Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 26 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. «

« Everyday, from now until the fall of #Assad and the release of the #Syrian #detainees , I will draw and share drawings of #assadregime victims of #torture and #murder »
1– Rapports et Etudes:
– NEW REPORT: Few displaced #Syria‘ns and #refugees see themselves returning home or settling down in the coming years. Their displacement trauma is bound to continue #Syria #SyriaConf2020
– New Publication WPCS | The Economic Networks of the Fourth Division during the Syrian Conflict | Ayman Aldassouky – https://mailchi.mp/38f90b46ca7d/new-publication-wpcs-the-economic-networks-of-the-fourth-division-during-the-syrian-conflict-ayman-aldassouky
–The Ninth Annual Report on Torture in Syria on the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture. 14,388 Killed Due to Torture by the Main Perpetrator Parties to the Conflict in Syria from March 2011 Until June 2020. At least 177 children and 63 women have died from torture in Syria, the report said. The Assad regime claimed the lives of 14,235 people through tortures, including 173 children and 46 women. http://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/06/26/55122/
-Exhibition of cartoons by Amani Al Ali in Idlib https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jT7mJj_wdHc
#Syrie L’aide humanitaire victime des sanctions. Le rapport met en évidence les «sanctions invisibles» résultant d’une «application excessive» par les institutions financières des restrictions aux transferts d’argent, limitant ainsi l’action humanitaire. https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2020/06/24/syrie-l-aide-humanitaire-victime-des-sanctions-internationales_1792279
-More information and deeper insight can be found by the research #Invisiblesanctions
How over-compliance limits humanitarian work on Syria- Challenges of Fund Transfer for Non-Profit Organizations Working on Syria https://www.impact-csrd.org/invisible-sanctions/
-« My friends and I are convinced that there’s no way to live a decent life unless the regime changes.” via: @syriauntold_en https://syriauntold.com/2020/06/26/from-you-strangled-us-to-we-want-to-live/
-Les manifestations se succèdent à Soueïda pour dénoncer la corruption, la dégradation des conditions de vie, appeler au renversement du régime Assad. Pour @ARTEInfo des journalistes syriens témoignent de la révolte #Syrie #Syria https://arte.tv/fr/videos/098541-000-A/syrie-le-peuple-de-soueida-ne-supporte-plus-l-injustice/
-VIDÉO : Les habitants de Sweida en #Syrie poursuivent leurs manifestations contre le gouvernement https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/actu-et-enquetes/syrie-sweida-manifestations-crise-economie
-Between freedom and fear… What is the future of demonstrations in As-Suwayda?
-‘My youth has gone.’ War and conscription for young men in Syria’s Suwayda province, a recent epicenter of anti-government protests https://syriauntold.com/2020/01/09/men-evading-military-service-in-southern-syrias-suwayda-feel-trapped/
#Syria Insight: #Suweyda‘s autonomy threatened by new economic uncertainties » This is a very good at the #Druze & recently evolving dynamics in SE #Syria, by @PaullMcLoughlin
-Investigation reveals a #Moscow–#Damascus effort to recruit locals to deploy to #Libya for training & then combat. One recruit speaking from #Hmeymim said 100s were due to fly on Monday (today); another already in #Libya was trained in #Homs. https://suwayda24.com/?p=14353
4-Coronavirus and Syria:
– Those who did not die by the virus are dying of hunger. Report 2020 – #international_day_of_refugees Covid 19 – implications on the economic situation of Syrian refugees in neighbouring countries of Syria (Lebanon – Jordan – Turkey) https://vdc-sy.net/covid19-implications-on-the-economic-situation-of-syrian-refugees-en/
-Insight into the trauma suffered by former detainees, triggered by the coronavirus lock-down via: @KeshMalekSyria https://glimpse.keshmalek.org/survivors-struggle-during-the-covid-19s-lock-down-a-mental-dilemmas/
-Coronavirus: l’OMS redoute une explosion du virus en #Syrie : https://sudinfo.be/id212675/article/2020-06-26/coronavirus-loms-redoute-une-explosion-du-virus-en-syrie… via @sudpresseonline
-Broken promises: The forgotten children of the Syrian crisis. https://news.trust.org/item/20200619192603-mxz16/
-Poverty drives #Syrian refugee kids out of school. Drop-outs increase alarmingly beginning at around age 12 but donors still aren’t targeting this age group. Time to close the gap at #SyriaConf2020. https://hrw.org/news/2020/06/26/jordan-secondary-school-gap-syrian-refugee-kids…
6- Aide humanitaire:
– Projet de résolution belge et allemand à #ONU pour faciliter l’aide humanitaire en #Syrie. Pour Jean-Pierre Filiu : « Avec Poutine en Syrie, on est dans un système Orwellien » https://rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_projet-de-resolution-belge-et-allemand-pour-l-aide-humanitaire-en-syrie-avec-poutine-on-est-dans-un-systeme-orwellien?id=10524888&utm_source=rtbfinfo&utm_campaign=social_share&utm_medium=twitter_share… via @rtbfinfo
-Do the heads of every reputable aid agency need to plead with the Security Council to allow them to do their humanitarian duty anywhere else? https://reliefweb.int/report/syrian-arab-republic/reopen-al-yarubiyah-crossing-syria-open-letter-united-nations-security
-Aide transfrontalière en #Syrie. Lettre ouverte au Conseil de Sécurité de l’ONU| Association CARE France https://www.carefrance.org/actualite/communique-presse-news/2020-06-24,syrie-aide-humanitaire-onu-lettre.htm
7- Refugees:
-100 Faces team member Noor Ghazal Aswad @noorghazalaswad was featured in A News for her article in The New Arab, « On World Refugee Day, let’s remember Syria’s revolutionary refugees. »
Read the article here: https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/Comment/2020/6/18/On-World-Refugee-Day-lets-remember-our-revolutionary-refugees
Watch the full interview here:
- Peter van der Auweraert, chief of mission in Bosnia for International Organization for Migration
2. Wendy Pearlman, Middle East politics professor at Northwestern University
3. Noor Ghazal Aswad, British-Syrian in the U.S., PhD candidate on post-coloniality, immigration, liberatory social movements, and border rhetorics
– Réfugiés #syrie ns au Liban : « Avec le coronavirus, il n’y a plus rien à manger » http://f24.my/6bS2.T via @FRANCE24 https://www.france24.com/fr/20200620-r%C3%A9fugi%C3%A9s-syriens-au-liban-avec-le-coronavirus-il-n-y-a-plus-rien-%C3%A0-manger?ref=tw
-Helping refugees in Lebanon protect themselves from COVID-19 https://www.doctorswithoutborders.org/what-we-do/news-stories/story/helping-refugees-lebanon-protect-themselves-covid-19
8-Economie et loi César:
-NEW SANCTIONS ON ASSAD AIM TO PREVENT ATROCITIES According to the Syrian Network for Human Rights, the regime’s political prisoners still number some 129,000. “God’s children are being killed today in Idlib and in the regime’s dungeons,” Caesar wrote to me. https://warontherocks.com/2020/06/new-sanctions-on-assad-aim-to-prevent-atrocities/
-Perhaps the Caesar Act will be a rare example of successful sanctions bringing about positive change, but past experience suggests otherwise. My latest for @MiddleEastEye https://www.middleeasteye.net/opinion/syria-assad-caesar-us-sanctions-topple
-Syria’s Response to the ‘Caesar Act’ https://cgpolicy.org/articles/syrias-response-to-the-caesar-act/… a detailed analysis by @Dannymakkisyria
-World Food Program Executive Director David Beasley said a growing numbers of people are “literally on the brink of starvation.” #syria https://apnews.com/9ea71ca96097246ec38dee6d69a43f65
—#LoiCésar : du nouveau pour la #Syrie ? #webinar avec @salamkawakibi , directeur du @CarepParis https://carep-paris.org/evenements/conferences/webinar-6-loi-cesar-du-nouveau-pour-la-syrie/
9- Le régime et la société :
– En #Syrie, la colère des minorités contre Assad – JP Filiu https://www.lemonde.fr/blog/filiu/2020/06/21/en-syrie-la-colere-des-minorites-contre-assad/
-Syrian man exposes Assad regime torture in prisons https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/syrian-man-exposes-assad-regime-torture-in-prisons/news
-Deraa: – « A former rebel leader may lose the war but win the people’s hearts and minds on a different battlefield » Is Ahmad al-Oda winning the “hearts and minds” of Daraa’s people? My latest for @MEI_Syria @MiddleEastInst
– East Ghouta:
– #Syria n regime cancels thousands of Eastern Ghouta’s real estate contracts leaving properties’ fate unknown https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/06/syrian-regime-cancels-thousands-of-eastern-ghoutas-real-estate-contracts-leaving-properties-fate-unknown/
-Regime security forces arrested 112 men in #Douma in just the last three weeks. Most of those detained are being forcibly recruited and include men who had signed settlements with the Regime. https://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/21014
10-Le clan Assad:
–Assad’s circle is clinging to power, pulling Syria deeper into the abyss http://theconflictarchives.com/news/2020/6/17/assad-is-clinging-to-power-pulling-syria-deeper-into-the-abyss
-Les blessures non cicatrisées du clan Assad en #Syrie https://atalayar.com/fr/content/les-blessures-non-cicatris%C3%A9es-du-clan-assad-en-syrie
– Has ISIS Returned to Rural Aleppo? https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/58847/has-isis-returned-to-rural-aleppo.html… via @observesyria
– ‘EU options for dealing with the Syrian conflict’ Webinar With experts
@ChristianHanelt, Naseef Naeem, @jobahout @MrjDuclos @MKoehlerEU @BassmaKodmani @ErwinVeen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6no-JZrIfks
-US targets Assad govt and backers with toughest sanctions yet against #Syria |https://www.pri.org/stories/2020-06-19/us-targets-assad-govt-and-backers-toughest-sanctions-yet-against-syria
-Comment Abou Dhabi donne un coup de main à #Damas https://orientxxi.info/magazine/comment-abou-dhabi-donne-un-coup-de-main-a-damas,3970
-Images: Aftermath of Israeli missile attacks on Syria’s #Hama province https://english.iswnews.com/13920/images-aftermath-of-israeli-missile-attacks-on-syrias-hama-province/
-Israel has said that Iran’s presence in Syria in support of President Bashar al-Assad is a threat, and it will continue its strikes against Iranian-backed forces. Air strikes targeting positions belonging to regime forces and Iran-backed militias in east Syria on Saturday killed six fighters, a war monitor said. https://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/28062020
-A deeper look at Russia’s humanitarian intervention throughout Syria and how this aid is being used to undermine international and US efforts for @AtlanticCouncil by @MikiSosnowski & Jonathan Robinson https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/menasource/mapping-russias-soft-power-efforts-in-syria-through-humanitarian-aid/
-Russian-backed “Fifth Corps” extends its control in southern Syria. The Iranian-Russian fighting over the south of Syria is clear now https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/06/russian-backed-fifth-corps-extends-its-control-in-southern-syria/
-After a UN inquiry (& a Pulizter-winning @nytimes series) found Russia most likely bombed hospitals in Syria, Russia has pulled out of the UN notification system intended to avoid such bombings. Russia denies it used the system to find hospitals to target. https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2354246/russia-quits-un-system-syria-hospitals-aid
– Deeper Turkish engagement with the Syrian Kurds would be helpful, but any such talks need to be linked with ongoing efforts to contain the Islamic State and advance the UN’s broader Geneva process – my newest piece with @cansucamlibel for @WashInstitute https://www.washingtoninstitute.org/policy-analysis/view/merging-talks-on-northeast-syria-with-a-whole-of-country-approach
18-Deir Zorr:
-A source told Deir Ezzor 24 network that the Russian forces have transferred 50 fighters of Hezbollah militia and Al-Quds force, from Deir Ezzor, to Libya to fight alongside Haftar militia. https://en.deirezzor24.net/elements-of-the-iranian-proxy-militias-from-deir-ezzor-are-recruited-by-russia-to-fight-in-libya/
-“I wish to see many people unlearn patronizing, self-congratulatory, and selective practices of solidarity and instead connect struggles for equality and freedom together.” Well worth the read from @YassinHSaleh https://www.aljumhuriya.net/en/content/surviving-monstrosities-interview-yassin-al-haj-saleh
-A lire absolument. @NTenzer Dans cet entretien, il revient notamment sur le rôle des intellectuels, mon engagement pour la #Syrie & quelques perspectives sur les principaux défis stratégiques (d’abors lutte contre les dictatures). https://eurasiaprospective.net/2020/06/25/nicolas-tenzer-un-intellectuel-sur-la-scene-internationale/ 20- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– How 3D printing could help save lives in war-torn Syria https://www.fastcompany.com/90519471/how-3d-printing-could-help-save-lives-in-war-torn-syria?partner=rss&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=rss+fastcompany&utm_content=rss
-The amazing #Syria researcher & journalist @HousseinAk was recently awarded a place at
@Columbia. He was also awarded the Distinguished New Student Scholarship which only covers half of the tuition. It’s an extraordinary opportunity but he needs help to make it happen.
Please consider donating to this @GoFundMe campaign set up by @clarissaward to get Houssein to NYC! https://gofundme.com/f/hussein-akoush-goes-to-columbia-university?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=p_cp+share-sheet…
-Ahmed Ahmed, infirmier réfugié : travailler ensemble pour prévenir les infections à COVID-19 en Turquie #Syrie https://www.euro.who.int/fr/countries/turkey/news/news/2020/6/refugee-nurse-ahmed-ahmed-working-together-to-prevent-covid-19-infections-in-turkey
-« Hopefully I have been able to repay the kindness and generosity this country has shown me and my family » – this #Syria n doctor came to the UK as a refugee, and is working on the NHS coronavirus frontline https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/coronavirus-nhs_uk_5eeea61fc5b67967bc37c459
– Rania, réfugiée #syrie nne, étudiante. Un long parcours pour accéder aux études supérieures http://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/paris-ile-de-france/paris/rania-femme-refugiee-syrienne-etudiante-long-parcours-acceder-aux-etudes-superieures-1843160.html
-‘I’ve found myself again’ – Meet the refugees using football to rebuild their lives #Syria https://www.theguardian.com/football/2020/jun/20/ive-found-myself-again-meet-the-refugees-using-football-to-rebuild-their-lives?CMP=share_btn_tw
-Beau geste de #solidarité en période #Covid19 ! A Orléans, Nabil & Sousana, restaurateurs syriens ont offert un buffet toutes les semaines au personnel soignant de l’hôpital. https://unhcr.org/fr-fr/news/stories/2020/6/5eee0bf34/actes-de-solidarite-nabil-et-sousana-chefs-et-restaurateurs.html…
– Bafta winner Waad Al-Kateab recalls surviving siege in #Syria to film For Sama https://metro.co.uk/2020/06/18/siege-syria-sama-waad-al-kateab-12872215/?ito=article.amp.share.top.twitter… via @MetroUK
-Journalism is Still my World’ Says #Syria n Who Found Refuge in Spain https://www.voanews.com/press-freedom/journalism-still-my-world-says-syrian-who-found-refuge-spain
–100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution.
Today we want to honour the revolutionary and photo journalist Khaled Al-Issa , who left us on this day four years ago, 24th June 2016. He was one of the youth who decided to stay in Syria and participate in the country’s struggle for freedom.
21- Justice:
-The first Syrian doctor is arrested for crimes against humanity that he committed in Syrian regime prisons. The Assad family may not be relinquishing power soon, but holding their associates for war crimes is an important international objective.
– This is a small glimpse into the horrific experiences of female detainees in #Syria, inside and outside detention centres. @liberated_t @TDA_SY and other Syrian advocacy groups are doing exceptional job in documenting such cases. #ForJustice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V1qp55Oi0Sk&feature=emb_logo
-Episode 9 of #Branch251, n this episode, Fritz and Karam speak to two international mental health experts, Dr. Vedrana Mladina and Diana Rayes.
They comment on the accounts of survivors we interviewed in the previous episode. And we ask them how exposure to war and torture affects survivors’ lives, and what their needs are after torture to lead a healthy life… https://branch-251.captivate.fm/episode/after-torture
-In SJAC’s third #RaslanTrial update, witnesses testify about the questioning of Al-Gharib and about an interview with #Raslan. Accused Al-Gharib drew sketches showing where detainees who died at Branch 251 were buried. More from SJAC’s trial report: https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2020/06/25/inside-the-raslan-trial-details-on-branch-251/
-La cimetière numérique : #Syrie: des milliers de personnes cherchent à identifier leurs proches morts dans les prisons d’al-Assad http://courrier-arabe.com/syrie-des-milliers-de-personnes-cherchent-a-identifier-leurs-proches-morts-dans-les-prisons-dal-assad/2020/06/23/… via @courrierarabe
-‘Comment veux-tu mourir ?’ Les abattoirs du régime #syrie n by Salam Abbara https://medium.com/@salam.abbara/comment-veux-tu-mourir-les-abattoirs-du-r%C3%A9gime-syrien-7901ece4561e
–#Syrie: les criminels du Régime d’al-Assad présentés dans une longue liste http://courrier-arabe.com/syrie-les-criminels-du-regime-dal-assad-presentes-dans-une-longue-liste/2020/06/24/
22-Analyse :
-No sweet victory for #Assad as economy collapses and U.S. sanctions hit | Reuters #Syria https://in.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-analysis-idINKBN23V1OL
-Disqualifier ses opposants politiques pour mieux les éradiquer. L’exemple de jarâthîm, Nisrine Al-Zahre #Syrie https://shakk.hypotheses.org/2177 via @hypothesesorg
-« Ayouni », le documentaire qui donne un visage aux disparus forcés de #Syrie https://www.france24.com/fr/20200626-ayouni-le-documentaire-qui-donne-un-visage-aux-disparus-forc%C3%A9s-de-syrie?ref=tw via