Une semaine sur la Syrie,
23e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.
– RIP. Abdul Basset Al-Sarout A massive shock, as he was reported recovering last night. From March: « Today in Maarat al-Numan, we renew our vows to the revolution we began eight years ago. The people’s revolution will end only with victory. »
https://notris.blogspot.com/2019/03/the-peoples-revolution-will-end-only.html …
Demonstration Led By Abdul Basset Al-Sarout And Fadwa Suleiman In The Neighborhood Of Al-Khalidiyah In Homs, 7/12/2011, #Syria One, one, one, Syrian people are one.. RIP.. #SaveTheRest
– L’une des dernières vidéos de Sarout : “It’s a Revolution of the people, and the people won’t fail” These are the words of our martyr, the goalkeeper of the Revolution. Rest in Peace, Hero #Syria #SRLW
– Agir pour Idlib:
– ActionSyrie Frappés par le silence et l’inaction entourant la catastrophe que représente l’offensive d’Idlib pour les civils syriens, nous sommes quelques uns, syriens et belges à s’être mobilisés pour dire STOP
– On the need to ramp up US diplomatic engagement. Prioritizing an end to the Idlib offensive now, and human security for Syrians in the long run via transition that acknowledges realities on the ground.
– Supporting civil resistance in Idlib An interview with @ZiadKhayyata.
– How Russia and Assad declared war on civilians
1 – Rapports et Etudes:
– Characteristics of the new emerging state in Syria. A bottom-up analysis by @HaidHaid22 reveals the territorial differences in the Assads regimes ability to enforce a monopoly on violence in its territories and how this correlates with its willingness to perform state functions.
– Syria Oral History Project New research project on #Syrians’ experiences of mass violence and the dynamic of violent conflict |
http://www.niod.nl : https://niod.nl/en/news/new-research-project-syrians%E2%80%99-experiences-mass-violence-and-dynamic-violent-conflict …
2 – Idlib:
– Doctors say Syrian hospitals targeted after sharing co-ordinates with United Nations | CBC Radio
– Doctors in Idlib will no longer share coordinates of hospitals with UN after repeated attacks from Russian and #Syria n forces
–#Syrie : ultime refuge sous les oliviers d’Idleb
-« When we were in our houses we had our rituals and our ambience and the joy was different. The sweets we would put out had their own style. Today there is nothing available and we’ve forgotten this. »
– #SyrianRegime forces bombed Sfuhun #School for boys in Sfuhun village in #Idlib suburbs, Jun 4. #Syria
– Dans la région syrienne d’#Idlib, un lourd bilan pour les civils. HRW dénonce le recours par la #Russie et la #Syrie à des « armes bannies internationalement », dont des armes à sous-munitions, des armes incendiaires et des barils d’explosifs.
https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Moyen-Orient/region-syrienne-dIdlib-lourd-bilan-civils-2019-06-05-1201026963 … via @LaCroix
– West looks away as Syria’s Idlib heads for disaster | London Evening Standard
– ‘Every day brings a new massacre’: Eid offers no respite for Idlib
– J’espère que le futur sera meilleur #Syrie @samerdaboul6 #Rise4Idlib
https://syrie.news/2019/06/04/jespere-futur-sera-meilleur/ … via @syrie24h
– Russie/ #Syrie : Nouveau recours à des armes interdites
– Syria uses familiar tactic in rebel Idlib: Bomb civilians, hope they flee
https://www.thestar.com/news/world/middleeast/2019/06/07/syria-uses-familiar-tactic-in-rebel-idlib-bombing-civilians.html … via @torontostar
3 – Agriculture:
– As crops burn in ##Syria conflict zone, hunger warnings for civilians. A UN report said “farms [in NW Syria] are damaged by shelling and airstrikes, leading to the destruction of crops through burning.” It did not attribute blame, but only Assad’s regime and Russian forces have aircraft active in the area.
– It is thought that the losses of the agricultural sector in Syria have gone into the billions of Syrian pounds over the past week alone.
4 – Refugees:
– Bringing comics to heal and preserve culture in #Syria n refugee camps.
In late summer this year, refugee children in Northwestern Syria will receive an unusual aid shipment: comics. Facilitated by NuDay Syria, an NGO that sends much-needed aid to displaced families in the area, the comics are meant to serve as art therapy for the children who receive it.
— Why Turkey is closing down #Syria n refugee camps. the government would contribute to elevating social cohesion as local perceptions of Syrians have been badly deteriorating.”
https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/06/turkey-syria-why-government-closes-down-refugee-camps.html via @AlMonitor
– Finding humanity in dangerous places – a reporter’s story
https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2019/0606/Finding-humanity-in-dangerous-places-a-reporter-s-story … via @csmonitor
5 – Armes chimiques:
– Absurdité et armes chimiques : la campagne de désinformation contre les casques blancs. #Syrie via @bellingcat traduit par @SyrieFactuel
– Almost a hundred years ago, a worldwide ban against chemical weapons was established, and with a few notable exceptions, it has held. Now it is on something of a comeback, starting with Syria where more than 300 such attacks have been reported.
6 – Le régime et la société :
-Thousands of Syrians have been arbitrarily detained by government forces over the past year:
– Assad is blowing up homes of Syrian refugees in areas which were opposition heartlands, to keep undesirables from returning.
– Environnement, Very interesting investigative piece on the burning of forests on the Syrian coast
https://syriauntold.com/2019/06/06/war-on-the-forests-of-the-syrian-coast/ via @SyriaUntold #Syria #Environment
– Fuel and Wheat Devour #Syria’s Budget for 2019
https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/05/fuel-and-wheat-devour-syrias-budget-for-2019/ via @enabbaladi
– Poor Distribution and War Behind Middle Class Decline
https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/50842/poor-distribution-and-war-behind-middle-class-decline.html … via @observesyria
– Family’s agony as 14-year-old schoolboy’s mutilated body is found among 50,000 corpses three years after he was ‘disappeared’ by #Syria‘s brutal regime
– Aleppo : Appalling series of child rapes and murders has led to ongoing skirmishes between Iranian militia and Regime Shabiah in the city. Lawlessness and injustice are now what describes Regime controlled areas of Syria.
– Assad’s militia executes dozens of reconciliation members of Al-Ghab Plain region
– In Hama, Talal Dakkak would regularly arrest civilians and release them in exchange for ransoms paid by their families.
7 – Daech : – A lens on the thousands of children detained in northeast #Syria al-Hol camp and the unanticipated humanitarian crisis. 65 percent of the residents of al-Hol are under the age of 12. The next generation may be the most enduring legacy of the Islamic State.
8 – Raqqa : –#Syria: new multimedia site tells story of Coalition’s destruction of #Raqqa. ‘I witnessed a level of destruction not comparable to anything I’ve seen in decades of covering the impact of war’
– Afrin, « Building an inclusive polity w/ rule of law & greater governance capacity is the only remedy against such abuses, but Ankara’s
9 – Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
– How Syrian architects are thinking through the future. But raises the question: Can such ambitions be implemented in Syria’s stifling economy ? “It’s good to look beyond but it’s good to start from the local.” Qibaa, a group of Syrian architects who met in northern Syria after the revolution, has experimented with building shelters for the displaced from sustainable, locally sourced materials such as compressed earth blocks and stone. According to their website: “Our mission is to preserve Syrian culture, while utilising and developing local capacities.”
– Waad and Hamza al-Kateab on surviving the siege on #Syria, resisting a a regime and ‘For Sama’.
https://youtu.be/nGWnXgQpuGE via @YouTube
– Journalisme : les DIG Awards 2019 Ibrahim Alshamaly, auteur de «Under the Ground», Sa maison, à Idleb en Syrie, a été bombardée samedi dernier. Le médecin Abdullah Aldarwish, protagoniste de son sujet, dénonce le silence des médias sur la guerre en #Syrie
– Sana Yazigi crée un site web dédié à la libre expression de Syriens révoltés
– Extraordinary courage. For the past five years @Neurosurg_Omar does brain surgery on victims of bombing in Idlib. “You have to be calm because people are scared”. Talk about grace under pressure… How To Do Brain Surgery In A War Zone
– Reem Zaitouneh “Like I’m in #Syria. I’m suffering because I can’t separate myself from there. I want to be a normal person here, but I can’t.” When Assad leaves, “maybe we can start another life. Not me or my husband, (but) all the people in Syria.”
– Mona Haydar, au-delà de la rappeuse au hijab – TV5MONDE – Informations #Syrie
– Powerful image of #Syria n refugee using VR scoops top science photo prize
https://metro.co.uk/2019/06/03/powerful-image-syrian-refugee-using-vr-scoops-top-science-photo-prize-9777067/ via @MetroUK
10 – Justice:
– Syria needs a special tribunal and the promise of justice if it ever to move forward, writes @kshaheen
https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/syria-needs-a-special-tribunal-and-the-promise-of-justice-if-it-is-ever-to-move-forward-1.870852 via @TheNationalUAE
– Félicitations à @syrian_archive pour cette nouvelle révélation. Aucun business ne justifiera jamais la complicité dans des massacres. #StopImpunity. Gaz toxiques en #Syrie: trois ONG portent plainte contre BASF Antwerpen
https://www.levif.be/actualite/international/gaz-toxiques-en-syrie-trois-ong-portent-plainte-contre-basf-antwerpen/article-news-1148163.html?cookie_check=1559852966 via @LeVif
– SJAC and our partners urge caution with regards to a potential int. tribunal limited to ISIS crimes. Click here to read the joint letter we sent to the Swedish government ahead of Monday’s meeting in Stockholm. https://shar.es/a069Qw via @sjac_info
– La vérité sanglante du goulag #syrie n
https://alencontre.org/moyenorient/syrie/la-verite-sanglante-du-goulag-syrien.html …
11 – Russie: –#Russia Blocks UN Statement Against Killing Civilians in Northwest
12 – Analyse et politique:
– Elizabeth Tsurkov, a doctoral student at Princeton University, on Israeli policy toward Syria (2011-2019)
https://www.du.edu/korbel/middleeast/media/documents/tsurkov_occasional_paper_2019.pdf … @Elizrael
–Entretien avec Ziad Majed : « Cette campagne militaire est représentative des jeux de pouvoir entre…#syrie #idlib
http://thawra-news.com/index.php/2019/06/02/entretien-avec-ziad-majed-cette-campagne-militaire-est-representative-des-jeux-de-pouvoir-entre-les-puissances-impliquees/ … via @news_thawra
13 – Film:
-« Mon tissu préféré », film sur la guerre et la condition des femmes en #Syrie
16 – Arts :
– Syria Through an Artistic Lens, Ali Jazo writes about the history of art in Syria, its relationship to the society and authority prior to the Syrian revolution and examines the impact it had on art
– Syrian artist paints and exhibits in Ankara
17 – Livres :
– La longue nuit syrienne – trois grilles de lecture @MrjDuclos « Tout au long des huit années de l’atroce conflit syrien, j’ai souvent pensé à Maarat al-Nouman » #Syrie
– « All the trials and torments, which I had once thought worthless, would make me a stronger woman; but they weren’t enough to make me the kind of woman who could just calmly go on living while such shameful acts crash down on people all around her. »
https://notris.blogspot.com/2019/06/extracts-from-samar-yazbeks-woman-in.html …
– A must-read for anyone interested in Syria and how the International Community so failed the #SyrianPeople ‘Assad Or We Burn the Country’: A meticulous record of the 21st century’s darkest hour –
– Dans la tête de Bachar Al-Assad
https://syrie.news/2019/06/08/fiche-de-lecture-tete-de-bachar-al-assad/ …
18 – Interview :
– How Assad’s Torture Machine Crushed Dissent in #Syria
https://truthout.org/video/how-assads-torture-machine-crushed-dissent-in-syria/ … via @truthout https://truthout.org/video/how-assads-torture-machine-crushed-dissent-in-syria/
19 – Les Syriens:
– A Group of Refugee Women Are Serving #Syria n Cuisine at Jean-Talon All Summer
– Le rôle de la société civile syrienne en France |
https://esprit.presse.fr/actualites/comite-syrie-europe-apres-alep/le-role-de-la-societe-civile-syrienne-en-france-42183 … via @RevueEsprit
– She lost her law career when she fled #Syria. A new program in Canada helped her get it back on track . “I’ve lost everything in the war in Syria, but I have never lost my passion for law,” said Chitjian, the mother of a toddler. “The Gateway Program has changed my life.”
https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2019/06/07/she-lost-her-beloved-law-career-when-she-fled-war-torn-syria-a-new-program-in-canada-helped-her-get-it-back-on-track.html … via @torontostar
– British Council Arts Congratulations to @bettanyhughes, who has been awarded a CBE in the #queensbirthdayhonours. Bettany recently visited two #CulturalProtectionFund projects working with refugees in Lebanon & Jordan – watch Bettany in our short documentaries:
– Négationnisme et révisionnisme,
– With #Assad‘s puppet ‘intellectuals’ already initiating the re-writing of #Syria‘s history, it’s more essential than ever that genuine scholars undertake their own work establishing the truth, writes @ugur_umit_ungor
– les casques blancs dans la ligne de mire http://rfi.my/45h3.T via @RFI
21 – La Syrie à Paris:
– Expo : Tamam AlOmar, La Danse Sacrée https://m.facebook.com/events/2276552315721228?view=permalink&id=2286210681422058
– Vendredi 14 juin 15h, Digitalisation en cours: Les défis de l’information 2.0 https://www.imarabe.org/fr/rencontres-debats/digitalisation-en-cours-les-defis-de-l-information-20
– Vendredi 14 juin 22h, film, France 3 Corse, Disparus, la guerre invisible de Syrie https://television.telerama.fr/tele/programmes-tv/disparus,-la-guerre-invisible-de-syrie,98012195.php
-Samedi 15 juin, 12h00, BRUNCH SYRIE COREE
-Samedi 15 juin, 14h15, Renaissance Des Femmes Syriennes RDFS « Témoignage des femmes syriennes: Al-Qubaysiat, un instrument de domination religieuse sur la famille » https://www.facebook.com/1917955775190405/posts/2320194688299843/
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