Une semaine sur la Syrie,
14e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

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With her kind permission.
–#SYRIE : LES HABITANTS DE KHAN CHEIKHOUN COMMÉMORENT LE MASSACRE À L’ARME CHIMIQUE , On 4 April 2017, the Syrian regime carried out a devastating chemical weapons attack on Khan Sheikhoun that killed 92 people. Amal, a @SyriaCivilDef volunteer, remembers that day
1 – Rapports et Etudes:
– March 2019/ The slaughter continues: 334 Civilians Killed, Most of Them by the Regime and Its Allies Including Two #Media Workers and Two #CivilDefense Personnel, Documented Killed in #Syria , 13 #Massacres and 30 Persons Who Died due to #Torture
2 – Idlib :
– For the 53rd day, the regime forces continue the shelling campaign on Sahl Al-Ghab area in western #Hama. 2 men and one woman were killed today in #AlShariaa town and 7 others were wounded so far. 17 villages and towns were shelled on Saturday 6/04/2019.
– Syrian regime forces killed civilians in Kafranbel city in Idlib suburbs, on April 4. Massive shelling killed at least 12 people and 40 injuries
http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/2019/04/04/syrian-regime-forces-killed-civilians-kafranbel-city-idlib-suburbs-april-4 via @snhr
– L’aviation russe a mené des #raids intensifs à l’ouest d’ #Idleb. Les avions ont pris pour cible des positions de Hayat Tahrir al-Cham, l’ancienne branche d’al-Qaïda.
– #SyrianRegime forces killed civilians including #children in a shelling on al Hawija village in #Hama suburbs, Apr 3.
– In the country’s north, displaced Syrians live in frayed tents. Hospitals face government bombs, and hardline authorities harass aid workers. When torrential floods hit this weekend, thousands took shelter anywhere they could, with few options for help.
– Thefts and Murders on the Rise in Idlib #syria https://wp.me/p7cv3Y-db9 via @enabbaladi
3 – Aide humanitaire :
– « En poste dans l’humanitaire, j’avais perdu le sens de mon travail » #Syrie
https://www.lemonde.fr/campus/article/2019/04/03/en-poste-dans-l-humanitaire-j-avais-perdu-le-sens-de-mon-travail_5445161_4401467.html via @lemondefr
– Here are 5 proposals from @UNReliefChief and head of @UNOCHA, Mark Lowcock:
4 – Refugees:
– Displacement and the Environment: Lessons from Syria and the Middle East
https://syriauntold.com/?p=55044 via @SyriaUntold
5 – Syria children:
– Syrian refugee children are battling PTSD, depression, and anxiety. They need attention:
https://slate.com/technology/2018/02/young-syrian-refugees-mental-health-is-at-risk-so-far-weve-failed-them.html … via @slate
– Syrian refugee children are battling PTSD, depression, and anxiety. They need attention:
https://slate.com/technology/2018/02/young-syrian-refugees-mental-health-is-at-risk-so-far-weve-failed-them.html … via @slate
– For #Syria n refugee children in Turkey, a ‘home with dignity’ is hard to find
– Students in #Syria are a textbook case for post-Islamic State reeducation – Los Angeles Times
– Every child has a right to an education. Period. The shelling of schools in Idlib must immediately stop so the thousands of children being deprived of an education may return to school.
6 – Daech:
– ISIS Has Not Been Defeated. It’s Alive and Well in Southern #Syria. While Washington celebrates victory, the Islamic State is regrouping, and the Assad regime is letting it happen. @SaraHunaidi
– With the battle for Baghuz finished, the families of those detained by ISIS are left wondering about the fate of their loved ones.
7 – Afrin:
– The legal situation of displaced Palestinian refugees in northern Syria. The Potential Loss of Refugee Status for Palestinian-Syrians in Afrin.
8 – Damas:
– According to the Syrian government, the war is over in the capital. But after losing so much, Damascenes say the war has changed life irrevocably. These days, it’s not uncommon to hear murmuring in cafés about ineptitudes of the government. Can it last ?
9 – Le régime et la société :
– Le Régime #Assad C’est ça: 7
https://femmesdemoc.wordpress.com/2019/03/28/le-regime-assad-cest-ca-7 via @wordpressdotcom
– People living in former rebel territory are under intense regime scrutiny.
– Next time the #Assad regime or its patrons tell us that sanctions are responsible for electricity shortages, ask why the regime sells electricity to Lebanon rather than make it available to its own citizens.
– Despite Border Crossings Opening, Jordan’s Exports to Syria Decline 69 Percent. Exports between Jordan and Syria was measured at 18 million dinars in the first three months of 2019, compared with 60 million dinars over the same period in 2018.
– Can the regime find an alternative to the Alawites-dominated areas as sources of manpower?
– After years of fighting tunnel warfare against the opposition & #ISIS, #Syria‘s military says it’s ready to bring that experience to bear in « the real war » against #Israel, which « is still on. »
– Changement Démograhique – For several years the Syrian government has endeavored to systematically alter the demographics of the country as a means to cement its control. These actions have resulted in incalculable damage to Syria and its people. They must be halted immediately.
10 – SDF Kurdes: -ISIS’s ‘caliphate’ was crushed. Now #Syria’s Kurd-led alliance faces bigger battles via @defensepost
– Methods of torture in the SDF jails are exactly the same as those of the Assad’s《shabeh, impalement, electric shocks and other methods 》 #D24
11 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– Syrian Revolution Anniversary on Capitol Hill –
– « Sous la dictature, il est interdit d’imaginer et de se souvenir. Trop dangereux aux yeux d’un régime qui s’acharne à contrôler les esprits pour conserver son absolu pouvoir. » (Sana Yazigi, syrienne, créatrice du site: « La mémoire créative de la rév. syr.)
— Il y a cinq ans, le 7 avril 2014, le jésuite hollandais Frans Van der Lugt était assassiné d’une balle dans la tête dans son couvent de la vieille ville de Homs, à l’âge de 75 ans.
– After their loved ones are detained or disappeared the families are left to grapple with the aftermath. Nophotozone, a new legal support and advocacy group, was launched to address the needs of these families
– Haneen: the voice of strong #Syria n women
– C’est pour toi mon ami.. Abo Salamah « 5 jusqu’à maintenant !!! »
Je me souviens encore de ce jour, du 27 juillet 2016 à midi. C’était une journée ensoleillée, une journée presque « normale » sur la planète Douma, une journée pleine de bombes et…
12 – Justice:
– « Si l’ONU a cessé de compter les morts, les Syriens ne l’ont pas fait »
– Germany seeks accountability for #Syria chemical attacks – Middle East Monitor | via @MiddleEastMnt
13 – Média et propagande :
– The Inside Story Of One Website’s Defense Of #Assad
– Janine di Giovanni on the concerted (and unfortunately quite successful) Russian and Assadist attempt to blacken the name of the White Helmets. @Syria Why Assad and Russia Target the White Helmets
14 – Iran:
– Impoverished Afghans were recruited by Iran as fighters and sent to the battlefields of Syria’s civil war. Now they’re returning home to Afghanistan.
– New paper from @CH_MENAP on Iran/Russia economic role in Syria.
15 – EU : –#Reconstruction contre transition politique en #Syrie : prudence et opportunité pour l’#Europe : l’analyse de @julientheron et @salamkawakibi sur le site du @CarepParis
16 – Analyse et politique:
– A Latin American diplomat acknowledged the severity of the challenges to international law in Syria, but argued that if the security council was deadlocked it should pass the issue to the UN general assembly to resolve, rather than confecting open-ended legal grounds for military intervention. Latin Americans fear precedent set by legal justification for Syria intervention.
– J’ai énormément d’admiration pour les intellectuels #Syrie, qui essaient désespérément de conserver, de protéger les capacités cognitives de leur société. Tout espace de vie est un espace de socialisation, d’expérimentation, d’invention et de résistance.
17 – Arts :
–Speaking to the #Syria n Artist Behind Her Heartbreaking Pictures Inspired By Her Homeland @SaraShamma
18 – Livre :
– Miriam Cooke, “Dancing in Damascus: Creativity, Resilience, and the Syrian Revolution” (Routledge, 2017). « How can it be a civil war when the government is exterminating its own people? »
19 – Musique :
– Middle East matters Recounting the war in #Syria through heavy metal music.. Monzer Darwish calls himself a « metalhead ».
20– Interview:
– An Interview with @abdfree2. This is not the story of Essa solely, but the story of human society, solidarity, justice and survival. This is a testimony we should all listen to, as it is not a piece of history, but breaking news. #Syria
– E podcast with @ThomasPierret on religion & the state in Syria
21 – Les Syriens:
– Ahmad Kontar, l’avant et l’apprêt… Poussé par l’horreur de la guerre en #Syrie, où il est né et a grandi, Ahmad Kontar a débarqué à Paris en 2016 à l’issue d’un périple de deux mois.
– Le test du parfait Canadien. « En Syrie aussi, on avait le droit de vote, rigole Moustafa. Il n’y avait qu’un nom sur le bulletin. Celui du dictateur… »
– ‘The most metal thing I’ve ever done’: Metalheads sponsoring Syrian refugees. Une communauté syrienne en pleine croissance.
2 – La Syrie à Paris :
– Expo : » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff
#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure. https://next.liberation.fr/arts/2019/03/04/exil-de-sombres-heures-mises-en-demeure_1712982?fbclid=IwAR3MeFHt8FSt9Mpf2wk2XZD2StqaqDVGdYfLYNYXQz4-Z73btKNFnyJcfPc
– Du 5 au 14 avril, Théâtre, Zauberland (Le Pays enchanté) , Quand la musique de Schumann raconte le sort des réfugiés #syrie ns https://www.francemusique.fr/actualite-musicale/quand-la-musique-de-schumann-raconte-le-sort-des-refugies-syriens-71460 via @francemusique
– Lundi 8 avril 18h, Histoires au-dessus de la Torture https://www.facebook.com/events/1241381572683004/
– Lundi 8 avril 20h30, Film, Still recording : rencontre avec le monteur du film et Amnesty https://www.facebook.com/events/382446272334850/
– Mercredi 10 avril, 18h, Un débat avec l’association Démocratie et entraide en Syrie https://www.facebook.com/events/2265425070398998/
– Vendredi 12 avril, 18h, Corps et révolution http://evenements.imarabe.org/activite/rendez-vous-de-l-histoire-de-l-institut-du-monde-arabe/edition-2019-le-corps/corps-et-revolutions