Une semaine sur la Syrie,
21e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

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With her kind permission.
– Agir pour Idlib:
– 44 NGOs call for an immediate end to attacks on civilians and hospitals #Idlib #Syria. We, the undersigned Syrian and international human rights, humanitarian and solidarity organizations, to Act quickly to ensure the protection of civilians.
http://bit.ly/2QmCxJc #EyesOnIdlib
– Hostilities by #SyrianRegime and the #Russian side, continue in northwest #Syria for the 16th consecutive week, causing massive exodus from the demilitarized zone and extensive destruction of residental neighborhoods, facilities and infrastructure. Regime scorches earth in Idlib, With civilians out of options on where to flee to and vital agricultural land being destroyed, the regime’s weaponising of food could have a devastating impact on Idlib unless the world acts. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/5/24/syria-weekly-regime-scorches-earth-in-idlib
1 – Idlib:
– Exodus Grows From Northwest #Syria in Intensified Fighting. https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/1736421/exodus-grows-northwest-syria-intensified-fighting
– Thousands of Syrians are sleeping close to the Turkish border to escape ongoing Russian and regime airstrikes. Now, they are calling on Turkey to honour its promise to protect civilians and open the border.
– #Syrie : offensive sur Idlib, objectif militaire ou diplomatique ? https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/les-enjeux-internationaux/conflit-syrien-armes-chimiques-frappes-aveugles-qui-a-gagne-la-bataille-de-lopinion
– White Helmets Say Agricultural Crops Deliberately Destroyed in Idlib Offensive | The Weekly Times
– Exclusive: Locals in #Syria‘s Idlib struggle to survive underground https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2019/05/24/exclusive-locals-in-syrias-idlib-struggle-to-survive-underground
– Colonel Abdel Kareem Youssef Souleiman was taken captive by opposition forces during the fighting.
– The criminality of #Assad regime militias. From brawler and petty thief to loyalist commander. Who’s Ali al-Shulli #Syria
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/who/50545/whos-who-ali-al-shulli.html … via @observesyria
– In besieged Idlib, young Syrians say Trump is the only person who can save them
-A Idlib, des témoignages effrayant. https://www.amnesty.fr/conflits-armes-et-populations/actualites/le-gouvernement-syrien-avec-le-soutien-de-la-russie
– Syrian government ‘targets’ international journalists in rebel-held Idlib. American journalist Bilal Abdul Kareem injured by tank shell while reporting on fighting in Idlib with other international journalists.
– Sky News witnesses horrors of Idlib as crew shelled by regime.
– Large-scale reinforcements to Idlib represent the rebels’ unity, Sham Front Commander says http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/13673
– Popular campaign to support the Free Army factions participating in repelling the Russian aggression on Hama countryside
– ‘I want to learn’ – Idlib children fear for education amid Assad air raids
2 -Aide humanitaire:
– NGO EliseCare was set up to help religious minorities in #Syria & #Iraq. Now several employees are accusing founder, Elise Boghossian of covering up cases of rape & sexual assault. https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/05/09/elisecare-de-graves-anomalies-de-gestion-pointees-par-le-quai-d-orsay_1725985
– UK cuts cash aid to northeast Syria. Western aid with political cowardice overriding the most basic humanitarian logic.
3 – Refugees:
– Ahmed al-Sabah, 44, has been displaced so many times that leaving has become a routine scenario for him and his family. They “have been displaced fifteen times, not including temporary trips to caves or nearby shelters for just a few hours or days.
– Lebanon is summarily deporting Syrians back home, despite credible threats to their safety there. According to @HRW, some are being forced to sign documents describing their removals as ‘voluntary’:
– Le Fun Bus, refuge ambulant pour les enfants des rues #Syrie https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1171178/le-fun-bus-refuge-ambulant-pour-les-enfants-des-rues.html … via @LOrientLeJour
4 – Armes chimiques:
– It increasingly looks like Syrian regime forces did use Chlorine gas against HTS fighters near Kabana on Sunday. Early evidence seen by governments and independent experts consistent with past incidents. @holliesmckay interviews the treating physician: https://www.foxnews.com/world/syrian-doctor-chemical-attacks-harsh-response
– Les armes chimiques en Syrie, terrain fertile pour la propagande russe ? https://lemonde-arabe.fr/22/05/2019/les-armes-chimiques-en-syrie-terrain-fertile-pour-la-propagande-russe/
– ‘Syria is resisting efforts by the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to identify the perpetrators of chemical attacks and has refused a visa for the head of its investigative team’
5 – Le régime et la société :
– À lire de @LucMathieuLibe sur l’enquête de @hrw : arrestations et disparitions forcées continuent dans les zones soi-disant « réconciliées » sous le joug d’#Assad. https://www.liberation.fr/amphtml/planete/2019/05/21/syrie-reconciliation-ou-pas-ca-ne-change-rien-les-arrestations-continuent_1728558
-En #Syrie, les services de renseignement procèdent à des arrestations arbitraires, des disparitions forcées et diverses formes de harcèlement dans les zones reconquises… https://www.hrw.org/fr/news/2019/05/21/syrie-arrestations-et-harcelement-dans-les-zones-reconquises
– Damascus faces growing resentment from its core support base amid a deepening economic and social crisis as high death tolls, collapsing infrastructure, and food shortages continue to plague Syria’s coast. An important article by @GregoryPWaters
–Un ramadan frugal pour des #Syrie ns au pouvoir d’achat érodé par la guerre https://www.nouvelobs.com/societe/20190521.AFP6917/un-ramadan-frugal-pour-des-syriens-au-pouvoir-d-achat-erode-par-la-guerre.html … via @LObs
– Many on the Syrian coast see the ongoing assault as necessary for their security. Alawites and the Battle for Idleb: A War of Extinction? Hassan, a university student, was asked by Al-Modon about what was being said about people on the coast calling for the extermination of Idleb’s people, if necessary. He said: “Yes, this opinion exists … but with whom? You find it for example with some of those who have combined sectarianism with ignorance and arrogance, or some people who have been affected by the disasters of this war, such as losing loved ones. I can tell you that this view is rejected by many people here, and that the people who are saying it are rejected as well.” https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/50617/alawites-and-the-battle-for-idleb-a-war-of-extinction.html
-Men in Lattakia are reportedly refraining from going outside, in fear of being conscripted. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/commentary/50639/does-the-regime-need-the-idleb-battle.html
– One of #Assad and Russian tactics in #Syria: « Destroying Hospitals to Win the War » https://phr.org/resources/syria-destroying-hospitals-to-win-the-war/
-Syria regime cuts support to pro-Assad propaganda outlets as economic measures https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/50557/assad-regime-halts-financial-contributions-to-pro-regime-media-outlets.html
– journalism under #Assad “I, Yasser al-Omar, resign from media work completely, and I will only publish what is issued by government agencies in terms of statements and news … I am making this decision in full mental and physical health.”
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/50521/a-third-journalist-announces-his-retirement.html … via @observesyria
– The Syrian regime’s slogan ‘Assad or we burn the country’ must not become reality https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190521-the-syrian-regimes-slogan-assad-or-we-burn-the-country-must-not-become-reality/
– Fearing any return to #Assad regime territory, 100+ men in #Rukban IDP camp have taken a dangerous night-time smuggling route through #Syria‘s desert to #Idlib & #Afrin. More are likely to go in the coming months, to avoid « a slow death. »
– According to a source familiar with his investment activities, speaking to Enab Baladi, Altoun used to receive large contracts by the Military Housing Establishment, which in the past decades was the sole authority for all real estate projects in #Syria https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/05/salim-altoun-syrian-business-mogul-operating-in-the-shadows/
6 – Deir Zor: -(PKK) began a large-scale arrest campaign in Deir Ezzor with #US support and the start of a forced recruitment program for men in what they call the « Euphrates » province born after 1986.
7 – Raqqa : -Raqqa is in ruins like a modern Dresden. This is not ‘precision bombing’ https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2019/may/23/raqqa-ruins-bombing
8 – Rapports et Etudes:
– New for @MEI_CTE: „Understanding the Fatemiyoun Division: Life Through the Eyes of a Militia Member“ — based on a book written by a former fighter.
9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– De la #Syrie au Canada, l’incroyable parcours de Tareq Hadhad
– Plus que quelques jours pour aider les jeunes passeurs de livres de #Daraya dans leur nouveau projet : 1 livre d’images rassemblant 4 ans de clichés pris durant le siège de la cité rebelle aux mille et un rêves de paix. Un travail de mémoire si nécessaire.
– Ghalia Rahal: Surviving War, Building Peace
– “His real name was Ali Othman, but a few premature lines on his weathered face had earned him the nickname Jeddo, or Al Jed, ‘the grand-father’.” Please read Paul Wood’s account of working with Ali, who died in 2013 in regime-controlled detention https://www.spectator.co.uk/2019/05/what-one-activists-death-tells-us-about-war-crimes-in-syria/
– Bassel Khartabil Free Culture Fellowship. We hope to carry on the spirit of Bassel’s work through people like @majdal – the first recipient of the fellowship in @basselkhartabil ‘s name. Here’s how you can support Majd’s work:
-Last November, PAX had the opportunity to visit northeast Syria for the first time since 2011. Since 2013, PAX has been working closely in this region with youth organizations which promote dialogue and close collaboration among youth.
– At Cannes, Syrian documentary filmmaker highlights Assad regime’s continuing attacks on hospitals | Arab News0
-Syria Mourns a Liberal Thinker
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/50527/syria-mourns-a-liberal-thinker.html … via @observesyria
– Ahmad Kontar, le réfugié syrien devenu top-model « Je ressens les mêmes regards se poser sur moi qu’au moment où on me regardait traverser les frontières, et ça me porte » Une réflexion qui invalide bien des clichés sur les réfugiés. Et sur les top-models.
10 – Justice:
– « Les murs ont des oreilles » Expression Syrienne une précieuse enquête. Où on apprend qu’il « faut faire le nécessaire » pour réprimer les manifestants…
.@SJAC_info analyzed 5,003 pages of classified documents seized from #Syria‘s security apparatus, which detailed issues like: (1) state surveillance (2) arrest & abduction lists (3) rules of engagement & more. – « The Walls Have Ears. »
https://syriaaccountability.org/wp-content/uploads/Walls-Have-Ears-English.pdf …
– « The evidence of the engagement of President #Assad in absolutely heinous war crimes & crimes against humanity is indisputable » William Wiley, head of CIJA If Assad is brought to court, much will hinge on the security apparatus docs smuggled out of #Syria
11 – Russie : -Le régime syrien, soutenu par son allié russe, mène « un assaut délibéré et systématique » contre les hôpitaux du nord-ouest de la Syrie, a dénoncé vendredi Amnesty International, exhortant l’ONU à mettre fin à ces « crimes contre l’humanité » https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/decryptages/les-russes-en-syrie-les-defis-apres-la-victoire
12 – USA:
– Thank you to Friends of a Free Syria Caucus co-chairs @CongBoyle & @RepKinzinger for re-introducing today a resolution condemning Assad regime & Russian attacks on hospitals in #Syria. 20 health facilities have been attacked in the past month. https://boyle.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressman-boyle-kinzinger-re-introduce-legislation-condemn-syrian
– A group of nearly 400 members of the United States Congress called on President Trump to demonstrate American leadership in resolving the prolonged conflict in #Syria. Read the bipartisan letter to the President here
13 – Iran : The report claims that the “IRGC share many positions with the [Syrian] regime’s forces and its officers and members wear the uniform of the regime’ soldiers and raise the Syrian flag.”
14 – Analyse et politique :
– Given the ongoing confusion and inaccuracy about Syria-based jihadist group Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its link with al-Qaeda, we thought to offer some clarity through this article, written by my colleague Driss El Bay:
– La guerre d’Assad est la continuation de la solution politique par d’autres moyens, Attaquer les hôpitaux, en étendant ainsi la guerre sans droit, permet aussi paradoxalement de créer de l’asymétrie dans la guerre. #Syrie
15 – Film:
– #Cannes 2019 : Deux lauréats ex-aequo, For Sama et La Cordillère des Songes ont été récompensés au Palmarès de L’ Oeil d’or.
A new documentary shines rare light on a private battle waged quietly by millions of #Syrian #women, forced to balance responsibility for their children’s wellbeing with a sense of duty to their community under attack.
– L’autre côté de l’espoir. Les tribulations d’un jeune réfugié #syrie n taiseux en Finlande. Entre mélancolie et burlesque, une épopée désenchantée sur l’exil, signée par un Kaurismäki au sommet de son art.
16 – Arts:
– The SoHo of Beirut: why Karantina is now attracting designers, artists and DJs https://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/the-soho-of-beirut-why-karantina-is-now-attracting-designers-artists-and-djs-1.858540 … via @TheNationalUAE
– L’artiste Miryam Haddad est finaliste du prix Jean-François Prat qui récompense les artistes les plus prometteurs de la scène contemporaine. Retrouvez ses œuvres à @Fond_Cartier à l’occasion de l’exposition « Jeunes Artistes en Europe. Les Métamorphoses ». Elle signe l’affiche du @FestivalAvignon cette année.
– Famed #Syria n artist displays paintings created while living in refugee camps – https://www.vicnews.com/news/famed-syrian-artist-displays-paintings-created-while-living-in-refugee-camps/
–#Syria n art exhibit at Campbell River gallery reveals turmoil and resilience – https://www.campbellrivermirror.com/entertainment/syrian-art-exhibit-at-campbell-river-gallery-reveals-turmoil-and-resilience/
17 – Musique : –#Syria n refugees and hosts in Kurdistan enjoy sounds of the Old Damascus
18 – Livres :
-‘Orientalism,’ Then and Now. Orientalism today, of Fox News, Bat Ye’or’s “Eurabia,” and Steve Bannon, is based not on tendentious scholarship but on an absence of scholarship. Its Eurocentrism, is an undisguised conspiracy theory.
https://www.nybooks.com/daily/2019/05/20/orientalism-then-and-now/ … via @nybooks
19 – Interview :
– In the new podcast, “Voices from the Diaspora,” Syria Direct, with the support of Konrad Adenauer Stiftung KAS , has created three episodes, each dealing with a different issue facing the Syrian Diaspora.
20 – Les Syriens :
– Une famille #syrie nne suit son instinct de retour https://www.unhcr.org/fr/news/stories/2019/5/5cda6927a/famille-syrienne-suit-instinct-retour.html
– Fourty-nine percent of respondents think that media sites and outlets are politicized and not at all trustworthy.
– #Syria n refugees pursuing the Canadian dream: opening businesses in Ottawa https://ottawa.ctvnews.ca/syrian-refugees-pursuing-the-canadian-dream-opening-businesses-in-ottawa-1.4433086
-A year ago Syrians in opposition areas would travel from one rebel held area to another for healthcare. That option has now ended w/ rebel territory in northwestern Syria diminishing by the day.
-Syrian war-wounded struggle for treatment amid hospital devastation. @tjAmandla & I write about medical situation & how patients have been/ will be by the destruction of nearly 50% of north Syria medical facilities. Via @MiddleEastEye #Idlib
21 – La Syrie à Paris:
– Expo : » Où est la maison de mon ami ? Un regard sur la scène contemporaine syrienne, Malakoff
#Syrie. Exil : de sombres heures mises en demeure. À Malakoff, des artistes syriens racontent l’exil… dans une maison : https://www.telerama.fr/sortir/a-malakoff,-des-artistes-syriens-racontent-lexil…-dans-une-maison,n6254090.php?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1557928635 …
– Expo : Tamam AlOmar, La Danse Sacrée https://m.facebook.com/events/2276552315721228?view=permalink&id=2286210681422058
– Lundi 27 mai 12h30, Moyen-Orient : la dé-civilisation du monde, https://www.facebook.com/events/340099129981868/
– Mardi 28 mai, 19h https://www.imarabe.org/fr/rencontres-debats/faut-il-rapatrier-les-djihadistes-francais
– Mardi 28 mai, 21h30, Ftour syrien https://www.facebook.com/events/le-joli-mai/ftour-syrien/347241132654799/
– Mercredi 29 mai 18h30, Femmes et conflit au Moyen-Orient https://www.facebook.com/events/1353713064781988/
– Mercredi 29 mai 20h, Party en exil #5, https://www.facebook.com/events/2316191808646279/
– Vendredi 31 mai 20h, Théâtre, SOIRÉE AMARRE 2019 http://www.legrandparquet.fr/agenda/soiree-amarre-2019/
– Samedi 1 Juin 20H, La musique syrienne arrive aux cascades, https://www.facebook.com/events/1154497261411848/
– Dimanche 2 juin 18h30, film « Après le Printemps. Vie ordinaire de combattants syriens », https://www.facebook.com/events/446107012820702/