Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 1 de l’an 2020
Après 52 Syrie Hebdo en 2019, nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
En fin de rubrique, une série d’évènements de la semaine à venir et liés à la Syrie est proposée.
1– Rapports et Etudes:
-“What the earth shall yield”: The Syrian War, Seed banks, and the Coming Apocalypse – #Syria is one of the oldest cultural centers in the world, and especially with regard to modern farming,” https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/earth-shall-yield-syrian-war-seed-banks-coming-apocalypse/… via @LAReviewofBooks
– Long read: The UN may not make its Syria inquiry public or assign blame for attacks. We got their incident list and spent months investigating to determine culpability and make our findings public. The evidence-packed story is here: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/12/31/world/middleeast/syria-united-nations-investigation.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share
-Chart showing the distribution of civilian #Death toll in #Syria in 2019 by the perpetrator party As documented by SNHR http://sn4hr.org/?p=54591
At least 4,671 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests Documented in 2019, Including 178 in December
-Social Capital for Peacebuilding in #Syria https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1542316619832680
-Lack of medical supplies in Idlib aggravates patients’ suffering – Enab Baladi https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2019/12/lack-of-medical-supplies-in-idlib-aggravates-patients-suffering/
–Despite months of bombardments on Syria’s northwestern province, women there practice everyday heroic acts. On the women of Idlib, the challenges they face and their resolve to continue. « Living with these intense, daily fears over the course of eight years of brutal war and emotional and physical devastation, the small daily deeds of Idlib’s women have become heroic tasks. » https://syriauntold.com/2020/01/02/waiting-is-worse-than-death-the-everyday-heroines-of-idlib/
– “The United Nations says the hostilities are having devastating consequences for the three million people living there, of whom 76% are women and children.” #Idlib https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-50971869
-NW #Syria continues to face relentless, ongoing bombardment on civilians and civilian infrastructure. SAMS has launched a report on the disastrous impact of the continued escalation on close to 3M civilians who cannot return home & are trapped in camps. https://www.sams-usa.net/reports/northwest-syria-winter-at-doors/
-Petit reportage d’ @ARTEfr à voir absolument : c’est si rare que la parole soit donnée aux concerné•e•s (sous les bombes). https://www.arte.tv/fr/videos/094615-000-A/syrie-maarat-al-nouman-ville-fantome/
-Feux d’Artifices Sinistres à #Idlib ! #Syrie https://femmesdemoc.wordpress.com/2019/12/31/feux-dartifices-sinistres-a-idlib/…
–#Syria ns sleep in the open after fleeing Idlib offensive https://www.middleeasteye.net/video/syrians-sleep-open-after-fleeing-idlib-offensive
3-Solidarité avec Idlib :
–#WhatIdlibTaughtMe Campagne de solidarité sur les réseaux sociaux avec Idlib. Beaucoup de choses que nous avons appris de la résilience des civils d’Idlib. Mais que restera-t-il après Idlib si Assad et la Russie continue leur destruction?
We’re tweeting about the resilience of Idlib despite all the horror, bombardment and impending doom. Idlib has taught us life.
– FIVE THINGS YOU CAN DO FOR IDLIB #Syria #Syrie via @DawlatyOrg https://www.idliblives.org/2019/12/24/five-things-you-can-do-for-idlib/?fbclid=IwAR2bl3NKjInOa6GvSbbZzn-tIGLxrgRHJhPXmpwB4DvRzv4xjYWn6hUKxX8
-À #Idleb, les gens veulent « juste être traités comme des êtres humains » #Syrie #Idlib https://lorientlejour.com/article/1200274/a-idleb-les-gens-veulent-juste-etre-traites-comme-des-etres-humains-.html… via @LOrientLeJour
-Pascal Hanrion : un message d’espoir et d’amour au milieu de ce chaos béant. Noël 2019 – IDLIB / Syrie, les enfants sous les bombes. Idlib Noël 2019 Children under Bombings
-“The Genocidal Regime Is Still in Power”: #Assad Forces Push into Idlib, Last Rebel Stronghold @YassinHSaleh@Loubnamrie https://democracynow.org/2020/1/2/syria_idlib_offensive_russia_assad…
– En Syrie, écoles et prisons d’Idleb réaménagées pour les déplacés https://www.boursorama.com/actualite-economique/actualites/en-syrie-ecoles-et-prisons-d-idleb-reamenagees-pour-les-deplaces-604b83258470b1349f3aeefb5ab8cbb8
-A new year reflecting on the meaning of home, and how the 284,000 internal refugees in Idlib have been denied the homes and memories they’ve built over years this past week as they flee Assad’s onslaught https://thenational.ae/opinion/comment/the-displaced-people-of-idlib-are-both-the-closest-to-their-home-and-the-furthest-1.958680…
–#Syrie: l’UE veut l’arrêt de «l’escalade de la violence» http://tdg.ch/13792587 http://tdg.ch/13792587 via @tdgch
-Syria’s Suwaida stands in solidarity with Idlib and calls for the fall of « Assad » (photos) http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17838
4-Aide humanitaire:
-Syrie : Jeudi 02 Janvier 2019 : HLA L’ONU envoi 53 camion d’aide humanitaire à Idleb à travers le poste frontalier avec la Turquie d’Al-Ryhanya. Idleb : l’ONU achemine 53 camions d’aide humanitaire. https://www.aa.com.tr/fr/politique/idleb-lonu-achemine-53-camions-daide-humanitaire/1688747
–#Syrie : les déplacés d’Ibleb, « un véritable drame inacceptable sur le plan humanitaire » http://f24.my/5zlX.T via @FRANCE24
-In-depth – ‘Aid workers braved Russian #air strikes and regime fire to race down the highway to southern Idlib for one of the biggest evacuations since the start of the #Syria war‘ https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/12/28/syria-weekly-maarat-al-numan-evacuation-brings-new-dangers
6- Le régime et la société :
-The Assad regime arrests hundreds of people from Damascus and its countryside in 2019 despite holding reconciliations http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17892
-‘A video published by Russian « Ruptly » TV shows Assad regime militia in city of Jarjanaz in southern Idlib countryside, carrying out looting – stealing electrical equipment like refrigerators, washing machines, etc’ http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17882
–#Assad regime to use their Law No.10 to wholly appropriate #Yarmouk_Camp in Damascus and allow the construction of housing for Iran’s IRGC soldier’s families. Regime says the land belongs to the state and is revoking it’s current Palestinian refuge status. http://nedaa-sy.com/en/news/17878
-Arab Tribes in al-Hasakah and Deir ez-Zor Choose Their Allies https://syria.chathamhouse.org/research/arab-tribes-in-al-hasakah-and-deir-ez-zor-choose-their-allies?fbclid=IwAR3XdEBVst5lvS-Yxcyq6_bZYpwW9SjJLpjAivrJDHUfT-udo1_UpB2A5jw
-Iran :
-It is possible to recognize the gravity of the assassination of Qassem Soleimani and ask questions about legality and larger strategy, while centering the lived realities of the victims of his war crimes.@KimGhattas for striking this balance: https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2020/01/qassem-soleimani-death-missed/604396/?utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=share
-Worth recalling, too, that it was Soleimani who went to Moscow and prevailed upon Putin to intervene in Syria in 2015. https://www.businessinsider.com/r-how-iranian-general-plotted-out-syrian-assault-in-moscow-2015-10?r=US&IR=T
-L’opposition #syrie nne célèbre la liquidation du général Soleimani https://lorientlejour.com/article/1200874/lopposition-syrienne-celebre-la-liquidation-du-general-iranien.html… via @LOrientLeJour
-For Syrians, Soleimani’s name sparks fear, anger. https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/1/4/syria-weekly-for-syrians-soleimanis-name-sparks-fear-anger
-La Russie :
–Another aid worker from the charity @kparadiseorg, who preferred to remain anonymous said, ‘There are still thousands of people in southern #Idlib who are waiting for the bombardment and shelling to stop and find any way to flee.’ @Amr_Salahi https://www.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2019/12/31/syria-how-russia-uses-de-escalation-agreements-to-destroy-cities
7- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-12 teens who will take the world by storm in the 2020s Life is everyone’s responsibility, everyone can change.I will work hard and speak out loud about the violations that are occurring in my country,as well as in the world Hope everyone can live in peace https://insider.com/10-teens-to-rule-the-2020s-decade-2019-12
-Personal stories from witnesses about Al-Raqqa Zaina Erhaim / Syrian Journalist full testimony Here : https://facebook.com/raqqatwobridges/photos/a.313222085815664/788938348244033/?type=3&theater…
-« Il faut rebâtir notre ville pour que l’on vive comme avant » : Raqqa la #Syrie nne peine à entamer sa reconstruction, deux ans après sa libération https://francetvinfo.fr/monde/syrie/offensive-turque-en-syrie/il-faut-rebatir-notre-ville-pour-que-l-on-vive-comme-avant-ses-ruines-piegees-dans-la-guerre-raqqa-la-syrienne-peine-a-entamer-sa-reconstruction_3762847.html#xtor=CS2-765-[twitter]-… via @franceinfo
-Vingt femmes à la une de l’actualité de l’ONU en 2019 Nujeen Mustafa, de la Syrie
– The Syrian town with more cats than people #Syria https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-50856274
8-Justice et vérité:
-The trial of Anwar Raslan and Eyad al-Gharib in Germany, will be the first ever for state-sponsored torture in Syria. It’s a key milestone in the long campaign for justice – it won’t be the last https://ibanet.org/Article/NewDetail.aspx?ArticleUid=E08F03F1-03DF-4FAA-9921-8D4E929ED16F
-Branch 215. A Slaughterhouse in #Syria. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/security/55169/branch-215-a-slaughterhouse-in-syria.html…
-another excellent piece laying out facts on OPCW report on use of chlorine as a weapon in Douma Even better: at the end of the article there are links to every(?) piece the always meticulous & sensible Brian Whitaker has written about Syria https://medium.com/@Brian_Whit/the-douma-chemical-weapons-investigation-and-the-role-of-ian-henderson-ab44399a9070…?
-Fachotour en #Syrie http://cqfd-journal.org/Fachotour-en-Syrie
-Disinformation is a serious threat to democracy. But it can also be funny when those who try to manipulate audiences make mistakes and get exposed. https://euvsdisinfo.eu/disinformation-in-2019-ten-embarrassing-moments/
10-Analyse et politique:
-What #Syria, Bosnia and Chechnya had in common. All are characterised by crimes of unimaginable horror, ethnic cleansing, Muslim villages burnt to obliterate the gene pool, camps where women were raped dozens of times a day. and ‘concentration camps’. https://www.thenational.ae/opinion/comment/lessons-from-war-zones-what-syria-bosnia-and-chechnya-had-in-common-1.957382
-Away from all the hysteria, some facts from Martin Chulov. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jan/03/defining-moment-in-middle-east-the-killing-qassem-suleimani?CMP=share_btn_tw
-Oscar-shortlisted Syrian filmmaker Feras Fayyad denied US visa – The National https://www.thenational.ae/arts-culture/film/oscar-shortlisted-syrian-filmmaker-feras-fayyad-denied-us-visa-1.957395
-L’Odyssée d’Hakim, par Fabien Toulmé #Syrie https://asile.ch/2019/12/30/livre-a-s-offrir-lodyssee-dhakim/… via @asile_ch
-« Quatre idiots en #Syrie » : les branquignols à #Damas https://nouvelobs.com/critique/20200101.OBS22956/quatre-idiots-en-syrie-les-branquignols-a-damas.html… via @LObs
-Non-fiction: « #Assad or We Burn the Country. How one family’s lust for power destroyed #Syria« : Psychogram of a Syrian… Psychogram of a Syrian dictator https://en.qantara.de/content/the-decades-long-rule-of-syrias-al-assad-dynasty-psychogram-of-a-syrian-dictator
13-Photographie :
-In photos: Syrians brace for a bitter winter as violence intensifies | International Rescue Committee (IRC) https://www.rescue.org/article/photos-syrians-brace-bitter-winter-violence-intensifies
14-Les Syriens :
-De la #Syrie en guerre au poste de directeur du développement durable à la mairie de Sevran, le parcours «hors-norme» de Laith Alabdullah, 29 ans http://leparisien.fr/seine-saint-denis-93/de-la-syrie-en-guerre-a-la-mairie-de-sevran-le-parcours-hors-norme-de-laith-alabdullah-02-01-2020-8227590.php
-La rue Notre-Dame Est, une Petite- #Syrie au début du siècle https://ville.montreal.qc.ca/memoiresdesmontrealais/la-rue-notre-dame-est-une-petite-syrie-au-debut-du-siecle#.Xghe4nASr59.twitter
–De la #Syrie à l’île de Bréhat, l’inespérée nouvelle vie d’une famille meurtrie par la guerre https://ofr-ofa-primary-api.twipemobile.com/shared/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ouest-france.fr%2Fleditiondusoir%2Fdata%2F73631%2Freader%2Freader.html%3Fh%3D%2523!preferred%252F1%252Fpackage%252F73631%252Fpub%252F104596%252Fpage%252F9%23!preferred%2F1%2Fpackage%2F73631%2Fpub%2F104596%2Fpage%2F9&description=Ahmad%20et%20Berivan%20Sido%20ont%20fui%20la%20Syrie%20en%202012.%20Victimes%20de%20la%20guerre%2C%20ils%20ont%20travers%C3%A9%20de%20rudes%20%C3%A9preuves%20%C3%A0%20la%20recherche%20d%E2%80%99une%20nouvelle%20vie.%20La%20rencontre%20improbable%20d%E2%80%99une%20artiste%20bretonne%20a%20permis%20au%20couple%20et%20%C3%A0%20ses%20cinq%20enfants%20de%20s%E2%80%99installer%20sur%20l%E2%80%99%C3%AEle%20de%20Br%C3%A9hat%20(C%C3%B4tes-d%E2%80%99Armor)%20en%20septembre%202019.&title=De%20la%20Syrie%20%C3%A0%20l%E2%80%99%C3%AEle%20de%20Br%C3%A9hat%2C%20l%E2%80%99inesp%C3%A9r%C3%A9e%20nouvelle%20vie%20d%E2%80%99une%20famille%20meurtrie%20par%20la%20guerre&image=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ouest-france.fr%2Fleditiondusoir%2Fdata%2F73631%2FNextGenData%2FImage-1024-1024-13698060.jpg… via @leditiondusoir
-Eleven #Syria n refugee families arrive in Ireland https://www.rte.ie/news/ireland/2019/1230/1103611-refugee-relocation/
-Randa Tawil [PHD candidate : « Routes of migration from Syria to the Americas in the first half of the 20th century »] explore les périples des migrants en route pour les Amériques https://www.lorientlejour.com/article/1200293/randa-tawil-explore-les-periples-des-migrants-en-route-pour-les-ameriques.html
-Au Danemark, les réfugiés syriens menacés d’expulsion #Syrie https://boursorama.com/videos/actualites/au-danemark-les-refugies-syriens-menaces-d-expulsion-35337d6dd09adc5a67831f0d1880169c
15- La Syrie à Paris:
– Mardi 7 janvie, 18h30 : Rencontre JP Filiu, https://www.carep-paris.org/evenements/soirees/rencontre-avec-jean-pierre-filiu-le-soulevement-democratique-en-algerie/
– Mardi 7 janvie, 18h30 : En quête de l’image juste https://www.facebook.com/events/1486755184814082/
– Vendredi 10 janvier, 9h-18h, La diplomatie électorale de Donald Trump et ses conséquences sur la scène internationale, http://www.open-diplomacy.eu/fod-crew-trump
– Vendredi 10 janvier, 20h30, Derviche à Herblay, https://www.facebook.com/events/s/derviche-a-herblay-idf/627141251360172/
-Samedi 11 janvier, 16h, Les peuples veulent la chute des Régimes 2.0, https://www.facebook.com/events/2380351478743713/
-Dimanche 12 janvier, 14h, Les soulèvements en Iran, https://www.facebook.com/events/2433295136931522/
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