Une semaine sur la Syrie,
46e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

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With her kind permission.
1– Rapports et Etudes: -Un sondage intéressant (Gallup international) et significatif dans le NE de la Syrie : -Amazing results in the first Gallup survey in NE Syria. 57% prefer Turkey intervention 23% of #Kurds prefer TR intervention, 67% arabs 57% prefer #ISIS rule over #Assad. 69% agree violence vs. Assad legitimate. Only 23% support #SDF alliance with #Assad http://gallup-international.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Gallup-International-Poll_Syria_2019-7.pdf
– #Syrie La résistance d’Idlib: https://lundi.am/La-resistance-d-Idlib
–#Syrie : des dizaines de milliers de personnes menacées par le froid hivernal dans le nord-est https://lemonde-arabe.fr/07/11/2019/syrie-des-dizaines-de-milliers-de-personnes-menacees-par-le-froid-hivernal-dans-le-nord-est/… via @LeMondeArabe
-Local residents and the local council coming together pave main roads in Sarmada Idlib with colourful bricks to improve the roads and beautify the city. https://youtube.com/watch?v=mILFlG6-Zuo
–#Russian forces killed the #Girl Ghadir Khaled Hesrum along with her #Mother Manar al Yousef in a bombing on al Rami village in #Idlib suburbs, Nov 7. #Syria http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=78852
–#SyrianRegime forces bombed St. Georges Greek Orthodox #Church in Jisr al Shoghour city in #Idlib suburbs, Nov 8. #Syria http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=…
-Russian Air Force launches largest attack on southern #Idlib this month https://www.almasdarnews.com/article/russian-air-force-launches-largest-attack-on-southern-idlib-this-month/
-A big sister’s love: one Syrian girl’s story from Idlib https://www.rescue.org/article/big-sisters-love-one-syrian-girls-story-idlib?amp&__twitter_impression=true
-La Russie a bombardé le marché: -First-hand testimony gathered by Sky News suggests Russian warplanes were behind airstrikes which killed 44 in a Syrian district filled with schools. But Russia says this bombing never happened. Read more on @alexcrawfordsky ‘s investigation here: https://news.sky.com/story/russian-warplanes-were-behind-airstrikes-that-killed-44-in-syrian-school-district-first-hand-testimony-suggests-11862170
-A four-month Sky News investigation gathered evidence from eyewitnesses and survivors, and scrutinised the scene of the strikes. https://youtu.be/DA2VCxy2Eek
-Sky News footage almost certainly shows Russia committed war crime, says lawyer https://news.sky.com/story/syria-sky-news-footage-almost-certainly-shows-russia-committed-war-crime-says-lawyer-11862341
-La Russie bombarde les hôpitaux:
-On May 5, #Russia jets hit Kafranbel underground hospital with 4 precision strikes. The @nytimes proved @mod_russia ‘s complicity. Then on Nov 6, they hit it again. –#Russia‘s willingness to commit war crimes, in the open, is utterly extraordinary. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Y75i8jNp4TY
– Doctors in Syria’s Idlib say hospitals bombed ‘without warning’ – The National https://www.thenational.ae/world/mena/doctors-in-syria-s-idlib-say-hospitals-bombed-without-warning-1.935699
– Agir pour Idlib :
–@waadalkateab We are overwhelmed with the support flooding in for @forsamafilm – thank you. If you’d like to get involved with our campaign, #actionforsama, head over to http://actionforsama.com @watts_edward @Hamza_Alkateab
3-Kurdes et syriens:
– Syria’s Kurds try to survive Operation ‘Peace Spring’ and A perilous existence’ – by @nada_atieh a good overview of the Arab-Kurdish-Turkish struggle & the different narratives vilifying and defending the Kurds https://syriadirect.org/news/from-sevres-to-operation-peace-spring-a-perilous-existence-timeline/#.Xc2OraGcGSg.twitter
4-Aide humanitaire:
-Weak response from aid organisations to the winter season in refugee camps in the north #EnabBaladi #Syria https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/11/weak-response-from-aid-organisations-to-the-winter-season-in-refugee-camps-in-the-north/
-The Bardarash refugee camp, in Kurdish-controlled northern Iraq, is now home to more than 12,000 refugees from neighbouring Syria. Syrian girl begs aid worker for help to get out of Iraqi refugee camp https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7671321/Syrian-refugee-girl-begs-aid-worker-help-Iraqi-refugee-camp.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top… via @MailOnline
-11 millions de Syriens en attente d’aide humanitaire http://pieuvre.ca/2019/11/14/politique-syrie-aide-humanitaire-onu-guerre/… #Politique #Guerre #Syrie #Syria
– Renewal of cross-border aid operation critical to northern #Syria: UN relief chief https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/11/1051421
5-Education: –UNICEF: Aid for Syria Children Threatened by Lack of Funds https://www.voanews.com/middle-east/unicef-aid-syria-children-threatened-lack-funds
-Turquie et les réfugiés syriens:
-Les syriens, frères d’hier, parasites d’aujourd’hui. #Syrie https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/093700-000-A/turquie-freres-d-hier-parasites-d-aujourd-hui/?fbclid=IwAR0UmpXhX9O1nKF2PWyWkXWQu5-otdBpHqQS274yXQi6wUGhqrvveB_d43Y
– For some the move away from Istanbul has been positive, but for others it has stifled their opportunities. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/54294/syrian-refugees-start-new-jobs-after-istanbul-deportation.html
-« Repatriation » of Syrians in Turkey Needs EU Action | Human Rights Watch https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/11/07/repatriation-syrians-turkey-needs-eu-action
-Some #Syria n refugees say they would rather remain in Turkey https://thenational.ae/world/mena/some-syrian-refugees-say-they-would-rather-remain-in-turkey-1.935293… via @TheNationalUAE
– Many Syrian Refugees in Turkey Do Not Want to Return Home https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/many-syrian-refugees-in-turkey-do-not-want-to-return-home/5148984.html
-Faizal, réfugié #syrie n, recherché par Daech en Turquie http://slate.fr/story/183744/faizal-refugie-syrien-recherche-par-daech-turquie… via @slatefr
7- Le régime et la société :
-In depth : The Syrian Army: Between Russian control and Iranian infiltration https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/11/the-syrian-army-between-russian-control-and-iranian-infiltration/#ixzz65HYTokgr
-Public-Private Partnerships as a tool for privatization and reinforcement of clientelist networks https://syriauntold.com/?p=61129 via @SyriaUntold
-Assad henchmen’s Russian refuge How some of the top financiers and human rights abusers of the Syrian regime are funnelling money out of Syria into Russia, and possibly beyond. @Global_Witness https://www.globalwitness.org/en/campaigns/corruption-and-money-laundering/assad-henchmens-russian-refuge/
-La Ghouta :-NEW – Joint @MiddleEastInst – @ETANA_Syria report: – « Despair & Decay: #EastGhouta After 18 Months of Renewed Regime Rule » Lots of new data & insight here – a *must* read for anyone following #Syria: https://mei.edu/publications/despair-and-decay-east-ghouta-after-18-months-renewed-regime-rule
-Including a woman, Assad’s militias arrest a number of civilians in « reconciliation » areas of Damascus countryside http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/16920
– Will Albu Kamal ever see economic traffic again? https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/54286/a-month-after-it-opens-the-albu-kamal-crossing-used-by-pilgrims-and-iranian-militias.html
8- Syrian Constitutional Committee:
-Négocier une #Syrie démocratique : un défi impossible ? https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/opinion/negocier-une-syrie-democratique-un-defi-impossible?fbclid=IwAR0UgFhjqiLri02fcrGVAjaItUYGT1Gw_V7BRt5Z7mEjWqbzv1uGY-reDno
-The SWPM calls and urges to accelerate the #ConstitutionalCommittee efforts, and demands to establish a safe & neutral environment for the referendum & the adoption of the #constitution, and calling for elections as a priority to complete this step. http://syrianwomenpm.org/en/articles/97-the-syrian-womens-political-movement-statement-on-the-military-escalation-in-syria-in-conjunction-with-the-convening-of-the-constitutional-committee-in-geneva
9-Daech: -Deux prêtres de l’Eglise catholique arménienne ont été assassinés ce lundi au Nord-Est de la Syrie. Un double meurtre revendiqué par Daesh et qui suscite l’inquiétude. cc @OeuvredOrient https://www.vaticannews.va/fr/eglise/news/2019-11/un-pretre-assassine-en-syrie.html
10- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-Tribute to James Le Mesurier and White Helmets: « I only wish that, in those final moments, he knew in his heart of hearts that he had done immense good, that he experienced love and gratitude. That he saved humanity so many times. » https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/james-le-mesurier-white-helmets-co-founder-always-put-others-first-1.937177
– Assad and Iran’s regime should know by now that oppression and injustice will always encounter resistance. https://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/16896
-La Syro-Libanaise Rouba Mhaissen reçoit le prix Rafto, Réfugiés syriens au Liban: http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20191109-refugies-syriens-liban-syrienne-rouba-mhaissen-recoit-le-prix-rafto?ref=tw
@roubamhaissen#Syria Rafto Prize 2019, director of Sawa for Development and Aid, contributed locally to improving the lives of people, refugees in Lebanon in ways that protect their dignity and right to self-determination, national and global levels. https://rafto.no/events/raftokonferansen
-Rafto conference 2019 – @IbrahimOlabi Founder of the Syrian Legal Development Programme (SLDP « #Syria: Yes and No ». Rafto Foundation for Human Rights. Long version the talk and the end panel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=1746&v=k-nsFutiwvA&feature=emb_logo
-« I chose to stand with the revolution and join the protesters, because theatre can deliver a message under oppressive rule. » http://www.dailystar.com.lb/Arts-and-Ent/Culture/2019/Nov-12/495381-syria-puppeteer-offers-idlib-children-breathing-space.ashx#.XcnqegoczpF.twitter
-« Women are the starting point for a new #Syria.” https://www.slowfood.com/rebuilding-syria-through-womens-strength/
-A Syrian refugee tells his story with the ‘Boats of Death’ to Al-Ghad Watch Abdul Karim attending the MHPSS conference in Amsterdam on 7 and 8 October. #Syria https://www.netherlandsandyou.nl/latest-news/news/2019/10/24/a-syrian-refugee-tells-his-story-of-the-%E2%80%9Cboats-of-death%E2%80%9D-to-al-ghad
-Syrian refugee who aced Year 12 exams becomes an Australian citizen https://dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7645693/Syrian-refugee-aced-Year-12-exams-Australian-citizen.html?ito=amp_twitter_share-top… via @MailOnline
-Will #Syria n Social Taboos Remain Forbidden Subjects For Discussion? https://www.rozana.fm/en/home/news/1/advance-contents/38383/will-syrian-social-taboos-remain-forbidden-subjects-for-discussion#.XchtIaCkAfh.twitter
– Souvenirs, 14 novembre 2015, dans la Ghouta assiégée, victimes d’exactions et massacres incessants, des activistes de Douma témoignent de leur solidarité aux familles des victimes du 13 novembre. @firasabdullah_se souvient. https://syrie.news/2019/11/15/souvenirs-douma-14-novembre-2015/
11- Justice & vérité :
-Extensive report on Sednaya Prison released, based on interviews with 400 former detainees.
Survivors of Assad’s vast torture network are not slipping away silently – they’re fighting back and exposing the gruesome crimes committed in places like Saydnaya prison – they need all the support possible: Rreport of the Association of Detainees and The Missing of #Sednaya Prison (#ADMSP). A high-intensity factory of death & disappearances Torture and summary executions by #Assad regime continue unabated. #CrimesAgainstHumanity #Syria
-IMPORTANT- Syrian torture survivors have filed criminal charges in Oslo against 17 senior Assad regime officials. The crimes were committed in 14 detention facilities by officials linked to Military Intelligence, General Intelligence & Political and Criminal Security divisions. Learn more about the case (summary of the complaint, witness profiles, dossier) here: https://ecchr.eu/en/case/norway-syrian-torture-survivors-file-criminal-complaint-against-assads-senior-intelligence-officer/
– SJAC has worked to develop a database of documentation on the conflict. The preservation & assessment of about 1.8 million pieces of data, including photos, videos, government docs, and witness interviews, is an incredible resource for justice mechanisms. https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2019/11/14/sjacs-database-how-sjac-is-using-technology-to-transform-the-field-of-human-rights-documentation/
12-EU: –EU powerless in new #Syria n mayhem https://euobserver.com/foreign/146253
13- Russie :
-La Russie offre-t-elle refuge aux millions de dollars d’Assad et de ses proches ? #Syrie https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/en-bref/la-russie-offre-t-elle-refuge-aux-millions-de-dollars-dassad-et-de-ses-proches
– La Russie annonce officiellement avoir installé une base d’hélicoptères zone YPG à l’aéroport Qamishli dans le nord-est de la Syrie (officialisant une présence militaire avérée depuis un certain temps) | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-russia-idUSKBN1XO0XT
14-Analyse et politique:
– From @GeorgesFahmi @ChathamHouse on lessons learned by new wave protesters from the 2011 uprisings. Five Lessons From the New Arab Uprisings | Chatham House. https://www.chathamhouse.org/expert/comment/five-lessons-new-arab-uprisings
15-Photographie :
-Exposition: « FACE À LA GUERRE, FACE AUX VICTIMES »… http://sophot.com/fr/galeries/FC_home.php
16-Dessins :
-Saint-Lunaire. Dans son exposition, elle dénonce la guerre en #Syrie #SaintLunaire https://ouest-france.fr/bretagne/saint-lunaire-35800/saint-lunaire-dans-son-exposition-elle-denonce-la-guerre-en-syrie-6604315… via @ouestfrance
17- Theatre:
-HE’S BRINGING THE HORRORS OF #SYRIA N PRISONS TO THE STAGE https://www.ozy.com/the-new-and-the-next/hes-bringing-the-horrors-of-syrian-prisons-to-the-stage/95494/
18-Poésie :
-Poem by Damascus-born US poet and academic Mohja Kahf catches the spirit of the uprising in 2012 Rima Refuses the Question. #Syria https://www.worldliteraturetoday.org/2019/autumn/rima-refuses-question-april-8-2012-mohja-kahf#.Xcj7fQTW94J.twitter
-La #Syrie racontée autrement, Waed Bouhassoun https://journalmetro.com/culture/2397699/la-syrie-racontee-autrement/
-La guerre en Syrie est-elle notre guerre d’Espagne ? Une plongée dans le monde des «nouveaux autoritaires» avec @MrjDuclos https://legrandcontinent.eu/fr/2019/11/15/la-contamination-syrienne-et-les-nouveaux-autoritaires/
21-Les Syriens:
–#Syria n refugees Zarkaria and Amir, deported then allowed back into Turkey http://www.rfi.fr/en/20191112-syria-turkey-refugees-zakaria-amir-deported-allowed-back?ref=tw via @RFI_En
–#Syria n refugees: Highest proportion resettled in Northern Ireland https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-50391731
-The Laziz Project: helping #Syria n refugees settle into Australia | SBS Food https://www.sbs.com.au/food/article/2019/11/13/meet-lunch-club-helping-syrian-refugees-settle-australia
-Réfugiés en France, ils ont ouvert un restaurant #syrie n à Lille via @fbleunord https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/refugies-en-france-ils-ont-ouvert-un-restaurant-syrien-a-lille-1573212810
-“C’est dur au quotidien” : d’origine #syrie nne, la famille Mustapha vit dans le local d’un club de foot à Toulouse – France 3 Occitanie https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/occitanie/haute-garonne/toulouse/c-est-dur-au-quotidien-origine-syrienne-famille-mustapha-vit-local-club-foot-toulouse-1747041.html
– VIDEO: #Syria n refugee family opening restaurant in Sydney | Truro News https://www.trurodaily.com/news/provincial/video-syrian-refugee-family-opening-restaurant-in-sydney-373523/#.Xc5MCe3Vg_4.twitter
25- La Syrie à Paris:
-Séances film For Sama, avec débats. https://www.facebook.com/pg/KMBOFilms/events/ The film documents life in Aleppo through 6 years of the Syrian conflict, capturing the horror of the war alongside the most pivotal, joyful moments of life.
-Jeudi 21 Novembre, 18h30, Exposition « Corps de destin » de Khaled Alkhani https://www.facebook.com/events/542955939879408/
-Vendredi 22 Novembre, 19h30, Dîner de solidarité 2019, Gala UOSSM, à l’Institut du monde arabe ! « La guerre n’est pas finie en Syrie ! », Réservation https://uossm.fr/dinersolidarite
-Vendredi 22 Novembre, Liouane : Onze astres [entrée libre] https://www.facebook.com/events/1367209793441594/
– Samedi 23 Novembre 12h30, Cantoche Syrienne, https://www.facebook.com/events/469606727235647
-Exposition : Without interpretation, jusqu’au 30 Novembre https://www.facebook.com/events/432192897407407/