Une semaine sur la Syrie, Semaine 51 de 2019

Une semaine sur la Syrie,

51e semaine de l’an 2019

Grâce à notre inlassable veilleur et archiviste, cette rubrique offre chaque semaine une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède. En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir est proposée. (exceptionnellement eu égard au décalage de publication, pas d’évènements cette semaine avec nos excuses)

Artwork by Miream Salameh
all rights reserved.
With her kind permission.

1– Rapports et Etudes:

– Discussions of returns to Syria rightly focus on the mortal dangers posed by a brutal police state. Yet even comparatively safe returnees face a subtler menace: A deepening economic crisis, which renders the country increasingly unlivable  http://www.synaps.network/the-point-of-odious-return

-The collapse of the Syrian state is largely a reality, argues @BassmaKodmani . Assad has become a convenient representative of Syrian legality who signs off on what Russia and Iran want. Piece published by @ArabReform_ARI@CH_MENAP https://arab-reform.net/publication/the-syrian-state-a-two-headed-monster-is-emerging/

-Excellent report by Ninar al-Ra’i on the security situation in #East_Ghouta #Damascus. Looks at arrests, detention, and conscription of former opposition fighters and activists with a focus on Zamalka, Kafr Batna, and Saqba. Some brief thoughts below https://cadmus.eui.eu/bitstream/handle/1814/63871/MED_2019_11.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y

– Cultivating a crisis: the political decline of agriculture in Syria https://cadmus.eui.eu/handle/1814/65465#.Xfkl2LTM_G0.twitter

-2019 : niveau record des feux de forêt dans le monde.. En #Syrie, feux et incendies ont brûlé de vastes étendues de terres cultivées au printemps et au début de l’été, ce qui a donné lieu à des inquiétudes quant à l’insécurité alimentaire. https://reporterre.net/2019-niveau-record-des-feux-de-foret-dans-le-monde… via @Reporterre


-100,000 people are under threat as the regime army advances.  Idleb witnessed 420 strikes on more than 30 areas in the southern and eastern and western Idleb countrysides reports Baladi News. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/55051/syrian-civil-defenses-113-civilians-martyred-and-wounded-in-four-days-in-idleb.html

-Life for civilians in #Syria ‘worse than when the year began’  https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/12/1054041

-Maarat al-Numan: Capital of southern #Idlib under fire:#Syrie https://wp.me/p7cv3Y-ehp via @enabbaladi

-‘The people left in Maarat Al-Numan have only their fellow Syrians and a few other supporters to save them from extermination.’ https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/12/21/syria-weekly-syrians-organise-evacuation-of-besieged-maarat-al-numan

– Les massacres continuent et cela fait longtemps que le monde regarde ailleurs. Parmi les victimes figurent 3 sœurs, âgées de 9, 6 et 4 ans, et leur mère. Leur père, membre de la Défense civile a récupéré leurs corps dans les décombres. https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/12/19/syrie-au-moins-26-morts-a-idlib-bombarde-sans-relache_1770143?xtor=rss-450

-UN condemns barrel bomb attacks in Syria’s Idlib https://middleeastmonitor.com/20191219-un-condemns-barrel-bomb-attacks-in-syrias-idlib/

-Humanitarian catastrophe south of Idlib and the world watching. #IdlibUnderFire Via: @guardiannews https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/19/syria-faces-winter-crisis-as-bombs-bring-food-fuel-and-aid-shortages

-Nouveau reportage d’Abdulrazak Maddi et de Bilal Bayoush sur le total dénuement de la population d’Idleb. Alors que les prix des denrées alimentaires ont doublé, les civils sont constamment bombardés par le régime Assad et la Russie #Syrie #Syria #Idleb  https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/094531-000-A/syrie-catastrophe-humanitaire-a-idleb/

#SyrianRegime forces bombed Martyr Myassar al Hamdou #Hospital in al Ghadafa village in #Idlib suburbs, Dec 17. We note that the hospital went out of service 20 days ago due to the ongoing attacks by Syrian- Russian Alliance forces on the area. #Syria http://sn4hr.org/sites/news/?p=80256

-‘We live in swamps’: Displaced Syrians struggle as torrential rains pound camps | Middle East Eye https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/we-live-swamps-torrential-rains-wreck-idp-camps-northern-syria

#Syria n women using fake weddings to flee Idlib https://www.asiatimes.com/2019/12/article/syrian-women-using-fake-weddings-to-flee-idlib/

-Are we to expect a full-scale battle by the National Front and how will Turkey respond? https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/55044/national-front-the-only-solution-is-the-fighting-in-idleb.html


3-Solidarité avec Idlib : 

-Journée internationale des migrants : en Syrie, une population déplacée et assiégée, Pr Raphaël Pitti https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=4vL8CII_2ig&app=desktop

-Take action to stop crimes in #Syria. Join PHR in calling on U.N. Secretary General @antonioguterres to make public the findings of UN investigation of attacks on hospitals in #Syria and name the perpetrators. https://secure.phr.org/secure/tell-un-expose-truth-about-targeting-medical-facilities-syria

-Thousands are forced to leave their homes & run for their lives as #Russia continues to bomb and devastate #Idlib Please, make a donation for families forced to become homeless in the cold, sleeping in tents or under trees and collect garbage for heating https://molhamteam.com

-Noël 2019 en #Syrie Les jours se succèdent et se ressemblent, ainsi que les fêtes. https://montceau-news.com/montceau_et_sa_region/585911-noel-2019-en-syrie.html

-Communiqué du CPSLD : Des bombes comme cadeaux pour Noël de la part de Vladimir Poutine à la population civile d’ #Idlib. #Syrie https://souriahouria.com/43299-2-2-2/

-Graffiti in Daraa, in southern Syria, in solidarity with the people of Idlib in the north (photos) http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17637


4-Aide humanitaire:

#Syrie: veto russo-chinois à l’ONU pour prolonger d’un an l’aide transfrontalière https://lepoint.fr/monde/syrie-veto-russo-chinois-a-l-onu-pour-prolonger-d-un-an-l-aide-transfrontaliere-20-12-2019-2354298_24.php… via @LePoint

-Aide humanitaire: des ONG tirent la sonnette d’alarme en Syrie Des ONG ont mis en garde samedi contre une éventuelle catastrophe humanitaire en Syrie. striki@ln24.be sam 21/12/2019 – 17:51 2019-12-21T17:51:11+0100aide humanitaire h… https://ln24.be/2019-12-21/aide-humanitaire-des-ong-tirent-la-sonnette-dalarme-en-syrie…

-Cancale. La Cancalaise soutient les enfants #syrie ns #Cancale https://ouest-france.fr/bretagne/cancale-35260/cancale-la-cancalaise-soutient-les-enfants-syriens-6662808… via @ouestfrance



-« Most newcomers migrate to Suwayda because they cannot leave Syria or their families have been split up. »  @yasmeenmr6 on the economic, social and legal challenges facing Internally Displaced Syrians in Suwayda. https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/the-livelihoods-of-internally-displaced-syrians-in-suwayda-job-opportunities-education-and-prospects-for-return


-Live blog : Forum mondial sur les réfugiés – Jour 3 Dernière journée d’un rassemblement sur les réfugiés visant à renforcer la réponse mondiale et à favoriser l’inclusion. #Syrie  https://www.unhcr.org/fr-fr/news/stories/2019/12/5dfb32f1a/live-blog-forum-mondial-refugies-jour-3.html

– Le Liban s’enfonce dans une crise politique, économique et sociale. Cette situation affecte les Libanais mais également les milliers de réfugiés syriens. Certains d’entre eux accélèrent leur retour vers la Syrie.  https://information.tv5monde.com/info/au-liban-des-refugies-syriens-touches-par-la-crise-economique-quittent-le-pays-337499?amp&__twitter_impression=true

Turquie: #Syria n refugees return to home towns in ‘safe zone’ despite dangers https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/18/syrian-refugees-return-to-home-towns-in-safe-zone-despite-dangers


6- Le régime et la société :

-The Assad regime has imprisoned IDPs who returned to government areas, and how without real protections for returnees and detainees in regime prisons, peace has no chance of taking hold in Syria: https://thenational.ae/opinion/comment/true-peace-in-syria-is-a-mirage-until-returnees-can-be-guaranteed-a-safe-haven-1.953216… via @TheNationalUAE

-Troisième et dernier article de @SyrieFactuel,sur le tourisme en Syrie, avec l’analyse de la communication touristique avant et après 2011| Le tourisme en Syrie, vecteur de propagande (3/3) Comment le secteur touristique syrien est utilisé comme un instrument de communication à part entière par le régime. https://medium.com/@syriefactuel/le-tourisme-en-syrie-vecteur-de-propagande-3-3-un-secteur-%C3%A9conomique-utilis%C3%A9-comme-un-outil-aebbeae60f81?

Damascus: « Even Assad’s loyalists aren’t falling for the regime propaganda. ‘[Leaflets say] “Syria is for Syrians, not for Russians and Iranians” and “No to sectarianism in schools, government departments, in the streets, and everywhere; you slaughtered us.” https://aawsat.com/english/home/article/2038731/damascus-decorated-extravagantly-ahead-christmas-and-new-year

-The regime is trying to project an image of stability and normality in areas that it controls. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/features/54916/in-homogenous-syria-a-celebration-in-damascus-and-drowning-in-idleb.html


7-Army :

– Qaterji Criticized for Luxury Lifestyle and Undeserved Military Salute. Hossam Qaterji is best known for facilitating oil deals between ISIS and the regime. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/54948/qaterji-criticized-for-luxury-lifestyle-and-undeserved-military-salute.html


8-Economie :

-Assad regime cracks down on private money transfers. Syrian Central Bank suspends remittance flows into Syria – Enab Baladi https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/12/syrian-central-bank-suspends-remittance-flows-into-syria/

-Les réserves de pétrole syriens sont désormais la clé de voûte du contrôle politique dans la région « Le peuple syrien n’a tiré aucun avantage de ce pétrole. … Tout l’argent que le régime a gardé dans sa poche », #Syrie https://news-24.fr/les-reserves-de-petrole-syriens-sont-desormais-la-cle-de-voute-du-controle-politique-dans-la-region/


9- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :


-Patrimone: – BBC Outlook (with Emily Webb) have just broadcast brief biography and my involvement in the efforts to save Syria’s cultural heritage. The real heroes of the story however are the archaeologists and activists in Syria who risk their.. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/w3csyhjv

#Syrie, la voie des femmes  https://www.en-attendant-nadeau.fr/2019/12/17/syrie-voie-femmes-yazbek/

-Hope and heartbreak, three years after the fall of #Aleppo #Syria https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/21/three-years-after-its-fall-those-who-fled-aleppo-struggle-on?CMP=share_btn_tw

-Ghaees Alshorbajy, de la Syrie à KaouKab https://bpifrance-creation.fr/entrepreneur/temoignage-invite/ghaees-alshorbajy-syrie-a-kaoukab

-Lawand Kiki was deported at the Dawn of the #Syria War. If someone had asked him before the war how he identified, like many of his friends he would have said simply that he was Syrian. Most people were more interested in unity than in division. but the danger of sectarianism was that it existed as a reservoir for the cynical to tap… https://lithub.com/deported-at-the-dawn-of-the-syrian-war/… via  @lithub

-In the Box. Marcelle Shehwaro argues that the #Assad regime is enhancing sectarianism to counter future freedom protests. #Syria https://edgeofsyria.com/2018/11/18/in-the-box/… via @wordpressdotcom

-Former Syrian opposition leader becomes Turkish opposition politician • Khaled Khoja joins Davutoglu’s Future party as a co-founder • He used his Turkish name because he is Turkish and a citizen since 1993. « I was inspired by Turkey’s model in the early 2000s. Unfortunately, instead of being a model country for the region, Turkey is becoming more like the Middle East” Khalid Khoja says https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/turkey-khaled-khoja-future-party-syria-politics

– Un premier vol en solo : rien n’est hors de portée des réfugiés. Il y a quatre ans, Maya Ghazal a fui les combats en #Syrie https://www.unhcr.org/fr-fr/news/stories/2019/12/5df68de5a/premier-vol-solo-rien-nest-portee-refugies.html?fbclid=IwAR1whMivtIYXNNK3g391GFIvYm-G_QrSMTmOnXhBaqGOlaGs_DBCjDjzuh8

-Devenir mère en exil #Syrie https://infomigrants.net/fr/webdoc/186/devenir-mere-en-exil… via @InfoMigrants_fr

-« Citizens for Safe and Secure America » rents video billboard in Times Square displaying #Assad and his allies’ crimes #Syria https://www.orient-news.net/en/news_show/175248/Citizens-for-Safe-and-Secure-America-rents-video-billboard-in-Times-Square-displaying-Assad-and-his-allies%E2%80%99-crimes


10-Justice et vérité:

-Four pillars of Caesar Act determine scope of its impact #Syria https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/12/four-pillars-of-caesar-act-determine-scope-of-its-impact/

-In-depth: “The #Syrian regime’s campaign of torture and murder could finally be sanctioned“ writes Paul McLoughlin  https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/12/15/syria-weekly-anti-torture-caesar-act-to-become-law

-“If you helped injured people they would arrest you.” Doctors risked their lives to treat protesters in Syria. These are their stories. https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/20/world/middleeast/syria-medical-criminalization.html?smid=tw-nytimesworld&smtyp=cur



-Aides de l’Europe envers la #Turquie pour les réfugiés de #Syrie? La liste détaillée et sommes sont dans ce lien (facility table.pdf). Le tableau permet de comprendre que l’etat Turc ne bénéficie PAS directement des milliards.




12-US :

-De César et ses plus de 50 000 photos de cadavres de 6 700 Syriens morts en détention au « Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act» Contre Damas, Washington passe à «l’Act» – Libération https://www.liberation.fr/planete/2019/12/20/contre-damas-washington-passe-a-l-act_1770456?xtor=EREC-26&actId=ebwp0YMB8s1_OGEGSsDRkNUcvuQDVN7a57ET3fWtrS9-lB-6loRUeczAKSSn0xPU&actCampaignType=CAMPAIGN_MAIL&actSource=500482


13-Analyse et politique:

-Au-delà de la contestation : la force politique constructive des mouvements sociaux dans le monde arabe #Syrie https://carep-paris.org/publications/actes-de-recherches/au-dela-de-la-contestation-la-force-politique-constructive-des-mouvements-sociaux-dans-le-monde-arabe/… via Centre Arabe de Recherches et d’Etudes Politiques de Paris

-L’impossible « pax russica » au Proche-Orient #Syrie https://orientxxi.info/magazine/l-impossible-pax-russica-au-proche-orient,3479


14-Film: -Why are Syrian #documentaries detached from the #Syrian audience? In partnership with @openDemocracy https://syriauntold.com/2019/12/18/traditions-of-absence-and-ambiguity-the-syrian-documentary-and-its-public/

– Two movies about Syria got nominated for the #Oscar, For Sama and The Cave, both of them talking about the doctors in Syria and how they’re being targeted and killed by Assad regime. Wish them all the luck Academy Unveils 2020 Oscar Shortlists https://hollywoodreporter.com/lists/oscars-2020-shortlists-doc-international-makeup-hairstyling-more-1262916…  @TheAcademy



Volontaires étrangers dans l’enfer de #Raqqa #Syrie https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/083960-000-A/volontaires-etrangers-dans-l-enfer-de-raqqa/


16-Photographie :

-Exhibition: NO MORE FLOWERS by #Damascus born photographer Abd Doumany #Syria https://www.londonnewsonline.co.uk/exhibition-no-more-flowers-by-damascus-born-photographer-abd-doumany/

Since his arrival in London in 2018, Doumany has been creating a book of the dead, hand-writing the names of more than 8,000 so far, in act of commemoration and preservation, after he learned the death register went missing from Douma’s cemetery. A video piece has been created for this exhibition, to mark his performative act of re-writing deaths that have otherwise been obliterated from official records. This work sees the names being inscribed into history.  https://www.arts.ac.uk/whats-on/no-more-flowers

-C’est à partir du 7 janvier au Théâtre National de Bruxelles. #Syrie EXPOSITION /
UN ACTE D’UNE VIOLENCE INDICIBLE https://www.theatrenational.be/fr/activities/916-un-acte-d-une-violence-indicible?fbclid=IwAR3kog-rzb_3Lz5Qex_QKrnwnRawhmNpMykmMVAoIuQlg7X_GZE97tRzoEw#presentation

Images, la fin de la neutralité, interview avec Matthias Bruggmann https://www.franceculture.fr/emissions/la-grande-table-1ere-partie/images-la-fin-de-la-neutralite


17- Interview:

-Rencontre avec… Nazih Kussaibi #Syrie #Strasbourg #Alsace https://rcf.fr/vie-quotidienne/rencontre-avec-nazih-kussaibi?unkp=d16c9cd50d87520caf9f3717c7b0ac9c#.XfS1QoSbzG4.twitter



#Disinformation: the online threat to protest in the Middle East  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/dec/15/disinformation-the-online-threat-to-protest-in-the-middle-east



-A new book of artworks tackles the Syrian regime’s use of public space as a tool of oppression, from 1980 to the present day, writes @mayaqadour  Artworks by the Syrian artist and sculptor Mohamad Omran, based in Paris. The elegantly-designed volume depicts critical events in Syrian history from 1980 to the present day.   https://aljumhuriya.net/en/content/syria%E2%80%99s-forbidden-cities… #Syria #Art  https://www.pinterest.fr/lauraferrini177/mohamad-omran/

-Bernie Bonvoisin: «L’hypocrisie des puissants est le crime le plus antisocial» #Syrie https://letemps.ch/culture/bernie-bonvoisin-lhypocrisie-puissants-crime-plus-antisocial?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=share&utm_campaign=article… par @LTWerly

-Une séléction de poèmes et histoires tirées du livre «Haneen» regroupant 39 écrits par des enfants syriens vivant dans des camps informels à travers le Liban,interprétés par des artistes libanais et #syrie ns. https://lorientlejour.com/article/1198488/une-selection-de-poemes-et-histoires-tirees-du-livre-haneen-regroupant-39-ecrits-par-des-enfants-syriens-vivant-dans-des-camps-informels-a-travers-le-.html… via @LOrientLeJour

Zaatar de vivre Ce mélange d’épices est l’âme de la cuisine levantine. Noha Baz est née il y a un demi-siècle à #Alep, la belle syrienne aujourd’hui meurtrie. #Syrie. Elle est pédiatre et elle se bat, entre Paris et Beyrouth, pour soigner les enfants les plus pauvres. Elle est aussi l’auteure d’un livre qui explore ses multiples déclinaisons à travers le Moyen-Orient, livrant ainsi sa cartographie gustative. https://next.liberation.fr/amphtml/food/2019/12/13/zaatar-de-vivre_1769125?__twitter_impression=true


20-Les Syriens :

-Turkey scholarship lets star #Syria n student pursue dentistry dream After fleeing Aleppo in 2013, Sidra’s dream of studying dentistry became a reality thanks to her own determination and Turkey’s support for refugee higher education. https://www.unhcr.org/news/stories/2019/12/5deccad14/turkey-scholarship-lets-star-syrian-student-pursue-dentistry-dream.html

-Notes from a small island: the #Syria n refugees who went to Bute  https://www.1843magazine.com/features/notes-from-a-small-island-the-syrian-refugees-who-went-to-bute

-3 years in limbo: #Syria n refugee family reunites in Sackvillehttps://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/new-brunswick/syrian-refugee-reunification-nokar-hussin-1.5395400

– ‘Thank God we are here, we are safe’: #Syria n refugee family become Canadian citizens https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/thank-god-we-are-here-we-are-safe-syrian-refugee-family-become-canadian-citizens-1.5396026

-La communauté basque ouvre ses portes pour accueillir des familles #syrie nnes  https://www.unhcr.org/fr-fr/news/stories/2019/11/5ddb9728a/communaute-basque-ouvre-portes-accueillir-familles-syriennes.html

-‘This is my town and these are my people’ – Syrian refugee’s new restaurant is ‘for Darlington’ #Syria https://www.thenorthernecho.co.uk/business/18100479.this-town-people—syrian-refugees-new-restaurant-for-darlington/?ref=twtrec