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Une semaine sur la Syrie – Semaine 20 – 2019

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Une semaine sur la Syrie,

20e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

– Médias en #Syrie: Israël a attaqué des cibles dans la région de Damas … via


– Agir pour Idlib:

 SYRIE : un autre massacre se prépare Tribune par Catherine Coquio, Sarah Kilani, Raphael Glucksmann, Raphael Pitti, Veronique Nahoum-Grappe…


@placepublique_ Nous demandons à @EmmanuelMacron de tout faire pour éviter un nouveau massacre. La France doit d’urgence participer au déploiement d’un bouclier humanitaire, diplomatique et sanitaire pour protéger les civiles d’Idlib piégés par le régime de Bachar El-Assad et des djihadistes.


Unintended Consequences. @SoccerMouaz The whole story, what to do to help #Syria n people and how ? #Rise4Idlib At  5h45min..  via @YouTube


– Hold Syria and Russia to account for their actions in Idlib, urge Turkey to keep armed groups in line and allow fleeing Syrian civilians to cross the border. Just some of the ways international governments can take action on Idlib.


1 – Rapports et Etudes:

– La Ghouta : Depuis le contrôle du régime –En quelques chiffres : 180 000 habitants 40 000 personnes incarcérées, 84 checkpoints – 4 detention « shelters, » – 7,000 men forcefully conscripted, 14 morts sous la torture.  « Forgotten Lives: Life Under [#Assad] Regime Rule in Former Opposition-Held #EastGhouta » A vast network of checkpts, intel agencies, arbitrary arrests, forced conscription & detention camps: Within a system of « collective punishment » thousands of East Ghouta’s residents have been subjected to severe human rights violations. A new paper from @MiddleEastInst tells the story of the horrific realities that those living in this former opposition stronghold must face.


2 –  Idlib:

#SyrianRegime forces bombed the main market, known as al Samak Market, in the middle of #JisrAlShoghour city in #Idlib suburbs, May 14. #Syria …

– Toddler ‘only one left’ after air strike

@MhdKatoub In the past 2 weeks, 21 attacks on 18 health facilities, and 1 ambulance were reported in NW #Syria 21 immunization center suspended operation& 49 facilities suspended operation because of the escalation. Estimation of affected services is over 170 k services. …

-‘A Slow Death’ : Syrians Continue to Suffer in #Idlib by @Tesbihhabbal1 …

– As Russia and Syria start indiscriminately bombing Idlib, 80+ civilians have died in three weeks. Hundreds of strikes per day have hit schools, hospitals and homes. Notorious barrel bombs are again being used. The cost of the international community’s failure to act in Idlib will rest almost exclusively on the shoulders of civilians.

– Surviving hospital bombing « It takes a particular kind of cruelty to bomb civilians and then destroy their access to treatment. »


3 – Aide humanitaire et société civile :

– The United Nations says it has reopened all schools in a Palestinian refugee camp in Syria’s Aleppo four days after the site was bombed in a rocket attack

– Bourges : l’association Medina collecte pour la #Syrie via @FB_Berry


4 – Refugees:

– ‘Starvation’ now a reality for displaced Syrians stranded in camp near Jordanian border.

Le Liban pousse une nouvelle fois pour le retour des réfugiés #syrie ns …

– KEEPING REFUGEES’ HOPE IN ART. #Syria ns’ arrival to the city has contributed to the revitalization of the artistic and cultural landscape of this ancient city.


5 – Deir Zor :

– Protests in Deir e-Zor reveal divisions between locals of the Eastern Euphrates and the Autonomous Administration.

– The SDC called on residents in Deir ez-Zor to take part in the civilian councils and to administer their areas.


6 – South Damascus and Yarmouk Camp after the reconciliation deal. 

– One year after the peace deal in Southern Damascus and residents have yet to see even a semblance of something that could be called reconciliation. “Everything that was promised in the settlement was a lie. There was no amnesty, no reconciliation. All of our demands remain unmet.” Those who have the financial means have paid huge sums to government officials in order to remove their names from “wanted lists.” Those who can’t afford the bribes face the potential of “horrific forms of torture” in government prisons, according to Syria Direct’s sources. “A general lack of security, frequent arrests and detentions, proliferation of weapons, and legal anarchy in South Damascus has become the new normal.”

Yarmouk Camp after the reconciliation deal However, though all the residents of Southern Damascus suffered through the siege together, the terms of the deal differed for those Palestinians who lived in Yarmouk Camp and the rest of the Syrians in Southern Damascus. Palestinians by contrast, required a case-by-case approval from security forces to leave the region. “if Palestinians want to leave Southern Damascus, the security forces must give them prior approval.” “We must prove to them that we have supported the regime and have been on ‘good behavior’ throughout the civil war.” Good reporting


7- Le régime et la société :

– Brutal torture in #Syria n prison network detailed by New York Times investigation | CBC Radio

– It is unacceptable that Syrians released from detention, often after being acquitted, are deprived of their basic civil and political rights. The Syrian government must end this practice and respect the basic and fundamental rights of all people.

– 93% of Syrians live in poverty and suffer deprivation. Despite the #UN pouring in billions of aid for years 11.7 million people still need assistance. This is because UN cooperates with #Assad allowing his corrupt regime to control 90% of the aid. 

– Le Régime #Assad C’est ça: 9 #Syrie … via @wordpressdotcom

#Aleppo : Regime intelligence are battling NDF militiamen in the city who are refusing orders to report to Hama’s front lines. Word spread that 210 militiamen of the 5th Corps and Tiger force have been killed and another 600 wounded in the Hama offensive. 


8 – Food Security & Conflict in #Syria

– The conflict has turned Syria into a country whose population suffers from a severe food crisis in terms of availability, access, use, sustainability, and equitable distribution.  Agriculture played the role of an economic protection network during the conflict, providing job opportunities and food sources in the midst of tragic conflict conditions.


 9 – Daech:

@GhadawiAbdullah knows this topic more than anyone, is a local, often embedded with the SDF, and always speaks fairly about these issues: “Will Freeing Local ISIS Militants Come Back to Bite the Kurds?: Syria From Within” | Chatham House

– Reveal Fate of Missing Victims of ISIS

– Reportage de @CelineMartelet et Édith Bouvier @danslesrues : le terroriste toulousain Jean-Michel Clain vivait dans un immeuble de standing à Raqqa en #Syrie,8198878.php … via @ladepechedumidi


10 – Raqqa : Raqa, _ex-capitale_ de l’EI en #Syrie, rouvre son centre de la culture et des arts … via @franceinfo


11 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

– On Tuesday, Turkish security forces prevented a group of Syrian activists from holding a protest in front of the Russian consulate in Istanbul.

– We exist, Made by Syrians. For Everyone. #Syrie

– ‘It was difficult but I’m happy now, I can contribute to society’

#Syria n musicians to help raise funds for Shuswap refugee efforts –

– Cost of Democracy: From a #Syria n cell to a Chicago voting booth | Emad Mahou.  via @YouTube

– ‘ »The genius who opened Syria to the Internet was a Christian Arab named #BasselKhartabil. He was rewarded by being arrested & tortured by regime, held in detention for 3 yrs. We only recently learned of his execution several yrs after it had taken place »

#Syria n Kurds reshape region with school  via @Reuters

– Al-Ghab Plain region should be freed from the Russian militias soon, villages residents demand 


12 – Justice:

–  Progress in Sweden on the criminal complaint filed there on torture in Syria. #Sweden followed up on a complaint by nine #Syrian #torture survivors. Now, Sweden should join #France & #Germany in bringing the most high-level perpetrators of crimes in Syria to justice and issue intl. arrest warrants. …

– Why We Spent 7 Years Documenting Syria’s Secret Torture Prisons  There were large courtyards packed with detainees, “as if all of Syria had been arrested,” one survivor told me. « Some stories are so big and encompassing, they are like the air: hard to see, taken for granted and somehow all at once too obvious and too hard to grasp and prove”

#Syrie : retrouver les victimes disparues de Daech via @franceinter


13 – Documentation:

MONTHLY UPDATE: Removals of Syrian human rights content – May 2019


14 – Propagande :

Entretien de @Marie_Peltier in @LeMondeArabe Comment les récits du régime #Assad ont envahi nos esprits. Autre point fondamental : « Les manifestants & démocrates syriens sont nos éclaireurs » dans la lutte de l’#Europe c/ fascisme et populismes.


15 – Syrie et EU :  

– Germany’s intake of refugees begins to boost economy. « They are under pressure. They have to pay money to their families back home and maybe to their traffickers. They want to get their own flats » #Syria


16 – Us:

Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad is waging a modern-day holocaust on his own citizens. If America remains on the sidelines more Syrians will die while ISIS & Iran strengthen their influence. The time for U.S. leadership is now.

– 33 Members of Congress are urging the President: Stop the Assad regime’s assault in Idlib. Strong bipartisan effort by Syria Caucus Co-Chairs @CongBoyle and @RepKinzinger. READ the letter …


17 – Russie :

– Russia rebuilds #Syria‘s military from scratch « Syrians don’t have much air power and Russia has led the air war. » Much of these strikes have been concentrated on civilian infrastructure, hospitals, medical points, civil defence centres to push people out”.


18 – Analyse et politique :

– The recent escalation in Idlib demonstrates that Russia and Turkey are increasingly unable to agree on Syria.  Synthèse utile pour comprendre les enjeux de la Turquie et de la Russie concernant Idlib.

– « Inquiet d’une possible chute d’al-Assad, Washington a discuté avec Moscou. Le Président Obama, préoccupé par une éventuelle chute du régime syrien qui provoquera l’instabilité totale en #Syrie, a donné l’ordre de discuter avec Moscou sur le sujet, en 2015


19 – Film:

   ‘For Sama’ « When I showed the film to the people who were there, all of them said ‘This is our story’, » she said. Mother’s Aleppo film moves Cannes to tears.

– Une fascinante étude sur l’héroïsme »

– VIDEO – « Arrêtez de bombarder les hôpitaux » : l’équipe du film #syrie n « For Sama » proteste sur les marches

– L’autre côté de l’espoir. Les tribulations d’un jeune réfugié #syrie n taiseux en Finlande. Entre mélancolie et burlesque, une épopée désenchantée sur l’exil, signée par un Kaurismäki au sommet de son art.


20- Arts:

– Randa Maddah’s #VeniceBiennial Shot from the rooftop of her house in Majdal Shams. The video connects, through a complex construction of moving mirrors, both sides of the border line which have cut through #Syria Golan Heights since 6 days war War in 1967 …

– There Are No Titans, exhibition featuring Raqqa-born artist Waseem Marzouki, on till 15 June in Venice, Giudecca 211-C * Profile #Syria … * See also this feature …

– Migration, maps, memory: An artist’s journey to a lost #Aleppo How one Syrian artist followed her family’s harrowing history through mixed media  via @MiddleEastEye


#Syria n Artist Turns Coffee Into Creative Plastic Art Paintings … via @observesyria


21 – Théâtre : Chroniques d’une révolution orphelin. A l’origine de la guerre en #Syrie Entre théâtre documentaire et fiction, la metteure en scène Leyla-Claire Rabih s’empare de 3 textes de Mohammad Al Attar pour restituer les débuts du soulèvement populaire en Syrie.

#Syria n refugees in France at Napoli Teatro Festival


22 – Musique :

 One of the songs was recorded during an air strike, another by a refugee aboard a boat. The man behind the album is himself on bail from #Iran’s notorious Evin prison-even the photographer-who created the cover art-spent 3 years in jail for his work #Syria

– La voix des enfants #syrie ns portée par l’orchestre symphonique d’Anvers


23 – Livres :

– A great piece by S. Infield: « In the mirror he could see a man observing him. Disfigured face, emaciated body. Abu al-Leith was about to challenge him again when he realized the reflection was him. ‘I wasn’t a human being any more » #Assad #Syria Operation Caesar: Garance Le Caisne … @nybooks

– Le témoignage du moine syrien Jacques Mourad reçoit le grand prix de l’Œuvre d’Orient

Un vrai témoin. Du pardon. De la justice. De l’amour d’autrui.


24– Interview:

– Entretien avec Hamit Bozarslan sur la situation des #Kurdes en #Irak et en #Syrie @EHESS_fr @PilidjianC …

– Docteur Raphaël Pitti. Médecin humanitaire urgentiste témoigne.


25 – Les Syriens :

– Berkeley, CITRIS Foundry innovation hub expands under new leadership #Syria … via @citrisnews

– Pourquoi la cuisine #syrie nne est en train de se faire un nom

– The battle to save New York’s ‘Little Syria’ from being forgotten … via @TheNationalUAE


26 – La Syrie à Paris et ailleurs :

 – Expo :  » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff

#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure.  À Malakoff, des artistes syriens racontent l’exil… dans une maison :,-des-artistes-syriens-racontent-lexil…-dans-une-maison,n6254090.php

-Expo : Tamam AlOmar, La Danse Sacrée

-Samedi 25 mai 10h-19h, Forum des acteurs de la Société Civile Syrienne en France  « RÔLE DE LA SOCIÉTÉ CIVILE SYRIENNE EN FRANCE AU REGARD DE L’ÉVOLUTION POLITIQUE »

– Samedi 25 mai 20h, Soirée Orientale Chez Cozette

– Dimanche 26 mai 17h, Les Dimanches de Souria Houria, CHOSES VUES A IDLIB Rencontre avec Bente Scheller

A Lyon,  – Expo : 20-25 mai, Ghouta Orientale – Syrie, témoigner à tout prix.