Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 19 de 2020

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

Semaine 19 de l’an 2020

Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.

« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. « 

Sketch from eyewitness photo in Moria camp, Lesbos, by the american artist Marc Nelson.

1– Rapports et Etudes:

-Deraa: – The role of local notables, and the response of the Syrian regime & the Baath Party to the emergence of #COVID19 local initiatives in Daraa. How do the Syrian regime and Baath Party respond to community-based local initiatives in #Daraa? https://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/66968/RPR_2020_08.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

-Report: At least 138 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests Documented in #Syria in Apr 2020 Despite the Recent Amnesty Decree The Syrian Regime Arrested More People Than It Released in Apr, Amid A Real Fear That the Coronavirus Will Spread Among Thousands of Detainees . Most of the arrests in Syria are carried out without any judicial warrant while victims are passing through checkpoints or during raids.. Detainees subjected to exceptionally brutal and sadistic methods of torture’-such brutal detention conditions favorable spread http://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/05/02/54940/

-“Child Recruitment” by Parties to Conflict in Syria, a Lasting Phenomenon, A special report documenting new cases of child recruitment by the SDF and the armed groups of the Syrian opposition, the Syrian government, as well as Hayat Tahrir al-Sham/HTS



– Health sector in northern Syria… rivalry over administration hinders coordination amid limited funding – Enab Baladi https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/05/health-sector-in-northern-syria-rivalry-over-administration-hinders-coordination-amid-limited-funding/

#Idlib and Its Environs #Syria Narrowing Prospects for a Rebel Holdout.  https://washingtoninstitute.org/uploads/Documents/pubs/PolicyNote75-Tamimi.pdf

-En #Syrie, un iftar sur les ruines de la maison familiale  https://fr.news.yahoo.com/syrie-iftar-ruines-maison-familiale-173711947.html

3-Agir pour Idlib :

-Molham Volunteering Team https://molhamteam.com/fr/campaigns/205

– Violet Organization https://violetsyria.org/en/

-Ramadan in #Syria Amidst The Destruction https://www.albawaba.com/slideshow/ramadan-syria-amidst-destruction-1355439

-White Helmets calls for int’l pressure on Assad regime to abide by cease-fire in #Syria’s Idlib | Daily Sabah https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/white-helmets-calls-for-intl-pressure-on-assad-regime-to-abide-by-cease-fire-in-syrias-idlib/news

4-Coronavirus and Syria:

-“Assad’s Model” of Fighting COVID19: Forget Syrian Lives, Use the Crisis to Annul Economic Sanctions https://medium.com/@SACD/assads-model-of-fighting-covid19-forget-syrian-lives-use-the-crisis-to-annul-economic-a729d003ca3… via @SyrianACD

#Assad regime violence continues despite coronavirus https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/assad-regime-violence-continues-despite-coronavirus/1820593

#Syria n economy resumes activity… Poverty and bankruptcy outweigh Coronavirus https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/05/syrian-economy-resumes-activity-poverty-and-bankruptcy-outweigh-coronavirus/

#Syrie: dans ce centre de mise en quarantaine, l’isolement touche aussi les médecins.  https://actu.orange.fr/monde/videos/syrie-dans-ce-centre-de-mise-en-quarantaine-l-isolement-touche-aussi-les-medecins-CNT000001pSLFN.html

The impact of #COVID19 on victims of domestic violence has largely been forgotten. For a Syrian refugee in Amman, her home “is no longer a safe place.” Without shelters, refugee women will continue to bear the brunt of the virus. https://syriadirect.org/news/%e2%80%98home-is-no-longer-safe%e2%80%99-syrian-refugee-women-in-jordan-fear-domestic-violence-more-than-covid-19/#.XrGogjKz9nk.twitter

– Update on the COVID-19 situation in Syria: ‣ Reports that Turkish soldiers first to test positive in northwest ‣ Continued friction between Syrian gov and AA in the northeast ‣ Growing capacity in gov-held areas, dire situation in NW https://tande.substack.com/p/syria-in-context-coronavirus-update-390

-Hoping to cure virus, Syria labs churn out anti-malarial drug – https://www.france24.com/en/20200508-hoping-to-cure-virus-syria-labs-churn-out-anti-malarial-drug

5-Aide humanitaire:

-Millions in Syria Await Blocked Relief:  https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/28/syria-aid-restrictions-hinder-covid-19-response

6- Refugees:

-Covid-19 : la vaccination de millions d’enfants menacée au Moyen-Orient et en Afrique du Nord (UNICEF)  https://news.un.org/fr/story/2020/05/1068042

– A Forgotten Crisis: Inside The ‘Worst Refugee Camp On Earth’ During The Pandemic, And How You Can Help   https://www.vogue.co.uk/news/article/refugee-camp-coronavirus

7- Le régime et la société :

-Regime Fighters Bemoan Broken Regime Promises. « When they need us, they take us. And when we need them, they turn their backs and do nothing but procrastinate.”  https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/57765/regime-fighters-bemoan-broken-regime-promises.html

#Syria ns Face Bread Shortages As Regime Struggles With Economic Difficulties  https://www.npr.org/2020/05/04/849948421/syrians-face-bread-shortages-as-regime-faces-economic-difficulties?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social

-In a reality emblematic of the #Assad regime’s broader « reconstruction » program, work on Yarmouk camp in #Damascus has been more about statements than actual work. https://mei.edu/publications/talking-about-water-pipes-fraught-reconstruction-syrias-yarmouk-camp

#Syria n lira in free fall after ‘Assad-Makhlouf’ dispute@The_NewArab https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/5/6/syrian-lira-in-free-fall-after-assad-makhlouf-dispute

8-Le clan Assad :

– Facebook video reveals internal war within Syria’s ruling family https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/syria/facebook-video-reveals-deep-rift-within-syria-s-ruling-family-1.8816578

-the surreal rift between the two faces of Syria’s economic and political ills:  https://cgpolicy.org/articles/the-makhlouf-incident-and-the-infighting-within-the-syrian-regime/

-On Rami #Makhlouf‘s rise to power in #Syria & the emergence of various challenges in recent months: https://aawsat.com/node/2271496

-There’s Assad family feuds. An astounding airing of dirty laundry as the President and his cousin fight over the spoils of #Syria https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/may/09/could-assad-row-with-cousin-tear-down-syrian-regime?CMP=share_btn_tw

9-Les Kurdes:

-En #Syrie, les partis kurdes tentent de s’unifier http://www.rfi.fr/fr/moyen-orient/20200504-en-syrie-les-partis-kurdes-tentent-s-unifier?ref=tw


– This has not been a good year for Iran in Syria. Iran’s media is wary of discussing the full extent of the blows Iran’s project in Syria has been hammered with and has been pushing a different narrative: Iran blames U.S. for increased ISIS attacks in Iraq. https://www.jpost.com/middle-east/how-irans-syria-project-ground-to-a-half-over-six-months-626994

-Investigation by @BBC shows that an IRGC-linked airline, Mahan Air, helped spread COVID-19 across the Middle East https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-middle-east-52537663/coronavirus-by-air-the-spread-of-covid-19-in-the-middle-east

11-Russie :

-Claims that Putin intends to gain control over key economic sectors in Syria and is weakening Assad to achieve this aim. Putin to Assad: Syria’s prime economic assets are Russia’s due – DEBKAfile https://www.debka.com/putin-to-assad-syrias-prime-economic-assets-are-russias-due/

-A thoughtful piece by @Alexander_Bick on the evolution of the Russian relationship with Assad and how that’s panning out for them. https://wilsoncenter.org/article/assad-spoiler-russias-challenge-syria?fbclid=IwAR3Z3vBM2i00E02ZrgA6k8iHuoXe7KxPCm_zR8ngddj0_bBBgl_z4YOqLJo

12-U.S. says Russia is working with Syria’s Assad to move militia to Libya | Article [AMP] | Reuters https://uk.reuters.com/article/uk-libya-security-usa-syria-idUKKBN22J31B

13- Israel:

-“The #Israeli defense establishment has identified a significant reduction in the number of #Iranian forces in #Syria, a defense official said on Tuesday.”  https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium-iran-significantly-reducing-forces-in-syria-israeli-defense-official-says-1.8822526


#Syrie : Dans le nord-est du pays, l’#EI a utilisé la gorge d’#AlHota en tant que #charnier. Les autorités locales devraient d’urgence sécuriser ce site, récupérer les corps et préserver toute preuve en vue de futures poursuites judiciaires. https://www.hrw.org/fr/news/2020/05/04/syrie-lei-jete-des-corps-de-victimes-dans-une-gorge

15-Interview :

-Amb Jeffrey: US will not lift sanctions. Transition is only way forward for Syria. There is no prospect for US normalization with Assad. Arab regimes that reach out to regime get nothing, and will not change US policy. « Syria is a state where Assad’s brutality to his own people is unique in the world, even faced with Venezuela or North Korea. Assad only knows one tool, butchering his population, particularly the Sunni Arab population. » https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/2263981/jeffrey-asharq-al-awsat-russia-aware-what-kind-ally-it-has-syria

17- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :

#Syria n refugee living in Revelstoke is striving for a better life for her children   https://www.revelstokereview.com/community/syrian-refugee-living-in-revelstoke-is-striving-for-a-better-life-for-her-children/

-“This is my own way to thank the people that welcomed me in Scicli and, symbolically, Italy as a whole..In hard times, I learnt it’s important to support each other.”  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/coronavirus-italy-face-mask-syria-refugee-sicily-aleppo-war-a9493876.html

#Allemagne, les réfugiés engagés dans la lutte contre le coronavirus 300 médecins étrangers se sont manifestés en Saxe à l’appel de la chambre des médecins, pour aider dans la lutte contre le coronavirus; 625 en Bavière. Un peu partout en Allemagne #Syrie https://www.lecho.be/dossiers/coronavirus/en-allemagne-les-refugies-engages-dans-la-lutte-contre-le-coronavirus/10225091.html

100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/

-La #Syrie perd des médecins venus trouver refuge en Belgique où ils luttent contre le Covid http://www.rfi.fr/fr/podcasts/20200504-la-syrie-perd-m%C3%A9decins-venus-trouver-refuge-en-belgique-o%C3%B9-ils-luttent-contre-le-c?ref=tw

18- Justice:

-Un premier pas vers la Justice pour les Syriens, @garancelecaisne « le 23 avril 2020 est un jour spécial. Pour les Syriens, pour la Justice, contre l’impunité. Le premier procès pour crimes de guerre en relation avec la torture #Syrie https://lemonde.fr/blog/syrie/2020/05/09/un-premier-pas-vers-la-justice-pour-les-syriens/

-Guernica 37 et ses partenaires #syriens et internationaux envisagent l’action judiciaire la plus appropriée contre Rami Makhlouf (cousin de Bashar al-Assad) qui a financé le régime syrien dans son entreprise de destruction de la #Syrie .  https://www.guernica37.com/post/guernica-37-press-statement

-A network of companies and #Assad businessmen are utilized by the #Syria regime to circumvent international sanctions and carry on with its crimes against humanity. “Pro Justice” detected them and exposed their networks seeking to establish accountability  https://businessmen.pro-justice.org/en/criminals1/


– Daily: Opposition Appeals to Europe Over Russia and Assad Regime How Europe can help #Syria | European Council on Foreign Relations @BassmaKodmani https://www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_the_path_through_moscow_how_europe_can_help_syria

Greece finally reopens relations with Syria, In-depth – « #Greece‘s centre-right government moves towards Assad normalisation ». Greek neo-nazis have been fighting alongside Assad’s forces since 2011, so this is no surprise.


20-Analyse, réflexion :

-Péchés de vieillesse. Farouk Mardam Bey. Lire,Vieillir, Rire, Plaisir, Réfléchir, Haïr, Avenir… Au XIe siècle, le grand poète #syrie n Al-Ma‘arri n’aurait pas répondu autrement. Sans vanter toutefois l’intelligence humaine ! https://lorientlejour.com/article/1217177 via @LorientLeJour

21-Art :

Artist-in-residence, Maeve Clancy. During her time at MIC, Maeve has worked closely with Rouba & Noura Merzah, two young Syrian women who had to flee war torn Syria. Maeve’s work follows their journey to Ireland. @artscouncil_ie https://www.mic.ul.ie/news/2020/aleppo-to-ireland-exhibition


The Pianist from Syria book https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/The-Pianist-from-Syria/Aeham-Ahmad/9781501173493

Le livre en français, https://www.letemps.ch/culture/un-piano-ruines-damas



-Report: We Demand the Release of 422 Citizen Journalists Detained in #Syria, mostly by the Syrian Regime, & Now Also Threatened by COVID-19 Pandemic 707 Citizen Journalists Killed Since Mar2011 to Date, 78% by Syrian Regime Forces http://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/05/03/54947/

24-Graffiti :

– Aziz Al-Asmar, street artiste sur tous les fronts #Idlib #Syrie Sur les murs bombardés de sa ville, ce peintre syrien peint contre l’injustice, la guerre et l’oppression, et s’emploie depuis peu à sensibiliser ses concitoyens à la pandémie de coronavirus. https://la-croix.com/Monde/Moyen-Orient/Aziz-Al-Asmar-street-artiste-tous-fronts-2020-05-05-1201092705


#Syria n cinema: motion picture in the age of transformation https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/north-africa-west-asia/syrian-cinema-motion-picture-age-transformation/


– Victoria musician from #Syria makes ‘healing’ music for Nova Scotia https://vancouverisland.ctvnews.ca/victoria-musician-from-syria-makes-healing-music-for-nova-scotia-1.4929459


“Lost in Berlin” sur les traces de Walter Benjamin « Jamel Ibntrewan », l’exilé #syrie n, perdu dans la ville & dans la langue mais en même temps se sent à l’abri. Les paroles de Catherine Vincent sont submergées par la mélancolie,  https://vimeo.com/413630762



#Syria n orphans break fast amid debris in #Idlib https://www.aa.com.tr/en/pg/photo-gallery/syrian-orphans-break-fast-amid-debris-in-idlib


– Le caviar d’aubergine de La Résidence #Syrie https://www.groundcontrolparis.com/caviar-aubergine-la-residence/

29-Les Syriens:

-Quaregnon: #Syrie Ali remercie la Belgique et réalise masques : https://laprovince.be/552086/article/2020-05-01/quaregnon-le-syrien-remercie-la-belgique-et-realise-masques… via @sudpresseonline

– Syria’s finest do battle on Germany’s coronavirus frontline I owe a lot to this country. But there’re always dark days, when I think of my friends & family still #Syria « You speak German so well, thank you for coming to Germany & thank you for helping me » https://www.trtworld.com/magazine/syria-s-finest-do-battle-on-germany-s-coronavirus-frontline-35902

-Refugees in Germany rally to help in fight against Covid-19 #Syria https://thelocal.de/20200502/refugees-in-germany-rally-to-help-in-fight-against-covid-19… via @TheLocalGermany

-Lancaster based #Syria n refugees create cookbook showcasing their food, families and culture  https://www.lancasterguardian.co.uk/news/uk-news/lancaster-based-syrian-refugees-create-cookbook-showcasing-their-food-families-and-culture-2553587

-Montreuil-Juigné. Nadjat, le bénévole venu d’Alep en Syrie #MontreuilJuigné https://ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/montreuil-juigne-49460/montreuil-juigne-nadjat-le-benevole-venu-d-alep-en-syrie-6824136… via @ouestfrance

-Foulayronnes. Pénurie de masques : des réfugiés kurdes #syrie ns se mobilisent https://ladepeche.fr/2020/05/06/penurie-de-masques-des-refugies-kurdes-syriens-se-mobilisent,8875704.php… via @ladepechedumidi

30- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :

-« Bashar Al Assad has become much more in control of Syria to the point now where he can challenge someone like Rami Makhlouf. » Watch the full discussion with @LinaKhatibUK @samdagher and  @BBCLinaSinjab from our #CHSyria conference: https://chathamhouse.org/file/struggle-state-syria-core-institutions-within-regime-led-state

-« C’est un cri, un appel à un élan de solidarité face à cette #pandémie » Raphaël Pitti, #médecin urgentiste, a effectué de nombreux voyages humanitaires en #Syrie. Il raconte son expérience du terrain #Syrie et la crise du #coronavirus dans les hôpitaux français. .  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjGx74Ozdws


-Reportage de François Bernard sur @RFI: Veiller l’infox en temps de crise sanitaire, une partie aussi sur la Syrie  http://www.rfi.fr/fr/podcasts/20200506-veiller-infox-en-temps-crise-sanitaire?ref=tw

-‘I don’t deserve to be alive’ – How two patients recovered from Covid-19. An amazing film by @waadalkateab @mattfrei @Channel4News https://channel4.com/news/i-dont-deserve-to-be-alive-how-two-patients-recovered-from-covid-19

 – Video Conference, mardi 12 mai, 15h Chatham House, Breaking the Cycle of Violence: Transitional Justice for the Victims of ISIS in Syria, https://www.facebook.com/CHMENAProg/posts/156499419221674

-Video Event, mardi 12 mai, 18h | Maximum Pressure on the Assad Regime for its Chemical Weapons Use and Other Atrocities. https://www.hudson.org/events/1811-video-event-maximum-pressure-on-the-assad-regime-for-its-chemical-weapons-use-and-other-atrocities52020