Une semaine sur la Syrie,
15e et 16e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènement de la semaine à venir est proposée.
Cette semaine, nous publions les revues de presse des semaines 15 et 16.

all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.
Breaking News #1 : – Le Samedi 13/04/2019, Un total de 14 raids aériens russes sur le village de #Bsanqul et 1 près du village d’Urem al-Jawz au sud d’#Idlib. Les sirènes d’alarmes retentissent à nouveau dans la ville #Idlib.
– Friday night #Israel|i Air Force bombed a military base in area of #Masyaf (W. #Hama) few km from S-300s. Syrie: le bilan des raids israéliens s’alourdit, une majorité de morts iraniens – RFI http://rfi.my/3ahM.T via @RFI
Breaking News #2 : – Comité Syrie-Europe après Alep: Enquête, l’UE en #Syrie : peser ou juste payer? Refusons «la fatigue des Occidentaux», combattre l’indifférence,lutter contre l’impunité,apprendre de nos erreurs collectives, inventer des solutions avec les Syriens qui aspirent à la démocratie
1 – Rapports et Etudes :
– Forces loyal to the #Assad regime in #Syria are linked to over 11,700 reported civilian fatalities from January 2017 to March 2019 according to data collated by ACLED, @snhr, and @airwars. Approx. 5,500 were reported in 2018 :
– Research paper on the phenomenon of #YPG transnational fighters in #Syria is available now! Read this study by our senior associate fellow @Hatahet, and research assistants @EminCengiz92 and @BedirMula from @OmranStudies
– Hundreds of journalists have been killed in Syria ‘Syrian Centre for Journalistic Freedoms documented the killing of 15 media professionals in 2018 in Syria; total number of killed media professionals documented since mid-March 2011 has reached 445’
https://www.dc4mf.org/en/report/2018-syrian-press-danger-is-everywhere/ …
– Le Viol au Service de l’Etat
http://allinfo.space/2019/04/14/syrie-le-viol-au-service-de-letat/ via @AllInfo
– 186 000 personnes déplacées en 10 semaines.
– 457 attacks by the Assad regime & #Russia using #cluster bombs, & said that the Assad regime was the worst in the world in terms of the use of these munitions.
2 – Idlib :
– Syria regime attacked Idlib de-escalation zone 6,422 times in March, report says
– Syrian suffering continues in Idlib. Since February, more than 190 people have been killed in northwest Syria and 106,000 others displaced. Civilians are under constant bombardment from the regime and Russia who are ignoring the UN’s calls for de-escalation.
– Moscow and Ankara are playing confident about the state of last year’s Idlib ceasefire deal, even as the Syrian government ramps up a devastating bombing campaign across the country’s last rebel bastion
– #HTS‘s former detainees give testimony about the torture and abuse suffered by those held in the group’s prisons. Most were arrested for peaceful opposition and like the regime HTS uses identical methods to force confessions from prisoners.
– The Assad regime is actively violating the ceasefire.
– A Turn Towards Idlib in #Syria – Is the Goal to ‘Achieve Homogeneity’ in the Country?
– #SyrianRegime forces shelled a complex of three #Schools (al Hweiz Primary School- al Hweiz Secondary School- al Hweiz High School) in al Hweiz village in #Hama suburbs, Apr 16. #Syria
http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=69704 …
3 – Aide humanitaire :
– So-called ‘Negotiations’ held by #Russia Army & #Syria Regime to FORCE #RukbanCamp Residents to ‘return’ to #Assad were attended by Samir al-Hawari, the deputy director of @OCHA_Syria , who signed the meeting minutes as a representative of the @UN there.
– Comment les programmes « Coaching for Life » de @Arsenal, @AFC_Foundation et @savechildrenuk aident les enfants syriens du camp Zaatari.
– Greek UN official says humanity failed in Syria- nous sommes en 2019 et nous voyons des enfants se faire bombarder dans leurs écoles. Il y a des millions de réfugiés et de personnes déplacées. Huit années de négociations pour la Syrie et rien n’a encore été fait. Nous avons échoué en tant que société et en tant que Conseil de sécurité
– Securité alimentaire: –Time to start fighting Syria’s chronic food insecurity.
4 – Refugees:
– The politics of return: #Refugees, #NGOs navigate increasingly fraught climate in host countries #Brussels #EU #UN #Syria
– Damned if they leave: meet the Syrians who refused Russia’s bait. @ZouhirAlShimale
– « Anyone who thinks that all these years later – after hundreds of thousands were killed by the regime and its foreign allies, and after more than 13 million have been displaced – our demands for rights have disappeared, is grossly mistaken. »
– Syrian refugees will not be returning fearing Assad’s brutality inc. detention, torture & mass murder. Citing lack of US investment in Syria is a pathetic way to whitewash Assad’s crimes against humanity.
– Faced with dwindling supplies, Rukban residents are leaving the camp by the hundreds, returning to government territory. But once they arrive, their phones go dark, and their conditions are ‘surrounded by mystery’
– For Refugee Children, Reading Helps Heal Trauma For Refugee Children, Reading Helps Heal Trauma
– Homs : Every single person I met in refugee camps spoke only of one desire #syria
https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/lifestyle/life-and-relationships/every-single-person-i-met-in-refugee-camps-spoke-only-of-one-desire-20190417-p51ezt.html via @brisbanetimes
5 – Daech:
– #US media, as slow to understand as ever, finally realizes #ISIS is present in Regime areas of southern #Syria. They act like the #Assad regime’s clandestine transfer of ISIS fighters to different areas is something new.
– #Homs : Regime reports the disappearance of a 180 man convoy bearing heavy weapons and ammunition. I doubt this and it’s more likely another mission to resupply ISIS as they’ve done many times before.
– Australian fighters have inflicted horror on Syrians. They are our responsibility | Joumanah El Matrah Syrians struggled harf to keep their conflict non-violent. The devastation wrought by foreigners, extremist groups and the Assad regime.
– Bring back children of Syria Isis fighters, Save the Children urges Australia.
– The situation in #Alhol Camp: « I don’t know where else a place like this exists. »
– #Syrie : plus de 60 combattants prorégime tués dans une série d’attaques jihadistes
https://www.lexpress.fr/actualites/1/monde/syrie-pres-de-50-combattants-proregime-tues-dans-une-serie-d-attaques-jihadistes_2074064.html via @LExpress
6 – SDF :
– The #SDF’s priorities for the next phase in its fight against ISIS still fall short of such a comprehensive strategy capable of eliminating #ISIS. At present, efforts are focused on short-term fixes to contain, rather than cure, ISIS its new form. Haid Haid.
7 – Le régime et la société :
– Refugees in Turkey aid Syrian intelligence. The existence of people like them helps dissuade Syrians abroad from engaging in opposition activities or criticism of the regime and serves to divide emigrés by sowing mistrust, making refugee communities more open to manipulation.
– Will wages ever rise to meet the cost of living?
– Property Law no.10 and its implications on Syrian cities
‘No way back’: The law that stops displaced Syrians from ever going home by
@ZouhirAlShimale https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/no-way-back-law-stops-displaced-syrians-ever-going-home
– The cost of repairing the damage to oil and gas fields is expected to be very high.
– Décès probable dans les prisons du régime d’Ali Othman, un célèbre journaliste de Homs arrêté en 2012.
Othman documented the punishing siege of Baba Amr, including the death of Marie Colvin & Remi Ochlik. He also helped evacuate wounded journalists, saving their life in the process. Ali Othman was arrested on 28 March 2012, a month after the death of Marie Colvin and Remi Ochlik. According to a document received in February by his brother, he has been dead since 30 December 2013. The family did not know.
– It is not know how many journalists languish in Syrian prisons.
– It has been reported that the body of Majid al-Asmi showed signs of torture
– Syrian regime’s Intelligence kills dissident policeman in Daraa under torture and confiscates his property
– Morts sous la torture: Les frères Mohammad et Ali Mahmoud Asi, originaires du quartier de Zahrat Awwad à Alep.
– Bashar Assad’s niece (Assef Shawkat’s daughter’s) bank account frozen. While human right defenders & journalists are being declinded visas 2 the #UK & it even confiscates their passports unon the request of #Assad, the @ukhomeoffice gives visas easily to the niece & son of the war criminal.
– fuel crisis worsens as opposition and international coalition block illegal oil transfers – Middle East Monitor | via @MiddleEastMnt
– Damascus : The Syrian government says the war is over in the capital, but Damascenes’ ineptitudes of the government are louder than ever as they are in a daily struggle to survive.
– « As images of queuing cars and people lined up for long hours to get gasoline from fuel stations, the official Syrian al-Ikhbariya channel broadcast a report from one of these lines, showing people’s “happiness” and how they spent their time enjoyably. »
– Syrian fuel queues grow, report cites Iranian credit freeze @Reuters Oil shortages stem from Iranian credit line halt on 15 October, pro-Assad newspaper al-Watan says. “.. according to the oil ministry, not one oil tanker reached Syria from that date.”
– Daraa : Access to medical care is an important and fundamental human right. It should, in no way, ever be used as a tool for retribution. The Syrian government should immediately restore access to medical supplies and aid to Daraa.
– Qamishli Will the residents of Qamishli ever trust the regime?
– 30+ Jordanians detained in Syria since al-Nassib border crossing opened. Another 25 Jordanians detained earlier. Jordanian photographer who entered Syria in February as tourist was ‘disappeared’ by Assad regime’s Air Force Intelligence..
– Hama : #Assad Regime Prepares to Make Hundreds of Families in #Hama Homeless
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/49837/assad-regime-prepares-to-make-hundreds-of-families-in-hama-homeless.html via @observesyria
– Ghouta : -The Syrian regime has issued a decision to execute a number of the persons of the eastern Ghouta who have been detained for years because of their participation in the revolutionary movement against it.
– Eastern Ghouta sounds like its under occupation – permission needed for residents to travel to central Damascus, reports of arrests, disappearances & military conscription.
– Yarmouk smuggling routes : The « reconciliation » process that the Syrian government is implementing has been nothing more than an abject failure. Theneed for a real reconciliation process —including transitional justice— is crystal clear. Syrians in formerly opposition-held areas are paying smugglers thousands of dollars to transport them to the country’s last rebel stronghold, as ‘reconciliation’ areas retaken by the government last year are mired in instability
– Homs Russian military police beat #Syrians following workers’ strike at factory,main owner is key ally of Putin-workers then arrested& taken to Hmeimim main military base for Russian troops [@The_NewArab]
– We knew exactly that this is going to happen, yet the world preferred to remain idle: 3 Men Executed by Regime After Leaving Rukban Camp – EA WorldView
8 – Armes chimiques:
– The aftermath of Syria’s chemical weapons attacks
9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– @HalfSyria I spent those terrible days in the basement together with my wife and child. Even today, a year later, I really don’t like to think about it. It is simply impossible for anyone who wasn’t there to comprehend how terrible it was. Read Omar`s story here :
https://www.facebook.com/notes/half-of-syria/omars-story/432749790868060/ …
– #Syria’s White Helmets speak at U of T about their dangerous front-line work and preparing for life after war
– First of a series of articles I wrote with @yazanbadran on journalism in #Rojava and northeastern regions of #Syria
– Women’s health in Syria: An American imperative:
– A portal started by our own Hadi Al Khatib. Syrian Archive is a open source platform that collects, curates, verifies, and preserves visual documentation of human rights violations in #Syria @syrian_archive
– 50 Feet from #Syria: Inside Al-Amal Hospital @AJEnglish
– Bashar al Assad’s bet on permanent demographic change in #Syria @MustafaAlKasem3
– Exclusive – Drugs Invade #Syria through Help of Militias | Asharq AL-awsat
– Photo jointe : À Saraqib (Syrie). ©Amer Alhamwe/AFP/Courrier international.
– Soudan : Alaa Salah, icône d’une révolution entravée et source d’inspiration virale #Syrie
– Amal Hamo raconte le bombardement chimique de Khan Shiekhoun du 4 avril 2017 par le régime syrien… Cette femme est une @SyriaCivilDef.
« In my hometown, there are no humanitarian organizations working to provide relief, food, or shelter. Only the White Helmets are here to help those who stayed and can’t go anywhere else. » Please read @SyriaCivilDef volunteer Amal Hamo’s oped in @TeenVogue
– The Dark Path of Minority Politics @YassinHS on the topos of « protecting minorities ». Yassin al-Haj Saleh argues that the Assad regime is using the protection of minorities as false justification for repression of Syria’s citizens
– Razan Saffour @RazanSpeaks about women prisoners in Assad’s dungeons and
touched a little upon the need for transitional justice in Syria. You can listen here : https://www.patreon.com/posts/26120486 list orgs who do excellent work for Syria
– Scholars for #Syria, Knowing that the future of Syria as part of a peaceful global community depends on its educated citizens, we are committed to this mission.
– « L’insécurité du photojournaliste en reportage ne me fait pas peur car c’est ma passion. » Interview de @ZakriaAbdelkafi – Photojournaliste à l’AFP..
– White Helmets : US Holocaust Museum gives award to #Syria n volunteer aid group – Jewish Telegraphic Agency
https://www.jta.org/quick-reads/us-holocaust-museum-gives-award-to-syrian-volunteer-aid-group via @jtanews
– The Syrian revolution in the occupied Golan Who exactly are the people of the occupied Golan Heights? Writer Aram – Abu Saleh charts their history, including the profound transformations brought about by the Syrian revolution in 2011 @BenteScheller
10 – Justice:
– A report has documented the systematic sexual and gendered violence at the Syrian state-controlled detention facilities. https://www.dw.com/en/syrias-sexual-violence-survivors-seek-justice/a-48255747
– The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons confirmed the use of chemical weapons.
– En visite au #Canada, @RaedAlSaleh3, responsable de @SyriaCivilDef, plaide pour la création d’un tribunal international sur les crimes en #Syrie
https://www.lapresse.ca/international/moyen-orient/201904/07/01-5221284-un-tribunal-pour-les-crimes-syriens-necessaire-dit-le-chef-des-casques-blancs.php via @lp_lapresse
– Biens mal acquis: la justice ordonne un procès à Paris pour l’oncle de Bachar al-#Assad . #Syrie
– The sheer scale of the horrific violations of international law in Syria makes one thing clear: there is an undeniable need to bring perpetrators to justice. This article by @EnabBaladi_Eng examines some efforts to hold these war criminals accountable
– Horrific photos provide evidence that #Syria committed war crimes
https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/investigators-quietly-probe-allegations-syrian-war-crimes-n858641 via @nbcnews
– #Syrie : la traque des criminels de guerre s’organise en Europe.
11 – Iran :
– Les Afghans, «chair à canon» de l’Iran en Syrie. «Mon fils était kamikaze. L’armée syrienne l’a obligé. Ils ont attaché une bombe sur lui»
– « The Trump administration is designating Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a foreign terrorist organization, taking an unprecedented step as it seems to increase pressure on Iran’s regime. »
– Iran : -Omran center published a special report entitled » #Iranian_influence within the Regime Army.. 2017/18 strikes that targeted Iran in #Syria« . Authors: @Nawaroliver / Suhail AlGhazi @putintintin1 http://bit.ly/2VOn9aq
12 – Analyse et politique:
– By turning a blind eye to #Assad‘s crimes ag humanity and cozying up -at best naively- to #Russia, #Netanyahu is undermining #Israel‘s national security. His cynicism is a threat to its legitimacy. #inconsistent
– US Envoy says #Syria 2019 is #Iraq 2009 as far as US Troops Presence is concerned. In short: No withdrawal. @AlOraibi
– La poursuite du désengagement américain conforte le rôle que la #Russie a acquis comme principale puissance globale au PO & accroît le risque d’émergence de la loi de la jungle comme seule mode de régulation des conflits régionaux. » @MrjDuclos
13 – Reconstruction:
– #Syria’s reconstruction is fraught with risk for western powers
https://www.irishtimes.com/news/world/middle-east/syria-s-reconstruction-is-fraught-with-risk-for-western-powers-1.3864964 via @IrishTimesWorld
– The draconian Law No. 10 has been used to fuel the Syrian government’s widespread confiscation of private property in an effort to cement demographic changes. These policies stand in the way of any real future reconstruction and reconciliation efforts.
14 – Reconciliation :
– The Aftershocks of Reconciliation in #Syria: Reflections on the Past Year. Without reliable intermediaries on the ground to supervise so-called reconciliation processes, stability will be ephemeral and peacebuilding unattainable.
– Peu de civils de #DeirEzzor veulent rentrer chez eux malgré les propositions de #Réconciliation du régime d’Assad. Réconciliations avec le régime syrien: un dernier ressort à Deir Ezzor
– Assad Forces Execute Two Young Men Returning From al-Rukban
15 – Tourisme:
– Le tourisme en #Syrie, vecteur de propagande (1/3) : l’illusion du « retour à la normale
16 – Patrimoine:
– #Syria, an ancestor of Notre-Dame still stands. »Ce n’est pas simplement un tas de vieilles pierres. C’est un symbole de la culture syrienne », a déclaré Mohammad. http://f24.my/4loA.T via @FRANCE24
– Le patrimoine de Notre-Dame, moins européen qu’on ne le pense #Syrie
http://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/news/le-patrimoine-de-notre-dame-moins-europeen-quon-ne-le-pense … via @MiddleEastEye
17 – Photographie :
– Syrian Photographer Mohammed Badra won second place in the World Press Photo Spot News stories category for this collection, including this one of a White Helmet rescuing a child in Eastern Ghouta
« When I see a victim I see myself, because in #Douma it could easily be me, » says the Syrian photographer, nominated for the World Press Photo of the Year
https://www.bjp-online.com/2019/04/world-press-nominee-mohammed-badra/ via @1854
– Beau texte de Bülent Kiliç qui raconte la Syrie de 2011 à maintenant à partir de son travail de journaliste. Très bon making-of de l’@AFP
18 – Arts :
– Exhibition “Cities in Dust,” Homes make a city. More than buildings, roads, schools, markets, hospitals and shops, it’s homes and the people who live in them that create the life of a place. » – Victor J. Blue
– Work By Two Michigan Artists Fueling Art With Politics on Display This Weekend #syria
19 – Livre :
– Nostalgia for a Lost Damascus Leads Native Son into Danger in New Thriller #Syria https://www.aljadid.com/node/2122
– La peur dans les veines @dimawannous
20 – Musique : Ciné concert : -Review: A Refugee Journey Inspires a Musical Collaboration
21 – Cinéma :
–#Syria Film questions purity of human soul https://www.dailysabah.com/cinema/2019/04/09/film-questions-purity-of-human-soul
22 – Interview:
– Omar Souleimane – « Dès qu’on sait que je suis syrien, la réponse est : « Désolé, Monsieur… » »
https://w.lpnt.fr/2306468t #LesinvitésduPoint via @LePoint
– La majorité de la société syrienne, toutes communautés confondues, qui s’est soulevée contre la dictature l’a compris par la promotion de l’unité nationale et le rejet des allégeances confessionnelles. Dès lors, elle savait que le régime lui livrerait une guerre sans merci.
Une excellente entrevue sur la Syrie avec Nadine Méouchy – En finir avec les idées reçues sur la Syrie – Les clés du Moyen-Orient
23 – Les Syriens :
– Route de l’exil : le drame des tombes anonymes. C’était un jeune Syrien. Il n’avait que 22 ans », elle réussit à retrouver la famille, qui souhaite que le corps soit rapatrié en #Syrie. Le jeune Syrien est finalement enterré dans le nord de la Grèce.
– Four Syrians on the Forbes Middle East Rich List. Joseph Safra, who is valued at 25.2 billion dollars, came second.
– The EU restored my faith in miracles!” Meet Nabil Al- Hariri, who managed to overcome all challenges and graduated from @LTUCJO with a Diploma in Business Administration @edu_syria Full Story :
– « Partir ou rester ? » Découvrez le reportage de Guiti News sur deux jeunes Syriens #réfugiés en Turquie, Sahar et Miran, partagés entre le rêve du #retour et l’#exil définitif.
– « Je n’aime pas être dans la rue », dit Alaa, un garçon de 14 ans originaire d’Alep en Syrie et vivant au Liban. « Je me fait agresser et je ne me sens pas en sécurité. Ici, je joue, je dessine et j’apprends. »
– Syrian Family From Pulitzer-Winning Cartoon Talks About Rebuilding Their Lives In Connecticut
– A devastating story by @zeina_shahla in Syria on the children whose lives have been lived so far entirely in the eight-year conflict: ‘I only want some warmth’: the Syrian children who know only war
– Le coup de pouce de Gauvain Sers à une association creusoise d’aide aux réfugiés #Syrie
– Plongée en profondeur dans les territoires du Bouclier de l’Euphrate sous contrôle turc au nord de la Syrie, et comment les civils s’en sortent à mesure que les frontières géographiques en #Syrie se durcissent…
https://raseef22.com/article/1073020 via @Raseef22En
– #Syria n refugees find food solace far in South Africa [@The_NewArab]
– Alsaker, a young man who sees hope and humour where many would not.
– ‘My dream has become a reality:’ Syrian refugees open new food businesses in Victoria
20 – La Syrie à Paris :
– Expo : » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff
#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure. https://next.liberation.fr/arts/2019/03/04/exil-de-sombres-heures-mises-en-demeure_1712982?fbclid=IwAR3MeFHt8FSt9Mpf2wk2XZD2StqaqDVGdYfLYNYXQz4-Z73btKNFnyJcfPc
– Expo : Peintre Syrien « Hammoud Chantout » https://www.ville-creteil.fr/de-generation-a-generation
– Mercredi 24 avril, Regards croisés sur le Patrimoine Culturel en Danger, https://www.facebook.com/events/588081395039842/
– jeudi 25 avril, 14h30, La révolution syrienne et ses images, https://www.facebook.com/events/350527195590296/
– jeudi 25 avril, 20h., Rencontre exceptionnelle avec Leila al-Shami autour du livre Burning country – Au cœur de la révolution syrienne #Syrie #Paris https://paris-luttes.info/burning-country-au-coeur-de-la-11968
– Dimanche 28 avril,13h, Expo colloque, Super-Décélération, Rencontres pour une décélération des images https://mailchi.mp/8fcf1e619389/super-dclration-rencontres-pour-une-dclration-des-images?e=33f5e64b92
13h00 – 15h00 Photoreporters aujourd’hui : comment montrer les guerres longues et non médiatiques?
15h15 – 17h15 |Penser l’archive en conflit
17h30 – 19h00 | Propagande de guerre et fantasmes occidentaux : la propagande de l’Etat Islamique
– Dimanche 28 avril 18h, Concert Yamass, https://www.facebook.com/events/2319639808248858/