Une semaine sur la Syrie,
8ième semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènement de la semaine à venir est proposée.

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With her kind permission.
1 – Rapports et Etudes :
– Etat des lieux, situation humanitaire : Latest UN figures on Syria – the situation is still catastrophic: – People in need of humanitarian assistance 13M – People in acute need of humanitarian assistance 5.2M – NW Syria – 40% of children are out of school. Via OCHA :
– Armes chimiques : Syria has used chemical weapons over 300 times, researchers say. In The Hill.
2 – Idlib :
– Tous les jours meurent des enfants : 23 Février, Assad confirmed again today as world’s biggest child killer as 5 children killed & many injured after an attack w/five highly explosive and cluster missiles targeted Maraat Al Numan town via @SyriaCivilDef and @SkyNewsBreak
– Children are Being Killed Every Day in Idlib Province – Via Syrian Emergency Task Force.
– L’ONU s’alarme : UN Human Rights Chief Michèle Bachelet is alarmed by upsurge in attacks & civilian casualties in Idlib. Civilians are trapped between Government bombardments & extremist bombs and abuses. Bachelet urges all parties to ensure civilians are protected. Via OHCHR :
– Bombardements sur le Grand Idlib : Syrian Regime forces shelled al Mahabba Kindergarten in Khan Sheikhoun city in Idlib suburbs, Feb 16. Via Syrian Network For Human Rights.
– Attentats : au moins 24 morts dans un double attentat à Idleb. Sur La Presse.
– La mort en fuyant vers la Turquie : In one day, Turkish border guards recovered bodies of eight Syrian refugees who had lost their way trying to cross and froze to death. Many Syrians continue to risk the dangers of trying to cross into Turkey, especially in the province of Hatay. Via Al Araby :
– Attentats : N. Aleppo : Free security in Azaz arrested a YPG (PKK) member who was paid $4,000 US to place a car bomb next to the city’s mental hospital that killed two civilians. Via The Syria Call
3 – Aide humanitaire :
– Zone de sécurité ? : Could the proposed safe zone suddenly become very hot? International Organizations Leave Proposed “Safe Zone”. Via The Syrian Observer :
4 – Daech:
– Baghouz, le dernier réduit territorial : In the air, coalition has expended vast resources to defeat ISIS, but on the ground did very little to protect children & those caught up in attacks. Net result: over 61 babies died from cold and malnutrition. Not how you win hearts & minds. Via Human Rights Watch.
– Le prix humain de la victoire : HRW analysis of satellite imagery of ISIS-held Baghouz between Jan 26 and Feb 9 appears to show ongoing mass burials on an empty plot of land next to the main road. Escaped civilians told us that bodies were piling up in the streets by the end.
We interviewed women who miraculously escaped relentless bombardment+ ISIS, only to have their children die hours before reaching the camp from cold and malnutrition. Our latest on the real cost of the last battle against Isis. Via Human Rights Watch.
– Attentats : 20 morts dans un attentat de l’EI, tentatives d’évacuation des civils. Sur La Libre Belgique :
5 – Refugees:
– Vivre dans des camps au Liban : In Lebanon, ‘We can’t survive like this’: Life in the camps for #Syria’s refugee children. Via The Independent.
– Revenir au Pays et fuir à nouveau : Syria refugees fleeing back to Lebanon, NGO says – Middle East Monitor | via Middle East Monitor :
6 – Raqqa :
– Des fosses communes d’ampleur : Remember the Islamic State’s victims. In Raqqa this week, civil defence workers continue to unearth a mass grave containing some 3,500 bodies. Sur Firts Post
7 – Afrin :
– Civils en danger : Violations against civilians continue in Afrin. Reported by Shero Alo / Sur Pon Post.
8 – Aleppo:
– Reconstruire : In #Syria’s Aleppo, a slow rebuild begins, Terrific reporting from Aleppo. Sur IRIN
– Alep, le froid, la pluie et la guerre : reportage de France Info TV
– Vie quotidienne : Alep, les pénuries énergétiques ponctuent la vie des habitants. Un reportage du Point.
9 – Le régime et la société :
– Ingérence Russe ? : Russia Suggest Appointing ‘the Tiger’ as Commander of the Army. Via The Syrian Observer.
– Détenus : “the regime has not entertained discussing the issue of detainees in past negotiations when it was in a weaker position, and it is highly unlikely it sees any reason to do so now.” Rina Riziq on Syrian Women detainees in Syria. Via The Atlantic Council.
– Ne pas oublier ! Syria regime executes paediatrician for treating Aleppo children. Sur Middle East Monitor.
– Conscription forcée : Forced Conscription Continues Despite Amnesty by Syrian Government. Via The Atlantic Council.
– Homs : – The newest piece by Al Jumhuriya provides a powerfully intimate portrait of the performative « embrace » of the government required of Syrians living in a society devoid of reconciliation. Military service, chants for Bashar, and pretending not to recognize friends in the street: A Homs resident describes life after the regime’s recapture of opposition territory. Mona Rafea.
– Ghouta: – East Ghouta Now – Detailed report of what happened to inhabitants of East Ghouta after it fell to regime – Security checkpoints,enforced recruitment,despite resettlement agreements,large nos. young people arrested detained. Via Enab Baladi :
– Damascus : « Business is weak,” says Ayman, 52, working in a Damascus hardware store. “We thought everything was going to get better because they solved the crisis, but the opposite [has happened]. » – Excellent report by @ChloeNCornish Via The Financial Time (need to pay)
– Desertions : One example given is Raed Saloum, 37. He was an “officer amir” with Jaysh Khalid bin al-Walid (ISIS) in the Yarmouk basin. Before that, he was a colonel in Assad regime forces until September 2017 when he entered Yarmouk basin to take up post with ISIS. The Syrian Observer :
10 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– Refaire sa vie : Meet The Software Engineer Teaching Syrian Refugees In Iraq How To Code. “I grew up in Zeheria, a tiny village,I didn’t have Internet, I used to go to an Internet cafe to do my research, “I graduated in 2011 the same year the revolution started… In People Of Color In Tech.
– De la Révolution à une guerre civile par LOUBNA MRIE, During the 48 years of Assad reign « The only vote we [Syrians were allowed to ] cast was for the Arab version of American Idol »
« Many observers and participants argued… that uprisings would have lost momentum had [Assad] replaced governor of Daraa & held murdering police officers accountable. But Assad the Younger followed dictum established by Assad Older: just kill them all. ». Via Commune Mag :
-Souriyeh / سوريّة: Women’s voices from Syria, first audio series (Arabic and English) to chart the role that Syrian women play inside Syria, as well as in the diaspora. To read on
– Femmes Syriennes : On Valentine’s Day Syrian Women Struggle with the Grievances of War and the Bitterness of Separation.
– Construire l’avenir : 10,000 Syrian Leaders par Karam Foundation
11 – Justice:
– Justice pour Colvin et Ochlik : 22 février 2012 : Décès de Marie COLVIN, journaliste américaine, correspondante de guerre, tuée à Homs (Syrie). Elle se trouvait avec le photojournaliste français Rémi OCHLIK, de l’agence IP3 Press, qui a aussi été tué dans la même attaque.
Ne laissons plus impunis les crimes en Syrie par Joël Hubrecht via la Revue Esprit
– Justice depuis l‘étranger : The Latest : Case filed in Sweden against Syrian officials,
– Justice depuis l‘étranger : Berlin demande à Beyrouth l’extradition du chef des SR de l’armée de l’air syrienne, selon le Spiegel via L’Orient Le Jour.
12 – La Russie et l’Iran :
– Aide humanitaire : Rebels say Russia blocks food supply to Syria refugee camp via Euronews
– Confessionnalisation : Iran exploiting Syrians poverty, calling on them to become Shi’ites Via The Syria Call
13 – Analyse et politique:
– Daesh, rien n’est fini : If the Islamic State’s resurgence was always possible, it became even more so due to a list of factors created during the last fight against the group in a critical terrain for its future.
« A Hollow Victory Over the Islamic State in Syria? The High Risk of Jihadi Revival in Deir ez-Zor’s Euphrates River Valley » by @hxhassan @CTCWP :
– Quand les militaires critiquent la stratégie : « We’ve massively destroyed the infrastructure & given the population a disgusting image of what may be a Western-style liberation leaving behind the seeds of an imminent resurgence of a new adversary. » – Senior France officer, slamming C–Isis strategy via The National
– Géopolitique et stratégie : Quelle position européenne face aux transformations stratégiques américaines au Moyen-Orient après l’annonce de Donald Trump du retrait des troupes américaines ? L’analyse de @julientheron
14 – Culture:
– Réfugiés : « I feel like if I stay silent, I would be in a way collaborating in this crime. » Oscar-nominated director @NadineLabaki opens up to @BeckyCNN about why she felt making Capharnaum was her duty and how the film has changed the lives of its cast of refugees and street children.
– Musique : Jordi Savall rend hommage à la Syrie à la Philharmonie de Paris avec Waed Bouhassoun
– Scène électro : Inspirée du folklore populaire syrien, sa musique hypnotique, au rythme effréné, est aujourd’hui célèbre aux quatre coins du monde. Rencontre avec Omar Souleyman.
15 – Art :
– This new art exhibit wants to change the way you think about the Syrian refugee crisis https://www.vox.com/world/2019/2/5/18196101/helen-zughaib-art-exhibit-syrian-refugees-jacob-lawrence-migration
16 – Interview:
– Les combats de l’opposition démocratique Syrienne | Revue Esprit
– «Les raisons qui ont fait émerger Daech en Syrie sont toujours là» A lire sur Libération.
17 – Les Syriens:
– Réfugiés, des idées reçues : Debunking Common Myths about Refugees | Via Psychology Today
– Vivre à l’étranger et lutter : Un jeune réfugié syrien, brutalisé à l’école, veut lutter contre le harcèlement scolaire sur Oumma.com
– Casques Blancs : Some 100 volunteers and family members from the Syria White Helmets civil defence group have been resettled in the UK, the Home Office has confirmed to us. Sur la BBC :
– Refaire sa vie : chef cooks up support in North Van for fellow refugees. Via North Shore News.
– Survivre aux disparitions : Yassin al-Haj Saleh’s twelfth letter to his wife Samira al-Khalil, abducted in Douma in 2013, is penned on the occasion of her birthday, “the only day I’ve ever celebrated since your disappearance.” Via Al Jumhuriya.
18 – La Syrie à Paris :
– Expo : » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff
#Syrie. Maison des rêves, maison des cauchemars https://orientxxi.info/lu-vu-entendu/syrie-maison-des-reves-maison-des-cauchemars,2912
– Mardi 26 février 19h, Rencontres & débats, L’Évolution de l’Art vers la Formation des Identités https://www.imarabe.org/fr/rencontres-debats/l-evolution-de-l-art-vers-la-formation-des-identites
– Vendredi 1 Mars 9h-18h, journée d’étude à l’ensba, paris – » l’art contemporain syrien : histoire d’une révolution visuelle « https://maisondesarts.malakoff.fr/8-165/fiche/journee-d-etude-a-l-ensba-paris-l-art-contemporain-syrien-histoire-d-une-revolution-visuelle.htm
– Samedi 2 Mars 15h, Visite guidée, expo, Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff https://maisondesarts.malakoff.fr/8-166/fiche/visite-commentee-avec-les-commissaires-d-exposition.htm
– Samedi 2 mars 20h, Al Akhareen sextet avec Osloob & Naïssam Jalal, Institut du Monde Arabe https://www.imarabe.org/fr/spectacles/al-akhareen-sextet-avec-osloob-naissam-jalal