Une semaine sur la Syrie,
47e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

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With her kind permission.
1– Rapports et Etudes:
-Report – On the Universal Children’s Day: At Least 29,017 #Children Have Been Killed in #Syria since March 2011 85% of These by #SyrianRegime Forces and Its Allies http://sn4hr.org/?p=54496
-Omran center published a special report entitled « Significant Economic Cooperation Between The #Syrian_Regime and #Iran During 2018-19″. Author: Navvar Şaban @Nawaroliver: https://omranstudies.org/publications/reports/significant-economic-cooperation-between-the-syrian-regime-and-iran-during-2018-19.html
-More than 1,000 killed in Syria airstrikes since April, say monitors
–#Syrie: à Qah, dans un camp de déplacés, la mort est « tombée du ciel » https://nouvelobs.com/monde/20191121.AFP9112/syrie-a-qah-dans-un-camp-de-deplaces-la-mort-est-tombee-du-ciel.html… via @LObs
–‘#Assad regime marks World Children’s Day by bombing refugee camp with ballistic missiles‘ https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/11/22/syria-weekly-missiles-strike-idlib-on-world-childrens-day
-At least ten of those killed in multiple attacks across Idlib were children.
-Demonstrations failed to achieve desired goals in Idlib – Enab Baladi https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/11/demonstrations-failed-to-achieve-desired-goals-in-idlib/
–« When I was in the tent, the world turned red at an instance. The tents started to burn. I saw blood erupting from my dad and sister. My little siblings were crying. I thought I was already dead. » https://notris.blogspot.com/2019/11/idlib-locals-describe-regime-attacks-as.html
–Metropolis of Ilia opens two monasteries to house #Syria n refugees http://www.ekathimerini.com/246465/article/ekathimerini/news/metropolis-of-ilia-opens-two-monasteries-to-house-syrian-refugees
-Libérés pour un an du loyer, les réfugiés #syrie ns se nourrissent mieux et plus régulièrement https://lorientlejour.com/article/1185052/liberes-pour-un-an-du-loyer-les-refugies-se-nourrissent-mieux-et-plus-regulierement.html… via @LOrientLeJour
-Official figures inflate the numbers of #Syria n refugees returned from Lebanon https://thenational.ae/world/mena/official-figures-inflate-the-numbers-of-syrian-refugees-returned-from-lebanon-1.937799… via @TheNationalUAE
4- Le régime et la société :
-Economies: – The Syrian government has increased salaries of civilian and military government employees, as well as pensioners. This will provide some much needed relief amid the high and rising prices caused by the U.S-led war and the sanctions they’ve imposed. https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20191122-syria-increase-salaries-amid-collapse-of-pound/
-Thread by @SynapsNetwork : « 1/ Lebanon’s turmoil is spilling over into Syria is ways that are acutely felt but only partly understood. Syria’s econo […] » https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1197791060510068736.html
–Russian Mercenaries Torture, Behead and Set Alight #Syria n Man Who Fled Assad’s Army, Says Newspaper https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2019/11/18/russian-mercenaries-beat-beheaded-syrian-man-leaked-video/
-Accusé de meurtre en Syrie, un mercenaire russe lié au groupe Wagner, identifié http://www.rfi.fr/europe/20191121-russie-syrie-mercenaire-wagner-meurtre-identifie-video-novaya-gazeta?ref=tw_i
– Syrian Army deployments to the northeast – estimated strength and why each unit deployed where it did. https://www.mei.edu/publications/return-northeast-syrian-army-deployments-against-turkish-forces
-‘The loss of homes and properties risks stranding millions of refugees in limbo abroad, including those who might have considered returning home as the eight-year civil war winds down.’ https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/jun/08/syria-demolishes-homes-grabs-territory?CMP=share_btn_tw
-Ziad Wahbi, a former fighter of a faction from #ArmedOpposition, was arrested in 2018, by #SyrianRegime forces. He was among people agreed on a settlement earlier. His family were informed that he is registered as dead in Civil Registry. #Syria #torture http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=79359…
5- Syrian Constitutional Committee: -Can some sort of win for the opposition be squeezed from the constitutional committee? https://syrianobserver.com/EN/commentary/54388/constitutional-committee-the-only-choice.html
6- ‘Syrian National Army’. the structure of the Turkish-backed ‘Syrian National Army’. If you were confused about different brigade numbers, divisions & corresponding factions, your questions are resolved here http://www.aymennjawad.org/2019/11/the-structure-of-the-syrian-national-army
7-Daech: – #Daech, un écran de fumée idéologique sur un business très rentable Par Laurence Franck, professeur de management stratégique à l’@ESCClermont https://theconversation.com/daech-un-ecran-de-fumee-ideologique-sur-un-business-tres-rentable-126945
8- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-Know her name: For 2 years, Dr @AmaniBallour ran an underground hospital in besieged Ghouta, #Syria treating victims of Sarin & chlorine attacks & airstrikes. https://on.natgeo.com/2XFfyg7 via @NatGeo
–@FAIRE_Fonds a organisé il y a peu son 1er jury en vue de financer des #entrepreneurs #réfugiés. A l’issue de ce temps fort, @GhaeesCh a été sélectionné pour sa #startup @kaoukab6 https://www.faire.eu/refugies-entrepreneurs-faire-finance-son-premier-entrepreneur-a-lissue-dun-jury-de-selection/
-De la révolte contre Assad à la lutte contre le PKK sous commandement turc. Entretien avec un combattant syrien « Source de paix ». on veut juste rentrer dans nos villes et nos villages. On veut une #Syrie sans Bachar Al-Assad, la Syrie pour tout le monde, la liberté pour tous, et la liberté d’expression. http://solitudesintangibles.fr/de-la-revolte-contre-assad-a-la-lutte-contre-le-pkk-sous-commandement-turc-entretien-avec-un-combattant-syrien-de-loperation-source-de-paix/
-Displaced Syrians demand to return, seek regime-YPG exit https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/11/displaced-tell-rifaat-protest-against-turkey-russia-deal-oct.html#ixzz665fb151b.”
-Voyage culinaire en #Syrie ! Une notion de gourmandise et d’engagement pour Dima avec un lieu cosy et chaleureux. https://www.bordeauxfood.fr/voyage-culinaire-en-syrie/
– Senior is first Yale student from Syria to win a Rhodes Scholarship https://news.yale.edu/2019/11/14/senior-first-yale-student-syria-win-rhodes-scholarship
-Iraqi and #Syria n Refugees Observe Mitzvah Day with German Jews https://berlinspectator.com/2019/11/17/iraqi-and-syrian-refugees-observe-mitzvah-day-with-german-jews/
–#Syria n artist latest to attack BP sponsorship of British Museum https://www.theguardian.com/culture/2019/nov/18/syrian-artist-attack-bp-sponsorship-of-british-museum-reem-alsayyah-troy-exhibition-oil-firm
–In memoriam: Raed Fares and Hammud Junayd, giants of Syrian civil society | https://www.aljumhuriya.net/en/content/memoriam-raed-fares-and-hammud-junayd-giants-syrian-civil-society
-RENDEZ-VOUS AVEC ALEP, À LECCE/ par Maha Hassan A Lecce en Italie, l’ancien #Alep m’attendait. #Syrie https://www.oeil-maisondesjournalistes.fr/2019/11/20/alep-syrie-kurdistan-kurde-lecce/
9- Justice et vérité:
-How Syrian War Crimes Are Being Investigated — in Europe https://pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/article/how-syrian-war-crimes-are-being-investigated-in-europe/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share_button… via @frontlinepbs
-« Formation of community-led fact-finding commissions could help to document and gather evidence about the full range of ISIS crimes, including individual responsibility. » @HaidHaid22 on how transitional justice can bring ISIS members to justice. https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/transitional-justice-could-help-deal-with-isis-crimes…
-‘Ahmad told Islam he was sorry he couldn’t look after the rose garden – their code for the peaceful revolution they were both nurturing.’ Flowers…the #Daraya Youth were all about flowers and peaceful protest. Roses to soldiers… They Deserve #Justice https://www.amnesty.org.uk/blogs/campaigns/call-never-came-how-one-syrian-torture-survivor-refusing-let-injustice-crush-him
–Former UN Envoy Rewrites History On the @UN ’s total failure in #Syria. – ‘More than taking an unjustifiably equivocal stance with regard to government violations, de #Mistura’s office helped to distort the extent of the government’s crimes in the public narrative.’ https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2019/11/21/former-un-envoy-rewrites-history/
–The crisis in #Syria is on Europe’s hands“For the Continent’s leaders, there is no other option but to step up and take on a greater role on foreign policy. This would show there’s more to calls for “strategic autonomy” and a “geopolitical Europe” than lofty rhetoric.” https://www.politico.eu/article/syria-crisis-europe-responsibility-donald-trump/amp/
–Fascist Summit https://dw.com/en/far-right-german-afd-lawmakers-meet-assad-representatives-in-syria/a-51376553… @DannyPostel @im_PULSE
11- Israel :
– Israël mène des frappes de « grande ampleur » en Syrie https://www.france24.com/fr/20191120-isra%C3%ABl-m%C3%A8ne-des-frappes-de-grande-ampleur-en-syrie?ref=tw_i
12-Analyse et politique:
-Vladimir Putin’s Russia Is Losing Power in the Middle East—and Around the World https://foreignpolicy.com/2019/11/18/vladimir-putin-russia-losing-power-middle-east-central-asia-africa-eastern-europe/
13-Photographie :
-Exposition photos à l’Agora 2019 – Lundi 25 novembre Saint Denis #Syrie @firasabdullah_ https://accueil-integration-refugies.fr/2019/11/20/exposition-photos-a-lagora-2019-lundi-25-novembre-saint-denis/?fbclid=IwAR1YjnQ2NOrIpw6bVU6rxbe0rI43FFy8qh107O8Qkyrl62KbX4nwni_0UQQ
14-Film :
– A Comedian in a #Syria n Tragedy @FaresHelou https://www.idfa.nl/en/film/9c7b45ba-d7a2-4b95-b3e3-e7cbc6f29f2c/a-comedian-in-a-syrian-tragedy
15- Interview :
-En août 2018 @SyrieFactuel s’était entretenu avec @lemesurierjames, mort le 11/11/19, pour lui permettre de répondre aux accusations de Rachad Antonius à son encontre et contre la @SyriaCivilDef. Une itw exclusive que nous publions pour la 1ere fois. https://medium.com/@syriefactuel/james-le-mesurier-les-casques-blancs-ont-contribu%C3%A9-%C3%A0-montrer-au-monde-la-r%C3%A9alit%C3%A9-de-ce-que-fait-5479e9184e0f
16-Journalisme :
-The 246-page publication collects together reportage from a remarkable feat of Syrian journalism #Syria https://www.amnesty.org.uk/press-releases/launch-new-book-syrian-citizen-journalism
—DeirEzzor news published on @Deirezzor24, two editions every month, containing all the important news and reports in the province. https://en.deirezzor24.net/deir-ezzor-news-summary-magazine-edition-13/
17-Table ronde: – The Role of Women in #Syria‘s Future @SaraHunaidi @RafifJ @jomanaqaddour @Charles_Lister https://www.mei.edu/events/role-women-syrias-future
-A 10-year-old Syrian girl who wrote the book « Dear World » urges the importance of education in the war-torn country at #Reykjavik19: « Something must be done now, or there will be a lost generation in Syria » https://www.cbsnews.com/video/bana-al-abed-children-are-still-paying-the-price-of-a-war-they-did-not-start/
-Writer Kassem Eid’s (@QZakarya) memoir moves through life in pre-war Syria to his time as a FSA resistance fighter & beyond. Beautifully written, captivating & horrific in equal parts, My Country: A Syrian Memoir is a must read, says @clarryhj. http://lucywritersplatform.com/2019/11/18/my-country-a-syrian-memoir-by-kassem-eid-an-accomplished-deeply-moving-book/
19-Les Syriens :
-Stéréotypes, racisme, police… La dure vie d’Ayman, calligraphe #syrie n à Strasbourg https://rue89strasbourg.com/stereotypes-racisme-police-dure-vie-calligraphe-syrien-strabourg-164079… via @rue89strasbourg
-The Syrian Trauma. It has been a rough few months. The many new staff on Syria issues should read and understand why folks flip out at insenstive questions that ignore context or the last nine years. Even two years down the road, this is a brilliant analysis. http://www.synaps.network/the-syrian-trauma
-Refugees settle in Richmond thanks to help of five local families #Syrie https://www.richmond-news.com/news/refugees-settle-in-richmond-thanks-to-help-of-five-local-families-1.24015294
–#Syrie Ali est avec Jenna, sa nouvelle fille et sa nouvelle femme, syrienne réfugiée. Elle est superbe en rose, son papa est gris, ses yeux sont loin. En novembre 2015, il a ramassé sur la cote les corps de 5 de ses enfants, il n’a pas retrouvé les autres https://www.dna.fr/edition-de-strasbourg/2019/11/17/le-deuil-d-un-pays-le-deuil-d-une-famille
-Je viens de voir #Alep Market : les spécialités syriennes et libanaises qui mettent l’eau à la bouche – #Syrie https://www.marieclaire.fr/adresses-incontournables/alep-market-les-specialites-syriennes-et-libanaises-qui-mettent-leau-a-la-bouche/?q=%2Falep-market-les-specialites-syriennes-et-libanaises-qui-mettent-leau-a-la-bouche%2F