Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 18 – 2019

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

18e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

– Breaking news: 13 civilians were killed by Russian & Assad regime airstrikes on #Idlib and #Hama Provinces today, including 5 children and 4 women. More than 100 airstrikes were reported. No rebel fighters were killed by airstrikes, all victims are civilians. White Helmets rescued many.

Serious escalation as it that seems that 2 Turkish soldiers were injured by Assad bombing of #Turkish posts in #Idlib. Turkish Helicopters headed to the area to rescue them. Let us also not forget that more than 200 #Syrians have been killed in the same campaign.

#RussianForces killed Mohammad al Shawwa, a member of #SCD, in a bombing near and an ambulance while he was driving it near al Rakaya village in #Idlib suburbs, as he arrived the site where Russian forces bombed before, May 4. #Syria

http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=70597 …

– Idlib par @firasabdullah_


1 – Rapports et Etudes:

– At least 459 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests Documented in Syria in April 2019. Including 272 Cases of Enforced Disappearance. http://sn4hr.org/blog/2019/05/02/53644/

#Syria Notes Spring 2019


– Brief Report: On World Press Freedom Day: Citizen Journalists in Syria Face Retirement or Displacement http://sn4hr.org/blog/2019/05/03/53648/

2 – Idlib :

– « Assad et la Russie bombardent les hôpitaux d’Idlib, dernier bastion des rebelles”. Why Russia is destroying hospitals in Syria (again)


#SyrianRegime forces killed Mustafa al Masri, medical personnel, in #QalatAlMadiq town in #Hama suburbs, May 3. #Syria


– While Syria Direct was interviewing al-Judi he noted that\ warplanes were actively conducting airstrikes in the areas where his team worked, and that his team had been nearly hit several times while evacuating injured civilians.


– Hundreds of thousands of civilians in Idlib and Hama have nowhere to run – and the risk of major casualties remains severe should these governorates again turn into battlegrounds.  Divisions in the regime between competing military commanders and the rivalry between Russia and Iran might stave off large-scale military action on Idlib for now


– UN says barrel bombs raining down on civilians as part of attacks launched by Syria and Russia are ‘worst in 15 months’


#Syrie: des hôpitaux hors-service après des bombardements dans le nord-ouest


#RussianForces bombed al Latamena Surgical #Hospital in al Latamena town in #Hama suburbs, for the second day in a row. The hospital went out of service, Apr 28. #Syria


3 – Aide humanitaire :

– “For years the #Assad regime has used the withholding of aid as a weapon of war, and the international community continues to allow this to happen,” said Dr. Zaki Lababidi, president of @sa_council.


@SenatorRisch The humanitarian toll of the Syrian war, at the hands of brutal dictator Bashar al-Assad and his supporters in Russia and Iran, has been devastating. I convened a hearing on this issue & heard compelling testimony on the real crisis in Syria. My remarks:


– Ben Stiller lends voice to #Syria n refugees as White Helmets warn of Russian escalation – CNNPolitics


4 – Refugees:

– In-depth – ‘The SAMS mission in Lebanon is helping Syrian parents cope with the hardships of affording the right healthcare for their children as their struggles continue‘ writes Nicholas Frakes


– Les fermes turques de noisettes exploiteraient les réfugiés syriens


– Road trip en Grèce : à la frontière avec la Turquie.



5 Damas et la révolution :

– Chroniques syriennes – Damas et ses banlieues rebelles


6 – Alep :

Cécile Hennion : « #Alep, c’était un peu le point zéro de notre histoire » #Syrie https://


7 – Deir Ezzor, @TheNewTurkey about the demonstrations in Deir Ezzor against the YPG, the reasons behind them and the ongoing ISIS insurgency in the region. Deir Ezzor would become an opposition stronghold again:


8 – Raqqa :

– In part 3, exploration of elements along which independent media organisations in Rojava construct their identity and the complex ways they position themselves in relation to the Kurdish issue, the Syrian conflict and the future of Rojava.


– In part 4 more attention to Raqqa which came under the control of Rojava after it was conquered from #ISIS in 2017. Details of  the embryonic efforts at re-establishing normality in the city after ISIS and the chaotic media environment emerging.


9 – Le régime et la société :

Horrific news from Sednaya prison where 95 captives were reportedly executed on Tuesday. Of those executed, 81 reportedly Syrians (incl 3 Christians, 1 Druze, 16 Syrian-Palestinians) & remainder Saudi, Jordanian, Lebanese, Egyptian. Sources say up to 1,100 could be killed over the coming days. It follows a Washington Post report that the regime is executing detainees en masse to clear its prisons


Read more about Syria’s broadly-worded terrorism definition & how its Counterterrorism Law has been implemented in @TimepDC‘s brief:


– Jours de siège dans la Ghouta – 12 novembre 2017 #Syrie  « Si le sang versé par nos enfants était du pétrole, le monde interviendrait immédiatement »!

https://syrie.news/2019/05/02/jours-de-siege-ghouta-12-novembre-2017/ … via @syrie24h

In depth article addressing the root causes of the devastating fuel crisis in Syria, and Assad’s regime and Irani’s militias’ role in it. It is clear that re-construction under #Assad regime is an illusion, and that #Syria needs its displaced people. #SACD


– Allawi al-Bashasha was held in cell, which is barely over a meter squared in size, with five other detainees.


10 – Reconciliation:  -In recent months, 4,303 IDPs have left #Rukban Camp. All had to transfer thru #Assad security facilities in #Homs, where the only way out was for a « sponsor » to pay a release fee. So « reconciliation » of victimized civilians = a money-making venture.


11 – Daech :  Explanations by @hxhassan  

– What ISIS Did to My Village « As someone who studies the Islamic State for a living, I still struggle to connect images from my past with the reality of today. »


Analysis on Baghdadi, in light of the latest trend related to the Islamic State: Welcome to the Post-Middle East ISIS

https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/05/03/welcome-to-the-post-middle-east-isis/ … for @ForeignPolicy

11 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

– Can this new initiative bring about an intra-Syrian dialogue?


– À quatre kilomètres de la #syrie, l’école de Bar Elias enseigne le chant, l’oud, l’accordéon, la darbouka ou le bouzouk à des enfants de réfugiés. « Nous sommes en train de former les meilleurs musiciens du Moyen-Orient », lance Fawaz Baker, directeur..  


– Syrian refugee in ‘symbolic’ English Channel swim bid https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-essex-48095412

Dr. Thaier Al-Hussain is a medical doctor who worked in Syria during the early years of the conflict and joined Doctors Without Borders in April 2013. He worked for Doctors Without Borders until August 2014 and moved to London to study for Masters in International Health at UCL. He founded 6abibak, an Online Arabc Medical Journal which is now one of the largest followed health journals in the Arab world with over 14 million followers on Facebook.

So many people paid the price. They lost limbs, lives, hopes, and homes.” Dr Thaier Al-Hussain, a Syrian doctor and refugee from #Raqqa, discusses the war in #Syria and the rise and fall of #IslamicState.


Moustapha el-Khatib, un « miraculé » des prisons d’ #Assad Le survivant de Sednaya. Le régime a voulu faire payer le père, qui osait défier l’État, en emprisonnant le fils. l’espoir de voir tomber Bachar el-Assad ne les quitte pas #Syrie

https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1168559/moustapha-el-khatib-un-miracule-des-prisons-dassad.html … via @LOrientLeJour

– Ghiath Ayoub, co-director of prize-winning film Still Recording, tells @aljumhuriya_eng about filming under chemical attacks in Ghouta & the untold stories of life in revolutionary #Syria. By @EmCLew & @Ignostic199


– Une nouvelle campagne donne la parole aux réfugiés #Syrie

https://www.rtbf.be/info/societe/detail_une-nouvelle-campagne-donne-la-parole-aux-refugies via @rtbfinfo

– Congratulations to @SyriaCivilDef, who have been awarded the @HolocaustMuseums Elie Wiesel Award in recognition of their life-saving work. The White Helmets share this year’s award with Serge and Beate Klarsfeld who helped bring Nazi war criminals to justice. Meet RAED SALEH: 


– He was told not to think again, so he decided not to give up. Meet @OmiraAbdulwahab, #Syrias ‘youngest inventor’ who invented 15 projects. Abdulwahab Omira was detained at the age of 13 and he is now a student at @stanford


– Jalal Altawil joue son propre rôle dans #Eden, la nouvelle production d’@ARTEfr qui retrace le quotidien de réfugiés en Europe. Il raconte les prisons syriennes, sa fuite et sa nouvelle vie en France.


I was driven to document Daesh violations.” Meet Marwah Haj Ahmad, the brave #Syria n social media journalist on a mission to expose the reality of life under Daesh. @coalition https://theglobalcoalition.org/en/marwah-haj-ahmad-inspiring-women/

le père Jacques Mourad le bouleversant appel au dialogue d’un prêtre otage de Daesh #Syrie


«I never lost faith in how just this revolution is. Despite that, I might never see the results of this revolution with my own eyes, maybe one day my grandchildren will feel very proud of me. I will never be silent. » Amina Khoulani, Families for Freedom


12 – Justice:

– Regardez ce documentaire sur la traque des criminels #syrie ns en Europe à partir de 34 ‘ @CBectarte


-Remembering the #Banias and #Baida massacre 6 years ago. An Atrocity in #Syria, With No Victim Too Small.



Exactly 6 years ago, my dad and two of my brothers were slaughtered in front of the world’s eyes.. and no action has been taken yet!


#Saydnaya #JusticeforSyria « totally committed to the task of assembling evidence from fellow Syrian torture survivors .. to help hunt down the perpetrators and those that gave the orders »-Syrian torture survivors fight back – @kreasechan


– A Danish company supplied fuel for a Russian shipping company, which in turn supplied fighter planes in #Syria, planes that carried out air strikes in support of #Assad regime. This could mean contributing/being an accomplice to acts of war by the regime.


13 – Patrimoine:  

– Des vestiges antiques du patrimoine syrien, endommagés pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, exposés au Louvre

https://www.francetvinfo.fr/economie/emploi/metiers/art-culture-edition/des-vestiges-antiques-du-patrimoine-syrien-endommages-pendant-la-seconde-guerre-mondiale-exposes-au-louvre_3423425.html via @franceinfo

Antiquities looted in #Syria and Iraq are sold on Facebook


14 – Analyse et politique:

Pour gagner la guerre en Syrie, Moscou a dû faire preuve d’un certain volontarisme. Pour gagner la paix, l’heure est à la plus grande prudence http://ow.ly/nAlI30oB5uS 

– The fate of the Syrian Kurds


15- Documentation et Média :  

#Syria ‘Envision a new war’: The Syrian Archive corporate censorship and the struggle to preserve public history online,  may be setting the course for a new kind of public space online, moving away from Silicon Valley models that are all built to generate attention for the sake of ad revenue. https://globalvoices.org/2019/05/01/envision-a-new-war-the-syrian-archive-corporate-censorship-and-the-struggle-to-preserve-public-history-online/ … via @ellerybiddle

– L’@ASML_medialibre et la plateforme @3ayny_3aynak s’associent dans une campagne d’information sur la très difficile réintégration des femmes syriennes à leur sortie de détention.


16 – Film:

Turkish director’s movie about #Syria n refugees to fight against anti-immigrant prejudice in Europe.


Avant-première : regardez “Eden”, mini-série sur l’Europe et les migrants avec Sylvie Testud #Syrie 

https://www.telerama.fr/series-tv/avant-premiere-regardez-eden,-mini-serie-sur-leurope-et-les-migrants-avec-sylvie-testud,n6227901.php  via @telerama

18 – Arts:

– The Atassi Foundation offers a different perspective on #Syria


Les sons d’une prison syrienne à l’honneur du prix Turner d’art contemporain #Syrie

https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1168648/les-sons-dune-prison-syrienne-a-lhonneur-du-prix-turner-dart-contemporain.html via @LOrientLeJour

– 19 Photographie :

Expo, « D’ici », depuis #Paris, 8 journalistes exilés et des photographes de Magnum Photos. #Syrie


Les réfugiés #syrie ns utilisent l’art pour maintenir leur culture en vie

https://youtu.be/ItqOxATA9WU  via @YouTube

20 – Interview:   

@AmalHanano and @karamfoundation are helping young Syrian refugees learn new wys of thinking through design-based education: Innovative Humanitarianism


– Connecting a global #Syria An interview with Rafif Jouejati, from the Spring 2019 issue of Syria Notes. @RafifJ


 21 – Les Syriens:

– Le Soudan, un havre inespéré pour les réfugiés syriens  La guerre en Syrie a créé une vague de réfugiés sans précédent. La plupart des pays leur ont fermé les portes, à l’exception du Liban, de la Turquie, de la Jordanie… et du Soudan


– Les étudiants syriens dans le dédale des universités allemandes/


-L’architecte syrien traité de « lâche » par un employeur a décroché un contrat

https://news.konbini.com/societe/larchitecte-syrien-traite-de-lache-par-un-employeur-a-trouve-un-emploi/ via @konbini

– ‘I’m wasting my time:’ Syrian doctor stuck working at The Home Depot | The Chronicle Herald


-Syrian software developer starts new life as Canadian skilled worker. Mohammed Hakmi https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/5/5ccc8b684/syrian-software-developer-starts-new-life-canadian-skilled-worker.html

-The Objects That Remind Refugees of Home « I was afraid of also losing my culture, but something as small as a rug has helped me to hang on to a part of it. » #Syria https://www.vice.com/en_ca/article/9kp4na/the-objects-that-remind-refugees-of-home?utm_campaign=sharebutton … via @vicecanada

22- La Syrie à Paris :

– Expo :  » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff

#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure. https://next.liberation.fr/arts/2019/03/04/exil-de-sombres-heures-mises-en-demeure_1712982?fbclid=IwAR3MeFHt8FSt9Mpf2wk2XZD2StqaqDVGdYfLYNYXQz4-Z73btKNFnyJcfPc

-Expo : Peintre Syrien « Hammoud Chantout » https://www.ville-creteil.fr/de-generation-a-generation

– Mardi 7 mai, 18h30, La France et l’Arabie: si loin, si près [Conférence] https://www.facebook.com/events/2305753539480902/

– Jeudi 9 mai, 12h30, La naissance du Moyen-Orient (1914-1949), https://www.facebook.com/events/1870525819719760/

– Jeudi 9 mai, 20h45, Eden, Arté , série prenante sur la route du « paradis » #Télévision #JournalOuestFrance https://www.ouest-france.fr/medias/television/eden-serie-prenante-sur-la-route-du-paradis-6331526 … via @ouestfrance

– Samedi 11 mai, 20h40, Nationa Geographic, « Inside Syrie : la dynastie El-Assad » http://www.leblogtvnews.com/2019/04/le-document-inedit-inside-syrie-la-dynastie-el-assad-diffuse-le-11-mai-prochain.html

Dimanche 12 mai,9h, STAND au vide-grenier des Grands Moulins par Coeur et Action Pour la Syrie https://www.facebook.com/events/344234309770883/  https://coeuretaction.fr/evenements/vide-grenier-des-grands-moulins-paris-13/