Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 6 de 2020

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

Semaine 6 de l’an 2020

Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.

En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et  liés à la Syrie est proposée.

Dessin de Marc Nelson
Civils en fuite dans le Grand Idleb, Décembre 2019

1– Rapports et Etudes:

-Why Fourth_Division withdrew its forces deployed in Kibana Hill in Syria’s Latakia province to the western and southern countryside of Aleppo? Because the 4th Division want to manage the M5 (major trade route in Syria) and benefit from the trade fees For more read my paper. New Publication WPCS | The Economic Networks of the Fourth Division during the Syrian Conflict | Ayman Aldassouky – https://mailchi.mp/38f90b46ca7d/new-publication-wpcs-the-economic-networks-of-the-fourth-division-during-the-syrian-conflict-ayman-aldassouky

-Solid piece on the history of Jaysh al-Islam https://aljumhuriya.net/en/content/army-scam

-Attrition des groupes rebelles syriens et facteurs de retour au combat des ex-combattants : étude de 196 cas individuels. We find that ex-fighters who are ideologically committed to the defeat of the Assad regime and/or the establishment of an Islamic state are most likely to want to return to combat. However, rebel group organizational deficiencies and strategies keep many highly motivated fighters away. Our results illustrate how rebel fighters might quickly remobilize when disciplined, well-organized rebel groups emerge on the scene, as evidenced by the rapid ascent of the Islamic State (ISIS). https://academic.oup.com/isq/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/isq/sqaa002/5716907?redirectedFrom=fulltext



This is Saraqib, the town that pro-Assad forces are surrounding today. https://newyorker.com/magazine/2018/12/10/syrias-last-bastion-of-freedom… The consequences of what is happening in these days will be felt for years to come, in Syria and far beyond.

-People of Saraqeb did what the whole international community, the West and every political power didn’t: opposed the Assad regime, the Iranian occupation and the Russian imperialism. Now, Saraqeb is being slaughtered by Assad. Saraqeb, we love you.This is the story of the legendary town of Saraqeb, a lesson in resistance and a monument for the true spirit of the Syrian revolution. https://diary.thesyriacampaign.org/saraqeb-walls/

-The Displacement Journey |  https://youtu.be/8EwchXdzUeA @molhamteam


3-Ariha :

Syrians demanded that Assad go. He stayed, they were forced to leave …. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/pictures-deserted-town-ariha-idlib

-We’ve gathered evidence that suggests the family was attacked about a dozen times…over a 4 hour period’ by Channel 4 News. What the Regime will do to men, women and very little children…to silence one man’s principled dissent?. How this #Syrian family was repeatedly bombed, the total disregard by #Russia & the #Assad regime for children’s lives: they’re out to kill them, this piece shows that. International Humanitarian Law trashed. https://www.channel4.com/news/syria-the-family-followed-by-bombs



Quand Téhéran s’invite dans la bataille à Idleb avec l’engagement (nouveau sur ce front) de milices chiites pro-iraniennes https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1205574/quand-teheran-sinvite-dans-la-bataille.html

– In one of the most horrific war crimes yet in #Syria, a maternity hospital was deliberately bombed. In the aftermath, our #WhiteHelmets worked exhaustively caring for helpless newborns and mothers, some in labour. 4 hospitals were targeted in last 5 days https://www.channel4.com/news/pregnant-women-and-newborn-babies-saved-from-syrian-maternity-hospital

-Family of nine killed as Russian warplane targets minibus in #Aleppo countryside #Syria https://www.orient-news.net/en/news_show/176753/Family-of-nine-killed-as-Russian-warplane-targets-minibus-in-Aleppo-countryside

-More than 400 airstrikes on Idlib launched by Russia and Syria, as hundreds of thousands try to flee – @Channel4News https://www.channel4.com/news/more-than-400-airstrikes-on-idlib-launched-by-russia-and-syria-as-hundreds-of-thousands-try-to-flee

-« Les bombardements des installations médicales de la région sont quasi quotidiens. […] au cours des dernières semaines, cinq établissements autour de nous ont été partiellement ou entièrement détruits et sont hors-service » https://msf.fr/actualites/syrie-a-idlib-un-tsunami-humain-et-des-hopitaux-bombardes-quasi-tous-les-jours?fbclid=IwAR3irteR0G61y5DP2-jfauN4pFaGrslF__Xj5GXEFrg12C1-nNp9-kWfYXM

The Eleventh Hour for Idlib, Syria’s Last Rebel Bastion. The brutal offensive by #Syria#Russia on #Idlib is threatening *unprecedented* levels of death and displacement. What’s needed now is to defuse situation and real action to protect civilians.

A lot in here to take note of about #Idlib and especially about the gathering insurgencies, including from #IS, in areas the #Asad/#Iran system « holds ».



5-Agir pour Idlib :

#Syria civil society NGOs sent letter highlighting the « unprecedented humanitarian catastrophe » in #Idlib & the need for « urgent » help. Through the ‘Break the Border’ campaign, activists in Idlib are threatening Western countries, and Turkey, with a major influx of refugees if they do not live up to their responsibilities to stop the mass slaughter of civilians in Syria.  https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/idlib-activists-put-pressure-on-west-with-break-the-border-campaign

-Syrians need more than our tears | Letter https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/06/syrians-need-more-than-our-tears?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

-Activists announce losses of 88 facilities and buildings due to bombardment on Idlib – Enab Baladi https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/02/syrian-response-coordinators-announce-losses-of-88-facilities-and-buildings-due-to-bombardment-on-idlib/

-Pour la dignité de l’humanité refuge en #Syrie ! 1 Retweet = PLUS de visibilité = plus de chances de trouver des donateurs ! https://www.cotizup.com/pour-la-dignite-de-la-syrie

-The Irish Syria Solidarity Movement respectfully requests all candidates in the upcoming General Election to support Syrians as they continue to suffer the worst humanitarian crisis of our time. https://medium.com/@info_24377/election-pledge-5eac60c872ef

-« The majority of Syrians who have fled the latest regime onslaught in Idlib have revealed they would refuse to return if Bashar al-Assad is still in power. » https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/2/7/most-syrian-refugees-wouldnt-return-to-assad-held-areas?fbclid=IwAR3W92tlU9rS7Bq153xtuUiJFVk25YpcMRclMCzhNVEvZh64QYJ2KzXIwFo


6-Northeast Syria:

An Unnerving Fate for the Families of Syria’s Northeast.  the residual threat posed by ISIS ideology; – the key social functions fulfilled by tribal structures; – the SDF’s micromanaging of aid programs. https://carnegieendowment.org/sada/80950

-Selon le service scientifique du Parlement allemand, le changement démographique visant les Kurdes syriens & l’installation de 2,5 millions de réfugiés dans les territoires occupés par la Turquie au nord de la Syrie violent le droit international. https://anfenglishmobile.com/rojava-syria/demographic-change-in-northern-syria-violates-international-law-41383


7-Aide humanitaire:

-6,500 kids have been displaced in #Idlib *every day* since Dec 1, 2019. #Russia launched ~700 airstrikes in January 2020, amid multiple strikes on hospitals. @myacoubian provides an excellent overview of the dire humanitarian situation in NW #Syria: https://usip.org/publications/2020/02/amid-humanitarian-crisis-syrian-regime-intensifies-idlib-offensive#.Xjmp78WXARs.twitter


8- Refugees:

-How the EU and Turkey can promote self-reliance for #Syria n refugees through agricultural trade


-The Palestinians Fleeing #Syria Are Among the Most Vulnerable Refugees via  @thenation https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/the-palestinians-fleeing-syria-are-among-the-most-vulnerable-refugees/


9- Le régime et la société :

-The sanctions are tightening the stranglehold on Syria’s economy and increasing the suffering among the population.. https://www.mei.edu/publications/damascus-battles-economic-collapse-syrian-pound-plummets

-Syria « has lost $226 billion in GDP between 2011-2016, no doubt most of which was caused by the regime’s war strategy” Exactly why the regime should not be rewarded with ‘reconstruction’ funds. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/skeptics/assad-monster%E2%80%94and-winner-syrian-civil-war-119716

#Syrie : pertes civiles et déplacements internes en forte hausse dans le nord-ouest du pays  https://blogs.icrc.org/hdtse/2020/02/04/syrie-les-pertes-civiles-et-deplacements-internes-en-forte-hausse-dans-le-nord-ouest-du-pays/

-In-depth – ‘Bashar Al-#Assad‘s forces moved into Maarat Al-Numan this week, after a two-month siege of the once-bustling #Idlib city but found it almost completely devoid of human life‘ writes @PaullMcLoughlin https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/2/1/syria-weekly-assad-regime-captures-ghost-town-maarat-al-numan

-Damascus notified 2 families in Inkhel, Daraa, that 2 of their sons died in Sednaya prison. They were arrested right after Daraa « reconciled » & tortured to death. Then the regime arrested a brother of one of the victims http://bit.ly/3792Qt8

— Interview by @ajaltamimi with a resident of a town in western Daraa who reports they have no running water, no supply from the main grid, no govt-funded bakery http://bit.ly/2GTac9p Highlights limited state capacity in Syria, particularly in areas formerly held by rebels/ISIS http://www.aymennjawad.org/2020/01/the-village-of-maariya-in-the-yarmouk-basin


-Russie :

-‘Russia is doing everything it can to undermine UN’s work in Syria, including targeting UN budget. Russia knows how to take advantage of the UN system to further its goals. What’s not clear is whether the UN has a strategy to deal with Russia.’ https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-02-04/russia-strong-arms-un-to-bolster-assad-and-putin-s-mideast-clout


-Iran :

#IRGC internal manuals used to radicalise recruits. Recruits are told #Khamenei is equal to the Prophet, to kill Jews,Christians via #jihad & torture Iranians opposing the regime. This is the 1st time these docs have been translated https://institute.global/policy/beyond-borders-expansionist-ideology-irans-islamic-revolutionary-guard-corps

-One of Tehran’s and #AlQaeda’s first joint projects was in Bosnia during the war (1992-5), where #Iran helped to make Al-Qaeda a truly global phenomenon—with a foothold in Europe, https://kyleorton1991.wordpress.com/2020/02/05/iran-admits-collaborating-with-al-qaeda-in-bosnia/

-What brought Iranian forces to Idlib front? https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/02/iran-battlefield-idlib-syria-soleimani.html

-Campaign to pressure Western governments to stop support to Iraq until withdrawal of Iraqi military units (PMUs) supporting Assad in Syria. Would anyone like to help draft a petition, email MPs, etc.? https://www.huffpost.com/entry/assads-secret-ingredient-the-iraq-militarys-unknown_b_5972076be4b0f1feb89b42c2?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly90LmNvL1V1TVFYNml6Nmg_YW1wPTE&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAADThuT3QNwmB10MQF7HwO1ww23OVMywZPS9LWaNJI1c1LjqCr-GsoqelFKHW-BBs_pnBnVoeLvuFaPWO9ho-zUin0KQd8kH3DqBNXCFcC3wz_gd5bxVYNTFD2TCnV_QtbwEhEKTuAuwgWc-SZOuSEf2qHisRfbd7cmcWdBGi6M8K


10-Turquie :

-Ankara’s latest move might slow the Syrian regime’s Russian-backed onslaught on Idlib, but the tyrant will remain on the throne so long as the world turns a blind eye.

« The latest violence, unraveling economy, and destitution that robbed so many Syrians of hope show the cost of this erosion of decency. Without justice, no peace will be tenable, no matter how many Russian missiles or barrel bombs rain from the sky. »



11-Daech :

-Un chercheur #syrie n alerte sur la résurgence du groupe EI dans son pays http://rfi.my/5Kbn.T via @RFI

-If the likes of ISIS, HTS, al-Qaeda, Iran, and its proxies are left to their own devices in #Syria, we will live to regret it, writes @Charles_Lister @MiddleEastInst https://www.mei.edu/publications/syria-were-getting-counter-terrorism-all-wrong


12- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

-Having to give up almost all of my 500-book collection when I moved from Istanbul to Montreal. It still breaks my heart to think about it: Rebuilding a library when you’ve left behind old books from an earlier life https://thenational.ae/opinion/comment/rebuilding-a-library-when-you-ve-left-behind-old-books-from-an-earlier-life-1.974416…

-‘I have hope. I don’t give in to despair, it will only affect my mental health. No conflict lasts forever.’ Powerful voice for #ReclaimSocial today @jackahmed12 sharing his epic journey fraught with danger to safety in the UK #RefugeesWelcome https://imix.org.uk/being-forced-to-embark-on-a-journey-so-dangerous-is-incredibly-frightening/

-Syria’s hero doctor steps reluctantly into Oscars limelight. http://u.afp.com/3JqC

#Syrie : dans Idlib bombardée, les réseaux sociaux pour résister à l’abandon par @garancelecaisne   https://fr.news.yahoo.com/syrie-idlib-bombard%C3%A9e-r%C3%A9seaux-sociaux-080000254.html?soc_src=social-sh&soc_trk=tw…

#Syria n girl best in her class in Germany https://www.dailysabah.com/life/2020/02/02/syrian-girl-best-in-her-class-in-germany

-« I scroll through #Facebook, where local journalists post pictures… They’ve not given up on showing the world what’s happening in #Idlib. I wonder how many of the politicians I met this week can say they have also not given up? – @waadalkateab: https://nytimes.com/2020/02/07/opinion/assad-russia-syria-for-sama.html

-Protests in Daraa: Russia absent as Damascus weaponizes ‘tribal schisms’ #Syria https://syriadirect.org/news/protests-in-daraa-russia-absent-as-damascus-weaponizes-%e2%80%98tribal-schisms%e2%80%99/#.Xj52EESg0Zk.twitter


13- Justice et vérité:

-L’insurrection en #Syrie https://infolibertaire.net/linsurrection-en-syrie/… via @infoLibertaire


14-Armes Chimiques, Propagande et désinformations:-

-Investigation by #OPCW destroys false claims of manipulation of data. This story needs to be circulated widely. Sources that claimed manipulation may face legal action. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/feb/07/inquiry-strikes-blow-to-russian-denials-of-syria-chemical-attack

@OPCW statement demolishes the #Douma CW conspiracy theory pushed, amongst others by @ClarkeMicah. This definitively puts the matter to rest & removes any shred of credibility « Ian Henderson » (& « Alex ») might’ve claimed to have. https://opcw.org/sites/default/files/documents/2020/02/s-1839-2020%28e%29.pdf


15-Analyse :

-As doom rains down in #Syria, the world damns itself in its silence /via @globeandmail https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-as-doom-rains-down-in-syria-the-world-damns-itself-in-its-silence/?utm_medium=Referrer:+Social+Network+/+Media&utm_campaign=Shared+Web+Article+Links

-Après la mort de Soleimani, peut-on mettre un terme aux guerres au Moyen-Orient ? via @LaConvCA @NTenzer #Syrie https://theconversation.com/apres-la-mort-de-soleimani-peut-on-mettre-un-terme-aux-guerres-au-moyen-orient-130913?utm_medium=amptwitter&utm_source=twitter


16-Patrimoine :

-Diana Darke lament for everything we are losing in #Idlib #Syria https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-51177433



Abdulmonam Eassa a largement contribué à la couverture dans la #Ghouta orientale. Il y a documenté #assadcrimes avec la #Russie avant d’abandonner sa ville natale d’Hammouriyé.  https://www.grands-reporters.com/syrie-les-pleurs-du-photographe/




-Two Oscar-nominated documentaries show the impact of the Syrian War on women https://ti.me/2GTuf7M?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=social-share-article

-“This is very important, because too many people around the world don’t know what happens in #Syria. I hope two films will make pressure to #stopbombinghospitals.” – Syrian Dr. @AmaniBallour , protagonist of #Oscar-nominated film by @FerasFayyad https://www.latimes.com/entertainment-arts/movies/story/2020-02-07/oscars-syria-feras-fayyad-the-cave

– ‘The Cave’ Filmmakers Had Therapist On Call Duting production. “Some days I could only work one hour, and then I had to go home, crying,” editor Per Kirkegaard said. “But it’s a little price to pay, given what the #Syria n people are experiencing.” https://www.thewrap.com/the-cave-filmmakers-had-therapist-on-call-during-production-of-syria-war-doc/#.Xj6NDRxtbY8.twitter


19- Art:

-Val-d’Oise. Réfugiée politique, Afia Rezk raconte la #Syrie à Pontoise. « C’est une manière de rendre hommage à la Syrie »,  https://actu.fr/ile-de-france/pontoise_95500/val-doise-refugiee-politique-afia-rezk-raconte-syrie-pontoise_31087185.html



-« Butterfly », le coup de cœur de Lilou. c’est l’histoire vraie et hors du commun de Yusra Mardini, une jeune réfugiée syrienne devenue nageuse olympique et ambassadrice des Nations Unies. #Syrie https://francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/les-enfants-des-livres/les-enfants-des-livres-butterfly-l-histoire-d-une-refugiee-syrienne-devenue-nageuse-olympique_3790673.html#xtor=CS2-765-[twitter]-…

-Non violence dans la révolution syrienne. Ouvrage collectif, textes proposés par Guillaume Gamblin et Pierre Sommermeyer aux @edLibertaires https://syrie.news/2020/02/02/fiche-de-lecture-non-violence-revolution-syrienne-ouvrage-collectif/


21-Les Syriens :

-A Cayenne, des demandeurs d’asile syriens dorment dans la rue #Syrie  https://www.la-croix.com/France/Immigration/A-Cayenne-demandeurs-dasile-syriens-dorment-rue-2020-02-07-1201076872

-Quatre ans après leur arrivée, les réfugiés #syrie ns s’intègrent peu à peu  https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1503466/refugies-syriens-integration-immigration-canada-atlantique

#Syria n children labor to support families torn apart by war http://almon.co/3baw via @AlMonitor https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/01/syria-shadadi-child-labor-schools-open-orphans.html

#Syria n refugees in Turin thanks to ‘Open Arms’ project https://www.infomigrants.net/en/post/22520/syrian-refugees-in-turin-thanks-to-open-arms-project?ref=tw

-Pont-à-Mousson | De la #Syrie jusqu’à la porte de l’association AMI, le parcours de Lorka, journaliste réfugié https://www.estrepublicain.fr/edition-pont-a-mousson/2020/02/08/de-la-syrie-jusqu-a-la-porte-de-l-association-ami-le-parcours-de-lorka-journaliste-refugie

-Life for a #Syria n refugee family who fled war to settle in Wales https://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/syrian-refugee-resettled-wales-abergavenny-17663188?utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=sharebar

-A child from Ash-Shahil, Deir Ezzor achieves great success in sambo in Germany https://en.deirezzor24.net/a-child-from-ash-shahil-deir-ezzor-achieves-great-success-in-sambo-in-germany/



22- La Syrie à Paris:

Expo Syrie témoigner à tout prix ! photos de Firas Abdullah et du Ghouta Media Center https://www.facebook.com/events/s/exposition-syrie-temoigner-a-t/2569224093176138/

-Expo, « Refuge » sur le parvis de la mairie de Paris via @MSF_France  https://www.msf.fr/evenements/exposition-photo-refuge-sur-le-parvis-de-la-mairie-de-paris

  Les après-midi des vendredi 14 et samedi 15 févrie : Rencontre : le négationnisme de gauche, mensonge pour la cause ? https://www.facebook.com/events/2695039223905232/

-Samedi 15 février, 20h : FAIA YOUNAN http://www.le13emeart.com/les-evenements/faia-younan/

Tous les jeudis midi la Cantine syrienne propose un bon repas à prix libre (de 12h à 14h) à La Maison ouverte. #Montreuil Pour ceux et celles qui veulent faire contribuer, les portes sont aussi ouvertes. https://www.facebook.com/La-Cantine-Syrienne-de-Montreuil-%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%AF%D8%A9-%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B3%D9%88%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9-1583058531828054/?eid=ARDPEGjpStkPuvm1Gsny5UsMMPdGG2l857DV5g-SHdW-9-nit0b-5q7fjChfzS8r2VuFowIYVJ3WJWEl