Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 23 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. «

1– Rapports et Etudes:
-Important, Report Justice To Transcend Conflict #Syria https://www.scpr-syria.org/justice-to-transcend-conflict/
Retroactive, Current and Future Injustices in Syria https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2309851/exclusive-%E2%80%93-retroactive-current-and-future-injustices-syri
– Gone without Trace: a new ICTJ report on the 10s of thousands of Syrian detainees https://www.ictj.org/news/new-report-gone-without-trace-examines-dark-reality-detentions-syria
– Russian air raids target NW #Syria for first time in three months @AJENews https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/06/russian-air-raids-target-nw-syria-time-months-200603153449937.html
– Analysis based on satellite images taken on Feb 27, 2020, showing the magnitude of destruction in #MaaretAlNuman after Syrian Regime forces took control of it on Jan 28, 2020, by using various types of weapons& methods of unlawful bombing. http://sn4hr.org/?p=55015
-Kiwan Charitable Hospital in Kansafra, Idlib was targeted and destroyed in November 2019 leaving residents living in Idlib with less and less options for medical care. Our investigation examines what happened and the potential perpetrators. https://syrianarchive.org/en/investigations/kiwanhospital.html
–#Syria n artists memorialize George Floyd with mural in war-torn city https://en.vogue.me/culture/george-floyd-memorial-syria/
Vidéo. Une fresque de George Floyd sur un mur d’Idlib
3-Agir pour Idlib :
-Molham Volunteering Team https://molhamteam.com/fr/campaigns/205
– Violet organization https://violetsyria.org/en/
4-Coronavirus and Syria:
-Mapping the Coronavirus in Syria https://syriadirect.org/news/mapping-coronavirus-in-syria-unofficial-cases-and-hot-spots/
-Monitor finds #Syria n regime misleads public, falsifies virus stats https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/news-analysis/monitor-finds-syrian-regime-misleads-public-falsifies-virus-stats
5-UN et Aide humanitaire:
– Civilian suffering in #Idlib worsens from COVID-19 and attacks. https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/civilian-suffering-in-idlib-worsens-from-covid-19-attacks-un/news
-White Helmets accuse WHO of failing to protect #Syria ns from coronavirus … https://youtu.be/J3Fs6nhSZGE
6- Refugees:
– Survey: Young Syrians plagued by social and economic discrimination in Turkey https://www.arabnews.com/node/1681841/middle-east
-Grèce : des milliers de réfugiés menacés d’être expulsés de logements sociaux https://francetvinfo.fr/monde/europe/migrants/grece-des-milliers-de-refugies-menaces-d-etre-expulses-de-logements-sociaux_3990403.html#xtor=CS2-765-[twitter]-…
-More than 200 Syrians cleared to travel to Ireland once restrictions lifted https://www.irishtimes.com/news/social-affairs/more-than-200-syrians-cleared-to-travel-to-ireland-once-restrictions-lifted-1.4271427?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
7- Le régime et la société :
– 20 Years of Power and $180 Million Divide #Syria’s Ruling Family https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-05-31/20-years-of-power-and-180-million-divide-syria-s-ruling-family
–#Syria‘s slow economic collapse, compounded by #COVID, regional economic losses & continued security challenges look set to drive long-term instability in #Assad-held areas of #Syria. The implications here are big. In #Assad‘s #Syria, widespread corruption, profiteering & mismanagement has led to rampant inflation, organized crime, inter-factional fighting & a thriving narcotics trade. @MEI_Syria scholar,@Dannymakkisyria on #Syria‘s developing « economic implosion. » https://www.mei.edu/publications/rampant-inflation-adds-syrias-economic-turmoil
-The Caeser Act will have wide-ranging consequences for the Syrian economy. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/58363/pro-regime-researcher-cost-of-caesar-act-exorbitant.html
-The push and pull between Russia and Iran continues. Syrian Coast Is Boiling as Russia Mediates With Local Notables to Calm Tensions
-Deraa: -Unprecedented military escalation in western #Daraa, the role of civilian and military intermediaries in defusing tensions, and the potential scenarios for southern #Syria. https://www.mei.edu/publications/rampant-violence-military-escalation-and-role-intermediaries-daraa-syria
8-Le clan Assad:
– Investigation by Christoph Reuter into #Syria‘s #Makhlouf spat, drug seizures, & critical reporting in #Moscow & what lies behind it all.
His sources in Damascus say it’s a Russia-pushed scheme « to destroy Iran’s business » & C. Reuter says Hezbollah has run « dozens of small » Captagon factories around Qusayr since 2013 in territory controlled by Maher al-Assad’s 4th Division, which « protects » the region & « transportation routes » to the Iran-run Latakia port, from where drug shipments depart. The narcotics, produced in Syria in #Hezbollah facilities, are then « concealed & exported » by a « consortium of companies belonging to » #Makhlouf. #Russia had no problem with this « SAA drug cartel » until it forced Damascus to investigate & arrest Maher al-Assad aides. The arrest of Maher al-Assad’s « important operatives » sparked Maher’s fury — he pulled *all* 4th Division forces from Idlib in response, enraging Moscow.
Today, a Damascus-based « oligarch » says « Russia wants to consolidate… it finally wants a [Syria] peace deal. » That Damascus-based « oligarch » says « the Russians are running out of time… They’re in the process of giving up on Assad. They just don’t know yet how. » Cracking down on Makhlouf, it appears, is Assad’s way of keeping Moscow on-side & Maher is now distancing himself. With Makhlouf being stripped of his assets, Assad’s wife Asma looks set to pounce. She allegedly has a new cell phone service in place to subsume Makhlouf’s SyriaTel — it’s reportedly called « Ematel. »
–#Syria ns’ livelihood under the ruling elite’s mercy https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/05/syrians-livelihood-under-the-ruling-elites-mercy/
9-Deir Zor :
–Qui sont les tribus de #DeirEzzor ? Leur participation à la Révolution Syrienne et le combat contre Daech ? Leur avenir https://dlockyer.wordpress.com/2020/05/30/la-situation-tribale-a-deir-ezzor-sa-realite-et-son-avenir-deir-ezzor-24/
10-Kurdes de Syrie:
–– If the Kurdish parties in Syria do not abandon their affiliation to Kurdistan, then the intra-Kurdish talks will fail, just like previous ones, A local activist. https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2312011/%E2%80%98affiliation-kurdistan%E2%80%99-poses-predicament-syrian-kurdish-parties
-Israel believes #Assad‘s regime is restarting its chemical weapons program and it is very likely the strikes on March 5 and March 31 to be connected to the efforts by the regime to rebuild its chemical weapons capabilities. https://nationalinterest.org/blog/reboot/israel-believes-assads-syria-restarting-its-chemical-weapons-programs-159571
– #Syria: Israeli warplanes strike targets in central Syria. •Targeted plan (#Masyaf) is operated by Scientific Research Center that runs both regime’s chemical weapons program as well as precision missile enhancement program.
– What are Russia’s imperatives and constraints in trying to counter Turkey’s growing military intervention in Syria? – @FPRI‘s Stephen Blank explains in our latest @CGPdc #Navigator: https://cgpolicy.org/articles/no-end-in-sight-for-russo-turkish-tensions-in-syria/
– « Nominally private actors, they extend the Kremlin’s geopolitical reach…Versatile, cheap, and deniable, they are the perfect instrument for a declining superpower eager to assert itself… » https://carnegieendowment.org/2020/06/02/implausible-deniability-russia-s-private-military-companies-pub-81954
-Russia Eyes Military Expansion in Northeast Syria https://www.voanews.com/extremism-watch/russia-eyes-military-expansion-northeast-syria
-Haine d’Israël et mépris pour #Assad dans la propagande iranienne – #Syrie JP Filiu https://www.lemonde.fr/blog/filiu/2020/05/31/haine-disrael-et-mepris-pour-assad-dans-la-propagande-iranienne/
-Assad’s Forces MoveToward Daraa : 2 years after “settlement”deal ,overseen by Russia ‘regime is trying to disavow all of these agreements with southern Syrians and is attempting to regain Daraa province by force’ Bassam Barabandi
1-The more international pressure increases on Iran and the more Israeli strikes continue against Iranian targets inside Syria, the more Iran will insist on bolstering its presence on the border with Israel and therefore on canceling the agreement the Russians sponsored in #Daraa
2-Iran believes that Russia should give them the same strategic & security rights in Syria’s southern region,south of Damascus up to the border with Israel,so that it can counter any American-Israeli military escalation &strengthen its position in any coming negotiations
3-Russians are constantly balancing their actions between supporting the regime and trying not to become submerged in the Syrian quagmire, this equation provides the regime space to work even when it is against the Russian ideal.
-Turkey now controls a long stretch of Syrian territory along its southern border that hosts nearly four million people, most of them Sunni Arabs. The challenges for Turkey: difficult balancing act with Russia, the huge financial costs of direct rule, https://www.ecfr.eu/publications/summary/a_new_gaza_turkeys_border_policy_in_northern_syria
-Turkey adopts 4-step strategy for permanent peace, stability in #Idlib #Syria https://www.dailysabah.com/politics/turkey-adopts-4-step-strategy-for-permanent-peace-stability-in-idlib/news
–#EU pushes back against #Russia Narrative that its sanctions have negative effect on #Syrian people ,After the renewal Of EU sanctions and before donors conference in #Brussles on 30th of June, accusing those who claim otherwise of being « profiteering from war & corruption.
@diplocharlie This is the first time in 9 years the @eu_eeas has issued such a clear and straightforward response to accusations from the Syrian regime, Russia and Iran that #EU sanctions were the source of Syria’s humanitarian situation. This is a major improvement of @eu_eeas communication on #Syria while other actors use all sorts of communication or disinformation tactics. As a result, the level of European contribution to Syria is often ignored. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=3069382176481064
-Le combat démocratique ne peut être entaché par de telles compromissions, surtout dans le contexte actuel de montée des populismes et des discours de haine. En méprisant la liberté des #Syrie ns, c’est notre liberté à toutes et tous qui est menacée. https://plus.lesoir.be/304295/article/2020-06-01/veronique-de-keyser-presidente-du-cal-un-crachat-au-visage-des-syriens
– “We hope one day to see a #SyrianWoman in the position of the president of #Syria. We should know that our work will not necessarily give immediate results; rather, we are laying the foundations for the next generations that will lead Syria” @muznadureid http://syrianwomenpm.org/en/articles/155-muzna-dureid-the-syrian-womens-political-movement-is-building-for-the-future-syria
17- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
-Merna al-Hassan, la journaliste syrienne récompensée pour son courage, au cœur d’Idleb https://www.middleeasteye.net/fr/reportages/syrie-merna-alhassan-journaliste-idleb-prix-femme-courage
– Municipal administration for beginners : Local authorities in Germany offer traineeships to #Syria ns – http://Qantara.de https://en.qantara.de/content/municipal-administration-for-beginners-local-authorities-in-germany-offer-traineeships-to
-La lutte, lumière au bout du tunnel pour un réfugié #syrie n qui rêve des prochains #JO https://www.olympic.org/fr/news/la-lutte-lumiere-au-bout-du-tunnel-pour-un-refugie-qui-reve-des-jeux-olympiques
-His Family Fled #Syria. He Didn’t Cry Until He Heard About His Sisters.
Yousef was just 13 when his family left Syria for Europe. Five years later, he’s adjusting to life separated from his three sisters and the ups and downs of adolescence. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/02/magazine/syrian-refugee-europe.html?smid=tw-share
– Meet Hassan Akkad, The Refugee Turned Hospital Cleaner In Vogue’s Key Worker Portfolio https://www.vogue.co.uk/news/article/hassan-akkad
–100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/blog-2/
18- Justice:
-Day 9, 10, 11 & 12 of #AlKhatibTrial in Koblenz comes to an end. An officer of the German Federal Criminal Police was heard on the circumstances of the interrogation of defendant Eyad A. What happened in court previously? https://www.ecchr.eu/en/case/trial-updates-first-trial-worldwide-on-torture-in-syria/
-Episode 6 of #Branch251, The defense strategy being used by Anwar R.
– The incoming #CaesarAct & the #Makhlouf spat threaten to: 1) cripple #Syria‘s economy 2) divide the country into 2 (regime & « north ») 3) economically empower actors in the NW & NE vis-a-vis #Damascus 4) fuel warlordism & consolidate the shadow economy
-Concerns over “Caesar” from becoming “political bazaar” #Syria https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/06/concerns-over-caesar-from-becoming-political-bazaar/
19-Analyse :
–#Syria‘s opposition: Move, disband, or do the bidding of others » @FredericHof suggests @SyrianCoalition & @SyrianHNC should decamp to Western #Europe to retain credibility amid a new phase of uncertainty in #Syria.
-The US protests: Lessons from Syria. Beautiful, lyrical, moving, intersectional essay.
– BD, bande dessinée. De la #Syrie à la France, Hakim est enfin arrivé https://www.francetvinfo.fr/replay-radio/bd-bande-dessinee/bd-bande-dessinee-de-la-syrie-a-la-france-hakim-est-enfin-arrive_3967597.html#xtor=CS2-765-[twitter]-
– Votez pour Mouneb Taim, photojournalistique, la présélection du prix Levallois 2020.. https://prix-levallois.com/fr/concours/prix-levallois-2020/preselect/261
-Réfugiés #syrie ns en #Turquie : des enfants initiés à la photo argentique par une ONG https://fr.euronews.com/2020/06/02/la-vie-a-la-frontiere-entre-la-turquie-et-la-syrie-vue-a-travers-des-yeux-d-enfants
22-Cuisine :
-How to Make Hummus at home:
23-Les Syriens:
-A Vannes, après deux mois de patience des réfugiés #syrie ns ouvrent un resto https://www.letelegramme.fr/morbihan/vannes/a-vannes-apres-deux-mois-de-patience-des-refugies-syriens-ouvrent-un-resto-02-06-2020-12560579.php
-Deux-Sèvres : le boulanger de Fenioux part en guerre contre les défaitistes Avec un apprenti #syrie n Il est âgé de 17 ans, a connu essentiellement les camps de réfugiés au Liban et prépare actuellement un CAP de boulanger. https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/deux-sevres/commune/fenioux/deux-sevres-le-boulanger-de-fenioux-part-en-guerre-contre-les-defaitistes
– ‘At least they’re safe:’ Arrival of new #Syria n refugee family to Haida Gwaii delayed due to COVID-19 https://www.haidagwaiiobserver.com/community/at-least-theyre-safe-arrival-of-new-syrian-refugee-family-to-haida-gwaii-delayed-due-to-covid-19/
-Turkey’s #Syria n mercenaries say Libya is ‘not a war they want to die for’ https://thenational.ae/world/mena/turkey-s-syrian-mercenaries-say-libya-is-not-a-war-they-want-to-die-for-1.1027996…
24- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :
-Dimanche 7 Juin, 16h, Ensemble Pour la victoire du peuple syrien, visioconférence Organisée par Coordination de la révolution syrienne https://www.facebook.com/events/2516738398580591/
–Syrie – dans l’enfer de la répression, le tout premier reportage sur la révolution syrienne , par Sophia Amara, diffusé sur Arté le 11 octobre 2011 , par Sofia Amara. Carnet de route d’une révolte populaire et pacifique, Homs, Rastan, Hama et Damas.
– Websérie 2 / Villes du monde arabe : les jardins publics https://carep-paris.org/evenements/conferences/villes-du-monde-arabe-2-conference-gaelle-gillot/…
– Launching of Justice to Transcend Conflict Report https://www.scpr-syria.org/launching-of-justice-to-transcend-conflict-report-on-june-1st/
-Shifting Dynamics and US Priorities in the Middle East: A Conversation with David Schenker #Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=50&v=3hjGdlpZvgo&feature=emb_logo
-Le jeune Khaled a fui les combats en Syrie avec sa famille. Installé à Barcelone. Il nourrit un grand espoir de devenir joueur de foot professionnel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9apsRPWzcs