Une semaine sur la Syrie,
44e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.
– Agir pour Idlib :
-Please support the campaign #MyPenMyDream calling for the right to education in northern Syria following the cessation of funding to many schools
–@waadalkateab We are overwhelmed with the support flooding in for @forsamafilm – thank you. If you’d like to get involved with our campaign, #actionforsama, head over to http://actionforsama.com @watts_edward @Hamza_Alkateab
–Dîner de solidarité 2019, Gala UOSSM, à l’Institut du monde arabe le vendredi 22 novembre à partir de 19h30 ! « La guerre n’est pas finie en Syrie ! », Réservation https://uossm.fr/dinersolidarite
1– Rapports et Etudes:
-Youth and Democratic Change in #Syria Kesh Malek’s Experience with the youth https://www.keshmalek.org/youths-and-the-democratic-change-in-syria/
-A very timely & extremely detailed paper by @Kay_Koontz , looking at #Syria‘s varied #Kurdish political factions & their interaction inside & outside « Rojava »: https://mei.edu/publications/borders-beyond-borders-many-many-kurdish-political-parties-syria
– Nowhere to run: Syrian refugees face Damascus’ security apparatus in the EU The long reach of #Damascus‘ security apparatus haunts #SyrianRefugees in Europe. Exclusive investigation. https://syriadirect.org/news/nowhere-to-run-syrian-refugees-face-damascus%E2%80%99-security-apparatus-in-the-eu/
–Six civils d’une même famille, dont un enfant, ont été tués samedi dans la province syrien d’Idleb (nord-ouest) par des raids de l’aviation russe, alliée du régime de Bachar el-Assad, a indiqué l’Observatoire syrien des droits de l’Homme (OSDH). https://www.boursorama.com/actualite-economique/actualites/syrie-six-civils-tues-dans-des-raids-aeriens-russes-sur-idleb-ong-9d8792d678a8d820255b631aac3670c7
-Russian airstrikes kill 5 civilians in Idlib, Syria https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/russian-airstrikes-kill-5-civilians-in-idlib-syria/1632016
–#Syrie : la pénurie d’eau qui menace risque d’aggraver encore la vulnérabilité des civils https://www.icrc.org/fr/document/le-point-sur-les-operations-en-syrie-la-penurie-deau-qui-menace-risque-daggraver-encore-la
–#Russian forces killed Ayyoub al Younes in a bombing on Hass village in #Idlib suburbs while he was aiding the injured of previous bombing by the same forces on the village, Oct 31. #Syria http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=78496
-Killing continues in Idlib during tumultuous week in #Syria @The_NewArab https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2019/10/28/killing-continues-in-idlib-during-tumultuous%E2%80%8B-week-in-syria
3- SDF et Turquie:
–-Des preuves visuelles montrent qu’Ahrar al-Charkiya est probablement responsable de deux tueries survenues en pleine offensive turque au NE de la Syrie. Une collaboration @bellingcat @Newsy avec la traduction et le sous-titrage vidéo de @SyrieFactuel https://fr.bellingcat.com/actualites/mena/2019/11/01/des-preuves-videos-font-la-lumiere-sur-des-executions-a-la-frontiere-entre-la-turquie-et-la-syrie/
– @SyriaDirect article for a more nuanced look at violations committed by both Turkish-backed factions and the SDF, and the diverse communities that are being victimized in the latest fighting in NE Syria. https://syriadirect.org/news/civilians-the-only-innocent-party-in-%e2%80%98operation-peace-spring%e2%80%99/#.XbmZRdKqJRg.twitter
4-Kurdes et syriens:
-L’intervention turque au NE de la #Syrie a provoqué un débat sur @lundimat1 entre un collectif de gauche et André Hébert au sujet du #Rojava. L’occasion de démonter quelques amalgames, avec les observations d’ @Aufildubosphore et @historicoblog4 https://link.medium.com/0aouto6Nb1
-A propos de la révolution syrienne et des kurdes https://syrie.news/2019/10/27/a-propos-de-revolution-syrienne-kurdes/
5-Aide humanitaire:
– This is a very important move, and further corroborates the suspicion that the #UN either don’t have any inherent control mechanisms or, more likely, undermine their own rules to please #Assad and his cronies.
Four US members of Congress introduce a bill intended to prevent any US funding for UN aid operations benefiting the Assad regime. https://joewilson.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/congressmen-wilson-kildee-chabot-and-gonzalez-on-introduction-of-hr-4868
-Turkish university faculties are opening up in northern Syria with more planned to come https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/10/syria-aleppo-students-turkish-gaziantep-university.html
-Photos show what going to school is like in Syrian, Yemeni war zones – Business Insider https://www.businessinsider.fr/us/schools-in-warzones-syria-yemen-iraq-photos-2019-10
-Syrian families arrested while trying to enter #Egypt without authorization are terrified by the Egyptian authorities’ threats to send them back to war-torn #Syria https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/10/egypt-syria-arrest-refugees-human-rights-violations-illegal.html
-The Price of a Homecoming? Fine article by @TokmajyanA on what will become of Syrian Armenian traditions and language as the minority drifts out of the country, toward Armenia. Syria’s Armenians risk losing their identity and language as they move to the Republic of Armenia. https://carnegie-mec.org/diwan/80190
-A Teen Refugee’s Brain May Be Disrupted More By Poverty Than Past Trauma https://www.npr.org/sections/goatsandsoda/2019/10/28/773424283/a-teen-refugees-brain-may-be-disrupted-more-by-poverty-than-past-trauma?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social
8- Le régime et la société :
-The women have had their passports confiscated and have been banned from leaving the country. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/53976/twenty-women-released-a-month-after-their-arrest.html
-Dans les prisons du moindre mal #Syrie @syrie24h https://syrie.news/2019/10/28/prisons-moindre-mal/… via @syrie24h
– Syria is witnessing an increase in the number of reported suicides, although it is not known what is pushing people to take their own lives. What can be done to support people who are thinking about committing suicide? https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/53892/increase-in-suicide-cases-in-syria.html
-The prisoners carried out settlements with the regime after their forces entered eastern Ghouta last year. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/53887/the-regime-arrests-businessmen-in-douma.html
– Deir Ezzor, the #PKK and its secret police are no answer to the problems of Deir Ezzor, https://mei.edu/publications/us-has-partner-eastern-syria-provided-it-has-will
-Protesters reject Assad regime resurgence in #Syria’s Deir ez-Zor | http://ow.ly/mWd630pNeRr http://ow.ly/khQe30pNeRs
– The killing of Baghdadi: #Syria ns recall terrifying night of US raid https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/barisha-residents-who-lived-through-baghdadis-final-moments
–The Conditions That Created ISIS Still Exist ‘Overwhelming majority of Muslims worldwide rejected him. Peoples of this region, Muslim & non-Muslim, were the ones most targeted by Islamic State; the ones who sacrificed the most in fighting IS; it is they who will be feeling the most relief today’ https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/10/28/conditions-created-isis-still-exist-middle-east-authoritarianism/
– @michaeldweiss 5 Reasons ISIS Is Hanging On https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2019/10/29/baghdadi-isis-future-229887
-This @ReutersWorld piece traces back how #Baghdadi was found – #Iraq intelligence work, a joint US-#Turkey–#Iraq CT operation, informants in #Idlib & #HTS, who captured a #Baghdadi aide & it seems, fed intel to #Turkey. https://reuters.com/article/us-mideast-crisis-baghdadi-capture-exclu-idUSKBN1X60SR…
10- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-People stand in solidarity with all the Arab Spring revolutions in #Daraa on 30/10/2019 https://youtube.com/watch?v=ItyY7mBSUGI
–#Syrie: Changement du Régime, pas de la Constitution! https://femmesdemoc.wordpress.com/2019/10/24/syrie-changement-du-regime-pas-de-la-constitution/… via @wordpressdotcom
-« La menace était permanente, tant de gens sont morts » : journaliste syrien exilé en France témoigne.
Hossam al Barom était étudiant، Sans eux, on n’aurait rien su de ce qui s’est passé toutes ces années en #Syrie. Les gens refusent de voir. https://francetvinfo.fr/monde/revolte-en-syrie/video-la-menace-etait-permanente-tant-de-gens-sont-morts-un-journaliste-syrien-exile-en-france-temoigne_3672257.html#xtor=CS2-765-[twitter]-… @franceinfo
-For #Syria ns in Arizona, far-away war affects life in their new homes https://cronkitenews.azpbs.org/2019/10/28/syrians-in-arizona-war-affects-life/#.XbfOZ_4QsT8.twitter
-Syrians in Turkey hit back at harmful stereotypes | We are not a strict society like other Arab communities. Everyone has the right to live as they please. We used to live much better in #Syria, and life was cheaper than Turkey. It is our way of life. https://ahvalnews-com.cdn.ampproject.org/c/s/ahvalnews.com/syrian-refugees-turkey/syrians-turkey-hit-back-harmful-stereotypes?amp
-Rawad Qaq, 28, #Syria n refugee, gave his last $1,000 to people smugglers during his flight from the country has developed a new technique that could help identify some of the thousands of nameless victims from eight years of war. https://thenational.ae/world/europe/syrian-refugee-s-breakthrough-in-identifying-war-victims-1.929480… via @TheNationalUAE
-Team of #Syria n refugees wins world’s biggest robotics event https://www.khaleejtimes.com/uae/dubai/team-of-syrian-refugees-wins-worlds-biggest-robotics-event
-An idea called #Daraya #Syria Challenging Authoritarianism https://transnationalsolidarity.net/an-idea-called-daraya/
-Neurosurgeon saves lives in hospital basement in an area under attack in #Syria https://www.plataformamedia.com/en-uk/news/society/neurosurgeon-saves-lives-in-hospital-basement-in-an-area-under-attack-in-syria-11111655.html
11- Justice & vérité :
– Germany reminds the world that Assad has killed far more Syrians than al-Baghdadi: https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2019-10-31/germany-moves-to-hold-syria-s-assad-to-account
– The first trial worldwide about state torture in Syria is expected to start in Germany in early 2020. This is a giant leap forward in the fight against impunity. https://ecchr.eu/nc/en/press-release/with-the-first-criminal-trial-worldwide-on-torture-in-syria-german-courts-to-set-international-prescedent/?fbclid=IwAR1TXdpf6dqr-2q7shFpiA-iaeVoE5QY_ndr49dlYSS17ih6D-6NFoMJuZA
-On Nov. 2, the UN will observe the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes Against Journalists. Too many journalists in Syria have been targeted due to their profession, & majority of these crimes have been committed with impunity. #ProtectJournalists https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2019/10/31/journalists-in-syria-deserve-protection-and-justice/
-Following the death of Baghdadi, Syrian families urge the U.S. not to forget loved ones abducted by ISIS. SJAC, along with @TheSyriaCmpgn& @FamiliesSyria , are advocating for the 8,000 Syrians disappeared by ISIS & for providing answers to their families https://thesyriacampaign.org/with-baghdadi-dead-syrian-families-urge-the-us-not-to-forget-its-obligations-to-their-loved-ones-abducted-by-isis/
-The Syrian authorities handed hundreds of death certificates to families of detainees in the past two years. Still, thousands remain missing in Syrian prisons, and their families don’t know their whereabouts and their fate. https://syriauntold.com/2019/10/31/never-forget-never-forgive-syrians-demand-justice/
–#Russia has returned to the Middle East as a major power player. Yet its toolkit is modest, providing an opening for the United States to correct its recent policy changes. @eugene_rumer discusses. https://carnegieendowment.org/2019/10/31/russia-in-middle-east-jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none-pub-80233
-Des véhicules blindés américains et des troupes d’infanterie arrivent dans l’est de la Syrie pour garder des installations pétrolières. US armored vehicles, infantry troops arrive in eastern Syria to guard oil facilities https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-armored-vehicles-infantry-troops-arrive-eastern-syria/story?id=66663099…
–#Syrie, se soucier des vivants https://letemps.ch/opinions/syrie-se-soucier-vivants?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=article… par @marcallgower
15-Analyse et politique:
– Is Europe Endangered by Its Impotence in #Syria? https://carnegieeurope.eu/strategiceurope/80176…
16-Photographie :
– Abd Doumany, Photographe indépendant, #Syrie. @AbdDoumany https://making-of.afp.com/abd-doumany
Normal Abnormal, Arab Documentary Photography Program http://arabdocphotography.org/project/normal-abnormal
17- Livre:
– Preview Amour minuscule Récit complet Faites de cette terre aride un jardin #Syrie https://www.bdgest.com/preview-2520-BD-amour-minuscule-recit-complet.html#.XDCIcthHB2E.twitter
18-Film :
– REPLAY. Syrie : regardez le documentaire « Djihadistes français : la part du monstre » https://francetvinfo.fr/monde/proche-orient/offensive-jihadiste-en-irak/replay-syrie-regardez-le-documentaire-djihadistes-francais-la-part-du-monstre_3681305.html
-From #Syria to the Ribble Valley: pianist Riyad Nicolas comes to Clitheroe https://clitheroeadvertiser.co.uk/whats-on/entertainment/from-syria-to-the-ribble-valley-pianist-riyad-nicolas-comes-to-clitheroe-1-10073503/amp?__twitter_impression=true
20-Table Ronde: – Preserving Syrian memory, resisting denialism A discussion from the July 2019 Freedom Across Borders conference with Juan delGado, @Qisetna, Sama Kiki, @DawlatyOrg , Emily Oliver, @PosNegOrg, and journalist @pierrevaux https://www.freedomacrossborders.org/2019/10/preserving-syrian-memory-resisting.html
21-Les Syriens:
-Caen. Un diplôme spécifique pour les étudiants réfugiés. Depuis la rentrée 2019, l’université de Caen (Calvados) propose un diplôme universitaire spécifique pour les étudiants en exil. Dix élèves font partie de cette première promotion.
J’ai déjà un bac +3 en Syrie, je veux continuer en master dans le domaine de l’informatique. » https://www.tendanceouest.com/actualite-338943-caen-un-diplome-specifique-pour-les-etudiants-refugies.html
-At Homs, la cantine #syrie nne qui fait du bien au moral (et au porte-monnaie) – http://po.st/U8o7BG via @telerama
-Siblings Sara and Shadi arrived in Wales à year ago. #Syria Syrian refugee children embrace love of Welsh language – BBC News https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYxTGnpuTgk
22- La Syrie à Paris:
-Séances film For Sama, avec débats. https://www.facebook.com/pg/KMBOFilms/events/ The film documents life in Aleppo through 6 years of the Syrian conflict, capturing the horror of the war alongside the most pivotal, joyful moments of life.
Pourquoi il faut voir le déchirant “Pour Sama, journal d’une mère #syrie nne” « C’est un film sur l’horreur qui donne de la force de vie. Un film à voir pour aider les Syriens. Le monde entier devrait se mobiliser pour aider cette population. » https://www.telerama.fr/cinema/pourquoi-il-faut-voir-le-dechirant-pour-sama,-journal-dune-mere-syrienne,n6488227.php
-Dimanches 10 Novembre 11h et 15h, Spectacle: L’enfant d’éléphant et autres histoires comme ça, https://www.facebook.com/events/1358352070988691/
-Vendredi 8 Novembre, 20h, Ouverture du FFFA, projection du film « Exfiltrés » https://www.facebook.com/events/2295263900764315/
-Samedi, Dimanche 9,10 Novembre 17h30, Week-end culinaire nabatéen, https://www.imarabe.org/fr/visites-ateliers/week-end-culinaire-nabateen
-Samedi 9 Novembre 20h, Orpheus XXI, musique pour la vie et la dignité, https://www.institut-cultures-islam.org/agenda/orpheus-xxi/