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Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 49 de 2019

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Une semaine sur la Syrie,

49e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

– Samedi 7 décembre, raids aériens meurtriers sur Idleb. Au moins 19 civils, dont huit enfants, ont été tués samedi dans ce territoire.

1– Rapports et Etudes:

Report: NEW: In #Syria, health workers are routinely arrested, detained, and tortured by the Syrian government. Their crime? Providing medical care to those in need. Physicians should not be punished for supporting human rights.  #NotATarget PHR interviewed 21 formerly detained #Syrian health workers. Our report provides evidence of the link between their arrest, imprisonment, and ill-treatment and their engagement in the medical field.

-“The Syrian pound’s volatile exchange rate is not a short-term monetary crisis. It reflects the destruction of the economic foundations in Syria.” Zaki Mehchy on the crisis facing Syria’s economy.


Since the start of 2019, 110 schools had been damaged by the military campaign against Idleb.

#Russia and #Assad regime attacked #Idlib 90 times in less than 24 hours. Some attacks are only a minute a part.…

-Displaced #Idlib locals suffer from hunger, cold #Syrie

-Airstrikes targeting two public markets in Idlib – Enab Baladi

-Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner, de « La Croix » a travaillé avec 1 photojournaliste #syrie n à Paris @abdfree2. Leur papier documenté et vivant sur la situation dans la région d’#Idlib nous alerte sur les craintes des habitants qui ne sont pas des djihadistes

-The @nytimes previously proved Russian responsibility for bombing Syrian hospitals. Now, it uses the “cockpit tapes” to investigate two of the deadliest airstrikes on civilians in Syria this year. ‘Sent Candy’: Cockpit Tapes Show Russian Pilots Bombing Syrian Civilians

-Heavy rainfall cuts off roads to camps of rural Idlib – Enab Baladi

-Simulation: –What if your home would be in Syria? Over 4000 attacks between 2012 and 2017 on one map. Provide any location to see how it would be if Syria was there. Click on attack locations to see videos, if still available.

3-Aide humanitaire:  

-L’UOSSM dévoile « Ici la Syrie, entendez-moi » notre spot de sensibilisation avec @MllePitch. Ce spot s’inscrit dans le cadre de la journée des migrants du 18 décembre et éclaire sur la situation des déplacés de guerre et leurs besoins urgents

-Birmingham mosque sending team to help Syrian refugees survive winter in Jordan – Birmingham Live

 -Nashvillians send thousands of pounds of donations to Syrian refugee camp


 Can the German government identify and deport Assad supporters?

-First University-Wide Scholarship Program for Displaced Students | Columbia News

-Les conditions des réfugiés en Grèce : une tache sur la conscience de l’Europe via @Mediapart

-Majority of Syrian refugees in Turkey want to stay – study | Ahval

5- Le régime et la société :

– Assad regime plans new wave of summary executions in Sednaya Prison – Violations Documentation Center says detainees transferred from central prisons of Latakia,Sweida& Adra to Sednaya prison,but largest number transferred from security branches

-Education: The war might have ended in Damascus, but teachers and students living in and around the Syrian capital say they are very much dealing with its after-effects: putting up with discrimination and working night-shifts to get by and support their families.

-Abdul Hamid Sbei’a, Abdul Khaleq Hamidi, Hasan Mohammad al Rashid and Naser Derfil are of victims of the #massacre committed by #SyrianRegime forces in a bombing on al Hal Market in #MaaretAlNuman city in #Idlib suburbs, Dec 2. #Syria…

-What Bashar Assad’s victory looks like in Ghouta ‘totally and utterly triumphalist’

–The regime army has sent out about 7,000 conscription calls to eastern Ghouta’s young men.

6-Daech :

Between January and September, the Islamic State has conducted 276 attacks in Iraq and 296 attacks in Syria. Read the @CSIS_Threats analysis:

-“In refusing to act to protect Syria’s beleaguered Sunni Muslims, the West validated the perception that it is indifferent to Muslim suffering, thereby making the job of Al Qaeda and ISIS recruiters easier. The results of that choice are now clear to see.”

7- Syrian Constitutional Committee:

The Voice of Syrian Society in the Constitution’’ Workshop #StabUnit

-The release of prisoners is a priority for the opposition delegation at the constitutional committee, but if they are released, will they have a home to return to?

8-Syrian National Army, The Structure of the Syrian National Army

After long and detailed interviews with several officials of the Syrian National Army #SNA, A Report of  the exact structure and the components of the three legions of the #SNA  @suriyegundemiEN

9- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

Reconstruction and security sector reform in Syria must go hand in hand.

Survey given to Syrians in Germany to assess the future of reconstruction and how security will need to be reconfigured in Syria for citizens to return safely..

Roula Michati, réfugiée syri nne, raconte son parcours comme psychiatre de terrain via @premiereurgence

-“Could I become a photographer in an international organization while on a wheelchair? The answer was simple: I had to try.” “Play to Your Strengths”: Bader’s Message to People Living with Disability. Read more about Bader’s inspiring journey with @UNDP #Syria & #disability:

-Le 11/10/2013, Mohammed Jammo, médecin syrien qui a fui Alep, appelle à plusieurs reprises les secours maritimes basés à Rome, qui le renvoient à leurs homologues maltais. Bilan : 268 morts. Le procès a débuté mardi.  @EJoszef –… via @libe

-À la recherche du bonheur: l’éternelle optimiste #Syrie Maria Alhalak, Syrienne de #Damas, est arrivée en mars 2017 au Québec.

-Syrian women, who have found themselves the main breadwinner of the family, are seeking new opportunities to make money.

– Who’s Who: Muzoon Almellehan… via

-@KaramAlmasri25 The last days in Aleppo

  Hundreds of #Syria ns protest in regime-controlled #Daraa after two former rebels killed

10-Armes Chimiques:

-Forensic Architecture Joins Journalists to Depict Syria’s Use of Chemical Weapons.

11- Justice:

-‘Like killing them again’ ‘Twitter will begin deleting accounts inactive for more than 6 months, which will likely impact hundreds of accounts of those killed, detained or disappeared in the conflict, say founders of a Syria digital archive of the war’


-Russia Should Be Held Accountable for Any War Crimes in #Syria

-« Biens mal acquis » : l’oncle de Bachar el-#Assad jugé à Paris à partir de lundi #Syrie


12-Russie :

– Russia’s Dead-End Diplomacy in Syria @TheStudyofWar

-A complex power balance b/t #Assad & his backers -Evolution of Russia’s integrated military & diplomatic efforts -Russian limits in Syria -A way forward.

A meaningful diplomatic settlement in #Syria remains distant despite consistent US efforts to support one. Pro-Assad regime forces in #Syria have systematically violated prior ceasefire deals without facing significant consequences. That reality now undermines the credibility of calls for a nationwide ceasefire in the context of UNSCR 2254.

Bashar al-Assad worked to stack the deck in shaping the Syrian Constitutional Committee. He will continue to manipulate the existing Western-backed diplomatic process to support his maximalist goals.

-How the Syrian Civil War Made the Russian Air Force Even Deadlier | The National Interest.

13-Israël :

What can we learn from the escalating Israeli raids in Syria?

14-Analyse et politique:

– -The #Assad regime barely survived civil war. Can it survive economic collapse?

15-Arts :

-Erasing misconceptions of war through storytelling –

-Douarnenez. La Syrie artistique à l’honneur

-« Visions d’exil » : L’atelier des artistes en exil inaugure le 2ème temps fort du festival #Syrie Neshama: point d’orgue de la soirée

16-Musique :

US producer helps #Syria n singer give voice to her dreams.

17-Poésie : 

« I’m trying to design a City of Love, Peace, Concord and Virtue, free of mess, war, wreckage and misery. » Syrian refugee and award-winning poet Amineh Abou Kerech shares her personal lament for Syria.


-Do Syrian directors or producers have a role in determining the target audience? #Cinema (This article is the first part of a dossier in partnership with @openDemocracy exploring Syrian cinema)

Great recognition. Syrian war documentary For Sama triumphs at British independent film awards.

19- Interview:

– No solution for the war in #Syria is possible without addressing war crimes and crimes against humanity by all warring parties. Must-read interview @observesyria with Mazen Darwish:…

20-Livre: -Scheherazade in a #Syria n Cell.


Nafass danse l’exil à La Pratique #Syrie

  22-Les Syriens :  

#Syria n refugees in Canada: Four years after the welcome via @TC_Africa

This #Syria n Refugee Fled War-Torn Country In 2016 And Now Created A Charger That Uses A Plane’s Air Vents To Power Devices | Bored Panda… via @boredpanda

-Les Cuistots Migrateurs vous invitent à découvrir dès à présent son tout nouveau restaurant, Le Pop Up, au coeur du 11e arrondissement.

– ‘A rich exchange’: The refugees teaching languages in Brazil #Syria

-From a refugee living in Jordan, to soap entrepreneur in Calgary

–Des réfugiés recréent à Lille le restaurant qu’ils avaient en #Syrie… via @20minutes

« I’m scared to go out on the streets, » said Yousra in her shop on the edge of a small makeshift camp for Syrian refugee families. « There is so much harassment. » #Syria

23- La Syrie à Paris:

-Séances film For Sama, avec débats. The film documents life in Aleppo through 6 years of the Syrian conflict, capturing the horror of the war alongside the most pivotal, joyful moments of life.

Expo : Face à la guerre, face aux victimes

-Mardi 10 Décembre,  19h30 – La contamination syrienne et les nouveaux autoritaires

-Mardi 10 Décembre,  20h, Film, Broken dinners, postponed kisses,

La contamination syrienne et les nouveaux autoritaires #Syrie Le mardi 10 Décembre, 19h30.

-Mercredi 11 Décembre, 19h, Projection de court-métrage sur la situation actuelle en Syrie suivi par un débat animé par un médecin humanitaire,

-Mercredi 11 Décembre, 20h, The Remains

-Vendredi 13 Décembre, 19h30, Daraya, la bibliothèque sous les bombes,

-Samedi 14 Décembre, 18h, Soirée Poésie Arabe – Causons & l’Olivier Culturel

-Dimanche 15 Décembre, 18h,  Colloque : La politique de la France et la révolution syrienne

Chaque jeudi midi la Cantine syrienne propose un bon repas à prix libre (de 12h à 14h) à La Maison ouverte. #Montreuil Pour ceux et celles qui veulent faire contribuer, les portes sont aussi ouvertes.