Une semaine sur la Syrie,
50e semaine de l’an 2019
Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée.
1– Rapports et Etudes:
– « No Silent Witnesses: Violations Against Children In #Syrian Detention Centres » on the abuses, #tortures, #rapes, committed by #Assad regime on teenagers. The horrors of Syrian government custody have been well documented. What is less understood is how many children have suffered it too. Horrendous stories of psychological abuse and rape in this report.
#crimesagainsthumanity on an industrial scale. http://ldhrights.org/en/?p=6421
-Among the key developments in the recent @TheStudyofWar& @SyriaDirectSyria Situation Report: protests against the Assad regime and Iran expanded in Dera’a Province and reached SW Damascus: http://iswresearch.blogspot.com/2019/12/syria-situation-report-november-20.html
–#SyrianRegime Is Most Likely Responsible for the Bombing of an #IDP Camp in #Idlib and the Killing of 11 Syrian #Children » #Syria http://sn4hr.org/blog/2019/12/13/54551/
-The regime is continuing to fail to regain territory in Idleb. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/54875/armed-opposition-thwarts-iranian-attack-east-of-idleb.html
–Idlib homes & marketplaces targeted by Assad «If strikes continue, they will have a devastating impact on lives of hundreds of thousands of Syrians who are already living without access to adequate shelter, food, sanitation, & medical care. » https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/12/7/syria-weekly-idlib-homes-and-marketplaces-targeted-by-regime
-I lost my unborn child to a hospital airstrike in Syria https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/comment/2019/12/10/i-lost-my-unborn-child-to-a-hospital-airstrike
-Skyrocketing fuel prices in a a part of Syria already devastated by endless cycles of war and violence. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/idlib-facing-harsh-winter-syrian-government-offensive-chokes-fuel-supplies
-Rescue workers in Idlib pushed to breaking point by Assad & Russia bombing of women and children civilians. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/12/7/syria-weekly-idlib-homes-and-marketplaces-targeted-by-regime
-Russian, #Syria n Regime Forces Step Up Attacks on Rebel Stronghold #Idlib https://www.voanews.com/extremism-watch/russian-syrian-regime-forces-step-attacks-rebel-stronghold-idlib?amp&__twitter_impression=true
3-Solidarité avec Idlib :
-Des militants #syrie ns lancent une campagne pour sauver Idlib https://diyaruna.com/fr/articles/cnmi_di/features/2019/12/10/feature-02
–L’UOSSM veut qu’on l’entende en #Syrie https://cbnews.fr/marques/image-uossm-veut-qu-on-entende-syrie-48108…
-Children of Idlib conducting tree of liberty campaign https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/12/children-of-idlib-conducting-tree-of-liberty-campaign/
4-Aide humanitaire:
– « Les déplacés internes en Syrie, les migrants oubliés de la guerre » #ICILASYRIE #journeeinternationaledesmigrants https://www.humanite.fr/un-appel-humanitaire-les-deplaces-internes-en-syrie-ces-migrants-oublies-de-la-guerre-681782
-Hundreds of Syrian refugees arrested by Assad regime despite leaving Rukban camp with UN guarantees https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2019/12/10/syrian-regime-arrests-hundreds-leaving-rukban-refugee-camp
-Un train pour favoriser l’intégration des réfugiés va parcourir cinq villes de France #Syrie https://www.lefigaro.fr/actualite-france/un-train-pour-favoriser-l-integration-des-refugies-va-parcourir-cinq-villes-de-france-20191201
-Grèce : des enfants réfugiés tentent de se suicider pour échapper aux conditions de vie des camps https://rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_grece-des-enfants-refugies-tentent-de-se-suicider-pour-echapper-aux-conditions-de-vie-des-camps?id=10383834&utm_source=rtbfinfo&utm_campaign=social_share&utm_medium=twitter_share… via @rtbfinfo
6- Le régime et la société :
-New towns in Damascus countryside demanding Iran’s exit from Syria and the release of detainees http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17455
-The Assad regime arrests civilians in Aleppo and takes them to an unknown destination http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17453
-Fearing conscription into Assad’s army, #Syria n Kurds flee to Iraq https://thedefensepost.com/2019/12/12/syria-refugees-conscription/ via @DefensePost
-Assad regime’s militias besiege Eastern Ghouta again under tighten security measures at Damascus checkpoints http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17467
-Very troubling and deserves wider attention. UAE arrests Syrian businessman at request of Assad regime. Regime claims he supported HTS, though it he was neutral during the conflict, and did business in regime areas. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2019/12/3/uae-arrests-syrian-businessman-following-request-from-assad-regime
-No one cares about Deir Ezzor while Iran is expanding and carrying out its projects intensively, quickly and without hesitation. What Iran is doing in Deir Ezzor is spreading the same ideological danger that #Daesh has been trying to spread. https://en.deirezzor24.net/in-continuation-of-its-invasion-of-the-province-iran-opens-a-new-husseiniyah-in-deir-ezzor/
-The Assad regime’s militias carry out new arrests in Eastern Ghouta and increase their security http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17408
7-Army :
– A report of the every current deployment of #SAA units. This list will be updated monthly as deployments change/more information is found. Hopefully this will be a useful resource for those studying the #Syia|n military. https://international-review.org/current-syrian-army-deployments/
8-Economie :
Terrific read by Joseph Daher on the Assad regime’s use of reconstruction to reimpose its authority, enrich cronies. Private Partnerships as a tool for privatization and reinforcement of clientelist networks | SyriaUntold | https://syriauntold.com/2019/11/11/public-private-partnerships-as-a-tool-for-privatization-and-reinforcement-of-clientelist-networks/
9- Armes Chimiques :
–A leaked e-mail from an OPCW employee denouncing a redacted FFM report has created controversy over the integrity of the OPCW FFM. How sound were its technical criticisms? https://www.bellingcat.com/news/mena/2019/12/12/chlorines-unique-fingerprints-the-april-7-2018-douma-incident-through-a-chemistry-lens/ This article undertakes a chemical literature survey to weigh their merits.
10-Daech, Al Qaeda,
Extensive examination of relations between Hurras al-Deen and Hayat Tahrir al-Sham, showing how al-Qaeda is struggling to « go local » while maintaining adherence to hard-line principles https://www.hudson.org/research/15533-the-syria-effect-al-qaeda-fractures by @Charles_Lister
11- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-Hope must overcome fear for #Syria on International Human Rights Day @BahiaAlMardini1 https://www.asianimage.co.uk/news/18091772.hope-must-overcome-fear-syria-international-human-rights-day/?ref=twtrec
-I swam for hours dragging my migrant boat, now I face jail for helping others #Syria https://metro.co.uk/2019/12/10/i-dragged-my-migrant-boat-to-safety-now-i-face-decades-in-jail-for-helping-others-11245438/?ito=article.amp.share.top.twitter… via @MetroUK
-Turquie: quand les #Syrie ns soignent les Syriens http://www.rfi.fr/emission/20191210-turquie-quand-syriens-soignent-syriens?ref=tw
-Leen Yaghi, championne d’échecs de #Syrie… et de l’Yonne via @BleuAuxerre https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/culture-loisirs/leen-yaghi-championne-d-echecs-de-syrie-et-de-l-yonne-1575911538
-Could a new elite arise from the rubble and convince #Syrians of the need for secularization and a state of law? https://syriauntold.com/2019/11/28/syria-between-civil-tyranny-and-a-religious-state/
-Damascus: « We demand the release of detainees » inside the capital http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17475
-En Syrie, les personnes handicapées ne doivent pas être les oubliées du conflit https://news.un.org/fr/story/2019/04/1041901?123
-On 9 December, we commemorates the sad anniversary of the abduction and disappearance of 4 human rights defenders in #Syria. This is how, by marginalizing and making people fighting for rights disappear, the authorities hide their crimes. https://fidh.org/en/region/north-africa-middle-east/syria/59-ngos-joint-statement-on-the-fate-of-the-missing-detained-and
-On the sixth anniversary of his wife Samira al-Khalil’s abduction, @YassinHSaleh says uncovering the truth about her whereabouts must be an indispensable part of the Syrian cause https://aljumhuriya.net/en/content/letters-samira-15… #Syria #Douma4
-Cette femme a sauvé des milliers de Syriens dans un hôpital souterrain #Syrie #Douma #Ghouta https://nationalgeographic.fr/histoire/2019/12/cette-femme-sauve-des-milliers-de-syriens-dans-un-hopital-souterrain… via @natgeofrance
12- Justice et vérité:
-Caesar Syrian Civilian Protection Act in its final phase in Congress: Will it be become law? – Enab Baladi https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/12/caesar-syrian-civilian-protection-act-in-its-final-phase-in-congress-will-it-be-become-law/
-Two important developments recently took place in the ICJ & ICC in relation to alleged crimes against humanity committed by the Myanmar government to the Rohingya community. Both legal developments raise possibilities for justice & accountability in Syria. https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2019/12/12/myanmar-at-the-icj-is-syria-next/
–WAAD AL-KATEAB’S ARCHIVED FOOTAGE TO BE SUBMITTED AS EVIDENCE OF WAR CRIMES https://www.actionforsama.com/afs-news/waad-alkateab-footage-evidence-for-war-crimes @ActionForSama
-« Son vrai fait d’armes (de Rifaat el-Assad), ce sera Hama. Dans cette ville au nord de Damas, le « bourreau de Tadmor » se mue en boucher. » https://lorientlejour.com/article/1198015/quand-rifaat-ne-parvient-pas-a-faire-oublier-assad.html via @LorientLeJour
-As well as the continued kidnappings, residents are continuing to protest the regime and the presence of Iranian militias. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/54761/kidnapping-cases-in-suweida-and-daraa-continue-to-rise.html
-L’Allemagne veut autoriser l’expulsion de « criminels dangereux » en #Syrie https://w.lpnt.fr/2351572t #International via @LePoint
14-Analyse et politique:
-Seven Lessons from #Syria @BobBowker https://eaworldview.com/2019/12/seven-lessons-from-syria/…
15-Photographie :
-Diaporama. De la #Syrie à la Turquie, reconstruire l’enfance par la photographie https://www.courrierinternational.com/diaporama/diaporama-de-la-syrie-la-turquie-reconstruire-lenfance-par-la-photographie
-« Bellingcat, les combattants de la liberté » : à la rencontre des enquêteurs citoyens https://lemonde.fr/culture/article/2019/12/03/bellingcat-les-combattants-de-la-liberte-a-la-rencontre-des-enqueteurs-citoyens_6021537_3246.html… via @lemondefr
-Carcassonne, cité du film politique #Syrie https://ladepeche.fr/2019/12/08/carcassonne-cite-du-film-politique,8590075.php… via @ladepechedumidi
17-Musique :
–Fawaz Baker: « Ma musique, c’est de l’architecture du temps » via @franceculture https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/linvite-culture/fawaz-baker
-« Om Al Aagayeb », l’ode à l’âme égyptienne de Naïssam Jalal #Syrie https://www.fip.fr/naissal-jalal-devoile-ya-roh-un-ode-l-ame-17322
18- Interview:
– -Au cœur de la révolution syrienne @LeilaShami https://lundi.am/Au-coeur-de-la-revolution-syrienne
-Au cœur de la révolution #syrie nne – entretien avec Leila Al-Shami http://sortirducapitalisme.fr/emissions/301-au-coeur-de-la-revolution-syrienne-entretien-avec-leila-al-shami?fbclid=IwAR26DjM-3aX3YTYuaKjsJVlC9zxjI4gO4upJ_XVnWwOTeedrTPNRTJ57KJg
-Journalist Alaa Nayef al-Khader al-Khalidi died from torture in Syrian military prison. https://cpj.org/2019/07/syrian-journalist-alaa-nayef-al-khader-al-khalidi-.php
20-Table ronde:
–“#Syria: Finding the Way Out”, focused on the political process & challenges thereof, with the participation of vice president of Syria coalition, Dima Moussa. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eO1fB2epPoI&feature=youtu.be
–Vie et mort d’un espoir populaire : paroles de Syriennes. Il y a d’abord eu 55 entretiens, menés par la romancière et journaliste syrienne Samar Yazbek, opposante de gauche au régime baathiste. Puis un ouvrage, 19 femmes, traduit cette année en langue française, qui donne à lire 19 d’entre eux. Uniquement des femmes, toutes syriennes, toutes hostiles au pouvoir de Bachar el-Assad. https://www.revue-ballast.fr/vie-et-mort-dun-espoir-populaire-paroles-de-syriennes/
22-Les Syriens :
-The man who put up $1.5 million to save 200 Syrian refugees – https://torontolife.com/city/life/jim-estill-the-man-who-saved-200-syrian-refugees/
-Saint-Nazaire : des réfugiés syriens ouvrent leur restaurant via @bleuloireocean https://www.francebleu.fr/infos/societe/saint-nazaire-des-refugies-syriens-ouvrent-leur-restaurant-1575655059
–#Syria n refugees are helping support people in poverty https://www.worcesternews.co.uk/news/regional/18082268.syrian-refugees-help-stop-food-waste-refujuice/?ref=twtrec
-Michael Darragh MacAuley speaks about visiting #Syria n refugees in war-torn Iraq https://www.dublinlive.ie/news/celebs/michael-darragh-macauley-speaks-visiting-17385434?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar
-Stroke of luck leads to #Syria n siblings’ reunion after six years apart https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/syrian-siblings-reunited-six-years-1.5388002
23- La Syrie à Paris:
– Expo : Face à la guerre, face aux victimes https://www.facebook.com/pages/category/Art-Gallery/FAIT-CAUSE-Galerie-337769132915412/
Chaque jeudi midi la Cantine syrienne propose un bon repas à prix libre (de 12h à 14h) à La Maison ouverte. #Montreuil Pour ceux et celles qui veulent faire contribuer, les portes sont aussi ouvertes. https://facebook.com/events/s/les-jeudis-de-la-cantine-syrie/838881166508229/?ti=cl
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