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Une semaine sur la Syrie – Semaine 24 de 2019

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

24e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

– Abdel Basset Sarout

« The sky was raining at the time of burial, as if it was crying over Sarout’s parting. He is a great loss, as no one fills his absence. Yet we will continue our path and we will never retreat, » @HadiAlabdallah told MME.

@YassinHSalehIt is the optimal biography of a Syrian rebel.”

– Agir pour Idlib :

– « Stop the bombs or Syrians will break the borders »  via @MiddleEastEye

Only a few hundred White Helmets, the volunteers who respond to Assad’s brutal bombing campaign in Syria, are left in Idlib. The regime, along with its allies, is coming for them. The Last Days Of The White Helmets In Syria  via @YouTube

– Sauvez les Civils à #Idlib, dernier espace de survie #Syrie … via @wordpressdotcom

#Syria n advocacy group: Time is now for safe zone in Idlib

– Majd Khalaf The humanitarian situation in #Idlbi after Assad force and Russia started campaign barbaric in greater Idlib,

– Protests in several towns of North #Aleppo Country Side demanding a halt of bombing #Idleb and #Hama suburbs and the downfall of the Assad Regime.

-« I have to save my family. All we want is to stay in our homes and live our lives. » @marwanhishampen & @mollycrabapple about the remaining residents of #Idlib threatened by the Russia/Assad-led offensive on the last opposition-held province in #Syria.

– Paris avec Idlib: – We Are The Love

1 – Rapports et Etudes:

– This longread triggers on two issues: a) #Syrian regime factions being instrumentalized (and v.v.) by #Iran & #Russia to a greater extent; 2) protracted conflict eroding the regime’s capability to maintain effective & c over loyalist paramilitary groups. It will become messier still.

– Illegal Attacks on Health Care in #Syria …

2 – Idlib:

– Despite the heavy fire on the area by warplanes and surface-to-surface missiles, the regime failed to take any ground.

– Turkish official “NO CEASEFIRE in IDLIB”. •Syrian opp seizes 4 strategic location • Assad attack wounded 3 Turkish soldiers • Turkish FM: If the attacks continue, Turkey will act • No ceasefire b/c Assad doesn’t stop.

– Russian airstrikes are reported to have targeted refugee camps and residential areas.

– Syrian regime shelled a hospital in Kafranbel city in Idlib, on June 10 … via @snhr

– Russian jets kill at least 25 in northwestern Syria

– Russian Air Raids Signal Bloody Escalation in #Syria via @thedailybeast

Air-footage reveals magnitude of the devastation caused by Assad’s airstrikes 14/6/2019 on the town of #Ehsim in Jabal Zawiya #Idlib countryside. @HadiAlabdallah  »terrifying destruction.. and demolition of complete neighbourhoods! » HD  English Subtitles

– To protect them during war, hospitals & clinics give locations to UN for a « no-strike » list. But in Syria, is it more like a « kill list »? Russia-Syria alliance keeps hitting medical facilities, even those on the list. @AronLund investigates.

– L’étau se resserre autour de la province #syrie nne d’Idlib: interview de Mohamed Hamidi … via @RadioTeleSuisse

– A Idleb bombardée par le régime syrien, on creuse les tombes par avance … #Medias24

3 – Agriculture:

– En #Syrie, la bataille du blé entre le régime et les autorités kurdes … via @LObs

– «L’arme de la faim». Les paysans d’Idlib victimes d’une campagne de terre brûlée …

– Blaming Syria’s hellish harvest on ISIS misses the point. Crop fires hint instead to the country’s newest enemy: Burnt-out governance structures and a combustible economy.

4 – Refugees:

@Charles_Lister   Making refugees destroy their own homes = utterly revolting. Although it’s clearly strained by the « host » burden, #Lebanon should be ashamed. Recent Lebanese security officials I’ve spoken to made it clear: #Syria‘s refugees *will* be leaving #Lebanon, one way or another.

Syrian refugees in Lebanon camp forced to destroy homes

– Anti- #Syria n refugee sentiment ramps up in increasingly hostile Lebanon

Le rapport d’Amnesty

– On a Greek Island that Welcomes Migrants, Fear, Frustration, and a sense of Abandonment Grow #Syria

– 15,000 #Syria n children face homelessness in Lebanon, NGOs warn … via @TheNationalUAE

– How Jordan Can Cope #Syria

Death in the dark: stories from the smuggling routes out of Syria Coverage of the refugee crisis may have slowed, but people are still risking their lives to leave Syria. Important report by @ZouhirAlShimale on how many hundreds have been killed at the border:

5 – Armes chimiques:

– Syria regime refuses access to chemical weapons investigators, watchdog says

6 – Le régime et la société :

Ongoing demolition of Qaboun … satellite images from April 2018 vs May 2019

Disparition forcée: 8 years in; 10s of thousands missing; but very little done to address the issue of those missing in #Syria. The #UN Security Council finally lent its voice to the obligation to uncover the fates of the missing. Now it’s time to get answers. @hrw …

Families deserve answers when loved ones go missing in conflict: Security Council adopts historic resolution on missing persons in armed conflicts.

– Déplacement forcé : The #Syria n Regime’s Strategy of Forced Migration

-Shabiha groups threaten to control Syria’s Lattakia..

– Beaten, humiliated, then sent as cannon fodder to the #ISIS frontlines: A former defector recounts his experience of “reconciliation” with the #Assad regime, which appears more interested in punishing its defeated opponents than making peace with them.

– Dhu al-Himma Shalish reportedly holds a Lebanese bank account with 800 million dollars.

-« Armed Clashes Between Syrian Regime Factions After Losses in Hama Countryside » …

7 – Sanctions : -US Sanctions 16 Syrian Entities, Individuals for Enriching #Assad #Syrie

– With the new US sanctions on Assad cronies in Syria, I have a pressing question: Where will the @UN people stay now that the Four Seasons in Damascus is off limits? Where?!

– Many stolen goods, weapons and ammunition as well as forged Syrian and foreign currency were found in warehouses belonging to the National Defense militia.

8 – Raqqa: -A City of Gang: This is Raqqa after ISIS  

– Fires in Eastern Syria Damage Hundreds of Hectares of Wheat Harvest

It is still unclear who or what started these fires.

9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

– Hani al-Moliya: Legally Blind, Photographer, Refugee. A photographer from Homs becomes a youth leader after his photos of life in a refugee camp are noticed in Canada.

« @LubnaAlkanawati fled from Ghouta in 2014 when her activism against the Assad régime became too dangerous to stay. »

Demonstration in Lattakia in support of the Free Syrian Army (VIDEO) 

This is a great story and highlights Canada’s magnanimity when it comes to Syrian refugees: ‘You cannot defeat me’: U of T grad Noura Al-Jizawi, a leader of the Syrian uprising, takes on a new challenge

– « Dr. Ibrahim gets up day after day & performs surgeries between airstrikes… The misery he sees is unbearable, but the worst, he says, is seeing children come in, gasping & dying. » Read this piece by @janinedigi about #Syria‘s heroic medical workers.

10 – Justice:

– Assad’s war crimes include the systematic targeting of hospitals, yet go unpunished – Middle East Monitor | via @MiddleEastMnt …

11 – Patrimoine: – Ancient history and espionage: one story of Middle Eastern history being sent to the west.. Lebanese artist Rayyane Tabet traces the remarkable recent history of nearly 200 ancient #Syria reliefs, story of Tell Halaf .

12 – Analyse et politique :

Underestimating the Global Impact of the Syrian War. « What is also beyond dispute is the critical contribution of Bashar al-Assad’s civilian-centric survival strategy to the rise of Islamist extremism in Syria and beyond. » @AtlanticCouncil

– Syria’s New Assad Statues Send a Sinister Message: ‘We Are Back’

13 – Film : Nous sommes toutes des femmes syriennes

– Palmyre (Tadmor), un documentaire sur le calvaire de prisonniers libanais en Syrie  via @RFI

14 – Photographie : -Alain Licari – Au jour le jour, Vie quotidienne dans un camp de réfugiés #Syrie ns

15 – Arts :  

– Behind the Lines Contemporary Syrian Art

Not alone in the world’: Campbell River Art Gallery unveils second half of Syrian art exhibition #Syria

– Rubble Theatre  Syrian-German artist Manaf Halbouni. @manafart. I want to give people an idea of what it’s like to see your city destroyed and yet, to keep on trying to live well and to keep on trying to create. Glimpse of war torn #Syria in St Enoch Square. « I saw a photograph of a piano player sitting among total devastation in a Palestinian refugee camp. I want to give people an idea of what it’s like to see your city destroyed and yet, to keep on trying to live well and to keep on trying to create. »

16 – Livres :

-(Prix) Flora Bonfanti et Hala Mohammad, lauréats du Prix de Poésie de la revue Nunc

– « La longue nuit syrienne » – 4 questions à @MrjDuclos. Ancien ambassadeur de France en #Syrie, … …

A écouter absolument l’interview de @MrjDuclos par Léa Salamé sur France Inter à propos de son livre « La longue nuit syrienne » : « La #Syrie est un drame qu’on veut oublier alors qu’on a toute raison de s’en souvenir »

17 – Interview :

#Syrie : « L’histoire n’est pas finie. Ce conflit n’est pas terminé. » @CecileHennion, grand reporter.

– Listen to this interesting interview w/ @mariasyrie to understand Women Now and our work. ‘Our feminism is around solidarity, about respect. It’s about understanding every context. For us there are multiple ways of being a feminist.’ #womensrights #syria

18 – Les Syriens:

-This Refugee-Run Catering Company Cures Homesickness With Hummus #Syria

– Nervous? Refugee sings at music workshop with cellist Yo-Yo Ma

-Omar, en service civique : « J’ai vite appris à parler français » #Syrie

– De jeunes réfugiés syriens achèvent leur première année à l’USJ

19 – Propagande et révisionnisme,

– Etude sur le révisionnisme, mais aussi sur les minorités et la majorité en Syrie,  Un excellent papier de Thomas Pierret. Un sujet compliqué qu’il traite avec limpidité tout en en préservant la complexité, publié par @CarepParis Assad reste, la question sunnite aussi …

– Le tourisme en Syrie, vecteur de propagande (2/3) : un circuit pour la mémoire. Le circuit proposé par l’agence Clio témoigne malgré lui des crimes de guerre et crimes contre l’humanité commis notamment par le régime de Bachar Al-Assad.

Catherine Coquio Faire détruire des posts fb pour stopper la circulation virale internationale d’images d’un rite funéraire, empêcher de se joindre au deuil d’une icône populaire de la révolution syrienne : derniers services dans la panoplie du négationnisme pro-assad, dont on a vu il y a peu qu’elle passait aussi par de nouveaux réseaux académiques. Plusieurs de mes amis syriens ont vu leurs posts relatifs à Abdel Basset détruits hier et avant hier. Celui ci a toujours fait peur au régime, à cause de son immense popularité d’enfant de famille pauvre devenu footballeur puis chanteur en même temps que combattant aux pieds nus cheveux longs. Avoir exterminé cette famille ne suffit pas. Comme toujours il faut tuer deux fois.

 20- La Syrie à Paris:


Jeudi 20 juin 18h30, Réfugiés syriens, une “crise” en puissance ?

– Samedi 22 juin 11h30, Concert de Limani

– Samedi 22 juin, 20h, Junoon Festival – Paris