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Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 13 – 2019

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

13e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènement de la semaine à venir est proposée.

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

#Israel carries Airstrikes in #Syria • In Northeast Aleppo • Reportedly targeted arms depot • First since Jan 20 + far north • Syrian regime said it foiled • SOHR said casualties @TheNationalUAE

1 -Rapports et Etudes:

– After 8 years of war, #Syria remains one of the deadliest countries for civilians in the world. ACLED recorded 1000s of reported fatalities from direct attacks on civilians through the end of 2018, with approx. 500 reported so far this year :

– Raqqa At least 4823 civilians, incl. 922 #Children & 679 #Women killed by the main parties to the conflict from Mar2011 to Mar2019 in #Raqqa. 30% of these were killed by #IntlCoalition & #SDF, with most buried in mass graves in gardens, playgrounds & courtyards.

Sochi agreement #SNHR said that the violations resulted in the #deaths of 280 #civilians,incl. 96 children & 48 women The report pointed out that #Syrian regime forces are responsible for 4,996 violations, while #Russian forces committed 46 violations

2– Idlib :

@CedricMas    Le régime avec la complicité active de la Russie a entamé depuis un mois une campagne de bombardement systématique des centres médicaux, écoles, boulangeries… afin de forcer les civils à fuir la zone. Cette tactique a fonctionné dans les autres poches rebelles : faire fuir les civils en leur rendant la vie impossible sans reculer devant des crimes de guerre comme les doubles frappes des hôpitaux et marchés civils. La Russie prête son aviation à ces frappes criminelles. Cette tactique va-t-elle fonctionner à Idlib, dernière zone rebelle ? Le problème est que d’abord cette zone est garantie par un accord russo-turque, et que les rebelles y ont le soutien militaire de la Turquie. Mais surtout, c’est la dernière zone rebelle, donc les civils ne pourront fuir qu’en quittant le pays, ce qu’ils refusent. Or, si les souffrances infligées ne font pas fuir les populations syriennes, elles vont renforcer leur détermination et leur haine, rendant encore plus difficile toute réconciliation dans un conflit qui – contrairement aux apparences – est encore loin de sa fin. Mais la vraie question est de savoir combien de temps encore la communauté internationale va fermer le yeux sur les crimes commis par la Russie et l’Iran pour soutenir à bout de bras une dictature atroce rejetée par son peuple ?

@amnesty verified 6 attacks appearing to be direct attacks on civilians or indiscriminate attacks in areas located on the strategic M5 highway. These attacks hit: -a hospital -blood bank -other medical facilities -a well-known bakery -and a school in towns and cities under the control of armed opposition groups. These attacks include #Saraqeb, #KhanSheikhoun, #Talmans, and #SheikhIdriss in #Idlibthe map below shows the placement of these areas relevant to M5 highway. @amnesty interviewed 13 witnesses of the attacks. They told us that the attacks have displaced thousands of people to the #Turkey border. At least 4 civilians were killed at least 4 were injured.

– Students Killed by Assad Forces- ‘the artillery bombardment was focused on the main school square, while students were there’

3 – Aide humanitaire :

#UN & #EU ignoring large scale corruption+misappropriation of humanitarian aid by #Assad in #Syria exposed by humanitarian Dr @annie_sparrow inspired this open letter because silence = complicity as our taxes are funding crimes against humanity. -Why is largescale corruption and misappropriation of humanitarian aid by the Assad regime in #Syria being tolerated by the UN and the EU ?

4 – Refugees:

– « Syrian refugees … craved the self-reliance, dignity, and hope that would come from holding a job. In turn, the overburdened host countries of the Middle East may need to see economic benefits from continuing to host the refugees. »

– Opinion : In makeshift refugee camps a lost generation of Syrian children cling to hope

– It set off political earthquakes when Europe, mainly Germany began ,integrating some one million mostly Syrian refugees. Meanwhile, Turkey is quietly integrating nearly four million.


Califat de l’EI : 29 juin 2014-23 mars 2019

Le califat de l’EI raconté par les Syriens. Aref* à al-Bab: « Au début c’était comme si vous marchiez dans les pas du Prophète » #Isis #Syria #EI #Syrie

– It’s time for the US-led coalition and its allies on the ground to take urgent steps to find and free the disappeared by #ISIS. Sign the petition: #Syria

#Syrie Le silence de Damas sur la victoire des FDS sur le «califat» du groupe EI

6 – Les villes Syriennes :

– Strategic destruction to make way for exclusive reconstruction in post-war Syria

– Alep, une ville amputée, un espace d’invention politique et de créativité malgré les bombes et une « école photographique » sous les bombes.

– Ghouta : The seizure of private property in Ghouta will only hinder any future efforts for reconstruction and reconciliation in Syria. The Syrian government must immediately end this practice and work towards a just post-conflict property restitution framework.

– This time last year, tens of thousands of people from East Ghouta were evacuated and bussed north as the Syrian army moved in. After a year in exile, displaced Syrians are unsure whether they’ll return: ‘We are ‘terrorists’ [to them]. We can’t go back’

7 – Le régime et la société :

As the costs of #Assads Pyrrhic “victory” become clearer even die-hard loyalists are increasingly speaking out about economic & other woes. The regime’s response makes clear it will not tolerate even this highly watered-down form of dissent. Salam Alsaadi

-Damas : -‘It’s not in my hands’: Syria’s food vendors and cafes are struggling to deal with the country’s gas crisis

Since the #Assad regime is expanding its influence & control on religious institutions w/ law 31, this piece by @hadeel_saidawi shows what crucial role Sunni clerics played in the implementation of socalled reconcilation committees in dissident territories.

– This describes Syria before the destruction of The country by regime & its sectarian allies , difference now regime security apparatus is more brutal, the poverty is more widespread & the Infrastructure is worse due to regime destruction & sanctions.

« High-ranking officials & their families, have more rights. They roam the city in fancy cars & do whatever they want. Half of the country is dying from hunger while the sons of officials are arrogantly showing off their wealth. » #Syria #Assad #Latakia

– 106 prisoners have been issued with an amnesty, and must report for duty within a month.

– Bashar al-#Assad has appointed a new leader for #Syria‘s Military Intelligence: – Maj. Gen. Kifah Moulhem He’s an internationally sanctioned criminal responsible for multiple war crimes in #Syria.

8 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

– Mohamed, réfugié syrien : l’espoir de la révolution, l’enfer de la prison. « c’est facile d’entrer dans les prisons mais tu n’en sortiras jamais » Un témoignage exceptionnel Mohamed raconte la révolution et la guerre. Il évoque aussi la #prison et les tortures.

– “In March 2011, the Syrian revolution began, demanding democracy and freedom of speech. The Syrian government responded by shooting and killing protesters,” said Syrian journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza today at the United Nations. « When I saw recent photos and videos being sent from my city, I cried. In order to stop the destruction, we need to stop the Syrian regime, » said Syrian citizen journalist Abdalaziz Alhamza, co-founder of Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently, at the #GS19 Opening Session. “ I mean with destruction “the suffering of the Syrians“ after #IS has been defeated, I mentioned the atrocities that have been committed by #SDF, the coalition led by the #US, Turkish backed militias, #Iranian, #Turkish & #Russian governments, Hezbollah & others” #RBSS #GS19

– How theater helps these Syrian refugees manage the trauma of war | PBS NewsHour

– Beautiful and surreal piece.  What it means to be under the yoke today of these Arab regimes: On the tyrant’s ghost in my head: a Syrian writer in exile reflects on totalitarianism.

Ghouta Media Center: Back to Action a Year from Displacement

Ahmad Helmi is a nonviolent activist, he was detained for 3 years for his activism, he was detained in nine different prisons and intelligence branches. Ahmad is the founder of Ta’afi. #FreeSyriasDisappeared

#Syrie « J’ai subi cinq sessions d’interrogatoires et de torture, chacune ayant duré environ quatre à cinq heures. Je ne peux pas oublier les cris des femmes torturées »

– Can these talks serve as blueprint for the future? Syrian Sunni-Alawite Dialogue Forms Council to Implement Coexistence Agreement

-Rencontre avec un journaliste syrien – @abdfree2 …

-« Assad and his cronies took everything from us, took our loved ones, our country, our homes, our memories and our streets, but we will not allow them to take the story, we will not allow the victor to write history anymore. »

9 – Justice:

Reported 2014 Chemical Shipments to Syria Raise Questions over EU Sanctions, say @Trial @Syrian_Archive @OSFJustice

Syrie : le géant du sucre Tereos accusé de complicité de terrorisme

– Following the Islamic State’s territorial defeat in Syria there is a newly renewed urgency for discourse over transitional justice in a post-IS Syria.‘When things happen in the dark, there’s a higher risk that abuses occur’: HRW’s Nadim Houry on post-IS transitional justice.

– Yet another dimension of #Syria tragedy. Countless people lost everything under the rubble or in a ball of fire, robbed of their past & present & future.

– L’enquête salée du parquet sur le patrimoine de l’oncle de Bachar el-Assad en France #Syrie via @LExpress

10 – Les sanctions internationales,

With so much conflicting information floating around it can be difficult to get a clear picture of the impact of sanctions on Syria. Latest article with answers for some of the most common questions about the Syria sanctions.

-Updated @USTreasury advisory « adds dozens of new vessels involved in illicit oil shipments, including 16 shipping to Syria and more than 30 engaging in ship-to-ship transfers, and highlights concerns with shipments of petroleum from Iran. »

11 – Russie:

– The Wagner Group is not the only team of Russian mercenaries operating in Syria, according to the latest open-source evidence. Meet Vegacy : #PutinAtWar: More Mercenaries Menace Mesopotamia

– What can Russia do to block Iran’s path to the Mediterranean ?

12 -Analyse et politique:

Huit ans après, ce que nous dit la #Syrie Par Matthieu Rey

– Les crimes du régime #Assad, les bombardements qui s’intensifient dans la région d’#Idlib ainsi que sur le retour des djihadistes et leurs enfants. Nicolas Tenzer sur la Syrie : Les « exactions ne font que renforcer les tendances islamistes les plus radicales ».

13- Cinéma:

Les images testament de la guerre en #Syrie « ça filme toujours » un miracle de film et une grande idée. Témoignage de la destruction d’un peuple et que jamais les bourreaux n’en seront, pour cette raison même, tenus quittes. Réclamer la Justice sans cesse.

14 – Livre :

– «Le Fil de nos vies brisées», souvenirs déroulés #Alep #Syrie « Nous, le peuple, sommes des enfants de ce pays. Ce pays est le nôtre, on s’en fout de Bachar ! Il nous a chassés, mais il n’a pas réussi à chasser le pays de notre cœur».

Belle recension par @HalaKodmani du livre de @CecileHennion sur celles & ceux qui ont fui #Alep, ville martyrisée par #Assad & la #Russie, abandonnée par l’Europe & les Etats-Unis « malgré leurs promesses grandiloquentes & leur ligne rouge infranchissable ».

15 – Art :

The mural uses a mixture of Arabic calligraphy and photo collage.

– Khaled Barakeh: Reconnecting the Cultural Fabric of Syria | Vanity Fair. Les artistes syriens vivant à l’étranger ont de nouvelles possibilités de création sans contrainte.

Claudia Avolio illustrated her mother’s poems and found a deep connection between her mother’s subjects and #Syrians.

16 – Interview:   

— L’interview du réel : Ghiath Ayoub *** « Lorsque la révolution a démarré, nous étions encore étudiants. On a utilisé les outils que l’on maîtrisait pour soutenir le mouvement (…) » #STILLRECORDING Réalisé par les étudiants de l’INAsup

17 – Les Syriens:

Syria Justice and Accountability Centre @SJAC_info . SJAC is honored to be receiving the Special Recognition the Anne Frank award for its work in promoting transitional justice in Syria.

@Mohammad_Syria: “I thank you for this recognition. Your support is important to our work. We must push for more accountability and support for victims of the war in Syria. I thank the Netherlands for its continued support for the @SJAC_info Center.” #AnneFrankAward #HollandHill

-In Ireland, these refugees say their new school is like a family. ‘In Syria I used to hate school but here it’s really different. Sixth-year students describe their asylum journey to Ireland and loneliness on arrival.

– 54 réfugiés syriens sont arrivés en Italie avec les couloirs humanitaires, grâce auxquels de nombreuses familles se sont retrouvées aujourd’hui.–matin-en-Italie-avec-les-couloirs-humanitaires-gr%C3%A2ce-auxquels-de-nombreuses-familles-se-sont-retrouv%C3%A9es-aujourd-hui-Regarde-la-vid%C3%A9o.html

18 – La Syrie à Paris :

-Expo :  » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff

#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure.

– Lundi 1 avril 20h, Je passe..1&2 de Judith Depaule – Unstoppable de Yara Al Hasbani

– Lundi 1 avril, 20H30,Still recording, film  

– Mercredi 3 avril, 20h,  Yaman Project *Oriental Fusion*

– Vendredi 5 avril, 21h , Naïssam Jalal Trio • Quest of the Invisible •

– Samedi 6 avril, 16h30, Georgia Makhlouf.

Samedi 6 avril, 17h30, Rencontre Shadia Atassi

– Dimanche 7 avril 19h, Love and Revenge

NB : A noter cette conférence qui se tiendra à l’INALCO mardi matin, dont il serait opportun d’écouter les propos, les doutes étant autorisés. Vers la Pax Russica ? par Fabrice Balanche, Mardi 2 avril 2019 de 8h30 à 10h30 Auditorium INALCO – Paris

Faire vivre la révolution syrienne, refusons  la normalisation régime Assad.