https://diyaruna.com/fr/articles/cnmi_di/features/2020/05/27/feature-03
-Rising food insecurity around the world and Syria particularly amid the pandemic and why it matters that we don’t turn inward at this critical time: People halfway around the world are hungry and it is our problem https://thenational.ae/opinion/comment/people-halfway-around-the-world-are-hungry-and-it-is-our-problem-1.1025467… via @TheNationalUAE
-“In these very difficult times, the need to continue learning is considered essential,” says Hasan, a teacher of mathematics in #Idlib province, #Syria. We couldn’t agree more. Watch how we’re helping to keep the textbooks open. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W4Jgzb2kjvY&feature=youtu.be
3-Agir pour Idlib :
-Molham Volunteering Team https://molhamteam.com/fr/campaigns/205
– Violet organization https://violetsyria.org/en/
4-Coronavirus and Syria:
-La #Syrie face au Coronavirus : fragmentation, manipulation et politisation, Manon-Nour Tannous. https://www.afri-ct.org/2020/thucyblog-n-40-la-syrie-face-au-coronavirus-fragmentation-manipulation-et-politisation/
5-UN et Aide humanitaire:
– UN campaign blasted for ‘tasteless’ portrayals of #Syria‘s rural poor https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/un-blasted-tasteless-syria-campaign-sexual-violence-rural-poor-lockdown
6- Refugees:
–Suffering in silence « Female activists face patriarchal and societal risks more than others, and this sometimes obstructs their activism. Society blames them if any harm comes their way or touches their families.” https://syriauntold.com/2020/05/22/the-options-for-syrian-female-activists-in-lebanon-fear-imprisonment-or-departure/
-Fear, Hunger Grip #Syria n Refugees in Turkey https://www.voanews.com/covid-19-pandemic/fear-hunger-grip-syrian-refugees-turkey
7- Le régime et la société :
– Demolitions in Harasta confirm regime’s intent to use Law 10 to strip displaced Syrians of their… by #Syria n Association for Citizens’ Dignity https://medium.com/@SACD/demolitions-in-harasta-confirm-regimes-intent-to-use-law-10-to-strip-displaced-syrians-of-their-2af517fba8d6
– Une photo qui interroge et une épidémie invisible | C’est la volonté de « réécrire l’Histoire, détruire la réalité & construire sa propre version. #Assad veut que les gens croient que César n’existe pas, que tout cela est faux. » https://www.lecourrierdelatlas.com/point-de-vue-syrie-une-photo-qui-interroge-et-une-epidemie-invisible-24024#.XsltOuT_Kch.twitter
–#syria A missing aid shipment to As-Suwayda worth 1.2 million Euros https://wp.me/p7cv3Y-ftd via
@enabbaladi https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/05/a-missing-aid-shipment-to-as-suwayda-worth-1-2-million-euros/
-Russia offered to release people from prison in exchange for fighting in Libya. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/58268/offer-of-release-for-south-damascus-detainees-in-exchange-for-fighting-in-libya.html
-Deraa: -Events in Syria have come to a head with multiple arrests. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/58236/regime-forces-affiliated-militias-storm-daraa-town-arresting-civilians-and-military-defectors.html
8-Le clan Assad:
– Rami Makhlouf saga: #Syria n tycoon plays up his role as self-declared philanthropist https://thenational.ae/world/mena/rami-makhlouf-saga-syrian-tycoon-plays-up-his-role-as-self-declared-philanthropist-1.1022486… via @TheNationalUAE
-Professor at Tishreen University: Makhlouf Is Fracturing the Alawites https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/58186/professor-at-tishreen-university-makhlouf-is-fracturing-the-alawites.html
-This is what all analysts are telling the decision-makers: Islamic State is back and this time the west is ill-prepared to take it on. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/may/24/islamic-state-is-back-and-this-time-the-west-is-ill-prepared-to-take-it-on
– #Syrie dans la lutte d’influence qui se joue en Syrie entre Russes, Iraniens et régime Assad, la Russie a montré ces dernières semaines qu’elle pouvait déstabiliser le régime. Avec quels objectifs pour la suite? https://www.institutmontaigne.org/blog/syrie-la-maison-assad-ebranlee
-By expanding the circle of his envoys, the president wants to make sure he is presented with a diverse set of views on the situation in Syria, as well as with different perspectives on Russia’s potential courses of action. https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/05/russia-putin-new-envoy-syria-damascus-conflict-efimov.html
-Russia and China spread coronavirus conspiracies about US in Middle East https://www.nbcnews.com/video/russia-and-china-spread-coronavirus-conspiracies-about-us-in-middle-east-83914309789
-Iranian militias and Hezbollah redeploy their troops in southern #Syria https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/05/iranian-militias-and-hezbollah-redeploy-their-troops-in-southern-syria/ via @enabbaladi
-Idlib to Tripoli: Turkey moves to dominate eastern Mediterranean https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/26/from-idlib-to-tripoli-turkeys-grab-for-influence-in-libya
-the #EU extended its sanctions against #Syria‘s #Assad regime for another year — to June 2021. In sum, #EU sanctions are on 273 persons & 70 entities. https://consilium.europa.eu/en/press/press-releases/2020/05/28/syria-sanctions-against-the-regime-extended-by-one-year/
-« Ce qui aurait pu être un “non évènement”, le Centre d’Action Laïque étant une organisation relativement peu “visible”, ne sera qu’un moment de honte, un de plus dans la longue série des compromissions avec le régime Assad. » https://www.lignes-de-cretes.org/un-moment-de-honte-vite-passe-quand-bachar-al-assad-sinvite-a-la-fete-de-la-laicite-belge/
14-Interview :
– Interview @ZahraHankir about her book #OurWomenOnTheGround featuring 19 Arab women writers. https://thefirethisti.me/2020/05/13/19-our-women-on-the-ground/
-Our Women on the Ground ESSAYS BY ARAB WOMEN REPORTING FROM THE ARAB WORLD Foreword by Christiane Amanpour Edited by Zahra Hankir https://penguinrandomhouse.com/books/575303/our-women-on-the-ground-by-edited-by-zahra-hankir-foreword-by-christiane-amanpour/
15- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– This #Syria n mother helps other refugees navigate life in Germany http://infomi.gr/183Y.T via @InfoMigrants
-Témoignages : comment des réfugiés politiques installés à Clermont-Ferrand vivent la crise du Covid 19 – #Syrie https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/auvergne-rhone-alpes/puy-de-dome/clermont-ferrand/temoignage-comment-refugies-politiques-installes-clermont-ferrand-vivent-ils-crise-du-covid-19-1830124.html
–“Qutaiba is a symbol of a broader generation of Syrians that have so much to offer the world,” 9yrs ago, @Qidlbi was in prison in #Syria undergoing horrendous torture & being interrogated by notorious #Syrian commander Suheil Hassan. Days ago, he graduated from @Columbia & joined @MEI_Syria as a non-resident scholar.
-VIDEO. « Les #Syrie ns ont le droit de vivre, de chercher un autre avenir » @AmaniBallour https://20minutes.fr/monde/syrie/2733363-20200306-video-aimerais-etre-voix-ceux-souffrent-temoigne-amani-ballour-pediatre-syrienne-star-documentaire-the-cave… via @20minutes
— „Wir fühlten uns nicht mehr als Flüchtlinge“ #Syrie #Syria #Syrien 13 000 Syriens sont désormais enregistrés. Les étudiants syriens sont désormais le troisième groupe d’étudiants étrangers dans les universités allemandes après les chinois et les indiens. https://www.tagesspiegel.de/wissen/integration-von-gefluechteten-an-den-unis-wir-fuehlten-uns-nicht-mehr-als-fluechtlinge/25840720.html
-The German Medical Association found that the largest group of foreign-born doctors registered in the country are Syrians (with 4,486 doctors) https://bundesaerztekammer.de/ueber-uns/aerztestatistik/aerztestatistik-2019/… via @OAlhiraki
– Le prix Gandhi pour la paix 2020 rend hommage à deux #Syrie ns Zaher Sahloul et Mayson Almisri seront les lauréats du prix Gandhi pour la paix 2020. https://share.america.gov/fr/le-prix-gandhi-pour-la-paix-2020-rend-hommage-a-deux-syriens/… via @ShareAmerica
–100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/
16- Justice:
-Day 7 & 8 of #AlKhatibTrial in Koblenz comes to an end. An officer of the German Federal Criminal Police was heard on the circumstances of the interrogation of defendant Eyad A. What happened in court previously? Check our trial reports (also in #Arabic): https://ecchr.eu/en/case/trial-updates-first-trial-worldwide-on-torture-in-syria/
-Episode 4 & 5 of #Branch251, The defense strategy being used by Anwar R. https://branch-251.captivate.fm/
17 -Analyse :
-« The Russians need Assad, although they never liked him and always thought of him as stupid and incompetent » – #Syria expert @BassmaKodmani sat down with @nuding_michael to discuss the recent family feud in the war torn country and the road ahead. https://magazine.zenith.me/en/politics/interview-syria-expert-bassma-kodmani
18-Patrimoine :
–#Assad‘s army of looters desecrated the tomb of Islamic Caliph Umar ibn Abd al Aziz in southern #Idlib. Video shows the tomb was exhumed and all of the artifacts in the mausoleum were stolen. May the spirit of Umar II haunt them. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20200528-tomb-of-umayyad-caliph-exhumed-by-militias-in-syria/
The Syrian regime news agency published pictures of the damage; activists shared pictures showing the shrine was fine when it was recently seized by pro-Assad militias: https://syria.tv/%D9%86%D8%B8%D8%A7%D9%85-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A3%D8%B3%D8%AF-%D9%8A%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%82-%D8%B6%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%AD-%D8%B9%D9%85%D8%B1-%D8%A8%D9%86-%D8%B9%D8%A8%D8%AF-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%B2%D9%8A%D8%B2-%D8%AC%D9%86%D9%88%D8%A8-%D8%A5%D8%AF%D9%84%D8%A8-%D8%B5%D9%88%D8%B1
-Roman #Syrie, Vaisseau Humanité 2.0 par Christian Cogné. « L’enfer sur Terre » est l’expression communément admise pour parler de la #Syrie et notamment de la province d’Idlib où dans le nord-est sont entassés un million de femmes et d’enfants. http://kykloseditions.com/Vaisseau-Humanite.2.0.html
– Mouneb Taim, photojournalistique, la présélection du prix Levallois 2020. Vote du public, tout le monde peut voter pour le prix du public en allant sur le site.
Newcomer: War Notes by Mouneb Nassar. /winners of the Kolga tblisi photo award
20-Cuisine :
-Haricots de Lima marinés à la syrienne https://loouniecuisine.com/haricots-de-lima-marines-a-la-syrienne/
21-Les Syriens:
-‘I fled #Syria, now I work at the Pitt Rivers Museum’. https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/18465557.rehoming-syrian-refugees-oxford—get-involved/?ref=twtrec
-Repaying a kindness: Resettled #Syria n tailor shares mask-making skills with those who guided him to safety https://www.bostonglobe.com/2020/05/25/metro/repaying-kindness-resettled-syrian-tailor-shares-mask-making-skills-with-those-who-guided-him-safety/
22- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :
-Migrants syriens: les oubliés de la pandémie ? La plateforme #WeExist, une vingtaine d’ONG syriennes, a lancé une grande enquête sur le sort des déplacés ou réfugiés syriens en #Syrie, au Liban et en Europe. Jade Kahhaleh, coordinatrice de la plateforme. http://www.rfi.fr/fr/podcasts/20200523-migrants-syriens-les-oubli%C3%A9s-la-pand%C3%A9mie?ref=tw
–La crise vue de Turquie Avec Nicolas Cheviron, correspondant de Mediapart à Istanbul : les médecins syriens en Turquie en renfort contre le coronavirus. A partir de la minute 28:22. https://www.mediapart.fr/journal/international/260520/l-air-libre-plan-d-urgence-des-ong-et-syndicats-medecins-syriens-en-turquie-autonomie-alimentaire?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=Sharing&xtor=CS3-67
–A Shackled Dream, film, Mofeed abeedo At least 123445 syrian are either still detained or under in enforce disappearance in prisons of Al-assad regime, where they are being humiliated and starved In addition to all kinds of Psychological and physical torture to death https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFoSRWJUIXQ&feature=youtu.be
–Silence or death: Lawrence Abu Hamdan, recreating the horrific Syrian jail. What we were measuring was nothing to do with the door or the space – it was actually about the condition of extreme hunger and what it does to the senses. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/oct/01/silence-or-death-turner-finalist-lawrence-abu-hamdan-on-recreating-a-horrific-syrian-jail
La vidéo « Earwitness Inventory » avec des transcriptions de Saydnaya (entre autres) https://vimeo.com/396732611 (mot de passe : Bogota)