Une semaine sur la Syrie,
40e semaine de l’an 2019
Le Syrie Hebdo reprend après une longue pause estivale pendant laquelle l’actualité n’a pas cessé pour autant.
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.
Le mot du veilleur : Suite à l’arrêt estival, beaucoup de discussions, de recul et de réflexion, j’ai décidé de reprendre la Syrie Hebdo. Nous pouvons aisément constater que la guerre en Syrie n’est pas terminée, la Syrie n’est toujours pas un pays sûr ni pour ses habitants, ni pour le retour des réfugiés. La population syrienne à l’intérieur du pays et dans la diaspora continue la lutte pour la liberté et la dignité. Il y a une nouvelle vague de réfugiés qui arrive et les forces occupantes du pays continuent leurs expansions. Nous devons continuer d’informer, et porter la voix des syriens et lutter contre le négationnisme et la désinformation.
Syrie Hebdo, que je fais depuis janvier 2018, a pour but d’informer autrement sur la Syrie avec des ressources qui ne trouvent pas facilement accès aux médias traditionnelles. C’est un travail de veille en trilingue, brut de décoffrage, en vrac, sans prétention mais j’essaie qu’il soit ordonné au minimum.
Des amis aussi participerons avec moi à la conception et l’évolution de la ligne éditoriale de cette newsletter hebdomadaire ou bimensuelle en fonction, indispensable pour certains.

all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.
Report: The Most Notable #HumanRights Violations in #Syria in #September 2019 #SyrianRussianAlliance Forces Commit Dozens of #Violations Despite Ceasefire Agreement in Northwest Syria. http://sn4hr.org/blog/2019/10/03/54283/
Ecoutez Waad et Halmza Khateab ; un interview pour le film ‘For Sama’, ils donnent le cap et expliquent leurs engagements. https://buff.ly/2ot65uU
Pendant l’été,
–Le comité Syrie Europe après Alep a publié deux tribunes importantes à l’occasion de la visite de M Poutine en France. Des réflexions profondes sur la Syrie, le négationnisme et l’impunité parmi d’autres thèmes. https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2019/08/19/au-regard-des-atrocites-commises-en-syrie-que-vient-faire-m-poutine-a-bregancon_5500778_3232.html
-La quatrième édition de festival Syrien n’est fait s’est tenue à Paris, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-aGf_AsLC7s
-Agir pour Idlib:
– Le rap d’espoir sous les bombes de #Syrie – JP Filiu https://www.lemonde.fr/blog/filiu/2019/10/06/un-rap-despoir-sous-les-bombes-de-syrie/
-It’s an incredible fear. @IsobelYeung made again incredible and sad reportage about north of Syria #Idlib. Three millions civilians over there, their life in dangerous.
A harrowing reality of a childhood under bombardment in #Syria. @vicenews visits one of our hospitals in #Idlib that has received thousands of injured civilians, many of whom are children. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/d3ax5q/under-siege-inside-idlib-the-last-rebel-stronghold-in-syria
-Avec la frontière à portée de vue, des #Syrie ns rêvent de la Turquie- https://actu.orange.fr/monde/avec-la-frontiere-a-portee-de-vue-des-syriens-revent-de-la-turquie-CNT000001jBC0V/photos/le-syrien-jaber-karawan-c-prend-sa-fille-sur-ses-genoux-a-cote-de-son-epouse-d-dans-leur-tente-dans-un-camp-de-deplaces-a-atme-dans-la-province-d-idleb-dans-le-nord-ouest-de-la-syrie-le-20-septembre-2019-42a7d9b34eeca632eee4047f875abdfe.html
–#Idlib lives: Read the untold story of Idlib’s heroic civil society who are supporting 2.6 million civilians https://www.idliblives.org/
1– Rapports et Etudes:
– This is a truly comprehensive piece by @SynapsNetwork on the state of Syria‘s war-ridden economy, providing insights into the conflict-related developments in the economic landscape, the fluctuation of actors & the impacts of international sanctions.
Even as violence ebbs, Syria shows few signs of economic revival. Exploring this paradox from the bottom-up, through dozens of interviews ranging from exporters in Damascus to farmers in Hama and hotel owners in Tartous. http://www.synaps.network/syria-economic-battleground
-« #Economic_Recovery_in_Syria: Mapping Actors and Assessing Current Policies » with @OmranDirasat . https://omranstudies.org/publications/books/economic-recovery-in-syria-mapping-actors-and-assessing-current-policies.html
2- Idlib:
– Artillery shells hit Save the Children-backed hospital in Idlib https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/syria-artillery-shells-hit-save-children-hospital-idlib
– Ma’aret Hurmah enduring constant artillery shelling by Syrian regime, attacked day & night, sending massive numbers of civilians out of their homes, to seek protection near the borders, away from the range of artillery bombing and rocket launchers. https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/10/assads-shells-hit-afflicted-village-day-and-night/#ixzz61JuYENwx
-‘We’re staying’: The doctors refusing to flee Idlib’s deadly front line: https://thenewhumanitarian.org/news-feature/2019/09/30/UN-healthcare-sites-hit-Syria-Idlib-offensive…
-At least 45 points in northwestern Syria have been targeted by the regime. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/53397/regime-violations-in-idleb-ongoing-despite-russian-truce.html
3–Education :
– Exclusive – ‘Lost Generation’ of #Syria ns Looms as Education in Idlib on Verge of Collapse https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/1932406/exclusive-%E2%80%98lost-generation%E2%80%99-syrians-looms-education-idlib-verge-collapse
-Refugee’s tale inspires schools to join forces for reading, art and performances https://chardandilminsternews.co.uk/news/17945567.refugees-tale-inspires-schools-join-forces-reading-art-performances/
– Turkey’s leadership is facing increasing societal pressure to expel Syrian refugees, but mass deportations that will beget mass displacement are not the solution. I offer a better path forward https://www.mei.edu/publications/better-path-forward-syrian-refugee-return
5- Le Comité constitutionnel: Des avis partagés.
– @kshaheen wrote a column on formation of constitutional committee to draft Syria’s post-war charter, and why, despite pitfalls, it is still an opportunity for Syrian democrats to shape the debates on their country’s identity for years to come https://thenational.ae/opinion/comment/new-syrian-constitutional-committee-is-no-guarantee-of-the-protection-of-citizens-rights-but-it-s-a-start-1.918432…
-‘Instead of being held to account #Assad is playing a crucial role in the future direction of the state.’ ‘The arsonist & the root cause of #Syrian conflict is also playing at being a fireman.’ ‘Under his rule, there will be NO free or fair elections’ https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190930-is-a-new-constitution-a-priority-while-barrel-bombs-are-still-dropped-on-syria/
-The #Kurdish administration in northeast #Syria this week decried its exclusion from the committee as ‘unjust’, saying it undermined the principles of democracy. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2019/10/2/kurds-protest-unjust-exclusion-from-drafting-new-syrian-constitution
6- Le régime et la société :
– Residents have found that the tiles removed from their homes. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/53395/assad-regime-steals-daraya-property.html
-While Preparing for the Weddings of its Two Sons, a Family in Suweida Learns of their Deaths Under Torture https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/53276/53276.html
-Deraa : –Deepening instability in southern #Syria & signs of a semi-organizing, tribally/early-#FSA rooted resistance. The war is far from over, but its nature is changing. https://mei.edu/publications/war-syria-far-over-its-nature-changing
-Alep : -For each husband killed in #Aleppo, there’s a widow struggling to provide for her surviving family. Our writer heard dozens of these women’s stories first-hand; an experience that sent him into an « abyss » of drugs & mental disturbance https://aljumhuriya.net/en/content/when-aleppos-widows-speak… #Syria
7- Le Nord-Est de la Syrie :
– Deir az-Zour residents demand to return to their homes after regime expulsion https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/9/30/syria-weekly-deir-az-zour-residents-demand-to-return-home
-Qamishli Three Security Axes For The Syrian Regime In East Of Euphrates https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/09/three-security-axes-for-the-syrian-regime-in-east-of-euphrates/#ixzz61311Hv3G
-Raqqa : –‘We deserve support’ : Reinvented north-east Syria strives for stability As tensions with Turkey continue unabated, officials in the region say western indifference is part of the problem. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/oct/02/we-deserve-support-reinvented-north-east-syria-strives-for-stability
8- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
–From Syria to the world: Notes on tyranny, war and despair I stood in the face of tyranny. I was attacked in the name of terrorism although I am the first victim of it. I have been doomed by all nations and religions. But you will not defeat me. You will not weaken my determination or stop me from dreaming. https://globalvoices.org/2019/10/04/from-syria-to-the-world-notes-on-tyranny-war-and-despair/
– I know Syrian, Do you? #OmarOffendum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wtRfwcJKZ10&feature=youtu.be
– As a generation of #Syria n refugees comes of age, what future awaits? https://www.csmonitor.com/World/Middle-East/2019/0930/As-a-generation-of-Syrian-refugees-comes-of-age-what-future-awaits
–#Syria n refugee’s farm thrives with Middle Eastern crops 4 years later. ‘I’d like to open a new door in Calgary for agriculture’ https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/syrian-farmers-harvest-calgary-1.5297597
-I defaced a picture of #Assad and knew I had to flee #Syria https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csyhr2
9- Justice & impunity :
-Remember Syria? Tremendous reporting by @deborahamos@NPR This week on the struggle for justice in a conflict that hasn’t ended. Listen here: https://npr.org/2019/09/23/763521151/documents-smuggled-out-of-syria-being-used-to-build-war-crimes-cases-against-reg…
https://npr.org/2019/09/24/754863320/how-europe-has-become-the-epicenter-for-syrian-war-crimes-cases… https://npr.org/2019/09/25/764116727/why-are-syrian-war-crimes-being-prosecuted-in-germany
– Yes it is a Holocaust & as with the Nazis, the only people denying it are fascists – but when you have the power to stop a crime and don’t do so, you’re an accomplice to it, whether or not you paint ‘red lines’ or make speeches pointing out how evil it is. https://www.newsweek.com/state-department-holocaust-syria-russia-peace-1462988
10 -Armes Chimiques:
-Bashar al Assad would use chemical weapons again as reported by State Department.
Successive US administrations have given Assad and his other backers wrist slaps and carte blanche for genocide from Day One. https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/3kxpwb/bashar-al-assad-is-getting-a-slap-on-the-wrist-for-his-latest-chemical-weapons-attack
11-La France et la Syrie:
– Ziad Majed: le repositionnement de la France en Syrie est « un défi ». « Toute normalisation économique, touristique, culturelle, sportive avec le régime, est une reconnaissance de sa légitimité, un aval des crimes qu’il a commis, et une trahison de la majorité des Syriens. » https://www.political.fr/single-post/Ziad-Majed
–@MrjDuclos « La grande erreur de l’été 2013 (…) est d’avoir porté ce débat (#intervention) devant la planète entière alors que cela relevait d’une opération de police internationale discrète, allant en quelque sorte de soi »
– Rencontre avec Michel Duclos.
12- La Russie : Saunas, églises, jardins: les soldats russes installés pour rester en Syrie
– Looks at today’s armed opposition merger in northern #Syria (combining #Idlib & N. #Aleppo). Don’t read much into the deal itself – this is about strengthening #Turkey‘s hand in (1) #Idlib & (2) the northeast. https://mei.edu/blog/turkish-backed-syrian-armed-opposition-groups-unite-under-one-banner
14-Analyse et politique:
-This paper by @FredericHof is an honest, principled & excellent policy paper on #Syria — take the time to read this: – « The United States in #Syria: Why it Still Matters » https://atlanticcouncil.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/A-Long-Road-to-Syria-IB-FIN-web-092319.pdf
15- Livre:
-Samar Yazbek, En #Syrie, « 19 femmes » dont le courage forcent le respect. «A travers la voix de ces Syriennes, je veux dire qu’on n’est pas des victimes mais des résistantes» https://francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/le-monde-est-a-nous/en-syrie-19-femmes-dont-le-courage-forcent-le-respect_3606409.html
16-Photographie :
-Abdulmomam Eassa lauréat du Visa d’or humanitaire du CICR, jeune photographe syrien à L’AFP parle de la situation de la région de Ghouta orientale, de la vie quotidienne des civils sous les bombes. Le visa d’or de @abdfree2
Le Portrait de Abdulmonam Eassa par Clémentine Spiler dans Néo Géo. par laradionova sur #SoundCloud @abdfree2
16-Série, cinéma :
– New film explores how #Syria n refugees would live in Alberta’s cowboy culture https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/syrian-refugees-alberta-warren-sulatycky-jasmine-road-1.5285672
-Tamman Azzam’s Forgotten Cities Explore Destruction and the Past – http://www.sfweekly.com/culture/tamman-azzams-forgotten-cities-explore-destruction-and-the-past/
–Tammam Alomar, les dessins d’un survivant.. #Syrie https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Moyen-Orient/Tammam-Alomar-dessins-dun-survivant-2019-09-25-1201049850
–Silence or death: Turner finalist Lawrence Abu Hamdan on recreating a horrific #Syria n jail. Some art makes you see the world differently. Abu Hamdan’s makes you hear it, feel it and understand it differently. Recreating a horrific #Syria jail. What we were measuring was nothing to do with the door or the space – it was actually about the condition of extreme hunger and what it does to the senses. The distortion itself was speaking very lucidly about experience. https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2019/oct/01/silence-or-death-turner-finalist-lawrence-abu-hamdan-on-recreating-a-horrific-syrian-jail
18-Musique :
– #Syria n rapper takes aim at warlords and dictators https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/syria-rapper-almuarri-amir-idlib-warlord-dictator-a9120191.html
19-Les Syriens:
-Earlier this yr I reported from a « Little Middle East » in S Paterson, NJ. I spoke to Andre Sayegh, the 1st Arab-American to lead the city, for @latimes . We talked about the ways in which #Paterson is being revived by immigrants, including Arabs & Muslims https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2019-09-25/immigrants-are-reviving-south-paterson-n-j-from-its-difficult-past
-A Montreuil, on aide les réfugiés à développer leurs projets professionnels #Syrie http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-saint-denis-93/a-montreuil-on-aide-les-refugies-a-developper-leurs-projets-professionnels-25-09-2019-8159613.php
-Malek, réfugié #syrie n: « J’ai trouvé une seconde famille au Luxembourg » https://wort.lu/fr/luxembourg/malek-refugie-syrien-j-ai-trouve-une-seconde-famille-au-luxembourg-5abba1a9c1097cee25b861d5…
–Images of hope from children in the world’s second largest refugee camp in #Syria https://www.birminghammail.co.uk/news/midlands-news/images-hope-show-children-syria-16941798?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar
–“The Syrian children in the village have the same life experience as the oldest people in the village,” said Mr. Schütz, the current mayor. “They both know what it sounds like when a grenade explodes.” https://www.nytimes.com/2019/09/19/world/europe/germany-golzow-syria-refugees.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share
20- Propagande et révisionnisme,
– ‘A shadowy group that supports Syrian dictator Bashar-al Assad is giving thousands of dollars to far-right activists, conspiracy websites, YouTube personalities under guise of an award for “uncompromised integrity in journalism.”’ https://bellingcat.com/news/2019/09/30/pro-assad-lobby-group-rewards-bloggers-on-both-the-left-and-the-right/