Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 4 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et liés à la Syrie est proposée.
1– Rapports et Etudes:
-The Annual Report of the Most Notable #HumanRights #Violations in #Syria in 2019 A Destroyed State and Displaced People #SyrianRegime #Russia http://sn4hr.org/?p=54641
-Assad can’t (won’t) even restore basic services to Syrians he bombed Looks like a case of “be careful what you wish for because you may get it” Assad is ruling over rubble There is NO FUTURE for Syrians with Assad in power The Syrian Lira is now worth less than toilet paper « The lack of financial resources, among other reasons, has shaped the state’s decision to shift the burden of service provision in recaptured areas to inhabitants themselves. » https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/the-regime-is-shifting-the-burden-of-early-recovery-to-residents
– Idlib is the last refuge for Syrians fleeing Assad — and it is barely livable https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/idlib-is-the-last-refuge-for-syrians-fleeing-assad-and-it-is-barely-livable
–#Syrie : Attaque contre une école par le biais d’une arme à sous-munitions https://www.hrw.org/fr/news/2020/01/22/syrie-attaque-contre-une-ecole-par-le-biais-dune-arme-sous-munitions
-La Russie intensifie ses raids sur le nord-ouest de la #Syrie, 23 civils tués https://w.lpnt.fr/2358885t #International via @LePoint
-Hundreds of airstrikes hit Syria as Assad’s forces seek to take back control https://channel4.com/news/hundreds-of-airstrikes-hit-syria-as-assads-forces-seek-to-take-back-control… via @paraicobrien
-Russian forces killed two civilians in a bombing on a textile factory in Kafr Naha village in #Aleppo suburbs, Jan 21. #Syria #Russia http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/2020/01/22/russian-forces-killed-two-civilians-kafr-naha-village-aleppo-january-21/
-Syrians ‘Trapped’ in Overcrowded Tent Camps Forced to Trade Final Possessions so Children Can Eat https://www.newsweek.com/syria-displaced-forced-trade-last-possessions-food-1483281
3-Solidarité avec Idlib :
– Syrians in Idlib are still protesting against Assad despite all the bombs and death that’s been thrown at them. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vhgIQrkfCTE&feature=emb_logo
-« En Syrie, on a l’impression que les gens regardent nos souffrances comme une série télévisée » https://lorientlejour.com/article/1203347/-en-syrie-on-a-limpression-que-les-gens-regardent-nos-souffrances-comme-une-serie-televisee-.html… via @LorientLeJour
-Idlib – Last Battle of the Syrian Civil War? http://theendofhistory.net/global-issues/ep-221-idlib-last-battle-of-the-syrian-civil-war/… via @JB_Shreve
-Raed al-Salah: #Idleb Truce Has Collapsed and the Regime and Russia Are Cleansing the Area #Syria https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/55533/raed-al-salah-idleb-truce-has-collapsed-and-the-regime-and-russia-are-cleansing-the-area.html… via @observesyria
-Idlib’s healthcare sector faces more than one existential threat as pro-government forces advance https://syriauntold.com/?p=62044 via @SyriaUntold
-A #HumanitarianCatastrophe is underway in #Syria’s northwestern #Idlib province. https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/12/syria-idlib-regime-bombardment-displacement-catastrophe.html#ixzz6BcF0O5zX
4-Aide humanitaire:
-New resolution restricts cross-border assistance to Syria My report with @nada_atieh https://syriadirect.org/news/new-resolution-restricts-cross-border-assistance-to-syria/
– Having fled bombing, Syrian children learn to read in borderland tent schools | https://www.reuters.com/article/us-syria-security-education-idUSKBN1ZG1C4
-Retrouver Refugees Esport Cup : le premier tournoi esport dans les camps de réfugiés #Syrie https://www.bibliosansfrontieres.org/2020/01/07/bsf-esport-cup-le-premier-tournoi-fifa-dans-les-camps-de-refugies/
-How Aid Groups Map Refugee Camps That Officially Don’t Exist #Syria https://wired.com/story/aid-groups-map-refugee-camps-officially-dont-exist/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=onsite-share&utm_brand=wired&utm_social-type=earned… via @wired
-Syrian Kurdish refugees arriving in Kurdistan Region surpass 20,000: KRG https://www.kurdistan24.net/en/news/d531cb6f-c327-4c82-8618-d18651da20ad
6- Le régime et la société :
-Syrians Hit Hard by Economic Crisis. In Damascus People Are Freezing to Death, Going Hungry #Syria https://aawsat.com/node/2091451 sounds familiar in the rest of the country
– The worsening economic crisis … a ticking time bomb https://blogs.lse.ac.uk/crp/2020/01/16/syria-let-there-be-mayhem/
-Syrian currency collapse prompts rare criticism of regime https://www.thenational.ae/world/syrian-currency-collapse-prompts-rare-criticism-of-regime-1.966447
– What’s the real situation over there Christians face threats throughout Syria, thanks to its president – « For Assad’s purposes, minority identity is a useful tool, until it’s not….While division, war, oppression and hatred are Assad’s weapons of choice, The Christian Post
-Residents of Aleppo fear “shabiha”militia are targeting their homes and properties https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/01/residents-of-aleppo-fear-shabihamilitia-are-targeting-their-homes-and-properties/
-In Raqqa, the Syrian government remains unwelcome https://kurdistan24.net/en/news/2639319e-4ec7-4ae9-83c0-792626cf4e30…
-Omar Muhammad Ghannoum, a college student at faculty of #Medicine in Tishreen Uni., from #Homs governorate, was arrested by #SyrianRegime 6 years ago. On Jan 17, 2020, his family was informed that he is registered as dead in Civil Registry. #Syria #torture http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=81586
-The judge’s daughter is married to the commander of Faylaq al-Rahman. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/55531/prominent-judge-and-his-daughter-arrested-in-douma.html
–#Assad regime continues to arrest former field hospital personnel in #East_Ghouta interrogating them for information about doctors who treated residents following the Regime chemical attack. Regime is obsessed with covering up their Sarin attack. http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/18277
-Interesting piece on Syria’s reaction to the killing of Qassem Soleimani by
@Dannymakkisyria . It was “a severe blow” to Iran’s network. But, “it will not necessarily translate into a decline in Iran’s influence or military presence in Syria” https://www.mei.edu/publications/qassem-soleimanis-reign-may-be-over-his-legacy-syria-will-endure
8- Russie:
-Reports: Tensions Grow Between US, Russian Forces in Northeast Syria https://www.voanews.com/extremism-watch/reports-tensions-grow-between-us-russian-forces-northeast-syria
-Good study focusing on Decoding the Wagner Group and Analyzing the Role of Private Military Security Contractors in Russian Proxy Warfare, report main author (Candace Rondeaux) https://www.newamerica.org/international-security/reports/decoding-wagner-group-analyzing-role-private-military-security-contractors-russian-proxy-warfare/
9-Turquie :
– Turkey has [for now] exploited deep ethnic affinity with #Syria Turkmen in order to create an expeditionary force to deploy to #Libya. On a visit to #Tripoli, Frédéric Wehrey met some of them: https://nybooks.com/daily/2020/01/23/among-the-syrian-militiamen-of-turkeys-intervention-in-libya/
10- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
–The rescue worker who refuses to leave a bombed-out town https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-51155271
-Recommandations de l’union des étudiants exilés pour le gouvernement français. A l’occasion de la journée internationale de l’éducation. https://uniondesetudiantsexiles.org/fr/archives/871
–I’m a doctor who’s seen the world’s worst humanitarian crises – but the suffering I’ve seen in Syria is unprecedented “The UN and Guterres have been slow in their response to the catastrophic situation. Voicing ‘deep concerns’ in his UN office in NYC is not enough”. Essential Idlib update by @sahloul
« On average, a Syrian child has been killed by #Russia/#Syria bombings every day over the past year — in one month (July 2019), more children were killed than in the whole of 2018. » 60+ hospitals have been bombed since May 2019.
-Carhaix. Maha Hassan vient porter la voix des #Syrien s #CarhaixPlouguer https://ouest-france.fr/bretagne/carhaix-plouguer-29270/carhaix-maha-hassan-vient-porter-la-voix-des-syriens-6701862… via @ouestfrance
-Abu Malek al-Shami uses the canvasses of bombed-out buildings to highlight Syrians’ plight and wish for peace. « I started painting in 2014 in Darayya. My friend Majd Moadamani encouraged me to paint. We painted murals together until he was killed in an air strike in 2016 » https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/pictures-syrias-banksy-continues-draw-murals-hope-and-peace-war-ravaged-buildings
-@sanasyr6 has joined https://asylumaccess.org/ team! She’ll lead efforts to promote refugee leadership within refugee response (and within society as a whole!) and to build meaningful partnerships with fellow NGOs, refugee-led initiatives, governments, donors and the private sector. The importance of self-representation for refugees. https://asylumaccess.org/sana-mustafa/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=daCRHNkBS_A&feature=emb_logo
-Monistrol-sur-Loire : des terminales du Château rencontrent un journaliste syrien réfugié – https://www.lacommere43.fr/monistrol-et-environs/item/28778-monistgrol-sur-loire-des-terminales-du-chateau-rencontrent-un-journaliste-syrien-refugie.html
11-Justice et vérité:
-The recent death of Iranian general Qasem Soleimani has brought attention to his unanswered crimes against the Syrian people. SJAC suggests how justice for violations committed or supported by foreign states could be answered with compensation for victims. https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2020/01/23/syrian-victims-of-iranian-crimes-should-not-be-overlooked/
-Excellent short documentary on the crimes of Assad: “A Butcher by Any Other Name: The Hunt for Syria’s War Criminals” https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=933&v=2dXSvfu_yPo&feature=emb_logo
12-Analyse et politique:
-« #Russia’s status as both an actor & intermediary » in #Syria is bringing « diminishing returns, » argue Dmitriy Frolovskiy & Kirill Semenov. The decision to draw #Libya into the mix was an attempt to broaden/enhance Moscow’s MiddleEast equation: https://mei.edu/publications/russia-libya-and-idlib-are-now-part-same-gamble
-Time to bury Bashar Assad’s economy https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/time-to-bury-bashar-assads-economy
16- Desinformation :
-Cross-platform disinformation campaigns: lessons learned from #Syria and next steps | HKS Misinformation Review. https://misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/cross-platform-disinformation-campaigns/#.XirggtvGXRM.twitter
-Depuis oct, Wikileaks a publié des documents de l’@OPCW sur l’attaque chimique de Douma, mettant en doute ses conclusions. Des infos trompeuses et parfois fausses. 1er ép de la série de @bellingcat traduit par @SyrieFactuel https://fr.bellingcat.com/actualites/2020/01/22/les-fuites-de-lenquete-de-loiac-sur-douma-1ere-partie-il-faut-que-nous-parlions-dalex/
-2éme partie de la série de @bellingcat traduit par @SyrieFactuel sur les fuites de l’@OPCW sur Douma : Que vaut le rapport de Ian Henderson et quel était vraiment son rôle au sein de l’organisation ? https://fr.bellingcat.com/actualites/mena/2020/01/22/les-fuites-de-lenquete-de-loiac-sur-douma-2eme-partie-il-faut-que-nous-parlions-dhenderson/
-EXPOSITION « #Syrie, témoigner à tout prix » Ghouta orientale. Photographies de Firas Abdullah et d’autres membres du Ghouta Media Center https://www.mairie02.paris.fr/actualites/eexposition-syrie-temoigner-a-tout-prix-663
–Naufragés sans visage. Il faut identifier les morts pour prendre soin des vivants : Cristina Cattaneo rend compte de l’action d’un groupe de médecins légistes, mobilisés depuis 2013 pour donner un nom aux migrants noyés en Méditerranée. @AlbinMichel https://www.en-attendant-nadeau.fr/2020/01/14/corps-perdus-cattaneo/
-“So as Not to Be on the Margins: An Oral History of Syrian Female Survivors of Arrest,” Lama Qunoot’s new books documents the harrowing experiences of Syrian women and the heavy burdens they must live with. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/55553/lama-qunoot-documents-syrian-female-survivors.html
19-Interview :
-Émission d’analyse de l’#insurrection syrienne de 2011, de sa répression, de sa militarisation et de son internationalisation. http://sortirducapitalisme.fr/emissions/297-revolution-contre-revolution-et-guerre-en-syrie…
-Omar Youssef Souleimane : « Dans la révolution #syrie nne, il y avait aussi une aspiration à une libération sexuelle » via @franceculture https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/signes-des-temps/omar-youssef-souleimane-dans-la-revolution-syrienne-il-y-avait-aussi-une-aspiration-a-une-liberation
20-Film :
– Filmmaker Heba Khaled’s ‘People of the Wasteland’ takes viewers onto the battlefields of #Syria https://www.arabnews.com/node/1613981/lifestyle#.XiXraIG-4z0.twitter
– For #Syria n playwright Ahmad Meree, the refugee experience is the stuff of art and life https://www.cbc.ca/radio/q/friday-jan-24-2020-andy-shauf-billie-eilish-and-more-1.5437764/for-syrian-playwright-ahmad-meree-the-refugee-experience-is-the-stuff-of-art-and-life-1.5437813
22-Art :
-‘Painting on death’: #Syria n artists make art with spent ammunition https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/painting-on-death-syrian-artists-make-art-with-spent-ammunition-33088
23-Les Syriens :
-The Activists Who’ve Saved 1,000 Pets From Syria’s War Zones | https://www.ozy.com/good-sht/the-activists-whove-saved-1000-pets-from-syrias-war-zones/260522/
-C’est peut-être la dimension la plus importante, mais souvent négligée, celle de l’histoire de plus de 200 000 réfugiés kurdes syriens au Kurdistan irakien : ils ont énormément enrichi la culture du Kurdistan irakien en vue d’un meilleur avenir. https://www.france24.com/en/20200119-syria-refugees-bring-new-tastes-and-traditions-to-kurdish-iraq
-Sally, Mayyar et Farès, de la #Syrie à Saint-André-les-Vergers https://lest-eclair.fr/id124353/article/2020-01-19/un-destin-francais… via @lesteclair
24- La Syrie à Paris:
-« Anamnèse » Exposition de l’artiste “Mohamed Al MUFTI”, Galerie Europia, #Paris #Syrie , Vernissage le vendredi 31 janvier 18h30 http://europia.org/almufti2020
-Expo, Exposition photo « Refuge » sur le parvis de la mairie de Paris via @MSF_France https://www.msf.fr/evenements/exposition-photo-refuge-sur-le-parvis-de-la-mairie-de-paris
– Mercredi 29 janvier 20h, Naïssam Jalal & Rhythms of Resistance – Un Autre Monde, https://www.facebook.com/events/416564212597864/
– Dimanche 2 février, 16h30, Rassemblement parisien mensuel de soutien au peuple syrien. https://www.facebook.com/events/545567139637579/
Tous les jeudis midi la Cantine syrienne propose un bon repas à prix libre (de 12h à 14h) à La Maison ouverte. #Montreuil Pour ceux et celles qui veulent faire contribuer, les portes sont aussi ouvertes. https://facebook.com/events/s/les-jeudis-de-la-cantine-syrie/838881166508229/?ti=cl