Une semaine sur la Syrie,
Semaine 24 de l’an 2020
Nous continuons inlassablement, grâce à notre infatigable veilleur et archiviste, à offrir à nos lecteurs cette rubrique hebdomadaire composée d’une sélection d’articles, informations, études et rapports glanés sur la semaine qui précède.
« Une sélection d’événements, études, articles et rapports sur la Syrie et la vie des syriens en une semaine, dense et variée, très exhaustive. «

1– Rapports et Etudes:
– WHY THE #SYRIA N REGIME DID NOT FALL? A lot of factors.. https://www.jusoor.co/public/details/Why-the-Syrian-Regime-didn%E2%80%99t-Fall-/690/en
– Report: At least 147 Cases of Arbitrary Arrests Documented in Syria in May 2020, including 10 Children and 4 Women The Syrian Regime Is Responsible for Nearly 44% of Arrests in May, Threatening the Lives of Thousands of Detainees Due to the #Coronavirus http://sn4hr.org/blog/2020/06/02/55039/
–#Violations_Documentation_Center in #Syria issues the MONTHLY STATISTICAL REPORT ON CASUALTIES IN SYRIA – MAY 2020 https://vdc-sy.net/monthly_stat_rep_may20_en/
-NEW #Syria Situation Report: Pro-regime forces are preparing to restart their offensive in Greater #Idlib Province. More from ISW’s @jd_dunford and ,@SyriaDirect http://www.iswresearch.org/2020/06/syria-situation-report-may-27-june-9.html
-People of Idlib gather together to remember Syrian revolution icon Abdul Basset al-Sarout, one year since his passing. https://youtu.be/QlZAxlJ1eUg
-The people still want the fall of the #Assad regime. Citizens gathered this Friday to reaffirm their adherence to the principles of the Syrian revolution. https://youtube.com/watch?v=f2kAjFlg-_g&feature=emb_logo
-“E-leaning” platform in #Syria n North https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/06/e-leaning-platform-in-syrian-north/
-Assad regime forces target food supply in #Syria‘s Idlib and Aleppo , Again this year… Assad regime burning crops in Syria https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/assad-regime-burning-crops-in-syria/1868555
-Remnants of cluster bombs can remain hidden an unexploded long after the bomb was dropped. https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/58474/explosive-left-behind-by-syrian-government-forces-kills-three-children-in-idleb.html
-En Syrie, le désespoir des habitants face à la dégringolade de leur monnaie. Ces derniers jours, la livre syrienne connaît son pire décrochage depuis le début de la guerre en 2011, propulsant les prix à des sommets historiques https://boursorama.com/videos/actualites/en-syrie-le-desespoir-des-habitants-face-a-la-degringolade-de-leur-monnaie-048248956582dcf27a0401d81212b70c
– The conflict dynamics in #Sweida, southern #Syria. This paper analyses the complex social dynamics and identity politics in the province. LSE Research, Sweida: Conflict Dynamics and the Role of Civil Society, Taim Zaidan http://eprints.lse.ac.uk/103144/7/Sweida_Conflict_Dynamics_English_21_Jan_2020_.pdf?fbclid=IwAR2xoOEXJAV3Am5krMnPbIKIZQuxd39MDF5lTB-2Nvl6u5hehUn_ZnbaV6o
– #Syria n currency woes: demonstrations break out in Druze heartland https://thenational.ae/world/syrian-currency-woes-demonstrations-break-out-in-druze-heartland-1.1030268… via @TheNationalUAE
-Good overview & context to the current protests in Sweida & elsewhere https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/syria-sweida-anti-government-protests-second-day?fbclid=IwAR0fPmRYwAZbgJ8QkWrIMG6YahP_ht__HOBn0D5wmyG2gLRzPN-LQxed12E
-Nouvelles manifestations anti-Assad à Soueida #Syrie https://lorientlejour.com/article/1221449 via @LorientLeJour
– The most prominent slogans chanted in the demonstrations in #Suwayda
4-Coronavirus and Syria:
–#Idlib Preparing to Battle a New Enemy. #Syria pharmacist, Hosam al-Ali, 35, volunteered to help prepare for the onset of the coronavirus in a region crowded with war refugees. 23 april, Happy Ramadan — and I hope this year will be good for all the world
-As communities around the world are forced to stay at home due to #Covid_19 & economic hardship, women and girls are at exacerbating risks of sexual and gender-based violence. Glimpse’s report on the exacerbating situation in Northern #Syria. https://glimpse.keshmalek.org/covid-19-ramifications-the-surge-of-gender-based-violence-in-syrian-households/
– Taiwan, Turkey cooperate to aid #Syria ns amid pandemic https://www.aa.com.tr/en/turkey/taiwan-turkey-cooperate-to-aid-syrians-amid-pandemic/1865466
5- Aide humanitaire et Regime:
– « Battle of #Syria‘s charity giants: Asma al-#Assad versus Rami #Makhlouf » – @dianadarke takes a look at Syria Trust & al-Bustan’s competition for control in #Syria: https://mei.edu/publications/battle-syrian-charity-giants-asma-al-assad-versus-rami-makhlouf
6- Refugees:
–#Syria n refugees strive to avoid the nightmare of food insecurity in Lebanon https://syriadirect.org/news/syrian-refugees-strive-to-avoid-the-nightmare-of-food-insecurity-in-lebanon/#.XuKBug2K9n5.twitter
-Au Liban, jeunes réfugiés #syrie ns dans des groupes de soutien psychologique. « IL FAUT CONSIDÉRER LA SANTÉ MENTALE COMME UN LEVIER FONDAMENTAL DES PROGRAMMES DE DÉVELOPPEMENT » https://afd.fr/fr/actualites/sante-mentale-developpement
–#Syria n volunteer and friends do good by refugees in Malaysia https://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/category/leisure/2020/06/05/syrian-volunteer-and-friends-do-good-by-refugees-in-malaysia/
7-Economie et loi César:
-Timeline of Syria’s economic collapse, Charting the dramatic collapse of #Syria‘s national currency https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/6/4/charting-the-dramatic-collapse-of-syrias-national-currency
–@AlexGSimon & @samboosa_a‘s important piece on Caesar Act’s potential unintended consequences reminds me of Joy Gordan’s examination of 1990-2003 Iraq Sanctions. Thank you @SynapsNetwork for your work.
-« Syria is scarce of businesspeople who are not currently under sanctions. » Adding that the list of often previously unknown names new to EU sanctions list highlights the rapidly changing fortunes of key regime figures. https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/indepth/2020/6/7/syria-insight-syrias-collapsing-economy-threatens-assads-rule
-Blames the Caesar Act, which goes into effect June 17, for economic hardship worsening in Syria last week. Food, Water, Pharmaceutical Crisis Hits Damascus, https://english.aawsat.com/home/article/2321956/food-water-pharmaceutical-crisis-hits-damascus
-”But it is a very important tool that provides a ray of hope for the Syrian people and if it’s used correctly with other important and relevant policies, it can be conducive to a political process and a political solution.” said Mouaz Moustafa https://www.dw.com/en/syria-new-us-sanctions-set-to-make-assad-squirm/a-53727474
-How much more can the Syrian people take? Insults Directed at Assad and His Government in Damascus’ Souq al-Hal https://syrianobserver.com/EN/news/58464/insults-directed-at-assad-and-his-government-in-damascus-souq-al-hal.html
8- Le régime et la société :
-Assad`s regime security forces arrested over 16 people returning from Lebanon during the first three months of 2020 and transferred some of them to Anti-Terrorism Court. https://stj-sy.org/en/hama-arrests-against-syrians-returning-from-lebanon-illegally/
-Attaquer les soignants : une nouvelle tactique de guerre, l’armée du Président El Assad a bombardé des centres de soins de camps de réfugiés au nord-ouest de la #Syrie. Médecins et infirmiers du monde entier dénoncent les violences dont ils sont victimes.
-Escaping their reality …. #Syria ns resort to suicide https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/06/escaping-their-reality-syrians-resort-to-suicide/
-Deir Zor: -The source added that these courses are held periodically, and are attended by 20 people from Deir Ezzor, selected by Iranian mullahs of the militias. https://en.deirezzor24.net/shariah-courses-are-held-in-deir-ezzor-to-teach-shia-fatwas/
– Qamishli: –« World War III » à Qamishli dans le nord-est de la Syrie : récapitulatif de la confrontation entre les Etats-Unis et la Russie après l’intervention turque. ‘World War III’ in #Qamishli #Syria https://syriauntold.com/?p=63781 via @SyriaUntold
9-Le clan Assad:
– Dossier très complet d’Al Arabiya sur la famille Makhlouf https://english.alarabiya.net/en/features/2020/06/04/Makhlouf-and-Assad-A-feud-at-the-heart-of-the-Syrian-regime#.XtqyJRTrzZc.twitter
#Israel & the #US in #Syria; who does what, why, & how? An interesting piece: https://www.haaretz.com/middle-east-news/syria/.premium-has-israel-become-america-s-proxy-in-syria-1.8903378
– #Moscow is making a significant, sophisticated effort to dismantle local support for U.S. involvement in #Syria, but its strategy faces several constraints. https://cgpolicy.org/articles/russias-moves-in-former-isis-territory-in-syria/
– Iranian press review: Iran changes tactics in #Syria to counter Israel. 53,000 Iranian-backed fighters switched their uniforms and merged into Syrian army. Strategy to terrorist America is to continue the chain of avenging the blood of martyr Soleimani https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/iranian-press-review-iran-changes-tactics-syria-counter-israel
-« While the world wasn’t watching, #Syria has edged toward collapse & the dictator is in his weakest position ever. The US now has a narrow chance to prevent a catastrophe » https://politico.com/news/magazine/2020/06/11/assad-syria-collapse-313276
–Middle East Focus: Syria’s economic crisis | @samdagher, @Dannymakkisyria;& @Karam__Shaar join guest host @Charles_Lister to discuss the deterioration of #Syria’s economy & what it means for the country, the Assad regime, and the rest of the region. https://mei.edu/multimedia/podcast/syrias-economic-crisis
15- Les nouvelles consciences de la société syrienne :
–Avec les médecins syriens, en première ligne dans la lutte contre le Covid-19 en France https://www.france24.com/fr/moyen-orient/20200612-avec-les-m%C3%A9decins-syriens-en-premi%C3%A8re-ligne-dans-la-lutte-contre-le-covid-19-en-france?ref=tw_i
-“When we heard the news that we were coming to Scotland, I think it was the happiest moment of my life.” Marwa was only 11 when the war in Syria forced her to flee her home. https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p06yz1gv
– Mariam, miraculée du régime #Assad #Syria Mariam ou la dignité absolue.. Nous ne sommes pas que des victimes. https://lejdd.fr/International/Moyen-Orient/Mariam-miraculee-du-regime-Assad-775783… via
– @WafaMustafa9 is one of the most inspiring, dynamic, compassionate, & resilient person I’ve ever met. Based in Berlin, she works tirelessly to find her missing father in Assad’s prisons along with the missing loved ones of Syrians. @waadalkateab https://channel4.com/news/senior-syrian-military-official-on-trial-in-germany-charged-with-human-rights-abuses… via @Channel4News
–#Syria ns chant deceased rebel Sarout’s name in #Suweidah protest, https://english.alaraby.co.uk/english/news/2020/6/9/syrians-chant-deceased-rebel-sarouts-name-in-suweidah-protest
– Fahd Saleh: #Syria n goalkeeper rebuilding his life and career as a refugee in England https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/37987486
–100 Faces of the Revolution The faces behind the numbers. A group of excellent activists from around the world have come together to work on this. 100 stories behind the revolution. https://100facesofthesyrianrevolution.wordpress.com/blog-2/
18- Justice:
– Syria n victims of torture testify in German court https://www.dw.com/en/syrian-victims-of-torture-testify-in-german-court/a-53699921
–”Right at this moment, people in Syria are being held captive and tortured by the Assad regime. » In her set-in @WafaMustafa9 says her most important message is for the loved ones of those missing, abused or killed: « You are not forgotten. » #Justice4Syria https://amp.dw.com/en/syrian-victims-of-torture-testify-in-german-court/a-53699921?__twitter_impression=true
New US sanctions on #Syria mean no leniency for business with Assad https://english.alarabiya.net/en/views/news/middle-east/2020/06/03/New-US-sanctions-on-Syria-mean-no-leniency-for-business-with-Assad.html
-Episode 7 of #Branch251, more on the testimonies, mean for the trial & the wider topic of sexual violence. So much to learn. So much to do.. https://branch-251.captivate.fm/
-What laws safeguard property and prohibit confiscation in #Syria? https://english.enabbaladi.net/archives/2020/06/what-laws-safeguard-property-and-prohibit-confiscation-in-syria/
– Près de la moitié des sites historiques juifs détruits en #Syrie (rapport) https://i24news.tv/fr/actu/international/moyen-orient/1591453785-pres-de-la-moitie-des-sites-historiques-juifs-detruits-en-syrie-rapport…
18-Analyse :
-20 ans après la mort de Hafez el-Assad, le régime est confronté à 2 grands défis pour sa survie : une crise économique et une bataille pour le partage du gâteau entre Russes et Iraniens. RECIT: Guerres d’influence sur les ruines syriennes https://lorientlejour.com/article/1221275
– Strategies and (survival) tactics: the case of Syrian oppositional media in Turkey https://ingentaconnect.com/contentone/intellect/jacm/2020/00000005/00000001/art00005
– Ryässe ou le peuple oublié. Mohamed-Nour HAYED, né en 2002 #Alep #Syrie. Porté par le désir de liberté, il décide de faire de sa voix son arme de lutte, écrit plusieurs chansons qu’il chantera lors de manifestations contre le régime #Assad dans sa région https://edilivre.com/ryasse-ou-le-peuple-oublie-mohamed-nour-hayed.html#.XtphNRgbIE0.twitter
-Votez pour Mouneb Taim, photojournalistique, la présélection du prix Levallois 2020.. https://prix-levallois.com/fr/concours/prix-levallois-2020/preselect/261
22-Arts :
-Comment aider les artistes dans le besoin (9) : vente de 44 œuvres en faveur des artistes de l’IMA #Syrie https://www.connaissancedesarts.com/art-contemporain/comment-aider-les-artistes-dans-le-besoin-9-une-vente-doeuvres-en-hommage-a-notre-dame-de-paris-11140511/
23-Graffiti :
– In Solidarity and as a Symbol of Global Injustices, a Syrian Artist Painted a Mural to George Floyd on a Bombed Idlib Building #Syria #Idlib https://time.com/5849444/george-floyd-mural-idlib-syria/
24-Cuisine :
– Un délice populaire Keshke, boulghour au yaourt {Syrie} #sansfrontieres #worldfood #syria
25-Les Syriens:
– Un électricien #syrie n sur les rails. Le programme d’intégration de la Deutsche Bahn, l’opérateur ferroviaire allemand, offre aux réfugiés la possibilité d’un emploi permanent, tout en comblant un déficit de compétences sur le marché du travail. https://www.unhcr.org/fr-fr/news/stories/2020/6/5ed8ffdea/electricien-syrien-rails-reseau-ferroviaire-allemand.html
-LE JUDO, PLANCHE DE SALUT ET SÉSAME POUR SANDA ALDASS #Syrie https://www.olympic.org/fr/news/le-judo-planche-de-salut-et-sesame-pour-sanda-aldass
– En Autriche, une école de musique solidaire ouverte aux réfugiés https://francemusique.fr/emissions/musique-connectee/musique-connectee-du-mercredi-03-juin-2020-84235… via @francemusique
– Meet a Laurier grad who had to flee #Syria as a teen and started a school for hundreds in Lebanon https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/kitchener-waterloo/aphrodite-al-zouhouri-trauma-education-1.5600939
26- La Syrie en virtuelle, Global Syria :
-Return to Homs, the Syrian revolution and Abdel Basset Sarout. English subtitles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAO6BZJ1vmY&feature=youtu.be&has_verified=1
– #Syrie, témoins à charge – la machine de mort du régime syrien.. FRANCE 5 – LE MONDE EN FACE @garancelecaisne https://vimeo.com/167855324