Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 5 de 2020

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

Semaine 5 de l’an 2020

Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.

En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et  liés à la Syrie est proposée.

Dessin de Marc Nelson
Civils en fuite dans le Grand Idleb, Décembre 2019

1– Rapports et Etudes:

-New report detailing the bombing of multiple marketplaces across Idlib by Syrian and or Russian warplanes, Dec 2019/Jan 2020. This pattern has continued since the article was first published in Arabic on 14 Jan. https://stj-sy.org/en/the-bombing-of-idlibs-marketplaces-by-syrian-regular-forces-and-allies-a-repeated-pattern/

-Analysis: Dangerous “Local Partner” The YPG’s Terror Campaign in Northern Syria https://setav.org/en/analysis-dangerous-local-partner-the-ypgs-terror-campaign-in-northern-syria/

-« While hundreds of thousands of casualties have been documented, it is likely that the true number of casualties may never be known, even though there is a general consensus today that it is now well over 500,000. » https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/1/28/how-many-people-have-died-in-syria-since-2011


2-Maarat al Numan :

« was a hub of social activism & this legacy of activism lives on in the minds of those who have experienced it, but the town itself will now be repopulated only with Syrians who agree to be docile subjects of the Syrian regime.” https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/maarat-alnuman-idlib-syria-war-bashar-al-assad-a9308076.html

– #Syria Maaret al-Numan: from protest hub to ghost town https://news.yahoo.com/syrias-maaret-al-numan-protest-hub-ghost-town-094728308.html?soc_src=community&soc_trk=tw

-Thank you, Maarat al-Numan https://diary.thesyriacampaign.org/maarat-al-numan/

-Desolation after fall of Maarat al-Nauman. In former Syria rebel stronghold, nothing was spared – The museum, housed in an Ottoman-era caravanserai, was seriously damaged in a government barrel bomb attack in 2015. « Many antiquities have been stolen, » Marahesh says, looking at the devastation around him. « There was a lot of damage to the museum. » As the conflict escalated, volunteers did their best to preserve the Roman and Byzantine-era mosaics from air strikes and shelling, including by heaping sandbags against them. https://www.france24.com/en/20200131-in-former-syria-rebel-stronghold-nothing-was-spared

-Maarat al-Noman, feu l’ultime bastion démocratique – https://liberation.fr/planete/2020/01/31/syrie-maarat-al-noman-feu-l-ultime-bastion-democratique_1776501… via @libe



-Exodus and limited healthcare as frontline advances in Syria @msfIn the space of two months, daily shelling, aerial bombing and ground offensives in Idlib have displaced nearly 390,000 people. Many hospitals in the area have been hit and destroyed. https://www.msf.org/exodus-and-limited-healthcare-frontline-advances-syria

 -« Où est le monde, où est l’ONU, où sont les peuples ? » demande à @NicolasJoxe  et son équipe cet habitant de la région d’Idlib, contraint de fuir au nord d’Alep ? https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/095183-000-A/syrie-les-civils-sous-les-bombes-pres-d-alep/

-Rebel-held Idlib ‘hit by 200 air strikes in three days’ https://theunionjournal.com/syria-war-rebel-held-idlib-hit-by-200-air-strikes-in-three-days/

– @nytimes 4 data-filled pages on hospital & civilian attacks in Syria, the UN’s limited inquiry into these, and the perpetrators, which the UN will likely withhold. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/31/world/middleeast/syria-united-nations-investigation.html

-Une ville détruite après des bombardements russes. https://fr.euronews.com/2020/01/30/syrie-une-ville-detruite-apres-des-bombardements-russes

-Un hôpital sévèrement touché par des frappes aériennes russes dans la ville syrienne d’Ariha #Syrie  Fhttps://nouvelobs.com/monde/20200130.OBS24167/un-hopital-severement-vise-par-des-frappes-aeriennes-russes-dans-la-ville-syrienne-d-ariha.html

-Civilians in Idlib fleeing north take even doors with them. Why are they stripping the entire content of their homes? https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/news/2020/1/6/Civilians-displacement-Idlib-Syrian-forces

-« But the war is not over, nor is it ever halted. » @James_P_Snell  « The story of Idlib’s ‘ceasefires’ is the story of #Syria’s war https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/Comment/2020/1/28/How-Idlibs-ceasefires-tell-the-story-of-Syrias-war


4-Aide humanitaire:

– Syria: Escalating hostilities in northwest part of country leaving traumatized civilians under siege. Dire and deteriorating humanitarian situation particularly affecting women and children. https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/01/1056272


Agir pour Idlib : -Hospital Bombed, 80K Displaced in 48 hours, Hyperinflation in Syria, a recent report by @UOSSM https://www.uossm.us/breaking_hospital_bombed_80k_displaced_in_48_hours_hyperinflation_in_syria?recruiter_id=659&fbclid=IwAR0eWWVaDDGg4a5OX82sMGN7s2GgL6jLCHeKTpu2vVVVGdQtLSfC3JdLbKY

-The situation in #Idlib is catastrophic. 200 airstrikes were launched against civilians by Syrian and Russian jets in just 3 days. 390,000 have become displaced since 1 December. Here are five things you can do for Idlib: https://diary.thesyriacampaign.org/what-you-can-do-for-idlib-2020/…

-« Nul n’imagine les souffrances des déplacés d’Idlib, entassés dans des camps aléatoires, dans le silence de la communauté internationale » : Atef Nanua, 29 ans, directeur de l’ONG Molham Volunterring Team. Avec @abdfree2 https://www.la-croix.com/Monde/Moyen-Orient/Syrie-Nul-nimagine-souffrances-deplaces-dIdlib-2020-01-29-1201074871


5- Les enfants:  

– A UN report focused solely on children in Syria states that five million have been displaced in the fighting, with nine years of war robbing them of their childhood and subjecting them to « unabated violations of their rights ». CNN’s @arwaCNN  reports. https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2020/01/30/syria-war-un-report-children-displaced-human-rights-damon-pkg-intl-ldn-vpx.cnn

-Les orphelins & enfants #Syrie, les premières victimes de ce conflit.  Selon l’UNICEF, 80 % des enfants syriens sont été directement  affectés par le conflit et ont besoin d’aide humanitaire. 2,8 millions d’enfants syriens sont sortis du système scolaire. https://www.decoupages.fr/videos/info/les-orphelins-de-syrie/

SyriaPhobia : -The English dictionary got a new word #SyriaPhobia which translates to the fear of spending the rest of your life in #Syria https://urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=SyriaPhobia


6- Refugees:

-Jewish community in Italy welcomes Muslim refugees from Syria – https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/22463/jewish-community-in-italy-welcomes-muslim-refugees-from-syria

-Mushrooms used to be rare in #Syrian but thousands of refugees are now relying on them to survive https://www.businessinsider.fr/us/syria-refugees-mushrooms-civil-war-2020-1?amp#click=https://t.co/xKskwKwnRF


7- Le régime et la société :

-No government support, social stigma, unemployment & poverty: just some of the ways wounded Syrian fighters are rewarded for their service to the country. A small glimpse into the daily struggles of ‘living martyrs’  The uncounted: Life after war for Syria’s living martyrs https://atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/syriasource/the-uncounted-life-after-war-for-syrias-living-martyrs/

-Economie :

-Assessment of measures taken by Assad regime in response to economic crisis. From denial to discipline: Syrian government responds to the economic crisis – Syria Direct https://syriadirect.org/news/from-denial-to-discipline-syrian-government-responds-to-the-economic-crisis/

-Le Global Wealth Report, publié par la banque suisse Crédit Suisse, a estimé la richesse totale de la Syrie à 21 milliards de dollars à la mi-2019. Fin 2010, elle s’élevait à environ 117 milliards de dollars.  « La pression financière sur le Liban a exposé tous les pays liés au secteur bancaire, et la Syrie était évidemment très dépendante du secteur financier libanais » https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/decryptages/leconomie-syrienne-va-de-mal-en-pis-alors-que-la-crise-frappe-le-liban-voisin


-Iran : -audio intercepts revealing the presence of #IRGC and/or Fatemiyoun militiamen in al-Tamaneh, south of Marat al-Numan, #Idlib. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/01/26/exclusive-leaked-recordings-show-qassim-soleimanis-soldiers/

-Qassem Soleimani played pivotal  role in Aleppo massacre in Sept 2016. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/jan/9/qassem-soleimani-role-aleppo-siege-illustrates-iro/

-Iranian Police’s Role in Repressing Syrian Protesters in 2011 Revealed https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/55696/iranian-police-role-in-repressing-syrian-protesters-in-2011-revealed.html


Russie, US : –US Forces Block Another Russian Convoy as Tensions Rise in Northeast Syria https://www.voanews.com/extremism-watch/us-forces-block-another-russian-convoy-tensions-rise-northeast-syria


8- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

Illustrating the Revolution and the Syrian War #Syria @creative_memory

In the first axis of this new project, we present the chronology. This chronology is divided into several phases, the first of which is titled “From the Revolution, to the Chemical Weapon”, and covers the time period between 2011 and 2013. https://creativememory.org/en/chronology-of-the-revolution-and-the-syrian-war/?utm_source=mailpoet&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=test_70

 -Face aux attaques contre des hôpitaux, la cinéaste syrienne Waad al Kateab invective l’ONU #Syrie  https://rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_face-aux-attaques-contre-des-hopitaux-la-cineaste-syrienne-waad-al-kateab-invective-l-onu?id=10420939&utm_source=rtbfinfo&utm_campaign=social_share&utm_medium=twitter_share

-“Through @forsamafilm our voice has finally reached people.” Afraa and her family were such a huge part of the film. Please read these beautiful words about #ForSama being her eyes, her memories & her hope for Syrians > https://www.actionforsama.com/afs-news/afraas-story-for-sama-family

« For me, the hope that this film created for the [Syrian] people was the greatest thing that could ever happen. » https://primetime.network/features/waad-al-kateab/

-#Syria n man who saved couple from earthquake debris to receive Turkish citizenship  https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/2020/01/28/syrian-man-who-saved-couple-from-earthquake-debris-to-receive-turkish-citizenship

-Tensions in #Syria’s Daraa are getting out of hand https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/tensions-syrias-daraa-are-getting-out-hand

-Young people distanced from #Syria: Our memories for whom? https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/01/young-people-distanced-from-syria-our-memories-for-whom/


9- Justice et vérité:

– May Assad’s and Putin’s genocide-denying propagandists one day stand trial alongside them at the ICC, and have to face some of the heroes they’ve slandered and the victims’ families whose grief and agony they’ve helped to magnify. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7943547/Did-British-academics-help-Russia-deny-war-crimes-UN.html

-Islam Alloush (Majdi Naame), the former spokesman of Jaysh al-Islam, a Syrian rebel group responsible for grave human rights abuses, was just arrested in France https://www.fidh.org/en/region/north-africa-middle-east/syria/syria-a-senior-jaysh-al-islam-official-arrested-in-france-and

The interview w/ Alloush that ended his career https://www.regthink.org/en/articles/jaysh-al-islam-rebels-at-the-gates-of-damascus


10-Analyse :

Tout se répète : les souffrances, la peur, l’exil. Rien n’est venu et rien ne viendra stopper l’implacable remise en selle du despote.  #Syrie : ne sommes-nous dupes que de nous-mêmes ? | Revue Esprit https://esprit.presse.fr/actualites/joel-hubrecht/syrie-ne-sommes-nous-dupes-que-de-nous-memes-42553 via @RevueEsprit

France : -«Alors qu’à nouveau, en Algérie, au Soudan, au Liban, en Irak, en Iran, les peuples se soulèvent, ce serait une erreur d’adresser le signal qu’à nos yeux les dictateurs peuvent tout se permettre» http://www.slate.fr/story/186665/guerre-syrie-responsabilite-france-ancien-ambassadeur-michel-duclos?fbclid=IwAR3AJDGpBBX25EW36AVJMJHX6O_zCygw0Chi00LsKhQ0p3-y7Fdd47bVD0Q


11-Theatre :

Review: In Suitcase/Adrenaline at Theatre Passe Muraille, a #Syria n refugee playwright explores the absurdity of escape /via @globeandmail https://www.theglobeandmail.com/arts/theatre-and-performance/reviews/article-in-suitcaseadrenaline-at-theatre-passe-muraille-a-syrian-refugee/?utm_medium=Referrer:+Social+Network+/+Media&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links

-Local play hopes to show a different side of #Syria https://thegatewayonline.ca/2020/01/local-play-hopes-to-show-a-different-side-of-syria/…


12-Film: -‘The Cave’s’ Dr. Amani Ballour On Saving Lives, Inspiring Women – https://deadline.com/2020/01/the-cave-dr-amani-ballour-feras-fayyad-oscars-natgeo-documentary-interview-1202846771/#utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter&utm_campaign=social_bar&utm_content=top_amp&utm_id=1202846771


13- Musique:

-Combattre l’indifférence. L’histoire de la Syrie à travers la musique. https://franceculture.fr/emissions/juke-box/la-syrie-dantan-1970-2011



– Des prisons d’#Assad au pays d’Éluard Huit ans plus tard, @omarsouleimane  veut croire que tous les morts du printemps syrien ont au moins contribué à changer les esprits. « »Tout ce que nous voulions, écrit-il, c’était vivre comme des êtres humains » https://www.ledevoir.com/lire/571826/livre-des-prisons-d-assad-au-pays-d-eluard

– The siege of fragrant » This is story of Syrian women life in Damascus and see the war and bombing and the siege. https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=2aNtDwAAQBAJ


15-Arts :

Interview: Artists Rebuild Refugees’ Emotional Memories of “Home” Inside Suitcases https://mymodernmet.com/mohamad-hafez-unpacked-interview/ via @mymodernmet


16-Phtoto :

Turkish, #Syria n women show what ‘equal future’ looks like through their lenses. A future free of violence, discrimination and sexism. https://www.dailysabah.com/arts-culture/2020/01/29/turkish-syrian-women-show-what-equal-future-looks-like-through-their-lenses


17-Propagande et désinformations :

-Absolute disgrace that those who engage in war-crimes denialism, the spread of conspiracy theories & propagandize on behalf of a fascist regime are employed by prestigious UK universities https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/entry/the-useful-idiots_uk_5e2b107ac5b67d8874b0dd9d?fks&guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvL2pRdno5V0VrVms_YW1wPTE&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKgnQ2iytREmvJliaDF8xA7vPBEeJ3AeSPh1iQUYNW0GaklqKaSyxC4Q0qsh5wUUG9djaRFMMZDC1pyW36cVJ9hSgrDHDOBmivqA8P7z5Z5NxcVFZMuLrB3Gb-zbVMFU7aEIcnyjJlGDsKf5SrkWgOp8fLhF0DdgKtKmFmIeoaUe


18-Les Syriens :

-‘I am not worried for the future for my children’ #Syria  https://www.thewhig.com/news/local-news/i-am-not-worried-for-the-future-for-my-children

-#Syrie Brother reunites with refugee family in Sackville after three years apart | SaltWire  https://www.saltwire.com/news/local/brother-reunites-with-refugee-family-in-sackville-after-three-years-apart-403767/?location=sackville#.XjJ0ZTxuUbs.twitter

-#Syria n refugee family of 11 sworn in as Canadian citizens at special ceremony in Calgary  https://calgary.ctvnews.ca/syrian-refugee-family-of-11-sworn-in-as-canadian-citizens-at-special-ceremony-in-calgary-1.4787199

-Syrian refugee pharmacist switches careers to open burger outlet | The London Free Press https://lfpress.com/business/local-business/syrian-refugee-pharmacist-switches-careers-to-open-burger-outlet

Le maarouk On ne la trouve dans la plus grande ville de Syrie que pendant le Ramadan, mais l’attente en vaut la peine https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/en-bref/comment-realiser-cette-brioche-moelleuse-dalep


29- La Syrie à Paris:


-Expo, « Refuge » sur le parvis de la mairie de Paris via @MSF_France  https://www.msf.fr/evenements/exposition-photo-refuge-sur-le-parvis-de-la-mairie-de-paris

-Expo Syrie témoigner à tout prix ! photos de Firas Abdullah et du Ghouta Media Center https://www.facebook.com/events/s/exposition-syrie-temoigner-a-t/2569224093176138/

Vernissage jeudi le 6 février 18h30 

-Vendredi 7 Février : Cinéma et Vidéo, Sortir de l’orientalisme, 20h, https://www.centrepompidou.fr/cpv/ressource.action?param.id=FR_R-e8db8d1db55ac194707743f35ceb94ca&param.idSource=FR_E-e8db8d1db55ac194707743f35ceb94ca

-Samedi 8 février : Voir la révolution , Abou Naddara, 20h, https://www.centrepompidou.fr/cpv/ressource.action?param.id=FR_R-bbae42f71fe3f6a6ab41fd2e11d6a13f&param.idSource=FR_E-bbae42f71fe3f6a6ab41fd2e11d6a13f

Tous les jeudis midi la Cantine syrienne propose un bon repas à prix libre (de 12h à 14h) à La Maison ouverte. #Montreuil Pour ceux et celles qui veulent faire contribuer, les portes sont aussi ouvertes. https://facebook.com/events/s/les-jeudis-de-la-cantine-syrie/838881166508229/?ti=cl