Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 17 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. «
1– Rapports et Etudes:
–Syria Pro-government media as a Security branch to deal with the COVID-19 crisis
“SANA” as a case study, How did the Coronavirus issue affect Syrian media discourse?
-Study looking at attempts by communities under Damascus’ control to rehabilitate basic services & the parasitic regime structures & cronies thwarting them and extracting bribes. This is what will happen if donor $ go to reconstruction https://coar-global.org/2020/03/31/arrested-development-rethinking-local-development-in-syria/
-Ramadan in #Syria‘s Idlib, reportage photo. Civilians in the de-escalation zone of Idlib region of Syria, welcome the holy month of Ramadan.
– En #Syrie, un bastion rebelle construit des ventilateurs de fortune pour lutter contre le virus https://news-24.fr/en-syrie-un-bastion-rebelle-construit-des-ventilateurs-de-fortune-pour-lutter-contre-le-virus-2/
-Displaced #Syria ns Go Home to Ruins Over Virus Fears | Asharq AL-awsat https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/2236601/displaced-syrians-go-home-ruins-over-virus-fears
– Makeshift oil refineries a necessary evil for locals in north-west #Syria https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2020/apr/24/makeshift-oil-refineries-a-necessary-evil-for-locals-in-north-east-syria-study-finds
3-Agir pour Idlib :
-There is a real fear that coronavirus could spread in the refugees camp in northern Syria. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/57469/female-volunteers-from-kafr-nubl-help-displaced-syrians-prevent-spread-of-covid-19.html
– Violet Organization: The Idlib NGO helping Syria’s embattled province fight Covid-19 https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/4/24/violet-organization-the-syrian-ngo-battling-coronavirus-in-idlib
4-Coronavirus and Syria:
-Promises by the World Health Organization to deliver ventilators, protection equipment and other supplies to NW Syria have mostly not materialized, the majority of assistance until now directed to regions under regime’s control. #WHO #Syria https://apnews.com/44fa3fa4f2cc05c554b3bdd48ca58137?utm_medium=APMiddleEast&utm_campaign=SocialFlow&utm_source=Twitter
-In-depth – ‘Kurdish authorities incensed over regime-#WHO coronavirus cover up’ https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/4/19/syria-weekly-kurdish-authorities-incensed-over-regime-who-coronavirus-cover-up
-Syria’s intelligence infrastructure currently holds around 130,000 detainees, according to SNHR, with most arrested since the beginning of the popular democratic uprising against Bashar al-Assad in March 2011. #Syria https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/4/22/coronavirus-highlights-desperate-plight-of-prisoners-in-syrias-jails
5-Aide humanitaire:
-The WHO, The Assad regime withheld medical and humanitarian aid from besieged communities in an effort to starve them into submission. Hundreds died of hunger & lack of medical care. The regime routinely prevent @WHO from delivering life-saving aid. WHO kept silent. https://www.middleeasteye.net/big-story/how-un-health-agency-became-apologist-assad-atrocities
6- Education:
-Les bombes ayant mis fin à leur scolarité, les enfants d’#Idleb travaillent pour nourrir leurs familles #Syrie https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/reportages/les-bombes-ayant-mis-fin-leur-scolarite-les-enfants-didleb-travaillent-pour-nourrir?fbclid=IwAR3mXMfsQ9nQbpSRkqIEu4tg1aqOpmSBUpAK18iNjlA5OU_Lr6B38IoFI2s
7- Refugees:
– #Syria What Happens Next with Refugees, Europe and Coronavirus. https://time.com/5823475/syrian-refugees-europe-coronavirus/
8- Le régime et la société :
-Assad’s not pleasing his Russian owners. Too bad, so sad. Russia is reportedly angry with Assad for violating a ceasefire and attacking rebel-held Idlib province in January 2020, causing Turkey to intervene against Assad.’ https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/4/19/russian-news-agency-calls-assad-weak-in-unprecedented-criticism
– Every few months, you hear a new story about someone from the al-#Assad clan – good luck telling who’s who. To shed more light on the better-known Assad kin and their roles in #Syria, Karam Shaar Economist and Policy Analyst, built this interactive family tree in collaboration with activists. https://www.karamshaar.com/assad-family
-‘Bashar al-Assad has purchased, for his wife Asma, David Hockney’s painting “Splash” for £23.1 million’ While people in régime areas have no bread. The régime flaunts its wealth to the end, it didn’t kill a million people not to. https://tiendagourmet.co/media-syrias-president-assad-gave-his-wife-a-david-hockney-painting-for-tens-of-millions-of-pounds
-Press freedom in Syria: The risk of arrest, abduction or death is still extremely high for journalists. Dozens of journalists have had to flee the advance of the regime because they feared arrest – several journalists have been killed in regime detention https://rsf.org/en/syria
– Syrians, still deprived of peace at home, are now fighting on both sides of the conflict in Libya. Their involvement is indicative of the desperate predicament for many young Syrian men deprived of economic opportunities. https://syriaaccountability.org/updates/2020/04/23/driven-by-poverty-syrians-are-paying-the-ultimate-price-in-libya/
–#Daraa : Damascus sent a large force to Harak where they presume the insurgents who killed two senior Regime officers recently are located. They intended to search homes and make arrests but #Russian directed 5th Corp controls the town and won’t allow it. http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/19947
-What were the reasons behind #Iran’s Foreign Minister Java’s Zarif’s sudden visit to #Syria on Wednesday? https://syriadirect.org/news/what-was-javad-zarif-doing-in-damascus/
10-Russie :
– La Federal News Agency tenue par un proche de Vladimir Poutine pointe du doigt les affaires de corruption au cœur du pouvoir syrien.
-Sociétés militaires russes. Wagner, combien de divisions ? #Syrie https://orientxxi.info/magazine/societes-militaires-russes-wagner-combien-de-divisions,3804
-Journalists publish new evidence of Russian mercenaries torturing and killing a Syrian deserter in 2017 https://meduza.io/en/news/2020/04/21/journalists-publish-new-evidence-of-russian-mercenaries-torturing-and-killing-a-syrian-deserter-in-2017
– Russian mercenary suspected of beheading civilians in #Syria identified https://sofrep.com/news/russian-mercenary-suspected-of-beheading-civilians-in-syria-identified/
11-Turkey :
-Syria’s Ras al-Ain to open trade crossing with Turkey https://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2020/04/syria-opposition-ras-al-ain-trade-crossing-border-turkey.html
-Turkey Presses on With Military Campaigns in Iraq and #Syria Despite Coronavirus Woes https://www.newsweek.com/turkey-press-iraq-syria-coronavirus-woes-1498665
12-Interview :
#Syria, Journalism and the Cost of Indifference. spoke w/ @kshaheen about the importance of journalism in the MENA region, his visit to #khansheikhoun after the Assad regime’s 2017 chemical attack as well as his reflections on what he called this ‘nightmare decare’ for the Arab and Muslim worlds. https://thefirethisti.me/2020/04/17/10-syria-journalism-and-the-cost-of-indifference/
–From ancient Palestine to #Syria: A treasure trove of incredible Middle Eastern maps is now available online https://thenational.ae/arts-culture/from-ancient-palestine-to-syria-a-treasure-trove-of-incredible-middle-eastern-maps-is-now-available-online-1.1006301… via @TheNationalUAE
14- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-Compass Rose Scholarship 2020: The King recognizes @omarAlshogre for compassion, courage and strong values, values-based leadership . http://www.mynewsdesk.com/se/konungens-stiftelse-ungt-ledarskap/pressreleases/compass-rose-scholarship-2020-the-king-recongnises-omar-alshogre-for-compassion-courage-and-strong-values-2992538?fbclid=IwAR2Pbtt7TzZlqEjVf0A4MDZFeIepd1gn2UdNyEGslVlydGAUnxPNHUxnClM
–Les médecins syriens en Europe montent au front contre le coronavirus « La Syrie dépeuplée de ses blouses blanches. Plus de 50 % des médecins ont déjà quitté le pays. Et au moins 923 professionnels de santé ont été tués entre 2011 et mars 2020 » https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1215219/les-medecins-syriens-en-europe-montent-au-front-contre-le-coronavirus.html
Dr Ammar Kanbar caught coronavirus while working in a hospital at Stoke-on-Trent, and says suffering through Covid-19 was worse than having to flee wartorn Syria. https://www.channel4.com/news/i-thought-i-would-die-meet-the-syrian-doctor-who-survived-coronavirus-by-helping-to-treat-himself
-The Shikho family, #Syria n Refugees Produce Masks as Gesture of Gratitude to French Village | A 19-year-old high school student, Fawzi wrote a booklet, « I’m searching for peace », depicting the family’s odyssey, It begins in Homs. https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/2241456/syrian-refugees-produce-masks-gesture-gratitude-french-village
-« Je suis 2015 » en Suède, des réfugiés racontent leurs intégration. Nabila conduit un bus, Duas pharmacienne, Mohammed infirmier & interprète, Haya architecte, Ghassan travaille à l’aéroport, Sa femme enseignante, le fils fait médecine. Tous parlent suédois. https://www.infomigrants.net/fr/post/24146/je-suis-2015-en-suede-des-refugies-racontent-leurs-parcours-d-integration-sur-les-reseaux-sociaux
–100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/
-US coronavirus battle evokes painful #Syrian war memories for Arab American doctor https://www.arabnews.com/node/1660011/world
15- Justice:
-Le procès, – jour 1, German court hears of ‘inhumane’ torture in #Syria state prison https://www.afp.com/en/news/15/german-court-hears-inhumane-torture-syria-state-prison-doc-1qq5qq3#.XqHvZT9WN_o.twitter
-Jour2, #Syria n ‘torturers’ switched sides, German court hears https://www.france24.com/en/20200424-syrian-torturers-switched-sides-german-court-hears?ref=tw
-This week, Wassim Mukdad will come face-to-face with the man accused of running a government detention center where he and thousands of others were tortured during the early months of the uprising against Syrian President Bashar Assad. https://apnews.com/502ddbc7d26bb6dccbfaeb9b3f7adb17
– Syria torture trial opens in Germany, reports @jonsnowC4 https://www.channel4.com/news/syria-torture-trial-opens-in-germany
-« Quand j’ai su qu’il vivait tranquillement en Allemagne, je me suis demandée comment il pouvait oser ? » fustige Nuran al-Ghamian, l’une des anciennes détenues témoignant contre Anwar Raslan #Syrie #Allemagne https://lorientlejour.com/article/1215416/en-allemagne-le-proces-dun-colonel-syrien-redonne-de-lespoir-aux-victimes.html… via @LOrientLeJour
-Exactions en Syrie : 5 ans de quête, une plainte en France, un espoir de justice L’ingénieur franco-syrien Obeida Dabbagh raconte son calvaire. https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1215292/exactions-en-syrie-5-ans-de-quete-une-plainte-en-france-un-espoir-de-justice.html
–Le colonel Raslan, déserteur mais faux repenti.
Wael El Khaldy « ce n’est pas Anwar Raslan qui a pris contact avec mon groupe. C’est sa femme. Elle a décidé de ne pas lui laisser le choix. c’est elle l’héroïne dans cette histoire. »
16-Analyse :
– Historical Lessons of the #Syria n Revolution A CRITICAL BALANCE SHEET JOSEPH DAHER https://spectrejournal.com/historical-lessons-of-the-syrian-revolution/
– Petit Bain de Musique #1 – Wael Alkak https://www.facebook.com/347381301963353/videos/238018550777508/
–Une danseuse #syrie nne danse, masquée de blanc, devant les monuments de #Paris. instants saisis par @SameerAlDoumy
https://parismatch.com/Actu/Insolite/Une-danseuse-syrienne-prend-son-envol-devant-les-monuments-de-Paris-1683179… via @ParisMatch
– Cultiver un jardin comme le désir d’une existence normale quand on est réfugié #syrie http://slate.fr/grand-format/refugies-cultiver-jardin-189633… via @slatefr
19-Livre: –
– #Syria ‘The Beekeeper Of #Aleppo‘ Wins 2020 Aspen Words Literary Prize https://www.npr.org/2020/04/16/835950317/the-beekeeper-of-aleppo-wins-2020-aspen-words-literary-prize?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social
– « L’Apiculteur d’Alep », un récit original sur la douleur des migrants https://www.rts.ch/info/culture/livres/11246486–l-apiculteur-d-alep-un-recit-original-sur-la-douleur-des-migrants.html
–#Aleppo. A Portrait of Absence – Adelaide Festival Théâtre #Syria https://adelaidefestival.com.au/events/aleppo/#.XmPRXzJ3GPM.twitter
-Les Timbres de la Révolution syrienne : la Syrie nous regarde https://www.9lives-magazine.com/37362/2018/04/04/timbres-de-revolution-syrienne-syrie-regarde/
– La page FB « Stamps of the Syrian Revolution ».
22-Les Syriens :
– In Sweden, covid has appeared to hit areas with high immigrant + working class populations the hardest. Among the dead is Josel ‘El Batal’ Gourie, a goalie from Qamishli who had played with the Syrian national team: https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/the-syrian-sports-star-who-succumbed-to-coronavirus-in-sweden-35410?fbclid=IwAR1Z8dJQqyCmEeJm-xlOfO7NzYxgjlEcYTMBDoXYxgsVaipwBqkRzWHmw-E
-Coronavirus à Alençon. Des familles de réfugiés syriens livrent 50 repas aux soignants de l’hôpital. Par ailleurs, « mon ami Mohamed Hozan, un autre réfugié syrien basé à Alençon a récupéré 10 000 masques en Turquie. Il souhaite en offrir 5 000 à l’hôpital et répartir les 5 000 autres entre les policiers, les gendarmes et ceux qui en ont besoin », précise Abdul Rahman Ajaj. https://tounesnanews.com/2020/04/15/coronavirus-a-alencon-des-familles-de-refugies-syriens-livrent-50-repas-aux-soignants-de-lhopital/
-Ce réfugié #syrien qui fabrique gratuitement des masques pour aider la France – https://www.lapressedegray.com/actualite-24827-ce-refugie-syrien-qui-fabrique-gratuitement-des-masques-pour-aider-la-france.html#.XqL7wAZqEJk.twitter
-‘Ethiopia is my home’: #Syria n chefs build new lives fuelled by shawarma https://thenational.ae/world/africa/ethiopia-is-my-home-syrian-chefs-build-new-lives-fuelled-by-shawarma-1.1008393… via @TheNationalUAE
23- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :
– Dimanche 26 avril à 18h en Live Maladies chroniques et COVID-19 Dialoguez avec nos soignants session #3, Marie Bouly, infirmière en unité COVID-19 et le Dr Dured Dardari diabétologue, répondrons à toutes vos questions. https://www.facebook.com/events/1123588494651101/
-Cries for Syria: Adocumentary movie telling the story of Syrian people struggle from 2011 to 2017, mainly shot by Syrian activists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=2&v=o2sp_1s0XlU&feature=emb_logo&has_verified=1
-Don’t miss this panel of three remarkable Syrian women (@jomanaqaddour, @rallaf, @sanasyr6 discussing the role of the Constitutional Committee, displaced communities, the importance of narrative, US policy, the state of the revolution and more: https://www.chathamhouse.org/file/struggle-state-syria-towards-accountability-and-rule-law
-@Marie_Peltier – « la Syrie, moteur et curseur du débat public.» https://www.facebook.com/224817888095414/videos/225829282189257/
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