Une semaine sur la Syrie,
12e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènement de la semaine à venir est proposée.
– Toujours aux côtés du peuple syrien
« Rien ne saurait justifier le maintien au pouvoir de Bachar al-Assad ni son impunité : sa place n’est pas dans son palais de Damas mais devant une Cour pénale internationale ».
1 – Rapports et Etudes :
– Les comités locaux en #Syrie, vers un partage du pouvoir et une gouvernance locale ? Sur Syrie News, par le Comité Syrie – Europe, après Alep.
– UNICEF reports that about 1.5 million people in #Syria are now living with permanent impairments due to conflict, including 86,000 people who have lost limbs.
– Since 2011, Syrians have had to suffer through: 8 years of war 8 years of torture 8 years of forced disappearances and the list goes on.
2 – Idlib :
– Friday 22 mars 2018, Russia Air Force carried out new airstrikes today bombing for 1st time Fuah-Kefraya just N. of #Idlib-city, razing entire area. At least 10 people killed, including 3 children and a woman, and 35+ wounded. Rescue operations ongoing tonight.
– 2925 jours après le début de la révolution syrienne, le régime d’Assad continue de massacrer sa population avec l’aide directe de la Russie. @NTenzer lance un énième cri dans le vide de la communauté internationale, sur le sort d’Idlib: « Il faut sauver les habitants d’Idlib du régime. Il faut aussi sauver l’ensemble des habitants de Syrie du régime. » Un plaidoyer auquel on connaît la réponse car seuls, seuls, les Syriens restent désespérément seuls. Nous devons reparler de la #Syrie, où les crimes continuent. La région d’#Idlib est sous le feu du régime et de la #Russie.
– Residents of rural Idlib’s Khan Sheikhoun still manage to gather in between airstrikes for evenings with friends. But increased bombs have tinged those evenings with fear as friends head home for the night. ‘We all wonder if it’s the last farewell’
– À #Idleb, Aziz al-Asmar résiste avec couleurs et pinceaux #Binnish #Syria #graffiti
https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1162519/a-idleb-aziz-al-asmar-resiste-avec-couleurs-et-pinceaux.html via @LOrientLeJour
3 – Aide humanitaire :
– Edition de Metz ville | Metz : huit ans d’aide aux #Syrie ns sous les bombes –
– Les travailleurs humanitaires, cible privilégiée en #Syrie
– 8 façons dont l’OMS agit pour la santé en Syrie
4 – Refugees:
– In 2015, the UK Government committed to taking in 20,000 Syrians by 2020 through the Syrian vulnerable person resettlement programme. Since 2015, 13,818 refugees have arrived in the UK. Of those, 2,562 have settled in Scotland.
– Keeping a light on: ordinary heroes of #Syria ’s eight-year war Syria’s displaced millions struggle to eat, wash, sleep and work. Ireland must aid them.
5 – Afrin : -Syria’s Afrin: a plundered settlement one year on | Article
6 – Daech : -Trump Says ISIS Is Defeated. Reality Says Otherwise. The radicalized children of the Islamic State will threaten the world for generations to come unless the president changes course @Charles_Lister
7 – Alep : – For children, school became a distant memory. Mathematics, history and science were replaced by lessons of war: run, hide, grieve and survive. – @ICRC @ICRC_sy @ICRC Marianne Gasser
8 – Le régime et la société :
– Syria’s embassy in Amman seems built for long waits. Here, thousands of refugees must register births if they want to pass down their Syrian nationality. But the costs, for many, are too high—and add to the already complex question over returns to Syria
– Read Kheder Khaddour on how Syria’s civil war has impacted its coastal regions:
– The Religious Domain Continues to Expand in Syria, HAROUT AKDEDIAN
The Syrian regime is allowing the religious domain to grow, but only within the patrimonial environment the state created.
– #Homs #Syria Defected Officer Tortured to Death After Signing Settlement – The regime security forces continue to violate reconciliation agreements.. which were held under Russian auspices
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/49227/defected-officer-tortured-to-death-after-signing-settlement.html via @observesyria
– A warning to dissidents in Turkey considering return after the Regime lured a group of 13 young men originally from Ghouta with promises of safety. Once through the Kasab crossing one was killed and the others were sent to Harasta security branch.
– Assadist disaster capitalists and war profiteers got rich off being flunkies for a genocidal tyrant and now getting even richer.
9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– @nouraghazilaw I launched my NGO, Nophotozone. It was a dream of Bassel and I. Nophotozone Seeks the Fate of People Forcibly Disappeared in Syria
https://nouraghazi.org/pressrelease/nophotozone-announced/ We are http://nophotozone.org
– “That’s why I still believe in Syria. ». Syrian writer Rabab Haidar had to flee her homeland because she resisted President Assad. She has now found refuge at the Heinrich Böll House in Germany. For World Poetry Day, we look into her story.
– “The Syrian woman should have her voice heard, That way she can interact with the international community. There she can express her suffering as well as the reality about the hard living conditions she endures.” @Ghaliarahal ,SWPM member. @SyriaUntold
– Des survivants de la guerre civile en #Syrie témoignent à bord d’un « Freedom Bus » –
– Eight Years Into Syrian Civil War, A Writer Reflects
– Silenced at ‘the university of whispers,’ an Assad prison survivor can now tell his story | PBS NewsHour #Syria
– #Syria n comedian on finding a distinctively Aleppo sense of humor despite ‘destruction, bloodshed’ in home city
– Best of Today – The Pianist of Yarmouk – [object Object] – BBC Sounds
– Many congratulations to Falak al-Faraj for winning the Mustafa al-Husayni Prize for Best Article by a Young Arab Journalist on Sunday, for her piece ‘Inside ISIS’ prison for women and children’
-La Mémoire créative de la révolution #syrie nne, un répertoire de l’incroyable richesse artistique née du soulèvement https://shar.es/amdsyF via @MiddleEastEye
– Wejdan Nassif dresse le portrait d’habitants du quartier dans « À vau l’eau ».
10 – Justice:
– Legal Commission issues a memorandum to the International Independent Investigation Commission for Syria detailing how the #Assad regime turned Al Mezzeh military hospital into a slaughterhouse.
– Positive move from the UK – funding & diplomatic support for Syrian war crimes investigators is crucial for long term justice & accountability.
– A prominent Syrian businessman with close ties to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has been arrested in Kuwait,
– Those responsible for Syria’s agony must be brought to book, starting at the top
– Justice in #Syria: five ways to prosecute international crime
http://theconversation.com/justice-in-syria-five-ways-to-prosecute-international-crime-75908 via @ConversationUK
– French prosecutors have called for the uncle of Syrian President Bashar Assad to stand trial on charges of pilfering Syrian state coffers to amass a 90 million-euro ($102 m) property portfolio in France, judicial sources tell AFP.
11 – L’EU,
– Les Européens et le conflit #syrie n : un bilan contrasté
https://www.carep-paris.org/publications/les-europeens-et-le-conflit-syrien-un-bilan-contraste Centre Arabe de Recherches et d’Etudes Politiques de Paris
– Important, @BenteScheller via @aljumhuriya_eng on the disinformations regarding the western sanctions regime against #Syria & the profound causes of the lack of medical goods, which is an essential tool in the regimes strategy for the weaponization of medicine.
12 – Iran:
-I ran purchasing real estate in Syria.
– Highly detailed paper by @Levitt_Matt, looking at #Hezbollah‘s procurement networks & #Iran‘s role. Includes a crucial look at #Hezbollah‘s Unit 108, whose leader (Mohammad Qasir) sat behind #Assad during his recent visit to #Tehran.
13 – Analyse et politique:
– One of Syria’s great mysteries is that Western countries continue to invest in a peace process that Damascus has faithfully undermined from day 1.
– We Need a Strategy in Syria Eight years later, #Assad continues to murder & torture his own people w/ no fear of repercussions. His use of chemical weapons is horrific & unacceptable. It’s time to hold this war criminal & his cronies accountable. #SaveSyria http://bit.ly/SaveSyriaOpEd via @DefenseOne
– Annex the Golan, Make Assad’s Day, #Syria
14 – Cinéma:
-‘For Sama’: Film Review | SXSW 2019 | A harrowing first-person account of love and war. #Syria #Aleppo https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/review/sama-review-1194044 … via @thr
– #Exfiltrés, rencontre avec le réalisateur Emmanuel Hamon, accompagné de deux des acteurs, Finnegan Oldfield et Kassem Al Khoja.
Kassem Khoja incarne un militant syrien aidant à faire sortir une Française et son enfant de Raqa. Il y a 3 ans, ce Syrien de 24 ans s’échappait lui-même de l’ex-« capitale » de l’EI.
15-Livre :
– Au coeur de la révolution syrienne : terre brûlée, esprits tenaces. https://www.nouveau-magazine-litteraire.com/critique-non-fiction-moyen-orient/au-coeur-de-la-r%C3%A9volution-syrienne-terre-br%C3%BBl%C3%A9e-esprits-tenaces
– “No Turning Back” by @Raniaab has won the @opcofamerica Cornelius Ryan award for the best non-fiction book on international affairs. An astonishing book about life, loss, and hope in wartime Syria.
16 – Art :
– « Eight Years of Unrest in Syria » in @thenib … a powerful synopsis in comics-form, including a tribute to the unifying work of @FamiliesSyria and a call for truth, justice & accountability .
– Art in Conflict | http://al-bab.com https://al-bab.com/syria-art-conflict …
-LAUNCH ANNOUNCEMENT, http://www.thefreedommuseum.com Beloved children of Freedom near & far: on the 8th anniversary of the first chant of Syria’s Freedom Revolution, the foundation of : متحّف الحرّية “ Le Musée De La Libérté” “ The Freedom Museum” @AlmaSalem
– Lorient. Najah Albukaï pointe la noirceur des geôles https://www.letelegramme.fr/morbihan/lorient/lorient-najah-albukai-pointe-la-noirceur-des-geoles-syriennes-20-03-2019-12236641.php
17– Interview:
– SXSW 2019 Women Directors: Meet Waad Al-Kateab – “For Sama” #Syria
– #Syrie : est-il raisonnable de croire à la survie du père Dall’Oglio ?
18 -Les Syriens:
-« I feel Irish now, I don’t feel foreign or like a stranger ». Yatem from Syria arrived in Ireland in 2015, and is now studying science in @UL @NewToTheParish
A #Paris, un chorégraphe de Syrie fait danser les traumatismes de guerre
19 – La Syrie à Paris :
-Expo : » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff
#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure. https://next.liberation.fr/arts/2019/03/04/exil-de-sombres-heures-mises-en-demeure_1712982
– Mardi 26 mars, Samedi 30, Dimanche 31 , Still recording, film https://www.facebook.com/medialibre.fr/posts/1680496188762550
– Jeudi 28 mars, 19h30, Naïssam Jalal Trio • Quest of the Invisible • Concert sortie d’album http://www.cafedeladanse.com/jalal/ Naïssam Jalal, La Syrie Tout En Impro , C’est une belle histoire de musicienne née à Paris de parents syriens et qui, à travers la musique, raconte une quête, un voyage, une migration poétique et peut-être politique. Naïssam Jalal, flûtiste virtuose… https://player.fm/series/en-sol-majeur/naissam-jalal-la-syrie-tout-en-impro
– Vendredi 29 mars, 20h30, Mohannad Nasser Trio, Paris-Prague Jazz Club http://paris.czechcentres.cz/programme/details-de-levenement/jazz-mohannad-nasser/
– Samedi 30 mars, 18h30, Rencontre Samar Yazbek. https://www.hors-limites.fr/edition/2019/rencontre-avec-samar-yazbek/30-03-2019-18-30/
– Dimanche 31 mars, 17h, LE HEZBOLLAH, FORCE DE RÉSISTANCE OU DE RÉACTION ? https://souriahouria.com/events/paris-le-hezbollah-force-de-resistance-ou-de-reaction-conference-debat-de-joseph-daher-dimanche-de-souria-houria-concu-et-anime-par-farouk-mardam-bey/
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